Horse Show
Is Scheduled
For Saturday
Trophies To Be Presented
For First Time To Best
Riders In Annual Even
For the first time in the 16-year
history of the University Horsej
Shows, trophies will be presented
this year to the best rider in the
Crop and Saddle class and to the
rider judged the most competent of
the show. Ribbon awards will be
presented to the other class winners
in the Show which is to be hel.
at the Fairgrounds Saturday.
Members of Crop and Saddle. the
women's University riding club. will
compete for horsemanship honors
in one class while other classes are
open to any man or woman enrolled
in the University. A class for stu-
dents from the Ann Arbor high
schools, a mounted drill by the club
members and two exhibition classes
will complete the program.
A musical chairs class will enter
the game element into the Show.
All other riding classes will be
judged on the horsemanship of the
riders and not on the showiness of
the horse. Judges for the event will
be George Carter of Albion and Dr.
James Bruce of Ann Arbor. Admis-
sion will be free.j
Mary Hayden, '42, Crop and Sad-
dle president, is chairman of the
show. Committee members include
Betty Whitely, '42, Maxine Baribeau,
'40, Virginia Moore, '43, and Kath-
ryn Vaughn, '40.
Polka Dots Accent Blouse
Designer Uses Stuart Masques
As Models For Winter's Ftale'
Newest summer blouses are feat-
uring hoods attached to the collar
which may be worn casually thrown
back on the shoulders or upon the
hair as this model wears hers. Be-
sides being fashionable the hoods
are serviceable in protecting the
hair from the season's hot sun.
Harriet Thom's Betrothal
To Harvey Clark Is Told
The engagement of Harriet Thom,
'40, to Harvey W. Clark, '42L, was
announced last night at the Kappa
Alpha Theta House.
Miss Tliom is the daughter of Mr.
William B. Thom of New York City
and Mr. Clark is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Clark of Spokane, Wash.
Lemuel Ayers, art director of the
Iramatic season, can be found at the
Lab Theatre or the Lydia Mendels-
;ohn Theatre working in an orderly
cnIusion of blue pencils, charts,
drafting boards, old laces and ostrich
Out of these piles and swirls of
materials will grow the elaborate and
artificial settings of "The Winter's
Tale", which is to be staged in the
style of a Stuart masque, which was
one of the court amusements for the
nobles of the time of James I.
Mr. Ayers began his career in set
designing and costuming at Prince-
ton, where he studied architecture
and worked in the school theatre.
After his graduation in 1936, he
worked for a year with Jo Mielziner,
famous New York designer. He also
designed for summer seasons at East
Hampton, Long Island.
From the Rockefeller Foundation
he received a fellowship to Iowa Uni-
versity, where he obtained a master's
degree. This year the young design-
er took charge of the setting and cos-
tumes for the Broadway production,
"Journey's End."
New Angle To Be Presented
"The Winter's Tale" is to be pre-
sented from an almost entirely new
angle next week. The Stuart masques
which will be the basic idea, were clev-
er and affected presentations of plays
that were given by the lords and
ladies and even kings and queens in
the early 17th century Settings were
very ornate, and characterized by
their symmetry and balance, relics of
which are still found in the back-
drops of some of our older theatres.
Costumes of this period were bril-
liantly elaborate, and much be-jew-
elled and be-feathered. The charac-
ters were meant to represent types,
and not personalities, which is ex-
actly the effect the costumes achieve.
In Shakespeare's day as well as
today, his dramas were often staged
in Elizabethan dress. The King
James idea should prove novel and
entertaining to the modern audience,
in its pseudo-classic satire. Many of
the effects will be based on Inigo
Jones' sketches of this highly con-
ventionalized type of theatrical work.
While the costuming for the re-
16 Are Initiated
By Fraternity
Alpha Nu, Speech Society,
Held Event Yesterday
Alpha Nu, honorary speech fratern-
ity, initiated the following people
yesterday in Angell Hall: Donald
Erwing Smith, '42, Jim Bob Stephen-
son, '43, George Hamburger, '43,
Eugene Plankey, '42, Cameron Ogles-
bee, '42, Orville B. Lefko, '42, Her-
man Fried, '42, Charles Boyton, '42,
Richard Steudel, '41, V. John Mani-
foff, '42, H. William Irwin, '42, Wil-
liam Todd, '42, Gerald Schaflander,
'42, Edward Trost, '41; John D. Hayes,
'42, and Neil G. Smith, '4lEd.
Officers officiating at the cere-
mony were: Grand Master, Max Ker-
by, '41; Wizard, William Altman, '42,
and President John D. Williams, '43.
