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May 08, 1940 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-08

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Prof. Slosson
Debates YCL
Large Audience Looks On
As E. R. Multila Meetse
Professor Of History r
(Continued from Page 1)a
Russian guns? Yet Finland had not
attacked Russia.
Mr. Multila read a quotation fromt
a text on international law, which t
stated that at times a war of inter-p
vention similar to that of Russia'st
in Finland was at times justifiables
and even desirable. While Professor
Slosson did not reply to this ques-b
tion of international law, he receivedt
assistance from Professor Lawrence
Preuss, of the political science de- t
partment during the question periodr
who stated that only when the situa-1
tion was "overwhelming" and with0
no other alternative was interven-
tion. justifiable.n
The best authority is the majority
of the Finnish people, Mr. Multila C
agreed with Professor Slosson, but, t
he wanted to know, does the Diet, n
which contains the varied elements C
vital to a true democracy, really o
represent the opinion of the major- u
ity of the Finnish people? His con-
tention that it did not was based s
upon his statements that the ques-
tion of war was never brought up
* in the Diet. Had it been brought
up, he continued, it would have split
the army and the country never
wourd have gone to war. It was a
small faction, led by Baron Manner-
heim, who kept the question out of
the Diet, and did not call the Diet m
into session until 11 days after the U
war had started. The Finnish con- v
stitution, he said, does not contain l
the signatures of the people, but o
only the signature of Baron Man- m
nerheim, who, himself, is not a Finn. A
The audience kept the speakers
busy after Mr. Multila had given s
his rebuttal speech (Professor Slos- t:
son had included his rebuttal in his c
original speech), with many ques- G
tions dealing with problems raised b
during the debate. a

Is On Display
For Engineers
W. E. Gadd, sales representative for
an eastern company, is demonstrat-
ing a polaroscope and rolling load
machine this week in the lobby of the
East Engineering Building under the
auspices of the transportation en-
gineering department.
Purpose of the machine is to show
the stress-lines of a rail or bar un-
der a load. A strong light is passed
through the first polaroid screen,
past the bar being studied, and then
through the second polaroid on to the
As steel would not permit the rays
to pass through, small samples of
bakelite or other transparent plas-
tics are used in making the tests.
The stresses on the bar show up on
the screen in waves of color, chiefly
reds and greens. As the pressure-
load is increased, the waves radiate
outward to show the increased stress.
A dark red or purple filter is used to
make these waves more distinct.
Among the samples tested by Mr.
Gadd were cross-sections of different
types of rails, straight bars and
notched bars. The machine showed
clearly that the sharper the corner
of the notch, the more stress present
under pressure.
The machine was developed by re-
search workers at the University of
Illinois within the past two years.
Iathematics Talks
Presented By Artin
Prof. ETmil Artin, head of the
mathematics department at Indiana
University and formerly at the Uni-
versity of Hamburg, will present two'
ectures on "The Fundamental The-j
rem in Galois' Theory" at 4:15 to-
morrow and Thursday in room 3011
Angell Hall.
Prof. Artin, who has been respon-
ible for many fundamental inves-
igations in modern algebra, will dis-
uss the old theory of equations by
-alois as it has been broadened and
rought into the theory of modern

Hitler's J'ar Pen Slhw I2 IMp
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ircuis Offers
For Collegiaiis
Michigan men feeling the urge to
wander and visit the wide open
spaces from Oshkosh to Sacramento
can be almcst certain of having
their desires realized by joining the
circus-and what is more than that,
their chances of getting a job with
the famous Ringling Bros. and Bar-
num & Bailey Circus are very good.
"Our circus," says Henry Ringling
North. vice president, "hires scores
of ecllegians during the summer to
usher. The work is by no means easy,
but the fellows get their room, board
and transportation-and a chance to
see America first.",
As for collegians working as per-
formers in the circus, there is only
one and she was a student at UCLA
in 1938. But with circus winter
quarters nearby, she was unable to
withstand the lure of the sawdust.
Coed Makes Grade
This girl, Betty Petite, had been
(dancing since she was six years old
and when she tried out, was accepted
immediately. Her two years in col-
lege had given her an ambition so
dtrong that she practiced aerial work
between shows. Finally, one day the
ring master told her to go ahead and
her career as an aerial artist began.-
When questioned as to her evalua-
tion of her move, Betty replied that,
she had no regrets and that she
rather liked the work, in fact she
loved it.
Both Yale Men
But when looked at from the ex-
ecutive angle, the circus is over-
flowing with college men. Mr. North
and his brother John Ringling North
are both Yale men, always impecca-
bly. dressed. Yale is represented too
in the Master of the Front Gate, Mr.
McCormack Steel, and in ticket,
taker Lou Woodruff.
denberg, '40, president-treasurer;
Daisy Bihary, '40, vice-president;
and Florence Young, '42, secretary.
Ermelindo Mercado of the romance
languages department is director of
the group.

