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May 22, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-22

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WEDN?. SDAY, MAY,22; 1940


1 I - ~ - - ~ ----~-- ~---- - - - - -----.--.-..-............__

League, Union
To Hold Yearly
Dinner Tonight

',hItgs Maike fTh e ie

Enthusiasm, H ard Work Bring
Success It Merchandtse Field


xecuive (ouncils
Both Organ izatiols
e Hollurct Gsi! t

League and Union executive coun-
cils will dine together tonight at
6:15 p.m. in the Union at the second
annual spring exchange dinner of
the incoming officers of beth organ-
izations. Virginia Osgood, '41, and
Richard Scherling, '41, are the co-
social chairmen of the affair.
League women who will be guests
of the Union council will include
Lee Hardy, '41, president of the
League; Doris Merker, '41, head of
Judiciary Council; and the League
executive staff consisting of junior
women Betty Stout, Betty Lombard,
Jeanne Davis, Jane Grove, Annabel
Van Winkle, Pat Walpole, Elinor
Sevison, Esther Osser, Beth Castor,
Margaret Whittemore, Jane Pinker-
ton, Barbara Dittman, Jane Krause
and Miss Osgood.
The entertaining Union staff will
include Douglas Gould, '41, presi-
dent of the Union; Charles Heinen,
Union secretary, and i uit-n mem-
bers of the incoming junior executive
council: Richard Strain, William
Slocum, James Rossujnan, Albert
Ludy, Carl Rohrbachr, Robert Shedd,
Robert Sibley, Jack Grady, Robert
Samuels and Scherling. Special
guests at the dinner will be Miss
Barbara McIntyre and Mr. Frank
Oakes of the LIeague ant d Uiiiwi
staffs respectively.
Leg Make-Up Kits
Aid Bared Knees
In Fashoh Trend
Skirts are going up, up, up and
fashion decrees that bare knees will
be revealed in every sport this sea-
Bared knees present a new beauty
problem, for most of our knees aren't
too attractive. That difficulty, how-
ever has been overcome by the com-
plete make-up kit for Bare Knee
Fashions that has recently appeared
at cosmetic counters.
The purse-shape flannel kit with
the beauty aids comes in varied
colors. Buttercup yellow, tanager
red, hunter green or navy blue kits

,aduan is je() O,,iti li
Says Mrs. Swensiii
College is helpful but not indis-
pensable for the woman ambitious
for a merchandising career, Mrs. Dor-
othy Swenson, noted New York de-
partment store executive believes.
In her 26 years (A experience she
has found that a genuine liking for
people and an intense enthusiasm
has attributed to much of her suc-
cess. .As operating vice-president of
one of the largest department stores
n America, Mrs. Swnson has re-
:narked that toda '. coil ge graduates
are too optimistic in lhe assumption
chat big salaries are the result of
only a few months in the merchan-
disin'g field.
Success Requires Work
She has reached tie end of the hilly
road to success only after years of
diligent store work doing selling and
advertising. Merely getting the
"hang of this business" alone doesn't
spell immediate achievement for the
newly graduated senior, Mrs. Swen-
son maintains.
The copywriting departnent of any
store or newspaper is an excellent
division for the woman seeking a mer-
chandising career to begin in if she is
fortunate to obtain a joh Ihere, Char-
lotte Luber recently found in compil-

ing career information for a nation-
al women's magazine.
Bernice Fitz-Gibbon, outstanding
New York advertising director says,
"It doesn't take brains to write copy,
but one does need a big vocabulary.
Work at intervals when necessary
and cultivate freshness and leisure
conducive to new ideas."
Mrs. Swenson remarks, "No one can
write good copy without getting
steamed up to some extent about the
things they are trying to convince
other people they should have."
Next best way to learn the ropes,
Miss Huber discovered, is to get a
store job, usually selling, and then
pounce on any breaks that happen
along. During the summer the Col-
lege Shops of large department stores
will be easy to break into, but advanc-
ing will be difficult. Joining the
training squad, which includes ex-
perience and classes in store work
plus salary, is often an advantageous
method to begin the climb of the
success ladder, her research shows.
Requisites Are Given
Requisites for the woman planningI
for a merchandising career are spe-
cific in that she must have style sense,
understand public taste, great indus-
try, and have a "thick skin." Miss
Huber also advises that sharp trad-
ing instincts are necessary for this
job which requires much endurance
and vigilance.
A news ability to spot new trends
and keep one jump ahead of the buy-
ing public is a necessary talent. Miss
Huber says that there is both big and
small money in the intriguing field
of mercehandise. Beginning salaries
of sales or technical jobs bring a
remuneration which hovers around
the weekly wage of $20.
New Head O Wyvern
rt I'e Harrietl leames
Officers of Wyvern, junior wo-
men's honor society, were elected
following initiation Friday in the
League, and are Harriet Heames, '42,
president; Jane Baits, '42, secretary;
and Rosebud Scott, '42, treasurer.
The eleven sophomore women
tapped including Agnes Crow, Don-
nelda Schaible, Louise Keatle, Jane
Baits, Shirley Silver, Margaret
Sanford, Margaret Gardner, Harriet
Heames, Rosebud Scott, Betty Far-
iss, and Mary Hayden, were pledged
to foster better relationships be-
tween freshman and sophomore wo-

