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May 03, 1940 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-03

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To Cooperate
In Presenting
Study Course
Entry Into Course Open
Only To Gradautes;
To Present Lectures
Visiting Professors
To Deliver Talks
Seven departments of the literary
college will cooperate to offer a
Graduate Study Program in Amer-
ican Culture and Institutions during
the 1940 Summer Session of the
The course, giving two hours cred-
it, is one of the most outstanding
things ever attempted in a Summer
Session, Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, di-
rector, said yesterday. As a point
of special interest during the pres-
ent international trouble, he con-
tinued, it will concentrate on the
aspects of our own development in-
stead of those of the Far East and
Latin America which were presented
in past years.
Entry to the Program will be open
only to graduate. students who have
the approval of the departmental
heads: economics, Prof. I. L. Sharf-
man; English, Profs. J. L. Davis and
M. L. Williams; geography, Prof. S.
D. Dodge; history, Prof. D. L. Du-
mond; philosophy, Prof. C. B. Vib-
bert; political sciences, Prof. J. S.
Reeves, and sociology, Prof. R. C.
During the opening week of the
Session, students in Course 350, the
official name of the Program, will
meet in seven different sections, each
under the direction of the depart-
mental heads of the Program. This
week of meetings, Professor Hopkins
explained, will serve to prepare
ground work and to determine on
which aspects of the general course
students of particular departments
are to concentrate.
The body of the Program, he con-
tinued, will consist of a series of
lectures open to the public and closed
round table discussion sessions on
five topics, "Regionalism and Na-
tionalism," "Religion and Educa-
tion," "Literature and Art," "Com-
merce and Industry" and "Govern-
ment and Politics."
Each topic will be under consider-
ation one week, featuring three eve-
ning lectures, one afternoon lecture
and an evening round table discus-
sion after the last lecture. In addi-
tion. the departmental heads of the
Program may call spegial sessions of
(Continued on Page 10)
Summ er Session Calendar
June 13-15 Registration in the Law
June 17 Work begins in the Law
June 17-22 Session of the Alumni
June 17 Work begins at Camp Davis.
June 20 Registration begins in the
Horace H. Rackham School of
Graduate Studies.
June 21-22 Registration in all other
Schools and Colleges.
June 24 Work begins in the Division
of Hygiene and Public Health, at

the Biological Station, and in all
Schools and Colleges except in
the Law School.
July 23 Second terim in the Law
School begins-
Aug. 2 Work closes iin the Medical
School (six-week courses), in the
School of Education (six-week
courses), and in the Division of
Hygiene and Public Health.
Aug. 9 Work closes at Camp Davis.
Aug. 16 Sessions ends in the Colleges
of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, of Engineering, of Architec-
t.ure and Design, and of Pharm-
acy, in the Medical School (eight-
week courses), School of Educa-



ere June 24
Advance Curricula
And Special Study

Culture Is Featured

f 7---

An Aerial View Of The University Campus In Summer

Annual Alumni
University Held
For Tenth Year
Our American Democracy
To Be Topic Of Study
For University Grads
The Tenth Alumni University to
be held from June 17 to 22, will open
the activities of the University sum-
mer program with a discussion of the
general topic, "Our American Dem-
Held as a regular school period
for returning alumni, the session in-
cludes a regular series of lectures
and class periods conducted by mem-
bers of the faculty. The University
of Michigan Law Institute and the
Medical School will conduct a series
of lectures June 20 to 22 as a regu-
lar part of the Alumni University
Prominent Lecturers Named
The sub groups under the Alumni
program's general heading, will in-
clude the following subjects and lec-
turers. Prof. Dwight L. Dumond,
of the history department will give
four lectures on "The Texture of
American Society"; Prof. A. W. Brom-
age, of the political science depart-
ment will lecture on "The American
Governmental System"; Prof. Law-
rence Preuss, of the political science
department will carry on discussions
of "America Abroad"; and Dean
Clare E. Griffin, of the business ad-
ministration school will give four lec-
tures on "Industry and Commerce in
Prof. Curtis To Lecture
Under the topic, "Science Today in
America", Prof. Heber D. Curtis of
the astronomy department will give
two lectures on "The Physical Sci-
ences" and Prof. A. Franklin Schull
will speak on the "Natural. Sciences."
Prof. Margaret Elliot Tracy of the
economics department will give four
lectures on "The Problems of Ameri-
can Labor"; Prof. C. M. Davis of the
geology department will carry on
discussions concerning "Aur Coun-
try's Resources"; Prof. W.W.J. Gores
will speak on "America and Its
Homes"; Prof. Joe L. Davis of the
English department will give three
lectures on "The Literature of To-
day"; and Prof. Glenn D. McGeoch
will speak on "American Music."
Under the Law School's program
will be give nthree courses of Lec-
tures. These are to be: "Procedure",
"Recent Federal Legislation," and