"The current popular belief in the
United States that Germany and
Italy have sufficient influence over
the Latin American nations to cause
America any serious trouble is a wild
idea based upon imagination and not
upon facts."
This assertion was made by Prof.
Arthur S. Aiton of the history de-
partment in an interview yesterday
discussing the position of Mexico,
Central and South America in the
present European war.
Most of these countries, 'he con-
tinued, are more loyal to the French
and British than to the dictatorships.
"The reasons for this," he explained,
"are that the Latin Americans are
great disciples of French culture and
the fact that the British have become
popular through their honest way of
doing business. Down there they
consider France a second homeland
and the word of an Englishman as
an indisputable truth."
Germany is now attempting to in-
fluence the Latin American coun-
tries in three ways, Professor Aiton
declared. The Nazis send out short
wave broadcasts practically * every
hour of the day, they provide a free
news service and they are establish-
ing schools in all districts which
have a fairly large German popula-
tion, he revealed.
The influence of radio, he pointed
out, is partly counteracted by Ameri-
ca's own short wave stations which
also disseminate propaganda.
"Italy is strongest in Argentina,"
Professor Aiton claimed, "mainly be-
cause of the large numbers of Itali-
ans who have emigrated to that na-
tion. However," he added, "one can-
not say that Italy is either in control
of the Argentine government or that
she could influence it against the
United Sates."
Germany's weakness was demon-
strated in the Brazilian Integralista1
revolution of 1938, Professor Aiton1
continued. The Germans in Brazil,
loyal to that nation in the World
War, virtually told the Nazis that1
they were no longer interested in the
Reich and they had become good'
Brazilians, he asserted.
"The recent German victories inp

Latin America Favors Allies
OVer Dictatorships, Says Aiton

Norway had little or no effect on the
situation, but," he concluded. " f she
were to win the war the tremendous
prestige she would gain plus the fe(tr
which would be instilled into the
Latin American -peoples might com-
bine to make those nations virtual
economics dependencies of the Reich."
Applications Sought
For Men's Dorms
With the reapplication of approx-
imately three-fourths of the men
in University Residence Halls elgi-
ble to return, Prof. Karl Litzenberg
announced that the applications of
all campus men wishing to room in
Residence Halls are now acceptable
at the Office of the Dean of Stu-
Graduate students are not eligible
to live in the Residence Halls, as
well as fraternity members and men
already pledged, according to a rule
made in response to a request of the
Interfraternity Council.
Tapping To Visit Albion
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association, will
attend a dinner meeting today of
the University of Michigan Club of
Albion. He will attend similar alum-
ni functions tomorrow and Friday at
Lansing and Sturgis respectively.
(Continued from Page 4)
cal Engineering Department. De-
tails and expenses for the trip will
be explained there.
All R.O.T.C. Students: Report in
uniform with rifles to your com-
panies on East University at 4:50 p.m.
Thursday, May 9, for a practice par-
ade. This ill take the place of reg-
ular drill this week.





-Awn*-W.6 j

Adolf Hitler, noted for his dramatic surprises, has dispatched
Alpine troops on a difficult 200-mile trek through mountainous areas
in an attempt to aid the besieged Nazi garrison at Narvik, which has
become known as the Norwegian "Alcazar." The troops would go by
foot from Mo (1), northern terminus of both railroad and normal
highway travel. There have been unofficial hints in Berlin that Ger-
mans at Narvik might be ordered to retreat to the Swedish border (2)
and let themselves be interned. Swedish newspapers reported a fleet
of German planes was seen flying northward toward Narvik.

Dr. R. G. Greve Returns
From Hospital Conclave
Dr. Robert G. Greve, assistant di-
rector of University Hospital and
second vice-president of the Mich-
igan Hospital Association, returned
recently from the 11th Annual Tri-
State Hospital Assembly in Chicago.
More than 4,000 delegates attend-
eed the sessions

Sociedad Ispanica
To Elect Officers
Officers for next semester will be
chosen by members of La Sociedad
Hispanica, at their final meeting of
the year at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the
Michigan League. A musical program
and Spanish conversations will also
be held.
Outgoing officers are Robert Van-

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J 4.
MflY 12th

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It is so rarely that we stop
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