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May 03, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-03

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It's Tag

By Morty-Q.


Day, Folks . .




t 3

. For The
Fresh Air


... Af ,


as Ili p


Editorial Staff

Carl Petersen .
Elliott Maraniss .
Stan M. Swinton
,Marton L. Linder .
Norman A. Schorr . . .
Dennis Flanagan . .
John N. Canavan .
An~n Vicary . .
hil Fineberg . .
Business Staff
Business Manager
Ast. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager



Managing Editor
Editorial Director
*City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor



. Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. Jane Mowers
. Harriet B. Levy

________ N


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writer"
We're Getting
Too Much Navy . .
THE U.S. NAVY last week launched
a new airplane carrier, symbolic of
the war-fear inspired move to make the United
States without an equal on the high seas. The
Senate last week passed an appropriation bill,
63 to 4, providing $963,797,478 for further ex-
pansion. Although it is yet to be determined
factually, observers and experts have said that
Great Britain's losses at sea during the present
war have made our Navy at least equal to if
not bigger than His Majesty's Fleet.
What is the reason for this expansion? Why
must we have the biggest, most modern and
formidable navy in the world? Because, says
Rear Admiral Joseph Knefler Taussig, war with
Japan is an inevitable eventuality, and we must
prepare for that eventuality. For must we not
protect the Philippines? Or the Dutch East
Indies? Somebody must, the navy men say,
and Britain is too busy in European waters to
exercise her traditional protection to the de-
pendencies of small states such as the Nether-
AND, as if the present Navy, plus the new
appropriations, plus the eight battleships,
two aircraft carriers, six light cruisers, 29 de-
stroyers and 14 submarines now abuilding, is
not enough, Admial Harold H. Stark comes forth
asking for more money, more ships.
In other words, Japan is a potential foe-
to the Navy. Therefore, we must prepare to
blow her navy to kingdom come. Well, that's
a fine thing, it will give employment to ever
so many shipyard hands, steel mills will boom,
and maybe even some of the unemployed can
be persuaded to join the Navy. Very simple.
But we don't want war, with Japan or any-
body else. And brandishing the big stick isn't
going to help any. Why do we even have an
Ambassador to Tokyo? His job must indeed
be painful, for it is up to him to placate and
explain as best he can just why the United
States couldn't possibly go to war with Japan.
EMEMBER the late Japanese Ambassador
to the United States, whose remains were
reverently shipped back to his fatherland on
a U.S. destroyer? That event, small as it was,
was heralded in Japanese papers as proof of
the good-feeling between the two countries.
And then remember the polite but grave note
sent Japan by Cordell Hull last week, warning
them against intervention in the Dutch Indies.
This then is the road to war. Preparedness,
notes, overlooking of past friendship, the plot
is familiar.
As patriotic citizens of America, we should,
it is true, be proud of our nation's might at
sea; we should even look with swelling heart
on a Navy big enough to guard both our coasts.
But, as, citizens of a democracy who more than
anything else, desire peace, we should take' case
lest our overbearing attitude at sea does not
trap us into a war. From which we have nothing
to gain and much to lose. It is redundant to
point to the increasing national debt, to the
problem of the unemployed, to the needs of
edueation, of health, when one is talking Navy.
No, our might on the oceans is much, much
more important than the mass of workers on
relief.' which incidentally has been cut and cut
again to make the budget fit the national de-
fehse program.
' iE OUTLOOK is not bright. In a few years,

