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May 14, 1940 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-14

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Golfers Beat Illini, 23-13; Net Squad Meets

W este

Visitor Takes
Medal Honors
With 68 Card'
Holmstrom Shoots A Four
Under Par, As Emery,
Palmer Lead Varsity
(Continued from Page 1)
round that has been shot in competi-
tion here this season.
Jack Emery, Michigan's mighty
mite, and Capt. Bob Palmer both
turned in sub-par rounds in the morn-
ing best ball matches in which the
Wolverines took a 9/2-2% lead. Em-
ery was two under with a 70 while
Palmer shot a 71.
Losing his first singles match of
the season, Emery slumped to a 75
against Bill Richart's 74 in the after-
noon play. Palmer met the Illinois
captain, Herb Patton, and took 2 /2
points with a 73.
Coach RayC ourtright inserted
three new faces into his singles line-
up as he played Fred Lamb, Fred
Dannenfelser and Bob Barnes. Dan-
nenfelser took three points from Bob
Eisner, Lamb won two in his match
with Bill Usinger, while Barnes was
blanked playing against Ross Reed.
Two old faithfuls, Tom Tussing
and Lynn Riess, added to the Michi-
gan total over the strong Illini team
which had lost to Ohio State over the
weekend. Tussing swept his number
five match against Gene Modjeska,
3-0, as Riess won two points from
Alex Welsh.
Tussing paired with Emery and
Riess with Palmer in the best ball
foursomes, in which both teams
scored shutouts. Goodwin Clark and
Black split their match against Mod-
jeska and Usinger while the Dave
Osler-Fred Lamb combination won
two points from Eisner and Reed.
Emery, whose putter wasn't click-
ing yesterday, nevertheless finished
the final three holes in the morning
with birdies. His rounds were 36-34
-70. Captain Palmer had 36-35-
Herb Patton, playing against the
Michigan leader was the clown of
the match. He complained that on
one hole his ball rolled "three bugs
from the cup."
Lynn Riess shot one of his best
rounds in the afternoon as he went
out in 35, one under par and four
up on his opponent, Alex Welsh. He
returned in 38 losing two holes on the
back nine.
Singles Matches
Palmer (M) defeated Patton (I)
2'2-'/; Emery (M) lost to Richart
(I) 2-1; Black (M) lost to Holmstrom
(I) 3-0; Riess (M) defeated Welsh
(I) 2-1; Tussing (M) defeated Mod-
jeska (I) 3-0; Lamb (M) defeated
Usinger (I) 2-1; Dannenfelser (M)
defeated Eisner ,(I) 3-0; Barnes (M)
lost to Reed (I) 3-0.
Doubles Matches
Emery and Tussing (M) defeated
Patton and Richart (I) 3-0; Palmer
and Riess (M) defeated Holmstrom
and Welsh (I) 3-0; Black and Clark
(M) tied Modjeska and Usinger (I)
te2-11/2; Osler and Lamb (M) de-
feated Eisner and Reed (I) 2-1.
Theta Xi, Phi Delts
Win Softball Games
Two softball teams, Theta Xi and
Phi Delta Theta, entered the first
place fraternity quarter-finals in
yesterday's intramural softball games.
Tom Harmon, on the mound for Phi
Delta Theta, got off to a rousing start
when he successively walked three

of the opposition batters, but with
excellent fielding support, the Phi
Delts took a 7-6 win over Chi Phi.
Theta Xi, behind the one-hit hurl-
ing of Bill Wadsworth, defeated Pi
Lambda Phi, 7-2, to also enter the

Schwa rzkopf MayBe Out Of Conference Meet

rn State
Michi gan State,
Wa ,,neEgage
Weirmen Next



Avenges Derby

Loss With

Victory In Preakness

Throat Ailment
Downs Varsity
irae~k Captain'