Annual Outing Cast 0 1'The Wo
Of Leadership Arrives To 1
Class Planned By GRACE MILLER
Madge Evans and Herbert Rudley,
, , .r distinguished players of the lead roles
Gwroup Tallo Larn Pract'icalin "The World We Make", arc now
A plicatioinO 1 Traiiiinig ready to begin work on the produr-
tion, Miss Evans arriving at 8:17 a.m,
ii al (41110 l I natgtimt>< i today, and Mr. Rudley at 11:10 p.m.
Sixty members of the Recreation- With Mr. Rudley were Tito Vuolo,
al Leadership Class of the women's. Henry Lascoe, Hathaway Kale, and
physical education department will Kasia Orzazewski, who were secured
hold their fifth annual houseparty with painstaking effort as vitally nec-
theF hAirC onessary to the success of the play.
at t Fresh Can Patterson Arriving' later this week will be
Lake this weekend, with Miss Marie Sidney Kingsley, Pulitzer Prize win-
Hartwig and Miss Helen Ellis of the ner, who plans to attend the perfor-
physical education department as mances of Miss Evans, who in private
sponsors and chaperons. life is his wife. Mr. Kingsley has cre-
"The project tries to apply every- ated the deeply moving play, "The
thing taught this semester in a prac- World We Make", out of Millen
tical situation," Miss Hartwig said, Brand's novel "The Outward Room."
"and in addition the novices in cook- Miss Evans, who was a seasoned
ing will learn from the veterans. actress at the age of five, has ap-
Every girl will serve on a meal com- peared in the stage productions "Pet-
mittee, with the meals planned by er Ibbetson", "Daisy Mayne", "The
the girls." Marquise", "Our Betters" and "Here
All the women will be responsible Come the Clowns", among others.
for a part of the general camp man- Recent Films Mentioned
agement. This includes the program Some of her films have been "Moon-
of meals, waterfront, which stresses light Murder", "Exclusive Story",
both swimming and life guarding, "Piccadilly Jim", "Pennies from Heav-
and entertainment. For Saturday en" and Espionage." Her work on
night there is a camp fire program "The World We Make" promises to
planned consisting of story telling be equally successful. Margo played
and dramatics. There will be a morn- the role Miss Evans will take in
ing service Sunday. Other activities New York this past winter.
will be a round table discussion on ~~~~ _~_ ~~
camp subjects, handeraft, star study,
ornithology and nature study. There OPEN EVENINGS
will also be the traditional baseball
games between the teams of Miss
Hart\wig and Miss Ellis.
It a"s announced that the (ha-
tered busses will leave from the W AB
12:30 p.m. Saturday and will return
at 2 p.m. Sunday.
Harbour Elects Officers
Gertrude Frey, '41, was elected
president of Betsy Barbour at a re-
cent house meeting. Shirley Ban-
nerman, '41, was chosen vice-presi-
dent. Ethel Kimmel, '42, was select-
ed treasurer, Betty Brougham, '42, I
social chairman, and Dorothy Ander- ML
son, '42, head assembly representa- Free Deliver
tive and member of the Assembly


offer a chance to match your sport
costume or use the kit as a color
accent for neutral shades. In the
kit is a small tube of a special cream
which is applied overnight to combat
any skin roughness and a tube of a
special beauty film.
After the application of the beau-
ty film which is especially good for
the back of the legs, a tiny dab of
rouge on your knee cap is suggested
for that glowing, outdoor look.
If you want to astonish your room-
mate and the rest of campus you may
be completely bizarre by putting a
black beauty mark on the knee cap.
And, too, should bluebooks interfere
with your attaining a tanned skin
via the sun, you can overcome white,
pasty looking limbs by merely rub-
bing a dark cream which Mother
Nature didn't invent.

Members of
the Women's
staff, and Dr.a

the new WAA board,
Physical Education
Claire E. ealey were

usts at a dinner given lat night
by the Women';; PyJEul Education
Department headed by Dr. Margaret
Bell, chairman of the department.
At Barton Hills Country Club the
staff met the student sports man-
agers and WAA executives to es-
tablish personal contacts between the
two groups. The staff considers it
highly important that student man-
agers know the staff members who
are to be their technical advisors
for the coming year.
The annual dinner was held after
Lantern Night Monday evening ini-
tiating the new board into its duties
af conducting WAA projects.



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