Featured In


Heads Summer Session

Above is shown an aerial view of the campus an d surrounding Ann Arbor, looking down from the
South. In the center of the picture can be seen the 1 aw quadrangle, with the buildings of the literary col-
lege beyond, and those of the Medical School and th a engineering college still further northeast.
More Comprehensive List Of Courses
To BBySchool Of Mus

Wider opportunities for cultural
contacts and a more comprehensive
list of courses will be offered at this
year's Summer Session of the School
of Music which marks its eleventh
appearance as a unit of the Universi-
ty, according to Dr. Charles A. Sink,
president of the School of Music.
For the preceding 42 years, courses
in music have been offered by the
University School of Music in a sep-
arate Summer Session. By becom-
ing a part of the regular summer,
curricula, students will enjoy the
additional privilege of electing studies
other than music, Dr. Sink pointed
Scope Is Wide
The scope of instrucuion includes
courses to meet the needs of four
types of students: those who are
candidates for graduate degrees with
concentration in music, M.M. and
A.M.; students in other schools and
colleges of the University who wish
to study music for purely cultural
purposes and who wish to apply cred-
it earned for such study toward the
A.B. or B.S. degree; professional mu-
sicians, supervisors of music in pub-
lic schools and private teachers who
wish to broaden their training in a

specific sub,iect or department whe-
ther or not they are candidates for
graduate or undergraduate degrees;
and others who as special students
wish to "take lessons."
In addition to courses in individual
instruction from elementary to ad-
vanced grades in piano, voice, violin,
violoncello, organ and principal or-
chestral instruments, a diversified
program in musicianship, including
theory, literature, history and anal-
ysis of music is offered. Both ele-
mentary and secondary school in-
struction in music, vocal and instru-
mental is included in the field of mu-
sic education.
Special concerts, lectures, excur-
sions and other forms of entertain-
ment have been arranged as part of
the daily program of the Summer
Session. Each Tuesday at 8:30 p.m.,
faculty concerts, open to the public
without admission charge, will be
given in Hill Auditorium. A small
admission will be charged for a series
of plays which are presented in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under
the auspices of Play Production.
One of the features of this suns-
mer's session will be a three-week
High School Band Clinic which will
meet from July 8 to July 27. Mem-

bership in the Clinic is limited to
high school students, recent gradu-
ates who are interested in music eith-
er as a vocation or avocation and to
instructors and directors of music in
secondary schools. The Clinic has
two purposes, Dr. Sink explained. Pro-
fessional leadership will be offered
high school students and secondary
school instructors and directors will
have the opportunity of observing
the presentation, by practical demon-
stration, of modern methods of' or-
ganizing and teaching music as a
subject of definite educational value.
University Houses Visitors
Students attending the three-week'
' High School Band Clinic will be
housed and boarded under University'
auspices for a nominal fee and all
activities, educational or recreational,
will be taken over by University offi-
cials. Secondary school teachers,
regularly enrolled in the Summer Ses-
sion will not be charged an addition-
al fee for participation in, or obser-
vation of the Clinic. Dr. Sink stated.
Guest faculty for the Summer Ses-
sion are: William Breach, supervisor
of music, Buffalo; Olaf Christian-
sen. choral music. Oberlin; Mr. Roxy
Cowin, assistant suoervisor of music.
Ann Arbor; Nazareno Delaubertis,
orchestra conductor, Kansas City;
Father William Finn, director, Paul-
ist Choristers, New York; Cleo Fox,
director of instrumental music, Kala-
mazoo; Charles Gilbert, Curtis In-
stitute, Philadelphia; Dale Harris,
director of instrumental 'music, Pon-
tiac; Ernst Krenek, composition, Vas-
sar College; Erik Leidzen, band con-
ductor, New York; Clifford P. Lillya,
band instruments, Chicago; Arthur
Poister, organ, Oberlin; Arthur
Schwuchow, clarinet, Aberdeen, S.D.,
and Dr. Frank Simon, director, Arm-
co Band, Middletown, O.
Workshop School
Planned At IDecatir
Under the auspices of the W K.
Kellogg Foundation and Ihe Univer-
sity Summer Session a workshop for
secondary-school teachers will be
provided at Decatur, Micbigan for
work in child development. comm tnu-=
nity problems, and instruction.
As a basis for this work an experi-
mental school of approximately one
hundred high school students will be
organized. The instructional program
will be directed by the teachers who
I enroll in the nroaranm Child growth