Flora, Wistert
Follow Famed
,rd . R


oss Is Blow To Big Ten --11
Title Hopes; Two-Miler By BUD HENDELi
Will Not Run Saturday They don't belong to the sameI
_ _family, they don't look alike, but,
Michigan's Big Ten title hopes nevertheless, they are twins. Their

Bimelech, the overwhelming favorite who finish ed second in the Kentucky Derby, redeemed himself
by an easy victory in the Golden Jubilee running of the Preakness stakes at Pimlico, Md., Saturday before
55,004 fans. Getting away in fifth spot as the field left the starting gate, Bimelech took the lead as they
passed the grandstand and led all the way. Gallahad ion, the long shot who showed his heels to the favorite
in the Derby, trailed Bimelech in third place in Satu rday's event. Ridden by Jockey Freddie Smith, Bim-
elech is shown coasting across the finish line followe d by C. S. Howard's Mioland, who finished second,
and Gallahadion.



don wirtehafter's


Let 'Em Eat Steak,. ..
You would have thought that the
German army marched into the
Crisler home Sunday afternoon the
way those big, juicy steaks disap-
The Wolverine gridders came,
saw and ate, and when every-
thing was finished, 186 steaks,
17 gallons of milk, five gallons
of ice cream and all the trim-
mings were finished too.
The steak-eating contest was the
occasion, and a hard fought contest
it was, too, probably as hard as the
gridders have had all spring. Every-
body thought that Bob Flora and
Ralph Fritz, the defending cham-
pions, had things in the bag when
it all got started, but it soon became
apparent that the young bloods were
going to make a fight of it.
Tackle Bill Steele set the early
pace, and before the first steak
had hit his stomach, six others
were on their way in close pur-
suit. And so Bill sat back to rest
and digest. But the gridders are
funny guys, neighbors, and like
the tortoise and the hare fable,
they don't give up without a
And so they kept eating and eat-
ing, and pretty soon a guy by the
name of Bill Windle, a freshman
halfback by trade, had shot up from
nowhere for the count of six. He
needed one more, and proudly he
asked for it. His face was determined,
but his stomach said no. So he com-
promised and took the steak, and off
into a corner all by himself did he
go to make the killing. And as he
fought to put that last three-quarter
pound obstacle past the tonsils, he
was well aware that six other such
tenderloins were having their own
battle down in his tummy.
With two bites to go, he came
back into- the crowd. He wanted
to triumph in company, but
Coach Munn took one look at his
pale gridder and said, "Don't
triumph in my company, son.
Hold your distance."
It was a gentle victory rap on the
back, a mighty gentle one, that Cris-
ler gave his two winning steak-

first column and the mailman!
promptly brought us this bit yester-

Dear Sir:

May 12, 1940.

When a dog bites a man,
that is not news. When a man
bites a dog, that is news. I was
told once that these phrases
constitute elementary journal-
ism. However, the article in to-
day's paper on the results of the
intramural golfing tournament
gives, in effect, another arrange-
ment of these words. Your head-
ing is boldly misleading, while
the item insipidly says: "Dogj
does not quite bite man." -
Why should the activities of
professional groups be relegated
to a few lines when one of their
representatives made the lowest
team score of the day, while the
doings of the social fraternities
and independents head the col-
umn? I should think a chemist,
a lawyer, or even a budding
journalist would have a better
sense of news-worthiness than
to hide the low score. Surely
your sports staff must be a group
of Californians, for only they
would indicate the results of the
past Kentucky Derby, won by
Gallahadion, by headlining an
article: "Bestest Horse Comes
In First Among West Coast
Yours truly,
Joseph H. Burckhalter, Grad.
Nope, we guess you got the wrong
dope, Joe, and we hope you don't
mind our calling you Joe. We sports
writers here don't come from Calif-
ornia at all. One of us is from Ethio-
pia, two from Ypsilanti, the home of
beautiful girls, and the other guy
comes from Bessarabia, dear old
Bess. We went to the expense of
hiring the campus cop, J. Edgar Hoo-
ver and Company, along with the
Dies Committee to investigate your
charge concerning our story on the
Derby. They found us innocent.
That story never appeared in our
paper about the "Bestest Horse."
Hoover, however, found you came
from Winnsboro (S.C.), Joe. Could
it be that you saw that tale in the
Winnsboro Daily Gazette? Small
town papers have a habit of doing
things like that.
But seriously though, we are sorry
you didn't feel we did you justice in
the golf match. Our space is limited
as you can see, and no matter how
we try, somebody always gets left
out. This time it was you. We apol-
I-M Department Makes
1940-41 Appointments
The Intramural Department an-
nounced appointments to its 1940-
(41 managerial staff yesterday. The
new senior managers are Charles Es-
ler and Gene Gribbroek, with George
Johnson as associate manager. They
replace outgoing senior managers
Robert Luery and Jack Droste.
Underclass managers were also
named. Robert Krause, Joseph Liko-
vsky, William Caruthers, and Arthur
Mapes will be junior managers, with
James Rossman and William Stegath
as associates. Sophomore managers

