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May 16, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-16

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l EDITOR (.di

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; y mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Re esesttve
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40

Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser .
Helen Corman

. . . . Managing Editor
S. . . Editorial Director
.. . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
* . Associate .Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
Exchange Editor

Business Staff

Business Manager . .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Trving Guttman
. Robert Gilmour
. Helen Bohnsack
* . Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Secretary Hull's
Double Talk .. .
added Monday night a note to the
crescendoing chorus of rearmament and dan-
gerous official side-taking which is every day
revealing just how easy it will be for this coun-
try to become involved in Europe's war in a
military way as well as the countless ways in
which it already is involved.
If the leaders of our government continue to
express their opinions publicy, taking into ac-
count nothing except their own beliefs, we shall
soon find ourselves embarking on transports to
defend the honor of democray,"an'd government
leaders who, although their sincerity of motive
cannot be questioned, are nevertheless ap-
parently caught in a whirlpool of nationalism
in which there is no place for bettering the
people of the nation, who uphold a democracy
which will inevitably, as it did in the last war,
cease to be a democracy as soon as war is
Mr. Hull referred in his speech before the
American Society of International Law, to the
establishment of order under law. "Never before
has there been a greater need for our people
to place the support of a wholly united public
opinion behind our nation's efforts to exert
the great weight of its moral influence in favor
of a revindication and revitalization of the basic
principles of order under law, which alone can
give lasting assurance of safety, security and
peace," he said.
At another point in his speech, Mr. Hull said
that a program of armaments is needed here
sufficient to provide fully adequate means of
defending this country's security and its right-
ful interests.
THE DYNAMITE in these two excerpts from
the Secretary of State's speech lies in the im-
plications they contain.
If by "a wholly united public opinion" is
meant only a common sanity and cooperation
toward some socially useful end, all well and
good. But if the same words were to come from
the lips of someone other than Mr. Hull, there
might be seen in them a note, a hint of sup-
pression of civil rights, of freedom of speech,
of the roots of democracy, which would arouse
anxiety in all of us.
Again if by "moral influence" is meant just
that, we have no quarrel with Mr. Hull. But
how far we are prepared to carry that moral
influence, whether we are willing to go to war
to exert it, is a question which should be an-
swered, and answered soon, before our states-
men go any farther in their speech making.
Finally we ask a definition of what this na-
tion's "rightful interests" in Europe or the rest
of the world are. If these interests are economic
ones, the foreign holdings or trade of our busi-
ness men, we regret that we are unable to go
along with Mr. Hull in protecting them. Un-
doubtedly we have other interests. It is not
possible to ignore the ties that exist between
this country and the Allies. But, as the youth
which will fight a war if there is one, we feel
justified in asking if these ties are so strong
as to last beyond death. If they are not, we
cannot see the wisdom in dying for them. The
ties are of a cultural nature. The war by every
indication, has resolved itself into one of an
imperial nature. There is no doubt that which-
ever sidewins the war, the vanquished will
suffer heavily, far miore .heavily than any con-