(Program Notes on Thursday Evening Concert)
THURSDAY night's concert is perhaps the
most interesting of the entire May Fes-
tival for those who seek novelty along with
solid musical fare. It opens with the complete
score for orchestra of Beethoven's incidental
music for Goethe's tragedy, Egmont, complete
with soloists Rosa Tentoni and Richard Hale.
Egmont, the drama, is a heroic early-romantic
piece of work concerned with concepts which
are much disputed today. The action of fate
on the hero, the sad state of the quiescent mul-
titude under a tyranny, the final triumph of
democracy under the wise guidance of the
superman are all involved. Beethoven's music,
Opus 84, composed in 1809 and first performed
in 1810 shows a reflection of the same tendencies
that led to his tearing up the dedication of
the Eroica. Europe was then under the dom-
inance of a ruler whose peculiar powers did
not include a trust in the ability of man to
work out his own destiny. Both Goethe and
Beethoven, Germans to the core remember, put
into this work all the passion of their souls
and the abilities of their tremendous tech-
niques in fervent protest against the final tri-
umph of such a Weltanschaung.
It is unfortunate for the popularity of the
work that it was written as incidental music
to a play and that the various arrangers who
meddled with it after the play was dead had
no real conception of the tone poem. We are
assured that the performance of the Philadel-
phia Orchestra remedies these faults to at great
extent. At any rate hearing the work as an
entirety will be a novel experience for most
of us and quite possibly a rewarding one. Mr.
H'ale is that rarity among singers, an intelligent
actor. We are sure that the performance will
not suffer from his interpretations of the lines
of the hero.
NEXT follows the first performance in these
parts of the young Carolina _composer
Charles Varnell's choral work, The Inimitable
Lovers. Having listened to rehearsals of this
work we can unhesitatingly recommend it as
the finest new American choral work of the
decade. Its frank sentiment, restrained search
after beauty and artistic sincerity should make
it the best moment of the Festival. We wish
we had space to speak about the present ren-
aissance of choral music of which this will form
a conspicuous part, but we must be content
with saying that we are proud Michigan and
its Choral Union are having an opportunity
to aid in this development with this perform-
anie. Miss Tentoni's soprano and Mr. Robert
Weede's baritone both of the Met, but perhaps
better known on the Music Hall and Radio City
stages respectively, will be heard in the solo
passages. The casting of both seems to be
fortuitous but that of Mr. Weede should be
especially excellent as in our memory his voice
quality is ideal for the role.
The second half of the concert brings the
long-awaited local appearance of Dorothy May-
nor, fabulously praised Negro soprano. She will
be heard in Weber's Leise, Leise from Der Frei-
sehutz, in which beauty of tone is the great
requisite together with poise and' ability to sing
a phrase, practically a lost art these days. This
will be followed by Depuis le Jour from Char-
pentier's late romantic opera Louise. This has
long: been a favorite of audieices and sopranos
for reasons which elude us at the moment.
THE CONCERT concludes with a lerformance
of an early tone poem of Sibelius, Legend;
The Homecoming of Lemminkainen, Opus 22.
This is based on the Finnish national legend, the
Kalevala, and differs from the other earlier
Sibelius works (of Finlandia period) only in
degree. This is not to say that it does not
contain the power and imagination which the