Baseball Race
In Conference
Is Wide Open
pennant?" is the query they're pos-
pennant?" is the query they're post-
ing around Big Ten baseball circles
this week following the latest series
of startling upsets that have turned
the Conference race into a wild me-
Northwestern's title-ravenous
Wildcats, paced by gridder Bill De-
Correvont, stepped out of nowhere
to hand the erstwhile league-leading
Iowa team a pair of jolting reverses
over the weekend.
The ex-Chicago schoolboy flash hit
W L Pet.
Northwestern 6 2 .750
Illinois.......... 7 3 .700
Iowa ............6 3 .667
Michigan.........5 3 .625
Wisconsin... ...5 5 .500
Indiana.. .. . 3 3 .500
Minnesota ....... 2 2 .500
Ohio State....... 2 4 .333
Purdue .......... 2 5 .286
Chicago.........1 9 .100

a timely three-run homer
sink the Hawkeyes, snap
Harold Haub's 14-game
streak, and send his team

to help

were dealt a severe setoack when it
was announced last night that Capt.
Ralph Schwarzkopf, ace WolverineI
dPtance star, is listed as a doubtful1
starter in the Conference meet. Mayu
24 and 25.
The Saginaw senior is due to be1
released in three or four days fromI
the Health Service where he has
been confined with a streptococcusI
throat infection and will definitely
not compete in the Pittsburgh dualI
meet this Saturday at Ferry Field.,
Dr. William Brace said that "al-'
though Schwarzkopf should be out
of the Health Service in three or
four days, it is exceedingly doubtful
that he will be able to run in the
Conference meet. He has been im-
proving gradually but his illness will1
leave him very weak," Dr. Brace con- ,
tinued. "I talked with Coach Doher-
ty about him and he too seemed to
doubt. that Schwarzkopf will be able
to regain enough condition to run."
The physician thought, however,
that he would be able to round into
some sort of condition by June 8
(the date of the Princeton Invita-
tional Two-Mile to which the Wol-
verine captain had been invited) and
that he "certainly would be ready
for the National Collegiates late in
Confined since just before the Illi-
nois meet,- Schwarzkopf missed ac-
tion against the Illini and against
Ohio State last Saturday. Holder
of the Big Ten two-mile indoor rec-
ord of 9:10.7, the Wolverine captain
was regarded as a certainty to pick
up five points for Michigan by cop-
ping his specialty in the outdoor
The varsity track team yesterday
regained the services of Coach Ken
Doherty, who returned to his coach-
ing duties after a two week absence.
Doherty returned to Ann Arbor Fri-
day from Des Moines where he was
stricken with .a stomach ailment at
the Drake Relays, but was unable
to accompany the team to Colum-
bus Saturday. Still forced to take
it easy, Doherty was formulating
plans and guiding the efforts of his
trackmen from a sideline chair yes-
Cus ShrarenetWill
Swim In Honoluu
Carnival In June
Constantine "Gus" Sharemet,
Michigan's sensational sophomore
freestyler, announced yesterday that
he had decided to fly to Honolulu,
Hawaii, to participate in an invita-
tional swimming meet to be held
during the first week in June.
The meet will honor a great free-
styler of another day, H;taii's Duke
Kahanamoku, Olympic champion in
1920. The Duke, present sheriff of
Hawaii, is still considered a great
swimmer by most experts.
Sharemet, present National and
Conference titleholder in his event,
won the praise of the Eastern critics
with his recent showings in the Na-
tionals, and several writers have la-
beled him a "second Weissmuller."
Eight Linksmen To Vie
For All-Campus Titles
Eight golfers who registered low
cards in Saturday's undergraduate
division of the all-campus golf tour-
nament will compete in match play
this week leading up to the finals on
John Heil, who turned in an 82
card, will meet Paul Keller, who shot
an 83, and Ed Novak, with an 83,
faces Glenn Robinson, who registered
an 82. Others who drew byes in the
preliminary pairings were Robert
Campau, 79; Dick Levy, Stan Moore,
Rea Kreider and Howard Weber, all
with 83's; and Breard Fishburn, with
an 80.

