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May 12, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-12

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Threat Of Fascislam
Lies In America .

VOL. L. No. 161 Z-23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1940


FDR Denounces
Invasion; Pledges
President Applies Neutrality To Lowland;
Denounces Daruel Invasion' in Message
WASHINGTON, May 11. -(P)--President Roosevelt replied in a most
friendly vein tonight to an appeal from the King of the Belgians that he
support little Belgium's fight against the Nazi invaders with all of his
"moral authority."
In his message to Leopold III, the soldier-monarch, Mr. Roosevelt de-
nounced the "cruel invasion" of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.
"The people of the United States hope, as I do, that policies which seek
to dominate peaceful and independent peoples through force and military
aggression may be arrested," he said, "and that the government and peo-
ple of Belgium may preserve their integrity and their freedom.
"As an old personal friend I send you my warm personal regards."
At the same time, the President issued a proclamation applying the
Neutrality Act to the Low Countries ------------

Strong Belgian
Fort Captured,
Germans Say
Vital Positions Are Taken
Along Maastricht River,
High Command Claims







By French




Nazis Attribute Gain London.

- - -

in the same manner that he had
invoked it previously against Ger-
many, France and England. The
principal practical effect of this ac-
tion was to forbid American credit
to the Dutch Government. Regard-
less of the Neutrality Act, the Bel-
gian government is barred from bor-
rowing in this country by the John-
son Act. The latter statute forbids
extension of credit to governments
which have defaulted on previous
war debts to the United States.
Even before Mr. Roosevelt extend-
ed application of the neutrality law
to the newest belligerents, Chairman
May (Dem.-Ky.) of the House Mili-
tary Committee came out today in
favor of repealing the Johnson Act
and revising the neutrality statute
to permit the granting of credit to
Britain and her Allies.
Relaxation of the Neutrality Act
had been advocated previously-pri-
or to the German invasion of the
Low Countries-by Senator Adams
(Dem.-Colo.). When he broached
the idea, however, the general reac-
tion was that the suggestion was
early. Chairman Pittman (Dem.-
Nev.) of the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee said at the time
that the Allies were estimated to have
sufficient financial reserves to go
two years without credit.
Several legislators predicted pri-
vately today that, if the President
were to recommend repeal of the
Johnson Act and neutrality law re-
vision, Congress would support him.
Others said, however, it was too
early for such a step.
Many members of both houses
praised the address in which Mr.
Roosevelt predicted last night tiat
the 21 American Republics would
act together.
Britain Passes American
Exports To Netherlands
WASHINGTON, May 1. -(P)-
Great Britain and France today gave
clearance through their contraband
patrol to American exports destined
for the Netherlands and Belgium.
The British embassy said the Allies
would dispense with navicerts on ship-
ments to the Dutch and the Belgians.
Navicerts are certificates, obtain-
able by shippers from British con-
sulates, which state that designated
exports are not contraband and
therefore not subject to seizure by the
British contraband patrol.
The British Embassy said navicerts
still would be issued for shipments to
the Netherlands and Belgium if ship-
pers desired them and that the navi-
certs would be issued promptly if
ships involved were to call at neutral
as well as allied ports.
Meanwhile, agriculture department
officials said the extension of the war
to the Netherlands and Belgium
threatens-if the German invasion
assumes broad proportions-an im-
poitant market for American farm
products and an important source of
supply for the United Kingdom.
SRA Director
Will Give Talk
Co-Ops Will Hold Open
Meeting Tomorrow
Students interested in the cooper-
ative movement on campus are in-
vited to attend an open meeting at
4.p.m. tomorrow in the Union featur-
ing talks by Kenneth Morgan, director
of the Student Religious Association,
William H. Rockwell, '41, and June
Harris. '40.