Expenses Less
For Summer
Tuition Is $35
Attending the Summer Session will
be a comparatively inexpensive pro-
position, as the cost of tuition in the
various colleges inthe University are
considerably reduced below spring
and fall semester fees.
Residents of the State of Michigan
will pay $35, non-residents $50 to at-
tend the Graduate School, literary
college, College of Engineering, Col-
lege of Pharmacy, College of Archi-
tecture and Design, School of Educa-
tion, School of Business Administra-
tion, School of Music and Public
Health Nursing.
Fifty-five dollars will cover a six or
eight week course for State residents
in the Medical School, whereas non-
residents will pay $90. One five-week
term in the Law School will cost resi-
dents $25, non-residents $40; ten
weeks instruction will amount to $45
and $75 for residents and non-resi-
dents respectively.
The two charges for Wilderness
Park (geography) will be $35 and
(Continued on Page 10)

Many Prominent Visiting
Faculty Members Join
Staff For Summer Term
Lecture Prograis,
Symposia Arranged
Featuring prominent visiting lec-
turers and special programs not avail-
able during the regular University
year in addition to a curriculum of
ordinary studies, the 47th annual
Summer Session of the University
will open June 24.
Offering primarily supplementary
and ordinary courses of the regular
terms, the Session will also carry on
its program a series of institutes and
special, study curricula which will
draw students interested in advanced
and specialized work to Ann Arbor.
All of this, according to Director
Louis A. Hopkins, promises to make
the 1940 Summer Session one of the
most outstanding and recognized ses-
sions of its kinds in the country. En-
rollment is expected to be a great deal
higher than the 6,000 mark, repre-
senting most of the states and several
foreign countries.
Law School Registration June 13
The Session will open in all schools
and colleges of the University except
the Law School June 24 and will end
for most, of them August 16. The
Law School will open June 17 for a
five-week term, holding a second
term July 23 to August 28. Six-week
courses of the Medical School, the
School of Education and the Division
of Hygiene and Public Health will
close Aug. 2.
Law School registration will be held
June 13-15, that of the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies
June 20 and that of all other schools
and colleges of the University June
21 and 22.
The Tenth Alumni University will
be held in the Rackham Building dur-
ing the week immediately following
Commencement, June 17-22, inclu-
sive. Its program will offer 11 courses
featuring 40 lectures by members of
the faculty.
Courses will be offered in the liter-
ary college, the College of Engineer-
ing, the School of Education, the Col-
lege of Pharmacy, the School of Busi-
ness Administration, the music
school, the Medical and Law Schools,
the graduate school and the Division
of Hygiene and Public Health. In
addition work will be given at the Bi-
ological Station, the field stations for
geography, Camp Davis and Camp
Roth of the School of Forestry and
Courses Divided Into Groups
Courses offered are divided into
three groups: those for undergradu-
ates in other colleges or the Univer-
sity; special or technical courses for
teachers, engineers,lawyers and phy-
sicians in practice; graduate courses
designed for students qualified to
enroll for higher degrees.
One of the most outstanding of the
programs and courses offered by the
Summer Session, according to Direc-
tor Hopkins, is the Graduate Pro-
gram in American Culture. Available
to selected graduate students through
seven departments of the literary
college, it will feature five series of
lectures and round tables on related
topics, each lasting one week. In
addition, three weeks will be spent
working on papers and reports. Du-
mas Malone, editor of "The Diction-
ary of American Biography", will
give a series of 14 parallel lectures on
outstanding personalities in Ameri-
can cultural development,
French Club Plans