Health Service Plug
To the Editor:
I HAVE recently returned from the new Health
Service Building where I had a sub-mucous
operation. Regarding the care, treatment and
attention I received there both before and after
the operation, I would like to make a few obser-
vations and remarks.
A week or more before the operation was to
take place I had the customary analysis and
blood test. Through a slight misunderstanding,
I neglected to have the other two necessary
tests: the lung and heart examinations. These
latter never entered my head although I was
given a slip of paper telling me that I had to
have them. (I have bought Mr. Adler's book
since, and would not misread such clear direc-
tions again, I am sure.)
The night before the operation I reported,
as the directions said, to take my bed in the
infirmary. I was told that I was not to be ad-
mitted because the test records were incomplete.
They gave me special permission to have the
tests then so I could go on with the operation
next day.
I was guided to Room 332 where I slept on one
of the most comfortable beds I have ever had
a sleeping acquaintance with. The next morning
my temperature was taken and at 9 a.m. Dr.
Farrior performed the, operation. (I might also
say that if the rest of the doctors are as sym-
pathetic and have as nice a "bedside manner"
as Dr. Farrior, the Health Service would be a
pleasurable place to have a never-ending series
of operations!).
I was given a couple of pain-killing pills and
left to recuperate. I should not say "left." A
dietician came in and asked me how much milk
I wanted with my meals, if I wanted tea or
coffee, if I was getting enough, if I like it,
etc., etc., .. .
EAUTIFtjL young nurses came flitting in
with pitchers of water. I was handed a free
copy of The Daily (which I did not fully appre-
ciate because my eyes would not focus properly).
If I wanted anything all I had to do was press
the buzzer and almost immediately (and I mean
it) the nurse, or somebody would come.
I'm afraid I can't remember very clearly all
that did go on there. I was kept in such a
doped condition to ease the pain, that it seems
rather like a dream. I do know, however, that
I shall ever be grateful for the consistent atten-
tion that I received. There was never an hour,
after the operation, that someone didn't come in.
The reason I am writing this is to put my
personal two cents worth of experience with
the research done by Richard Harmel. Being
in the Health Service (even with momentary
pain of the operation) was sincerely a pleasure,
and I would not mind doing the whole thing
over again.
ON THE OTHER side of the fence, I can
recollect a few minor things-very minor
things-that could be improved. The nurses
could smile oftener. A couple of nurses who
came in reminded me of a funeral I once
attended. Why, when I looked at myself in
the ingenious mirror-contraption. I wanted to
laugh right out loud. Boy, did I look queer!
My nose was the size of two noses, and my
eyes looked bleary and drunk. If I had been
one of the nurses, I would at least have smiled.
The other complaint is about the use of the
phone. When I decided I was well enough to
leave-and the decision was left entirely to me-
I didn't want to go to my home but to the home
of a friend. I wanted to call the friend's home
to find out if it was all right with him, (if he
was ready for me, really); to call my own home
and tell my mother the plan and get her per-
mission; to call my friend again and tell him
it was all right. The nurse said, "One call only.
We can't have the phone being used for all that
I finally got her to let me make two of the
three calls. Each one of the calls lasted about
half a minute. Maybe I am being unreasonable,
but I don't believe that a minute and a half
could make so much difference. It would help if
there was a special phone for the use of the
patients who are leaving. This is only a sug-
To sum it all up, I would like to stuff the
ballot box with votes for the Health Service

management. Everyone was efficient, friendly,
kind and helpful in every possible way. I agree
with Mr. Harmel that so far as I know, the
Health Service "deserves the reputation as one
of the finest and most efficient of the student
services of its kind in the nation."
Sincerely and with a rapidly healing nose,
Jim Bob Stephenson, '43
Propagan a
Letters from two correspondents, the one
extolling, the other condemning the new Sher-
wood play, "There Shall Be No Light," prompt
a word or two on what constitutes propaganda.
Let us begin by agreeing that this powerful,
exquisitely acted drama, unquestionably consti-
tutes an excitement to American participation
in the war. But when a dramatist sets out
honestly to depict the Gethsemane of the Fin-
nish Republic how could the result be other-
wise? There are one or two lines in the play
which the sensitive spectator may deprecate as
too obviously chauvinistic. But omit or forget
these and the suggestion is the stronger
- New York Herald Tribune
ferences, a conflict which after all is due to
obvious defects in social and economic systems
and not to the peoples of nations, leads these