Drew PearsoR
Robert S.AllenX
WASHINGTON-The hot battle over the
transfer of the Civil Aeronautics Authority isn't
the only reorganization row on the President's
It hasn't leaked out yet, but Roosevelt kicked
up another in the Navy Department while Sec-
retary Charles Edison was away at the Pacific
naval games.
Edison was painfully surprised when he got
back to his desk, because the reorganization
involves a change he proposed himself but
which FDR stymied. He is also grieved because
hitherto he and Roosevelt always have seen
eye-to-eye on all things naval.
The change involves the shifting of the ar-
mor division from the Ordinance Bureau to
the Bureau of Construction and Repair. Edison
advocated this to prevent any repetition of the
construction scandals of last summer, when it
was discovered that about thirty of the new
destroyers were top-heavy and tended to roll
over in the water.
What happened was that the: Ordinance Bu-
reau had specified a certain thickness of armor
plate, which made the destroyers too heavy
above the water line. The Bureau of Construc-
tion and Repair had charge of building the
vessels, but it passed the buck back to the
Ordinance Bureau for specifying such thick
armor plate.
So all the admirals blamed everyone else,
and the taxpayer was the goat. He had to pay
for 60 tons of lead added to the keel of each
CONVERSATIONS have been taking place in
Tulsa, Oklahoma, with H. L. Phillips, the
oil man, for the purchase of the New York
Yankees. If the deal goes through Jim Farley
will be offered the presidency of the ball club
. ,. .Young Archie Roosevelt, who baited the
Communists at the American Youth Congress,
may become a reporter for the Spokane (Wash.)
Spokesman-Review . . . "Roosevelt Again," third
term campaign booklet authored by Senator
Joe Guffey of Pennsylvania, has run through
two issues totaling 100,000 copies and the pub-
lishers have orders for another 50,000 . . . Since
the Nazi invasion of Scandinavia, Wisconsin's
ambitious GOP Secretary of State Fred Zim-
merman has decided not to run against Gover-
nor "Julius-the-bust" Heil, but to try for the
seat of Senator Bob LaFollette. Bob opposed
the lifting of the arms embargo, and Zimmer-
man figures this will hurt him with the large
Scandinavian population of Wisconsin.
To the Editor:
THINK we have all come to realize that our
hope for peace must express itself in making
our opinion felt in the nation and in the legis-
lative chambers in Washington. Especially must
we let one, FDR, know that his unneutrality
in thought is too quickly becoming unneutrality
in action. In fact we are no longer neutral.

(Mr. Q. has been swamped witha
prospective columnists' offerings late-P
ly, so he had to resort to the hat toP
pick one. The lucky man is Bill New-e
ton and here's what he has to say:}
There has been a great deal ofS
curiosity exhibited recently by stu-
dents as to the meaning of the termm
"off-the-record." A general paucity1
of knowledge as to its significance
seems to be prevalent-and this isV
indeed, a deplorable state of affairs.
"Off-the-record," as any demon
reporter could explain, is a newspa-
per expression of long standing, and
one which is held in high respect.
When anyone, from ditch-digger toA
President Roosevelt, makes no off-
the-record statement to one engageda
in the pursuit of the journalistic art,1
he may be certain that is directly
against the rules and ethics of the
newspaper game to print any part
of that statement. And that goes!I
For instance, there are manyn
cases of editors having off-the-ree-a
ord information in their possessiona
and withholding from publicationC
until the time was ripe-and they
had permission-for its release. At
short time ago, however, a pair ofo
Washington columnists-Drew Pear-o
son and Bob Allen, co-authors of
"The Washington Merry-Go-Round"
--forgot just what off-the-recorda
means. In one of their up-to-the-g
minute flashes they included a littleS
squib about an off-the-record sessionc
with President Roosevelt. Inciden-
tally, they violated another rule of
journalism by quoting the President
directly-and in the same article.
Editorial-writers have growled atu
Pearson and Allen. Newspaper menv
have agreed that the blunder was aC
bad one. All in all, opinion seemsv
to be rather thoroughly against thems
on account of that little slip. All ofa
which is an excellent example of the
importance of the little three-wordc
phrase "off-the-record"-it epito-t
mizes the practical morals of thea
profession that has been so thor-r
oughly and continually abused by'
Messrs. Metro, Goldwyn, Mayer,c
Paramount, United, Artists, Univer-s
sal, Republic, et al. Off-the-recordI
has a meaning, practically as wellP
as theoretically.
* * *
NEWS of the latest developmentsr
among members of the Fourthl
Estate comes via the columns oft
The Detroit Free Press. According
to that worthy and evidently mar-
ketable paper, an old lady in Phil-I
adelphia recently said, "I love Godx
and The Valsetz Star."I
Being an astronomy major and at
star-gazer from way back, we readt
farther, hoping to obtain some hotI
tips on this new Valsetz planet, star,
constellation or comet. It seem.
however, that The Star is a news-
paper. Its circulation, moreover,
reaches about every little corner ofe
the United States and its possessions.
Just where Valetz. "a town of
200 families sprawled about a lum-
ber mill," is located, is difficult to
ascertain. But it was learned that{
its editor, 11-year-old Dorothy Anne
Hobson, boasting three years of
journalistic experience, issued a one,
page mimeographed sheet once every
month-yes, and if she keeps up the1
good work, it is fairly certain she
will make the women's staff of The
Daily if she tries out for it if she1
wants to if she comes to the Univer-
The scope of the coverage of The
Star is amazing: everything from
Hitler to college students is given1
space in the paper. Its columns re-
ported that "Germany swallowed,
Czechoslovakia. Italy swallowed Al-
bania and everybody in the United,
States is swallowing goldfish-it's
Then when Europe's men of steel
began kicking one another in the
pants The Star commented: "Every-