O 5
' N
mainder of the plays will be essen- BY IP "tI
tially modern, the scenes themselves
each present their own peculiar prob-
lem. As in "Pygmalion", the elusion
of depth and distance will be createdSn-sathereerinaweathersans
in "The World We Make" by the sings are the three infallible signs of
judicious use of false perspective, with spingnin Ann Arbor. We've already
special projectors played upon the had convincing proof that the first
settings. two have arrived, and tonight and-
Ayers Explains Designing j Monday night wil bring the final in-
Ayers explains that a theory of stallmentsin ago Interfraternity
stage designing, largely an individual Council conceived the brilliant idea
conception, is formulated only after of instituting an annual fraternity
working on diferent types and periods Sing, and their lead was followed
of production. Every show offers a shortly afterward by WAA which
new problem. After designing some fte wamdsbygWithich
10 scenes of the same general type, ! coupled a women's Sing with Lantern
Night, one of the oldest traditions of
the designer is able to decide on cer- tis campus.
tain principles that will hold true for Since that time the idea has growL
future work. tremendously. Practices begin weeks
Enthusiastically Ayers discusses the ahead and the silver cups which are
field of architecture, in which he ob- awarded the winners are highly
tained his degree. He says it is one prized.
of the broadest studies he knows, for But the great contribution made
in order to know anything of archi- by the Sings is that it provides an
tecture, one must understand the liv- occasion for uniting the many groups
ing men of a period, their philosophy in one project which is fun and at
and psychology, and the great his- the same time worthwhile. On a
torical movement around them, as cam-pus as large as ours it is diffi-
well as their daily work. Arichitec- cult to find many activities which
ture is the supreme expression of the sweep away the ordinary divisions of
soul and personality of a people. the student body, but this is achieved
Water colors by Ayers may be seen in a large measure by the Sings.
in the foyer of the Lydia Mendels- Lantern Night itself is the prettiest
sohn Theatre, representing in lovely as well as one of the oldest of our
clear tones many scenes of the cur- traditions. Seniors wearing caps and
rent season's productions, as well as gowns form a double line which is
those of other plays for which he has flanked by juniors carrying Japan-
taken charge of stage settings. ese lanterns and by sophomores and
Some of the tasks Ayers has set freshmen wearing red and green hair
the property assistant may prove to bows. The march from the library
require a fair amount of ingenuity. steps to Palmer Field takes place
At present James Moll is searching at twilight to music supplied by the
for one monkey, two pigeons, a white band.
peacock, two wee lambs, a black bird, And so endeth the year's major ac-
and a yellow wicker cage. tivities!
Mosher-Jordan Phone Survey
Shows Why_ TheLine Is busy'
By ROSEBUD SCOTT had a total of over 2,000 calls. Tues-
"Mosher-Jordan," "Do you know day and Thursday had the lowest
her number?", "Thank you," "the number while Monday, Wednesday
line is busy," 'just a moment, I will and Friday were practically on a
connect you," and "I am sorry, she
does not answer," are familiar par.
phrases heard by some 12,000 per- Weather Determines Calls
sons who dial 2-4561 every week a Variable Ann Arbor weather was
recent survey revealed. found a determinant in the number
Averaging 1,850 calls per day for of incoming and outgoing calls to
the weeks surveyed, the number of the dormitory. The nicer the wea-
calls for Mosher-Jordan Residence ther, the fewer the calls, it was
Halls varied with the hour of the observed. If, on the other hand,
day, the day of the week, the wea- the Ann Arbor climate lived up to
ther, and current social functions. the worst of its tradition and repu-
By far the busiest hour occurs tation, telephone calls doubled in
from 7 to 8 p.m. immediately follow- number.
ing the dormitory dinner hour when Likewise, the greater number of
on the average 129 incoming calls social functions occasioned a greater
are answered. In contrast only 12 number of calls.
calls on the average are rung into
the switchboard from 7:30 to 9 a.m.
On the basis of statistics collected,
other busy hours proved to be from
12 noon to 1 p.m., 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
and from 8 to 11 o'clock every eve-
ning. As a word to the wise or to
the desperate telephone dialer who
has been unable to reach his party
or to secure his desired line, the *"0
survey indicates that fewest calls
occur in the late morning or early
afternoon hours.
Daily Average Is 387 Calls
The fact that the residents of the
two houses make on the average of
387 , calls a day may be used as
evidence for that school of males
who believe that women create and
communicate their life history via
the telephone.
All the better to operate the resi-
dence and to communicate within
the building itself some 350 calls
daily connect rooms, reception desks
and kitchens.
Varying from day to day, most
calls were made on Saturday which
Gothcm Gold Stripe
NEWS IN NYLON, synthetic fibre sensation of the
hosiery world ... stockings of sheer loveliness by Gotham
Gold Stripe . . . whose length of wear depends upon
watchful care. Available in a necessarily limited quan-
Also featured, NYLONS by Artcraft, 1.35
225 P
If Shoes
airs .. Spring Styles
S HOES for street, dress and spectator sports
wear; extraordinary values at this reduced
price. A wonderful opportunity to fill in
your Summer shoe wardrobe with the dark
shoes that are indispensable for town and
travel wear. Navy . .. brown . . . black.
An early selection is advised as size ranges
are limited.
League Committees
To Hold Meetings
Barbara Dittman, '41, chairman of
the merit system committee, an-
nounces a meeting of that committee
to be held at 4:30 p.m. today in the
Undergraduate Office of the League.
There will also be a compulsory
meeting for all chairmen and assist-
ant chairmen of the Theatre Arts
committee at 4:30 p.m. today in the
League, Jane Pinkerton, '41, chair-
man, announced yesterday.
" 'F., Join the millions of beauty-wise
women who know GLO-RNZ
Hair Tint Rinse cleans and soft-
ens hair, imparts glorious sheen
and color-without a hint of
artificialityl After your next
shampoo, ask your beauty oper
Bucko Calfskin
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