Etiquette a to Lewis
To the Editor:
T HAS BECOME an increasingly evident fact
to me during my sojourn on the University
of Michigan campus, that my fellow students
have been paying little or no attention to the
niceties of etiquette. With the spring season in
full swing, it seems to me that this deplorable
situation must be remedied, and it is with the.
hope of aiding my etiquetially-delinquent
brethren and sistren to open their hearts to
etiquette that I offer the following inviolable
rules of social living:
1. The bow is the proper mode of saluta-
tion of exchange between acquaintances on
campus, and. under certain conditions, in
sorority houses. The bow should never be
a mere nod. A gentleman should raise his
hat completely from his head, and sweep-
ingly incline the entire body. A well bred
man always removes his cigar from his lips
whenever he bows to a lady; however, if
the cigar is of the inferior two-for-five
quality, he should sImply allow it to drop
to the ground.
2. In talking with coeds of limited or
ordinary education, avoid, ye brthren, po-
litical, scientific, or commercial topics;
choose only such topics as are likely to be
of interest to them, such as their hairdress,
their fingernails, and what costume should
be worn for their next social engagement.
Above all, never, NEVER, in polite company
bring forth the fact that four out of five
are beautiful and the fifth attends the
University of Michigan.
3. One can always tell a lady by her voice
and laugh-neither of which, ladies, should
ever be loud or coarse, but soft, low, and
nicely modulated. A coed should never per-
mit any phrase which approaches an oath
to escape her lips in the presence of young
gentlemen. If any young lady employs a
profane expression in the classroom or
Union, her pretensions to good breeding are
gone forever.
4. Nothing indicates the good breeding
of a person so much as his or her manners
at table. There are a thousand little points
to be observed, which although not abso-
lutely necessary, distinctly stamp the re-
fined and well-bred person.
a) Refrain from placing feet on the
dinner table unless spats are worn.
b) Imbibe all alcoholic beverages (if
you must) below the table.
c) The finger bowl contains not a see-
ond helping of soup, but clean water in
which to wash your dishes and upper plates.
d) Avoid picking the teeth, if possible,
at table. for however agreeable such a prac-
tice might be to yourself, it may be offensive
to others and often results in the loss of
gold inlays.
5. At League or Union dances, there is
rigid practice which must be followed. When
a young lady declines to dance with a cul-
tured collegian, it is her duty to give him a
reason why. In inviting a lady to dance,
the proper form is, "Will you honor me with
your hand for a quadrille?" Dance with
grace and modesty; shagging is absolutely,
irrevocably, and irreconciliably outlawed.
6. No gentleman will stand in the doors
of fraternities, nor on the street corners,
nor in front of Mosher-Jordan gazing im-
pertinately at the ladies as they pass, no
matter how great the temptation may be.
This is an unmistakable sign of a loafer or
engineer. While walking with a young lady
in the Arboretum, or along the banks of the
Huron. and your companion, being fatigued,
should choose to sit upon the ground, on
no account allow yourself to do the same,
but remain rigorously and mournfully
standing. To do otherwise would be fla-
grantly indecorous and the young lady
would probably resent it as the greatest
7. In walking with a young gentleman,
ladies, never permit him to encumber him-
self with a book or parcel, but always .offer
to carry it. As to smoking, it is certainly
not ladylike to smoke while walking wif i
young gentlemen; but modern notions of
the tobacco evil are growing very lax, and

when by the seaside, in the country, or in
any but fashionable quarters, if your com-
panion does not object to a cigar (NEVER
a pipe) you will not, fair damsels, compro-
mise yourselves by smoking one.
8. A gentleman whose thoughts are not
upon marriage should not pay too exclusive
attentions to any one lady. However, as
soon as he neglects the other beauties on
campus to devote himself to a single lady,
he gives that lady reason to suppose that he
is particularly attracted to her, and there is
danger of her feelings becoming engaged.
If a coed encourages the addresses of a
deserving young man, she should behave
honorably and sensibly. Do not lead him
about as if in triumph or take advantage
of the ascendancy you have gained by sneer-
ing at all other young bachelors. And above
all, never address him in public as "uggie-
puggie" or ",wicky-wacky."
9. Spitting is a filthy habit and annoys
one in almost every quarter. Since vulgarity
has had its way so extensively amongst us,
every youth begins to smoke and spit before
he has well cut his teeth. Smoking is un-
questionably a great pleasure to those ac--
customed to it, yet the spitting with it, al-
though it may aid the Buildings and,

Drew Peorsos
Rcber S. Allewi
AT ANNAPOLIS, where midship-
men put plebes through a con-
stant cross-fire of hazing, one of the
stock questions fired at a youngster
"Mr. Jones, what did Admiral
Taussig say?"
And the first-year man clicks his
heels and snaps back the traditional
Annapolis answer:. "Sir, we are now
This refers not to Rear Admiral
Joseph K. Taussig's recent and start-
ling prediction that war between the
United States and Japan was inev-
itable, but to a statement he made
to the British during the World War
which has become a naval classic.
Taussig was in command of a de-
stroyers squadron which arrived in
Ireland_ shortly after the United
States entered the war. Upon his
arrival, the British asked how soon
his ships could proceed to the North
Sea for submarine duty. Taussig
and his men had just crossed a
stormy Atlantic, and the British ex-
pected they would require at least
a week to get shipshape. But Taus-
sig's reply was approximately the
one now quoted by Annapolis plebes.
(Actually he said he would need 24
hours to take on oil and fresh water.)
This gives one sidelight on the
man who astounded the American
public with his frankness in pre-
dicting war with Japan.
Republican Ammunition.
THAT PREDICTION has now been
discussed and editorialized from
coast to coast from beer-hall to par-
lor. But there are several backstage
factors which have not been dis-
cussed except in hush-hush groups
of naval officers when thy get
One of these is the mysterious
manner in which Admiral Taussig
happened to be called to testify be-'
fore the Senate Naval Affairs Com-
Theother is that no love has been
lost between the President and Ad-
miral Taussig. This dates back to
a row they had when Roosevelt was
Assistant Secretary of the Navy. So
there is some suspicion-perhaps un-
justified-that Taussig might have
made his belligerent statement just
at a time when it was sure to win
votes for the Republicans.
Regarding the first of these, it is
not generally known that Admiral
Taussig's name was suggested to
the Senate committee by vigorous
peace critics of the President, spe-
cifically by Mauritz Hallgren. He
acted for the National Peace Con-
ference, led by Oswald Garrison Vil-
lard, Frederick Libby and Dorothy'
Furthermore, the Senate Naval
Affairs Committee got the impres-
sion from peace leaders that the
Admiral's testimony would be un-
friendly to the Administration.
If they expected Taussig to rap
the big navy program, however, they
were 100 per cent mistaken. He was
vigorously for it. But if they wanted
to pin a belligerent Far Eastern pol-
icy on Roosevelt, they got their wish.
For undoubtedly Taussig's prediction
of war with Japan plays into Repub-
lican hands.
Roosevelt-Taussig Row
the President goes back to 1915,
when several naval officers, partic-