body in Valsetz talks about war.
Daddy thought maybe he could go
to war again and for two weeks
he didn't eat any bread or potatoes
and his stomach is the same size
as ever." Too bad-poor Daddy's
uniform won't fit.
The society coverage of The Star
is excellent. Witness its account of
Valsetz's first formal dance last
year: ". . . there were bare shoulders
and gold slippers and high hair and
low hair and gardenias and perfume
and gum. Heels and toes and backs
were out. It was swell."
* *. *
LATEST flash from the "wanted-
reward" front indicates that one
million dollars ($1,000,000-count
'em-$1,000,000) will be paid by a
group of Americans for the person
of Adolf Hitler, "unwounded and un-
What we can't figure out is why
the offer has to be qualified-and,
besides. there are lots of guys who'd
gladly go to work on little 'Dolfie
for nothing at all.
- Bill Newton
tunity. Many have already taken
advantage of this means to carry out

(Continued from Page 2) y
mitted with the call to the meeting: w
a. Executive Committee, Professor t
P. S. Welch. b. University Council, i
Professor 0. S. Duffendack. c. Ex- n
ecutive Board of the Graduate s
School, Professor E. F. Barker. d. C
Senate Advisory Committee on Uni- s
versity Affairs, Professor C. F. Re- 2
mer. e. Deans' Conference, Dean E.
H. Kraus.
3. Teacher education, Professor J. n
W. Bradshaw. h
4. Evaluation of faculty services.L
5. New business. a
First Mortgage Loans: The Uni-a
versity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest$
at current rates. F.H.A. terms avail-
able. Apply Investment Office, Room$
100, South Wing, University Hall.
Attention Seniors: Senior Com-
mencement Booklets and Announce-a
ments are now on sale in. all colleges n
and schools of the University. Seniors t
are urged to cooperate with their
class committees by placing their or-
ders without delay. Information as
to time and place of sale should be
on the bulletin boards in the vari-
ous departments.-
Students wishing to apply for I
admission to the Degree Pro-a
gram for Honors in Liberal Arts in
September, 1940, must make appli-
cation at 1208 Angell Hall this week.
L. S. WoodburneV
School of Education Convocation:
The fifth annual Convocation of
undergraduate and graduate students
who are candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate during the academic yeart
will be held in the Lydia Mendels-t
sohn Theatre on Tuesday, May 7,1
at 4:15 o'clock. This Convocation
is sponsored by the School of Edu-
cation; and members of other facul-
ties, students, and the general public
are cordially invited. It is urged, but1
not required, that candidates for theI
Teacher's Certificate wear academic
costume. President Ruthven will pre-1
side at the Convocation and Dean
Harold Benjamin of the University of1
Maryland will give the address. I
Faculty, School of Education: The
regular luncheon meeting of the fac-+
ulty will be held Monday noon, May1
6, at the Michigan Union.
Doctoral Examination of Kathleen
Louise Hussey will be held at 4:00
p.m., today in 3089 NS. Miss
Hussey's department ofspecializa-
tion is Zoology. The title of her
thesis is "Comparative Embryological
Development of the Excretory Sys-'
tem in Digenetic Trematodes." '
Dr. G. R. La Rue, as chairman of
the committee, will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examina-
tion and to grant permission to oth-
ers who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination of John Dav-
id Black will be held at 1:00 p.m.,
today in 1039 Museum Building.
Mr. Black's department of specializa-
tion is Zoology. The title of his
thesis is "The Distribution of the
Fishes of Arkansas."
Professor C. L. Hubbs, as chairman
of the committee, will conduct the
examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privelege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examina-
tion and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination of Sidney
Robert Safir will be held at 2:00 p.m.,