Summer Activities
Le Cercle Francais, French club for

Cmp Davis Offers Field Work
To University Geology Students

An integral unit in the modern
educational method of giving prac-
tical experience in actual field work
is Camp Davis, the University sum-
mer surveying and geology camp
near Jackson, Wyoming.
Camp Davis, ideally situated both
for a surveying camp and for its
recently acquired function as a base
camp for geology field work, provides
for the surveyor a large variety of
landscape conditions, varying from
the flat valley floor on which the
camp is located to the towering
peaks and steep slopes of the Grand
Teton Range.
The prospective surveyor is here
given an opportunity to gain an
intimate working knowledge of any
possible type of terrain that he might
meet in his future work. Two courses
in instruction and field practice are
offered this year.
The region surrounding Camp
Davis also offers a great variety of
geologic features. But a short dis-

study of the general physiography
and structural geology of the route
traveled will be made. In addition,
the group will stop at various geo-
logic features en route. The Drift-
less Area of Wisconsin, the Bad
Lands of North Dakota, and the
Black Hills uplift are included on the
itinerary. Two research projects and
one regular field project are offered.
Exclusive of these courses Camp Da-
vis and certain equipment are avail-
able for a limited number of inde-
pendent investigators . interested in
the problem of the region.
Pioneering in te establishment
and maintenance of a. camp for
summer field work, the University
organized Camp Davis in 1874 under
the supervision of the late Prof J. B.
Davis. The camp occupied several
sites in Michigan until 1929 when
the University purchased a tract of
land in Jackson's Hole, Wyoming.
The camp site is in the valley of the
Hnoh'k R iver. 75miles south ofI


Biological Station To Be Open
For Summer Zoology Students

Offering a large variety of field
work studies, the University Biologi-
cal Station on the shores of Douglas
Lake in Cheboygan County, Michi-
gan, will open again this June for
students interested in advanced zoo-
logical and botanical field work.
The Biological Station is located
on the University-owned Bogardus
Tract which occupies an area of
more than 3,900 acres between Doug-
las and Burt Lakes, 13 miles south-
west of Cheboygan. This region is
one of transition between the region
of coniferous forests to the north
and the deciduous hardwood forests
to the south, and thus presents types
of vegetation characteristic of both
Swamps and bogs in various stages
of development occupy much of the
low land. Their flora is northern
and includes numerous orchids, the
insect-catching plant and sundew,
and the dwarf mistletoe.
A tract of virgin pine, known as
the Hartwick Pines, located near
Grayling, about seventy miles to the
south, gives an opportunity to the
student to examine such a forest in
its original condition. Especially in-
teresting conditions for ecological
and taxonomic studies are found in
Wilderness Park, bordering Cecil and
Big Stone bays to the west of Mac-
kinaw City. Here. in addition to

rounding the station is well stocked
with aquatic and terrestrial bird and
animal life. Numerous bogs and
swamps located throughout the area
provide a natural habitat for a large
number of species. The sixty-eight
species of fish found in the lakes and
streams are representative of the
fauna- of the Great Lakes region.
Certain species of fish spawn during
July, affording students opportunity
for the examination of breeding be-
havior and embryology.
The study of birds can be carried
on to excellent advantage. During
the period of the summer session
about 175 species of birds have been
The camp itself occupies about 30
acres of level ground and adjoining
hillsides bordering Douglas Lake. The
buildings are arranged in three
areas: a central campus with lab-
oratories and other buildings of gen-
eral use and two residential areas.
The health service unit consists of
a dispensary, hospital and residence
for the physician in charge. Within
the campus are nine laboratory
buildings, an aquarium, insectary, li-
brary shop, club house, and admin-
istration building.
Camp equipment includes launches,
outboard motorboats, rowboats, var-
ious types of nets and seines, trucks,
and a large stock of optical equip-

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