ularly the late Admiral Sims, were
critical of Josephus Daniels and of
Assistant Secretary Roosevelt in
their preparation for war.
Taussig was then Chief of En-
listed Personnel in the Bureau of
Navigation and joined in this cri-
ticism. After the war he even tes-
tified before a congressional inves-
tigating committee that the Navy
Department heads had failed "to
take adequate steps to provide per-
sonnel necessary for the proper con-
duct of the Navy during the war."
This was in 1920, just as the Re-
publicans were trying to dig up po-
litical dirt to be used in the Harding
campaign, in which Roosevelt ran
as Democratic candidate for vice-
president. Naturally Roosevelt re-
sented Taussig's playing into the
hands of the opposition, and wrote
a sharp letter to the Senate Naval
Affairs Committee denying the
Thirteen years later, when Roose-
velt became President, Taussig had
just been appointed Assistant Chief
of Naval Operations, a most impor-
tant post. And he went to the new
President and suggested that Roose-
velt might want to transfer him in
view of their previous difficulties.
The President, however, told him to
forget it and continue in his new
[T IS no exaggeration to say that
Taussig's career is one of the
most brilliant in the Nave, His
father, Edward David Taussig of the
distinguished Jewish St. Louis fam-


THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1940 f
VOL. L. No. 164
To the Members of the University
Senate: There will be a meeting of1
the University Senate on Monday,
May 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.f
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the
Faculty of this College todayf
at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West1
Engineering Building. Agenda: Nom-
ination of panel of three to re-
place Professor A. H. White on Ex-
ecutive Committee. Present mem-
A. H. White to June, 1940.
R. H. Sherlock to June, 1941.
E. L. Eriksen to June, 1942.
R. L. Morrison to June, 1943.
Nomination of member to replace,
Professor B. F. Bailey on University
Council. Present members:
B. F. Bailey, term expires 1940.
A. Marin, term expires 1941.
E. M. Bragg, term expires 1942.
R. A. Dodge, term expires 1943.
Routine Business.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary.
The WPA Department of Corre-
spondence Instruction, sponsored by
the University of Michigan Extension
Service, will hold open house Mon-
day, May 20, in its offices in the
South Department Building, North
University at Washtenaw, from 3 to 9
p.m. During the remainder of the
week, May 21 to 24, visitors will be
welcome during the regular office
hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 4.
All who are interested in seeing the
work of the Department are invited.
Academic Notices
Juniors concentrating in English
are invited to apply for admission to
the Senior Honors Course in English.
Names should be left in the English
Office, 3221 A.H. before noon on
Saturday, May 18.
W, G. Rice
English 128: The Make-up exami-
nation will be held in Room 2225 A.H.
at 3 p.m. on Friday, May 17.
June Candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate: The Comprehensive Ex-
amination ,in Edication will be given
on Saturday, May 18, from 9 to 12
o'clock (and also from 2 to 5 o'clock)
in the auditorium of the University
High School. Students having Sat-
urday morning classes may take the
examination in the afternoon. Print-
ed information regarding the exam-
ination may be secured in the School
of Education office.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to
elect directed teaching (Educ. D100)
next semester are required to pass a
qualifying examination in the sub-
ject which they expect to teach. This
examination will be held on Satur-
day, May 18, at 1 o'clock. Students
will meet in the auditorium of the
University High School. The ex-
amination will consume about four
hours' time; promptness is therefore
Doctoral Examination of Walter
Schauman Lundahl will be held
at 4:00 p.m., today in 3089
N.S. Mr. Lundahl's department of
specialization is Zoology. The title
of his thesis is "Life History of Caec-
incola parvulus Marshall and Gilbert
(Cryptogonimidae, Trematoda) and
the Development of Its Excretory Sys-
Dr. G. R. La Rue, as chairman of
the committee, will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chaiman has the
privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral candi-

