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May 26, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-26

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S17"MAY, MAY 20, 1940


SUNDAY. MAY 20. 194G


37h EDITOR get ZtdI

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mal matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; Vy mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40,

Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler .
Alvin. Sarasohn.
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Reien Corman.

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
* . . . Associate Editor
* . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Exchange Editor

Poem On War...
To the Editor:
Everything has been haggled out. Nothing
remains for debaters to argue about except
America's chances of staying out of the war.
The future looks black, and I am not being
fatalistic; I am simply trying to look at facts
as they are. The Germans are an hour's drive
fromeParis; a million Allied troops are trapped
in the North; the Channel is partially in Ger-
man hands. What can the outcome be? I am
not attempting to solve the problem. All I want
to present is the enclosed bit of morbid verse:
Blessings on thee, little man,
Gas mask hiding cheeks of tan.
Bayonet and cannon fodder
Without one leg you'll look much odder.
Dive into the bomb-proof shelter
While the bombs fall helter-skelter.
Cry for mercy to your mother,
To your sister and your brother.
Pray to God-He did not bother
With your not forgotten father.
Pray to God to end the war,
This is your only stock in store.
Salute the flag above--unfurled
And ask forgiveness for the world.
Salute the flags of warring nations
While you eat your slender rations.
No more blessings, little man!
God forgot your cheeks of tan!
God forgot your widowed mother!
God forgot your older brother!
Gd forgot life has its lease!
God forgot the thing called "PEACE"!
Thomas Goodkind, '42L
Peace Bases Suggested.. .
To the Editor:
Young Gulliver did a commendable job in
his letter in Wednesday's Daily of criticizing
various "peace" stands. He did well to em-
phasize that there is common agreement that
we all want "peace"-some people even want
to fight for it! But, as Gulliver pointed out,
the question remains: How are we to have
peace? Gulliver boldly recommends: "Oppose
the Government!" and cites examples of those
who did-Debs in the United States, Liebknecht
in Germany, etc. But-these men did not stop
the war. Eugene Debs was found guilty-not
by a jury of war profiteers, but by a jury com-
posed of the very Americans he was trying
to save from war!
Gulliver advocates: build socialism and fight
every move of the War Deal. Such a program,
half vague and half negative, will not and can-
not keep us out of war. A definite, constructive
plan of action is needed, based on a correct
analysis of the causes of war:
NEW AMERICA contends that with growing
concentration of weath and income, the point

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Reciprocal Trade
Program Lauded . .
T HE CONGRESS of the United States
T has extended the Trade Agreements
Act for another three years. The extension was
passed at a crucial time withEuropeengulfed
in war and the American Republics becoming
more and more closely bound together. Secre-
tary Hull, probably realizing that a world trade
program will have to wait until after the war,
has as his central aim the establishment of
better trade relations with South America.
The importance of these relations is ines-
timable. South America provides a huge mar-
ket for our manufactured goods. Through the
trade agreements we will be able to obtain
better tariff concessions, and our domestic
prosperity will be augmented. Besides the busi-
ness angle, however, the new trade agreements
will increase the Western Hemisphere's inde-
pendence so necessary in war time.
The trade program, then, is worth merely
the advantages gained from better South Amer-
ican relationships, but there are other advan-
tages which seem self-evident.
IN THE FIRST PLACE the program opens
other markets for our surplus agricultural
and industrial products. Department of Com-
merce statistics show that since the start of
the trade agreements, exports, particularly farm
exports, have increased. The farmer should
therefore be wholly behind Mr. Hull. Instead,
however, we find farmers divided on the issue.
They have been misled by the monopolistic
industries. Although they want their exports
to increase, these industries wish to keep out
even the slightest foreign competition so that
prices can be kept unreasonably high. They have
tried to enlist the support of agricultural in-
terests in fighting the trade agreements by an
old argument: the claim that under low tariffs
injurious agricultural imports are admitted to
the country. Many farmers have been influenced
by this false argument although statistics show
that the increase in farm imports occurred af-
ter a shortage in foodstuffs had been brought
on by the drought and that these imports are
now declining.
Nevertheless, a strong bid was made in the
Senate by the protectionists and the misled
agricultural men to wreck the trade bandwagon.
The Senate is to be complimented for the de-
feat of the amendment which would have made
its consent to each agreement necessary. This
would have exposed the whole trade program
to the mercy of the lobbyists, chiefly represent-
ing manufacturing interests. The Senate real-
ized that the complaint that too much power
was being placed in the hands of the execu-
tive was really a lobbyist dodge. Congress showed
firmness in renewing the present trade policy
for another three years.
T IS TO BE HOPED that most of our legis-
lators have finally discovered the principle
that it is necessary to import in order to export.
It also shoud be universally recognized that
reciprocal trade is necessary for the peace which
has been shaken so rudely by economic national-
ism and its trade wars in the past. After the
present war a trade program like that of Mr.
Hull's will be necessary to reduce the wartime
economic barriers and restore international
commerce. Such a revival of international com-
merce, if permitted, will help to guarantee world