Freshmen and sophomores in-
terested in working on the sports
staff of The Daily report to the
sports desk at the Publications
Building 7:30 p.m. today.
Don Wirtchafter, Sports Editor

The 'Bestest Horse'*.
We asked for criticisms

names are Bob "Flop" Flora and Al
"Ox" Wistert, and they are two of the
hardest hitting linemen on Fritz Cris-
ler's current edition, of gridiron war-
Both of these boys play the same1
position, tackle, and both of them are
following in the wake of illustrious
football-playing brothers. Bill Flora,
Flop's olderbrother, was one of the
greatest ends in Michigan football
history, and Francis Wistert, elderI
brother of Al, won unanimous All-'
American acclaim while playing a
tackle post for the Wolverines back
in 1933.
Flora and Wistert are two of the
leading candidates for tackle posts
on next year's varsity. Flora's rise
has been rather phenomenal. Dur-
ing his first year on the squad "Flop"
didn't see action in a single game.
Last year, however, he decided to get
down to business after he was not
taken along on the Chicago trip. From
then on his blocking and tackling be-
came harder and crisper, and he was
soon recognized as one of the fastest
charging linemen on the squad.
"Flop" came into his own and won
his letter last year, and if past per-
formances mean anything he might
be in the starting lineup when the
opening whistle is blown next fall.
Wistert is another one who came
up the hard way because when Al
reported for practice in his freshman
year, he had never played a game of
organized football. Al didn't play
high school football because brother
Francis was afraid that high school
ball might seriously injure him.
Last year, as a sophomore, he
showed fine promise but an early in-
jury to his ankle was so serious that
he was out for the rest of the sea-
son. This spring, however, he is
showing the coaching staff a sample
of the driving, slashing, bruising foot-
ball of which he is capable. Since
Al has three more years of competi-
tion he stands a good chance of tak-
ing a place alongside his brother as
one of Michigan's football greats.