M. C. Krueger
Will Address
Church Group
Socialist Party Candidate
For Vice-President Post
Will AppearMay 17
Maynard C. Krueger, 1940 vice-
presidential candidate of the Ameri-
can Socialist Party and professor of
economics at the University of Chi-
cago, will speak on the "American
Scene" at 4:15 p.m. May 17, at the
Congregational Church under the
auspices of the recently formed
Thomas and Krueger For President
Club, Daniel Suits, '40, announced
Professor Krueger was the keynote
platform speaker at the Socialist
Party presidential convention held in
Washington, D.C. last month. His
running mate is D orman Thomas,
former Presbyterian minister who is
now his party's candidate for the
presidency for the fourth consecutive
Professor Krueger is one of the
country's most widely known radio
speakers on economic subjects
through his participation in the Uni-
versity of Chicago Round Table dis-
cussions and is a member of the So-
cialist Party National Executive Com-
mittee, Suit ssaid.
Barrymore's Diana
Will Arrive Monday
Diana Barrymore, 18 years old and
beautiful, will step off the train in
Ann Arbor at 11:10 p.m. tomorrow.
The youngest member of the Royal
Family of Broadway, Miss Barry-
more has been engaged for a role in
Shakespeare's "Winter Tale" which
opens here Tuesday, May 21, as the
second feature of the Dramatic Sea-
son. She is arriving early in order
to make preliminary arrangements
for the play, and incidentally to see
Ann Arbor.
The time of her arrival has been
announced in answer to the flood of
requests received from campus groups

To Newest Weapons
BERLIN, May 11.-(41)-A "new
type of weapon" enabled the armies
of Adolf Hitler to capture Eben
Emael, described as the strongest
fortress in Belgium's Liege defenses,
the German high command announ-
ced tonight.
The fort's commander and 1,000
men surrendered, the announcement
A picked air force detachment, in
a slanting attack from above, already
had put the fort out of action yester-
day, the command said, and held its
garrison in check with the new weap-
on until an army unit attacking from
the north arrived and forced the sur-
"Further and more precise details
must of course be kept in the dark,"
authorities said of the new weapon.
It was a matter of speculation whe-
ther this was the weapon which Hit-
ler mentioned in a speech at Danzig
last year and which has had experts
guessing at its nature ever since.
(There also has been speculation
whether it was the magnetic mine.)
Eben Emael was the second fort
claimed to have been taken in the
Liege fortified zone, where the Im-
perial German steamroller was stalled
for a week of frontal assault in 1914.
This time the German armies sliced
through the Dutch appendix province
of southern Limburg, which virtually
is undefendable, seized Maastricht,
on the border between the western
edge of Dutch Limburg and Belgium,
and captured the Albert Canal in
Maastricht and to the west of it.
(An official Belgian communique
admitted the Germans gained "a
foothold," at heavy cost, in the Bel-
gian -defensive positions about Maa-
stricht, but insisted, "around Liege,
our positions remain intact." French
military sources acknowledge the
Germans had taken Maastricht).
Authorized sources said German
troops who occupied Belgian and
Netherlands airports yesterday still
held them today, but were "fighting
with Belgian and Dutch troops."-
(In London, the Netherlands for-
eign minister said all airdromes seized
by the Germans in Holland had been
Senior Swingout
Will Be May 26
Swingout, annual feature of grad-
uation will be held May 26, it was
announced by Phyllis Simmons, '41,
and Tom Tussing, 'chairmen of the
committee for the event, feting sen-
iors of all colleges.
Making their first appearance in
their caps and gowns, the Class of
'40 will assemble according to schools
for their march through campus