is finally reached where a small group in so-
ciety has so much they can neither consume
it themselves nor re-invest it, because the ma-
jority have so little they cannot buy' the pro-
duce of industry. Mass unemployment and a
declining standard of living follow. Now, just
as nature abhors a vacuum, so does society ab-
hor unemployment. One of two things must hap-
pen: (1) The productive sections of society will
unite and break the concentration of weath and
income causing unemployment, or (2) the
concentration of wealth and income will be
maintained, and the people will turn to the non-
productive busy work of armament expansion
which will bring temporary prosperity and em-
Auto workers in Detroit don't want war, but
mass production of tanks in Detroit sounds good.
Farmers don't want war, but they will favor
a war economy if they think it will bring in-
creased demand for farm produce. Unemployed
youth is heartened by the hope of employment
even though that employment is in munitions
And so, Young Gulliver, NEW AMERICA says
to you: Oppose the War Deal as vociferously
as you like, but the very people whose interests
you are trying to protect will hate you unless
you can offer them what a war economy claims
to offer-jobs and security.
The basic social and economic problem of
America is that of getting our idle men and
machines and money to produce for the needs
of the people. Simply full employment is no
answer-Hitler has that! We want an expand-
ing economy producing under optimum condi-
tions the things America wants. To get this
society, we must break existing monopoly con-
trols and concentrations of wealth and income,
and make possible a free competitive market
in which production is determined by con-
sumers' choice.
IV many fields a free market can be restored
through competition among cooperatives, pri-
vate businesses, and government yardsticks, a
competition on equal terms on a socially de
sirable plane that recognizes the rights of em-
ployes and consumers.
Complete elimination of private profit is nei-
ther necessary nor desirable. Profits of private
entrepreneurs are socially desirable and neces-
sary--so long as those profits are reinvested
or consumed. But if such profits are allowed
to lie idle and jam our economic system, the
state must tax them away.
Mere government regulation is impossible in
many fields, e.g. banking and credit, key indus-
tries, and exploitation of natural resources.
Society must own these enterprises as the only
practical means of breaking (1) their present
pools of idle capital that keep jobs and produc-
tion from Americans, (2) their artificial price
structures that swell these pools of idle resources
and (3) the anti-social political power intrin-
sically bound up with these gigantic aggrega-
tions of economic power.
The creation and maintenance of such a sd-
ciety requires insurance of the right of indi-
viduals and groups to organize to uphold their
particular interests, and the absolute guaran-
tee of civil liberties for all. Such an America
will, of course, need arms for defense as long
as foreign aggression exists. But no longer will
demand for foreign markets force a foreign
policy' leading to war, because ample internal
purchasing power will allow full economic coop-
eration with all non-aggressor nations and
embargo on all aggressor nations.
Ann Arbor Unit of New America
Prophetic Dostoievski...
Alfred Rosenberg, philosopher of the Nazi
party, promulgator of its reigion, destroyer of
ancient ideals and spiritual values, declares
that Europe must be remade according to Nazi
specifications. European nations united "under
the fighting German vanguard" will proclaim
their freedom from "extra-European profit
interests." Equality-equality everywhere, but
of the German kind.
Can it be that Rosenberg has been reading
Dostoievski? "Down with culture"' cries Ver-