11ecorI n;Durst Meets
Russell I n Top latch
C~ontinled from Page 1)
trait, and his match with Samn Durst,
Michigan's captain, will be something
really worth seeing. Don Crook, John
Vander Mieden, Ralph Linder, Jack
Sims, and Bill Tay!or are the other
members of the Teachers' squad who
will be on hand today.
After Durst, in the number two
spot for Michigan, will be Tom Ga-
mon. Gamon has added a drop shot
to his repertoire and, according to
Coach Weir, was outstanding in the
Ohio State and Notre Dame matches.
Harry Kohl Will continue in the third
slot with Wayne Stille, Bob Brewer,
and Bob Jeffers playing four, five
and six respectively.
The problem of rearranging the
doubles combinations is Coach Weir's
biggest task at present. The Wolver-
ine mentor will leave the number
cne doubles team of Durst and Ga-
mon intact for the present, but the
showing of the second and third com-
bines in recent matches has been so
miserable that two different teams
will be on exhibition today. Wayne
Stille anl Harry Kohl will play num-
her two doubles with Bob Jeffers and
Bud Dober taking over the third
In the Ohio match, the team split
even in the singles matches and need-
ed to take two of the three doubles
points to win but only Durst and Ga-
mon came through. In the Notre
Dame match, Michigan was winning,
4-2, yet barely eked out a 5-4 victory
as their second and third doubles
teams lost again. So it is little won-
der that Coach Weir is experiment-
ing desperately with Western State,
Wayne University and Michigan State
to contend with before the week is
* * *
Wayne University's outstanding
tennis team will be here Thursday,
and leading the Tartar squad will
be Bill Maul, Detroit Public Parks
Champion and finalist in the City
singles tournament; Irving Blumen-
feld, doubles finalist in the National
Public Parks tournament and state
doubles finalist; Mike Sweetina, for-
mer State Junior doubles winner, and
steadiest player on the Wayne team,
and Jack Rice, who has won eight
out of eleven matches this spring.

into the top rung of the Conference
Minnesota's lowly Gophers also
reared up and blasted Wisconsin's
championship hopes into oblivion
with a pair of 7-0 and 1-0 shutouts.I
And Coach Ray Fisher's Wolver-
ines suddenly uncovered some latent
pitching and batting strength to
vault right back into the Big Ten
title picture.
As the race stands now, no less
than six teams-Northwestern, Illi-
nois, Iowa, Michigan, Indiana and
Minnesota-all are in the running
for the Conference baseball crown.
The remainder of the schedule ap-
pears to favor the Wildcats, but in
a league where upsets pop up as
often as your favorite bill-collector,
anything can happen. Northwestern
has successive weekend engagements
with Wisconsin and Ohio State, and
it wouldn't be at all surprising to see
the Purple rudely set back once or
Coach Wallie Roettger's Illini
charges also rate serious considera-
tion, with only a two-game series
against Indiana left on their slate.
Iowa's chances, however, have been
seriously impaired by a cancellation
of an early-season game with Pur-
due. Even if the defending champs
should sweep their remaining twin-
bill with Minnesota, the Hawkeyes
will still have played one less game
than most of their opponents.
As for Michigan's chances for the
Big Ten championship-Coach Fish-
er refused to voice any optimistic
"We're still in there fighting," was
all the Wolverine mentor would be
quoted on at practice yesterday
Double-headers with Purdue and
Minnesota still loom ominously in
the Varsity's path to the Promised
Land. Even should the Wolverines
capture their remaining games, it'll
require a Northwestern defeat in
order for Michigan to gain as much
as a tie for the title.
But with Barry and Bond pitching
as they did in the Ohio State series
-there's still an outside chance.
Golf Film To Be Shown

* ou
in our

,1 11

Tropical Worsted
is the ideal fabric for hot weather suits. Cool
lookiig and feeling, shapely-resists wrinkling-
and usable for many occasions where ordinary
summer suits are not worn. Beautiful new shades
of green, blue and tan . . . single and double
breasted models.
$22.50 $27.50

The New
Sureyou could nu olar
bear off his ice flo lay bide
and seek with frisky' inside the
Arctic Circle. But u wouldn't
find the comfortable coolness
that you'll enjoy all summer long
in one of these STYLE-MART
GULF-TONES. Smartness and
shape-retaining sturdiness are built
right into the cool, crush-resistant
BOTANY fabric. And of course
you'll enjoy the good looks and
right feel that come from STYLE-
MART'S distinctive styling and
tailoring. Come in today - and
take a cool plunge into a GULF-
TONE! Economically priced at only


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