LONDON, May 11. -( ')--- With
characteristic speed, Winston Church-
ill tonight formed a new British gov-
ernment of all parties and gathered
around himself a new streamlined,
five-man war cabinet while Allied
forces raced against time for vantage
points in the Low Countries and
swapped blows from the air with Ger-
man warplanes.
The war cabinet, replacing the old
eight-man board of strategy of Nev-
ille Chamberlain, includes Chamber-
lain, Lord Halifax, Foreign Secre-
tary under the resigned prime min-
ister, and the Labor Party leaders,
Clement R. Attlee and Arthur Green-
Its information was announced as
British and French troops sped to
positions alongside their new Dutch
and Belgian allies, Royal Air Force
planes blasted away at German con-
centrations and communications in
the Rhineland and British naval
planes gave Adolf Hitler a dose of his'
own surprise strategy with sudden
stabs against German-occupied Ber-
gen, on Norway's west coast.
In addition to the premiership,
Churchill retained the Portfolio of
Defense Minister and designated
Chamberlain Lord President of the
Council; Attlee, Lord Privy Seal;
Greenwood, Minister Without Port-
folio; and kept Lord Halifax in his
old foreign post.
Religious Groups
Meet To Discuss
Varied Problems
Student religious groups will meet
to hear professors of various depart-
ments discuss problems of religion,
world government, and student af-
Prof. Albert Hyma of the history
department will address the Student
club of St. Paul's Lutheran Church on
"Lutheranism" following the student
fellowship supper at 6:30 p.m.
"Heart and Mind" will be discussed
by Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour-
nalism department at the meeting
of the Wesleyan Guild of the First
Methodist Church at 6 p.m. At the
same time the Westminster Student
Guild o' the First Presbyterian
Church will hear Kakhri Maluf, ex-
change fellow from the American
University of Beirut, Syria, describe
"The Mission of Syria."
Freshman Society
To Initiate Group
Phi Eta Sigma will initiate more
than 60 freshmen at its annual ini-
tiation ceremony which will be held
at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union.
The initiation will h followed b a

. The War At 2 A.M.
BERLIN, May 11.--(A)-By1
ing military forces in The Net
lands West Indies, the newsp
National Zeitung said tonight
British "carried the war into t
tory which comes within the s
of the Monroe Doctrine."
* , ,*
LONDON, May 12 (Sunday)
-A German radio broadcast h
here early today said Essen, w
the great German Krupp p
Works are located, and two0
German towns had been bombe
Allied planes.
* * *
Netherlands General Headqua
announced tonight that the D
army had recaptured a town
the enemy in a four-hour coux
attack and killed "all soldiers'
a German armored train.
Wa ite Frames
,juvenile Crin
Prevention B
Professor Of Law Seh
Will Present Stat
At CapitolGatheri
Prof. John B. Waite of the
School will journey to Washin
D. C., this week to present to
American Law Institute for its
sideration a model statute, desi
to prevent repeated juvenile c
which he has drafted in cooper
with a committee of the Instit
If the proposed statute receive
approval of the Institute, it wi
sent with that body's recommend
to the legislatures of the 40 or
states which will convene in the
islative year, 1941.
The Law Insitute, in session
15-17, comprises approximately
of the outstanding lawyers and Jt
from all over the nation. A
mittee of the institute and Prof
Waite have been studying the1
lem of juvenile delinquency
special examination of measur
provide adequate prevention o
peated juvenile crime.
The model statute, the resu
two year's research, proposes to e
lish a central state authorit
whose jurisdiction all young pe
convicted of crime will be come
instead of prison.