hovensky in "The Possessed," "We have had
enough science! Without science we have ma-
terial for a thousand years, but one must have
discipline. The one thing wanting in the world
is discipline. The thirst for culture is an aris-
tocratic thirst; the moment you have family
ties or love, you get the desire for property. We
will destroy that desire; we'll make use of
drunkenness, slander, spying; we'll make use
of incredible corruption; we'll stifle every ge-
nius in its infancy. We'll reduce all to a com-
mon denominator."
The great ideal is equality. So the fictitious
Shigalyov, whom Verhovensky quotes, advocates
the lowering of educational standards, the de-
gradation of science. Great intellects have "al-
ways done more harm than good." They must
be banished or put to death. "Cicero will have
his tongue cut out, Copernicus will have his
eyes put out, Shakespeare will be stoned . . .
that's Shigalyovism."
It was a travesty of nihilism that Dostoievski
conceived--so much of a travesty that Gorky
protested against the dramatization of "The
Possessed" by the Moscow Art Theatre, on thi
score that Dostoievski was the evil genius of
Russian literature. What was once an undis-
guised and vitriolic lampoon has become the
erpP1 1 r1 crrof R ,,f 'D

Drew PecrSos
aid Q
Robert S.Allen
WASHINGTON--Way back in the
Coolidge Administration ex-Senator
Walter Edge of New Jersey proposed
a "second Panama Canal" to be built
through Nicaragua. The proposal
was considered an excuse for Sen-
ators to take a free trip to Nicaragua,
and nothing ever came of it.
Today, however, a lot of people
in the Army. Navy and on Capitol
Hill are wishing that the Edge pro-
posal had been acted upon. For they
know, though most people do not
know, that a secret test raid on the
Panama Canal was made during the
last naval maneuvers. And it was
most disastrous.
Air experts long have asserted that
the canal is easily vulnerable from
the Pacific side, for there are no
protecting islands in the Pacific from
which radio stations can warn of
an approaching enemy. (On the At-
lantic side are Haiti, Cuba, Puerto
Rico, the Virgin Islands, and others.).
So during the last naval maneu-
vers, waves of "enemy" planes were
sent from carriers several hundred
miles off the Pacific Coast. They
were instructed to get through the
barrage of mock anti-aircraft fire
protecting the canal and blow up
the locks. The result almost caused
the military chiefs to jump out of
their boots.
An average of three out of five
planes making the attack got
through unscathed and dropped their


SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1940
VOL. L. No. 173
American Red Cross: Will all those
who wish to contribute to the fund
now being raised to aid the suffering
thousands of Europe please bring
your donations to the office of Assist-
ant Dean Lloyd Woodburne, Angell
Hall, or to the Information Desk in
the Business Office, University Hall.
You may have a receipt for your
contribution and may also designate
the country in which you wish your
contribution to be used.
Lloyd S. Woodburne
Herbert G. Watkins


Building. Chairman, H. W. Nord-
Dorothy Gail Engle, Chemistry;
Thesis: "Basic Chromic Nitrates."
Tuesday, May 28, 2:00 p.m., 309
Chemistry. Chairman, R. K. McAl-
Robert Eugene Gaskell, Mathe-
InaticS; Thesis: "A Problem in Heat
Conduction and an Expansion Theor-
em." Tuesday, May 28, 2:00 p.m.,
Eati Council Room, Rackham Build-
inChairman, R. V. Churchill.
Room Assignments for Final Ex-
amination in German 1, 2, 31, 32,
Tuesday, June 11, 2-5 p.m.
German 1: All sections 1025 A.H.
German 2: Philippson, Diamond,
Gaiss, 25 A.H. Graf, Braun, Willey,

Poll Tax Evils
Hamper Progress

. .