dates to attend the examination and
to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
The Doctoral Examination of Paul
Francis Leedy will be held at
2:00 p.m. today . in 3223 A.H.
Mr. Leedy's department of special-
ization is English Language and Liter-
ature. The title of his thesis is "The
Overthrow of Alexander Pope's Repu-
tation as Poet."
Professor L. I. Bredvold as chair-
man of the committee will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examina-
tion and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
The Doctoral Examination of Ed-
mund E. Ingalls will be held at
1:00 p.m. today -'in 2045 Na-
tural Science Bldg. Mr. Ingalls' de-
partment of specialization is Forestry
and Conservation. The title of his
thesis is "The Prediction of Diameter
Growth of Trees in Even-Aged
Professor D. M. Matthews as chair-
man of the committee will conduct

ander Hamilton Zerban will be held
at 2:00 p.m. today in the West Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Building. Mr.
Zerban's department of specialization
is Mechanical Engineering. The title
of his thesis is 'Clarification of the
Heat Transfer Characteristics of
Fluids in Annular passages."
Professor H. E. Keeler as chairman
of the committee will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and
to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination of Frank
Watkins Jobes will be held at 1:00
p.m.. Friday, May 17, in 1039 Museums
Bldg. Mr. Jobes' department of spe-
cialization is Zoology. The title of
his thesis is "Age and Growth of the
Yellow Perch, Perca flavescens (Mit-
chill), in Lake Erie.".
Dr. C. L. Hubbs as chairman of the
committee will conduct the examin-
ation. By direction of the Executive
Board, the chairman has the privilege
>f inviting members of the faculty and
advanced doctoral candidates to at-
tend the examination and to grant
permission to others who might wish
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination of Mrs.
Alice Cornelia Hayes Kempf will be
held at 3:00 p.m., Friday, May 17, in
1564 East Medical Bldg. Mrs. Kempf's
department of specialization is Bac-
teriology. The title of her thesis is
"A Study of Serum Therapy in Ex-
perimental Pneumococcus Pneumonia
in Rats."
Dr. M. H. Soule as chairman of the
committee will conduct the examina-
tion. By direction of the Executive
Board, the chairman has he privilege
of inviting members of the faculty
and advanced doctoral candidates to
attend the examination and to grant
permission to others who might wish
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
The Doctoral Examination of Nor-
man Lee Oleson will be held at 2:00
p.m., Friday, May 17, in the East
Council Room.Rackham Building.
Mr. Oleson's department of speciali-
zation is Physics. The title of his
thesis is "The Multiple Scattering of
Fast Electrons."
Professor H. R. Crane as chairman
of the committee will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral candi-
datesrto attend the examination and
to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
The Doctoral Examination of Sis-
ter Mary Roswitha Schauls will be
held at 1:30 p.m., Friday, May 17, in
the West Council Room, Rackham
Building. The department of spe-
cialization is Physics. The title of
the thesis is "An Analysis of the First
Spark Spectrum of Molybdenum."
Professor R. A. Sawyer as chair-
man of the committee will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Graduation Recital: Frank Fisher,
violinist, will give a recital in partial
fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor
of Music, Friday evening, May 17, at
8:15 o'clock, at the School of Music
Auditorium on Maynard Street. The
general public is invited.

Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Photographs of recent
architectural work in Florida in the
modern manner, by Architects Igor
B. Polevitzky and T. Trip Russell.
Ground floor corridor cases. Open
daily 9 to 5, through May 22, except
Sunday. The public is invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Drawings of candidates
in the recent competition for the
George G. Booth Travelling Fellow-
ship in Architecture. Third floor ex-
hibition room. Open daily 9 to 5
except Sunday, through May 18. The
public is invited.
Eleventh Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture of the Institute of Fine
Arts in the Michigan League Build-
ing on view daily until after Com--
Exhibition of works in water colors
by Cleveland artists, drawings by
John Carroll, Walt Disney originals.
Auspices Ann Arbor Art Association
and University Institute of Fine Arts.
Open daily, 2-5 until May 22, Alumni
Memorial Hail. Sundays included.

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