Westwall Attack;
rms New Cabinet
Netherlands Stop German East Advance;
and- Nazi Forces Gain Foothold In Belgium
aper But Report Indicates 'Heavy Casualties'
WASHINGTON, May 11.-(P)-- The Red Cross cabled $100,000 to
-{A') Belgium and the same amount to The Netherlands today for relief
teard of the military and civilian wounded.
there The Red Cross also announced it had ordered 100 ambulances for
Atms use in the war zones.
other BRUSSELS, May 11.-(P)- This Belgian capital was bombed from
d by the air again tonight. Heavy detonations resounded in the center of
the city, and an air raid alarm was in effect from 6:20 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Civilian casualties in Saturday's bombings were said authoritatively
-The to be higher than on Friday, first day of the German invasion.
rters The city of Liege also was heavily bombed Saturday.
hutch AMSTERDAM, May 11.--(')- Americans in The Netherlands were
from advised by United States Minister George A. Gordon tonight to "stay
nter- put" as he deemed it inadvisable to attempt to cross any Dutch fron-
on tiers.
-- French Resist Attack
PARIS, May 11.-(P)- Seasoned French troops in the Sterck region
of the Moselle River valley today beat off the largest German attack on
.e the Maginot Line since the war started, military sources reported. An
entire German division of 14,000 men was said to have been halted in its
The Nazi movement just east of Luxembourg reportedly was crushed
from the strongly fortified front-line positions to which outpost units
[001 withdrew yesterday at the first assault by Nazi advance guards.
tute Additional forces quartered in the subterranean Maginot Line supported
the battle squads with artillery and machine gun fire and tonight the
ng military spokesman here said the battle area was quieting down.
At the same time, a French high command communique said the
Law Germans had lost heavily in fighting in the southern part of Luxembourg.
gton, Meanwhile, Germany's blitzkrieg troops were said by French military
the sources to have driven across the Maas River in Southern Holland, occupy-
con- ing the city of Maastricht, on the Belgian frontier, and to have occupied
gned the town of Arnhem, in East Central Holland. (The censor deleted four
rime, words in this dispatch, apparently relating to towns being occupied.)
ation The Allies were rushing troops to the aid of the low countries, the
ute. communique revealed.
s the .. "Our troops continued their advance across Belgium, aiding their
ll be Allied troops at various points by the action of their advance groups," the
ation high command reported. "The advance is going on rapidly."
more . German troop landings on beaches in the vicinity of The Hague have
leg- caused a "troubled" situation in Holland, military authorities said.
The Germans first began to land troops yesterday as their motorized
May forces were crossing the eastern Dutch frontier.
750 British planes bombed and strafed the beaches yesterday while the
udges Dutch troops attacked German units. The landings began again today and
com- this afternoon military spokesmen said the situation was uncertainal-
fessor thisgaftenoon hmilta pmens aidptesttion rtn
prob- though the Dutch detachments were reported to be In control.
es to Netherlands Fight For Existene
f re- ti
lt of AMSTERDAM, May 11.--(P)-The invaded Netherlands today stamped
stab- out dangerous enemy segments in a German blitzkrieg pattern which
y to persistently planted air troops behind the most carefully laid defenses and
rsons dumped its first bombs in the ancient heart of Amsterdam, city of canals.
pitted The Dutch high command announced the German advance had been

Michigan Nine Beats OSU, 5-2
As Tennis, Track Teams Win


Drama Season Opens Monday;
Ruth Chatterton In Pygmalion'


Ann Arbor's great white way will
come to life for the next five weeks
when the Lydia Mendelssohn The-;
atre house lights dim on the 1940
Dramatic Season opening 8:30 p.m.
Ruth Chatterton, supported by
Barry Thompson and Louis Calhern,
will play the lead in the Season's
initial production, "Pygmalion." The
comedy is scheduled to run every
evening through Saturday, with mat-
inees Thursday and Saturday at
3:15 p.m.
At least one New York producer
will be in the audience tomorrow.
Miss Chatterton, who will appear as
the cockney Eliza, is deciding whe-
ther or not to do the play in New
York next fall, and the reaction of
playgoers here may prove a deciding
Barry Thompson will play the
male lead as Professor Higgins and
Louis Calhern the role of Colonel
Pickering. Also appearing are the
English actor Richard Temple as