C RITICS of Southern poll taxes have
been told for years that what the
Southern states do is none of their business.
They have been assured that poll taxes are
necessary in order to eliminate ignorant voting
by some of the population. This argument might
have been more acceptable if unscrupulous pol-
iticians had not taken advantage of the exis-
tence of the poll tax to maintain themselves in
Of 73 Representatives who have served five
consecutive terms or more, 30 are from the eight
states requiring poll taxes, and in the Senate,
five of the 13 who have been in office for 20
years or more are from these eight states. This
longevity in office cannot be attributed to merit
alone when such cases as that of "Cotton Ed"
Smith exists. He was elected by 5.5% of the
potential ballots of South Carolina. He received
45,351 votes, his opponent 508, while there are
817,584 people eligible to vote in the state, ex-
cept for the poll tax bar.
HIS IS NOT an isolated case. In the last
presidential election the voting average in
" Tennessee was 33.5% (top of the eight states)
and went as low as 14% for South Carolina and
16% for Mississippi, -while the average for the
nation as a whole was 64%.
The poll taxes result in "permanent" politi-
cians, as they pay the poll taxes of the people
who will vote for them. Long terms give the
men seniority in Congress and key positions
which permit them to control policies. The
poll tax Representatives hold the balance of
power in eight of the 17 major House commit-
tees, and chairmanships in six others. In the
Senate they hold the chair in seven committees
out of 14.
Such domination has proved hampering to
the country as a whole, as the poll tax Con-
gressmen have voted against progressive legisla-
tion consistently. Dies, the notorious witch
hunter, is in Congress by virtue of the vote of
eight per cent of his constituency. Smith, advo-
cate of the amendments calculated to cripple
the National Labor Relations Act, was put into
office by 10 per cent of the people of his dis-
trict. The leader of last year's almost success-
ful attack on the Wages-and-Hours Act was Cox
of Georgia (voted in by 3.8 percent of his dis-
trict) who is also notable as having voted against
every relief bill since 1933, and having found a
place on the public pay roll for nine of his

New Locks Or Ilases?
On Capitol Hill there has been a
hot inner row regarding new locks
for the Panama Canal. The War
Department requested $15,000,000 for
immediate work on a new set of
locks which, in the end, would cost
$277,000,000, and earlier in the ses-
sion, the House of Representatives
balked at this. But the Senate OK'd
the expenditure, and they are now
threshing out the matter in com-
However, the new locks would niot
be completed for six years, and even
when completed could be just as
easily wrecked.
So with the debate made largely
theoretical by the latest naval ma-
neuvers, Representatives Francis
Case of South Dakota and Ed Izac
of California, Annapolis-trained Na-
vy veteran, advocate a more imme-
diate and practical solution-the
acquisition of the Galapagos and
Cocos Islands as air bases, similar
to Puerto Rico and Guantanamo.
These lie 1,000 and 500 miles, respec-
tively, away on the Pacific side of
the canal.
Both Ecuador, which owns the
Galapagos group, and Costa Rica,
which owns Cocos Islands, have in-
dicated their willingness to nego-
tiate a sale or lease of the islands.
But so far, despite the urgent ap-
peals of the War Department, Secre-
tary of State Hull has made no move
in this direction. He takes the posi-
tion that overtures might arouse
Latin American fears of U.S. in-
Meanwhile the nation's "lifeline"
between the Atlantic and the Pacific
continues to be one of the weakest
links in our national defense.
LaFollettes In Mexico
Mrs. Josephus Daniels will not
soon forget the visit she ad in
Mexico City from Mr. a d Mrs.
Philip LaFollette of Wisconsin. The
Ambassador to Mexico invited the
former Governor and his wife to
dinner when they arrived on tour.
When the LaFollettes accepted, other
guests were invited for the occasion.
Mrs. Daniels is well aware that
visitors to Mexico often suffer stom-
ach disorders, and she takes care
that only the best food is served at
her table.
But when the first course-a de-
lectable fruit cup-was set before
the guests, Mrs. LaFollette, seated
at the right of the Ambassador,
called down the table to Governor
LaFollette, seated at the right of
Mrs. Daniels, "Phil! Don't you touch
this fruit cup. Remember, we're not
to eat fruit in Mexico!"
Throughout the meal, after in-
specting this dish and that, she
called down the table to her hus-
band, admonishing him to abstain
from the Embassy food. Mrs. Dan-
iels tried to pass it off with polite
assurances, but Mrs. LaFollette re-
mained hygienic to the end.
French Peace
It is difficult to know how much
credence to put in it, but there is a
report in French circles that Hitler
already has indicated to Paris what
his peace terms are.
He would require the surrender of
Tunis and French Somaliland to
Italy, and the complete severance of
the alliance with Great Britain. But

Freshmen and Sophomores, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
All students who will have less than
60 hours of credit at the end of this
semester are urged again to see their
Academic Counselors before leaving
the campus to have their fall elec-
tions approved. Your cooperation
will be much appreciated.
Arthur Van Duren'
Chairman, Academic Counselors
All students who wish to apply for
aid through the National Youth Ad-
ministration for next year, 1940-41,'
should leave their home addresses
with Miss Smith, Room 2 University
Hall, before the close of this semes-
J. A. Bursley,
Dean of Studentsi
To Members of Phi Eta Sigma
there is offered one or more scholar-
ships of $300 each from the Thomas
Arkle Clark A(emorial Fund, to be
used by a member for the first year
of graduate work. The scholarship
grant is based on high scholastic
record, evidence of creative ability,
evidence of financial need, promise
of success in the chosen field, and
individual personality. For further
details, inquire at the Dean's Office
in Room 2, University Hall.
The Inter-Cooperative Council Per-
sonnel Committee is accepting appli-
cations for room and board for next
For further information call Har-
old Osterweil, 7250, or Dick Shuey,
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examinations:
Marion Elizabeth Pellett, Bacteri-
ology; Thesis: "The Gas Metabolism
of a Group of Saprophytic Acid-Fast
Organisms with Special Reference to
Bacillus Phlei." Monday, May 27,
2:30 p.m., 1564 E. Med. Chairman,
M. H. Soule.
Milton John Roedel, Chemistry;
Thesis: "The Structure of the Diazo-
phenols." May 27, 2:00' p.m., 309
Chem. Chairman, C. S. Schoepfle.
Hattie Bell Q. Ross, Speech; The-


Conflicts in Final Examinations
in the Engineering College must be
reported by May 28. See bulletin
board at Room 3209 E. Eng. Bldg. for
D. W. McCready
Physical Education for Women:
Individual sports tests will be given
during regular class hours on Mon-
day, Tuesday and Wednesday, May
27, 28 and 29 in the following activi-
ties: Archery, Golf, Riding, Swim-
ming and Tennis. The canoeing test
will be given on Tuesday, May 28,
,at the Canoe Livery from 1:00 to
Students wishing to take these tests
are asked to sign up at the desk in
the Women's Athletic Building.
Graduation Recital: Beryl Harri-
son, violinist, of St. Louis, Michigan,
will be heard in recital, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music degree, Mon-
day evening, May 27, at 8:15 o'clock
in the School of Music Auditorium,
on Maynard Street. The public is
invited to attend.
Graduation Recital: Donn Chown,
baritone, of Grand Rapids, Michigan,
will be heard in a voice recital, in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree, Tues-
day evening, May 28, at 8:15 o'clock,
in the School of Music Auditorium
on Maynard Street. The public is
invited to attend.
Today's vents
Graduate Outing Club will meet
today at 2:30 p.m. in the rear of the
Rackham Building. An outdoor pro-
gram is planned, with supper avail-
able if desired. All graduate students
and faculty invited.
Those interested in forming a sum-
mer session committee to continue
the Outing Club program through
the summer session, call Abe Rosen-
zweig at 8233.
The Lutheran Student Club will
hold its Senior Banquet Sunday at
5:30 p.m. at the Zion Lutheran