banquet which will be held at 6:15 By NORM MILLER
p.m. Until the fifth inning of yester-
Richard Ludwig, '42, secretary, an- day's game with Ohio State little
nounced that 36 students from the Mike Sofiak had made 21 consecu-
Schoolof Literature, 27 from the en- tive trips to the plate without the
gineering school, and one from he semblance of a base hit.
School of Archiecture will be initia- But the Wolverine pepperpot
ted. couldn't have picked out a better
spot to snap out' of his batting
lethargy than he finally did.
Stepping into the batter's box
with George Harms on third base,
Dean To Tal Captain Charlie Pink on first, and
lk a the score tied at 1-1, Sofiak un-
leashed a sharp single to right field
to score Harms and send Michigan
Will Address Freshman off to a four-run outburst that
Advisers At Jordan netted the Varsity a 5-2 victory over
the Buckeyes.
The four hits the Wolverines made
Helen Page, Assistant Dean of Wo- infhurinighole inh a e
men of Miami Universiy, Oxford, innthis nnin inoupe d ohe
innocuous blow in the second cn
Ohio, will address the recently-ap-c stituted the sum total of all the
pointed student assistants for Jor- safeties the Varsity could muster off
dan Hall on the system they will m- Ohio State's Gene Dornbrook. But
augurate next fall to provide added the five runs they produced proved
freshman orientation in the fresh- more than enough to turn back
man dormitory ata dinner at 6 p.m. Coach Fritz Mackey's wariers be-
Chosen for personality, leadership hind the brilliant pitching of Lyle
and scholarship, each assistant will Bond.
advise eight to ten women of the The slender righthander yielded
house and assist the direction and only five scattered hits and fanned
student government of the house. eight men as he chalked up his
Among those selected for the new third straight Conference triumph.
positions are Lorraine Judson, '43, Bond was touched for a run in the
Jean Misner, '43A, Jane Wright, '43, (Continued on Page 3)
Dorothy Bogart, '43, Charlie Boyd,
'43, Evelyn Spamer, '42Ed, Shirley Tia inehids Win

partisans were generally well satis,
fied with the result, since their cin-
der path squad was previously
trounced by Michigan in the indoor
season, 79-15.
George Ostroot and Stan Kelley
each chalked up double victories for
the Maize and Blue, Kelley copping
the high and low hurdles, while Os-
troot captured the shot put and the
discus throw.
The expected duel between Mich-
igan's Warren Breidenbach and
Ohio's Capt. Jack Sulzman in the
quarter mile failed to materialize
when the Buckeye forsook this event
in order to run and win the 220-
yard dash, and place second in the
100-yard dash and the 220-yard low
hurdles. Breidenbach, without the
Ohio ace to push him, beat out his
(Continued on Page 3)
Tennis Team Victorious
(Special To The Daily)
SOUTH BEND?,Ind. May 11. -
Michigan's first doubles team, Sam
Durst and Tom Gamon, gained Mich-
igan's only point in the doubles, but
it was sufficient to give the Wolver-
ines a 5-4 triumph over the Notre
Dame tennis squad here this after-
noon. The match was Michigan's
fifth 5-4 match this season and the
third one they've managed to win.
Hero this afternoon was Tom Ga-
mon who in addition to teaming with

stopped on the Eastern front and
that both British and French troops
were now fighting side by side with
Dutch soldiers.
in the southern part of the great
seaport city of Rotterdam and on
Dordrecht Island, to the southeast.
If the Germans had been able to
hold these western Holland bases
they would have been in superb con-
dition to strike across the narrow
neck of the North Sea at England.
An estimated twenty persons were
killed and many injured when a
long German bomber, flying o'er
the crowded streets of mid-Amster-
dam at 11 a.m. (5:40 a.m. E.S.T.),
dropped bombs.
German Troops Win
Foothold In Lowlands
BRUSSELS, May 11. -(P)- Sup-
ported by planes and armored cars,
powerful German forces won a foot-
hold in Belgian defense positions near
the Netherlands city of Maastricht to-
But a government communique to-
night reported the Nazis had sus-
tained "heavy losses" in attacks.on
Belgian fortifications, and claimed
"our positions remained intact"
around the fortified town of Liege.
(The German High Command
claimed capture of Eben, Emael,
strongest fort in the Liege chain com-
manding the crossing of the Albert
Canal and the Meuse River at the
west of Maastrict, 15 miles north of
Liege itself. DNB, official German
news agency, said another Liege fort
fell into German hands yesterday).
Tonight's communique said:
"During the day important enenmy
f,.n.. ii, aar s of nn4A n rennac n m-

office have been requested to call


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