Atomobile Regulation: The follow- 231A.H. Stzriedieck, Broadbent, C
AH.H. Edwards, Pott, Schachtsiek,
ing schedule will mark the lilting of 1035 A.H.
the Automobile Regulation for stu- German 31: All Sections, B H.H.
dents in the various colleges and de- German 32: Diamond, Philippson,
partments of the University. Excep- 25 A.H. Pott, Ryder, Schachtsiek,
tions will not be made for individuals 35 A.H. Nordmeyer, 203 U.H. Reich-
who complete their work in advance art, 201 U.H. Van Duren, B, H.H.
of the last day of class examinations.
All students enrolled in the follow- English I and IT: Final Examina-
ing departments will be required to tion Schedule, Saturday, June 1, 9-12
adhere strictly to this schedule. a.m.
College of Literature, Science ,and ENGLISH I
the Arts: All classes. Tuesday, June LHalliday, 205 M.H ;Hanna,205
11, a't 5:00 p.m. M.H.; Stocking, 205 M.H.
College of Architecture: All classes. ENGLISH II
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. Arthos, 2003A.H.; Bader, 1035A.H.;
College of Pharmacy: All classes. Baum, 1025A.H.; Bertram, 1025A.H.;
'Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. Boys,1025A.H - Calver,1035A.H.'
School of Business Administration: Boys, C025.ve;Cver,1C 5Ha ;
All classes. Tuesday, June 11, at Engel, C Haven; Everett, C Haven;
5:00 p.m. ' Vord, C Haven; Giovannini, 25 A..
So oEutnA cae Green, 25A.H.; Greenhut, B Haven;
School of Education: All classes. Haines, B Haven; Hart, B Haven;
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. Hathaway, 2225A.H;
School of Engineering: All classes. Helm, 2013A.H.; Helmers, 16A.H.;
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. Leedy, 103R.L.; Ogden, 103R.L.;
School of Forestry and Conserva- O'Neill, W. Phys. Lect.; Peterson, 212
tion: All classes. Tuesday, June A.H.; Robertson, W. Phys. Lect.;
11, o: Music: All classes. Taes-pSchenk, 2225A.H.; Schroeder, W.
School of Musi:All cls. Phys. Lect.; Stibbs, W. Phys. Lect.;
day, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. s Walker, 2029A.H.; Weimer, 35A.H.;
School of Dentistry: Freshman Weisinger, W. Phys. Lect.; Wells, 1035
Class, Tuesday, June 4, at 12:00 Noon. A.H.; Woodbridge, 2029A.H.
Sophomore Class, Saturday, June 1,
at 12:00 Noon. Junior Class, Satur- Zol 1 Fi
day, June 1, at 12:00 Noon. Senior Zoology 1 al Examination: Sat-
Class, Friday, May 31, at 12:00 Noon. urday, June 1, 2-5 p.m. A-L inclusive,
Hygienists, Friday, June 7, at 5:00 West Physics Lecture Room; M-Z in-
p.m clusive, Room 103 Romance Lang.
Law School: Freshman Class, Tues- Bldg.
day, June 4, at 12:00 Noon. Junior Conflict examination: Sat., June 1,
Class, Wednesday, June 5, at 4:30 7-10 p.m. in Room 2103 N.S. Bldg.
p.m. Senior Class, Wednesday, June
5, at 4:30 p.m. English 32 (Mr. Rowe's section):
Medical School: Freshman Class, The assignment for Mon., May 27, is
TMedcalKing Oedipus.
Thursday, June 6, at 12:00 Noon.
Sophomore Class, Saturday, June 8,
at 12:00 Noon. Junior Class, Satur- English II Make-Up: Saturday,
day, June 8, at 12:00 Noon. Senior June 1, 7-10 p.m., 1025A.H. Only
Class, Tuesday, June 4, at 5:00 p.m. those students with a conflict at the
Graduate School; All classes. Tues- regularly scheduled time (see above)
day, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. will be admitted.
Candidates for Master's Degrees,
Tuesday, June 11, at 5:00 p.m. Can- The Bluebook in Geology 130 will
didates for Doctor's Degrees; Wed- be given Wednesday, May 29, instead
nesday, June 5, at 12:00 Noon. of Friday, May 31.
Office of the Dean of Students

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