today in 309 Chemistry Building.
Mr. Safir's department of specializa-
tion is Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
The title of his thesis is "Arsonium
Dr. F. F. Blicke, as chairman of
the committee, will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and
to grant permission to others who,
might wish to be present
C. S. Yoakum
Commencement Announcements
may be ordered through Friday, May
10, at a table outside of Room 4, UH.
Hours: 9-12, 1:30-3 daily. Please
bring amount to cover purchase. An-
nouncements will be available about
June 1.
Summer Employment: The Bureau
of Appointments has received 'a call
for young men holding U.S. Commer-
cial Radiotelegraph Operator License,
either First or Second Class, and in-
terested in summer work from about
June 5 to September 10. Ability to
operate typewriter and facility with
English are also essential. For fur-

ears. This information is sent chief-
y for the benefit of undergraduates
ho may be interested in preparing
hemselves for the government serv-
ce. Anyone interested may read the
naterial in the office of the Univer-
ity Bureau of Appointments and
Jccupational Information, 201 Ma-
on Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and
The University Bureau of Appoint-
nents and Occupational Information
ias received notice of the following
UNITED STATES Civil Service ex-
iminations. The last date for filing
pplication is noted in each case:
Under Fish Culturist, salary $1,260,
AMay 27.
Senior Mussel Culturist, salary
2,000, May 27.
Cadet Training Instructor, salary
$3,800, May 27.
Associate Cadet Training Instruc-
or, salary $3,200, May 27.
Complete announcements on file
t the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
ion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours:
9-12 and 2-4.
Academic Notices
Education D99, Saturday, May 4,
will include discussion of Managing
Extracurricular Finances by Mr.
Lawrence Vredevoogd, and Coaching
and Managing Athletic Activities by
Mr. Frederick East.
Playwriting (English 150 and 298)
will not meet Tuesday, May 7.
An Exhibit of the Art of Eastern
Asia, under the auspices of the Insti-
tute of Fine Arts on the occasion of
the opening of new quarters for Far
Eastern Art in Alumni Memorial
Hall, through Friday, May 3 (2 to 5
p.m. only).
Retrospective exhibits of the etch-
ings and drawings of Dr. Warren P.
Lombard, and the paintings of Hor-
atio W. Shaw, until May 3, West Gal-
lery, Alumni Memorial Hall, 2-5, every
day, including Sundays. Auspices
University Institute of Fine Arts and
Ann Arbor Art Association.
An exhibition of the H. A. Elsberg
collection of coptic and islamic tex-
tiles of the University of Michigan.
Rackham Building, May 7 to May 18.
2-5 daily.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Photographs of recent
architectural work in Florida in the
modern manner, byiArc itects Igor
B. Polevitzky and T. Trip Russell.
Ground floor corridor cases. Open
daily 9 to 5, through May 22, except
Sunday. The public is invited.
Exhibition, College of Architeture
and Design: Drawings of candidates
in the recent competition for the
George G. Booth Travelling Fellow-
ship in Architecture. Third floor ex-
hibition room. Open daily 9 to 5
except Sunday, through May 18. The
public is invited.
Today's Events
The Student Social Work Club of
the Institute of Public and Social
Administration, 40 East Ferry Street,
Detroit, Michigan, has called a meet-
ing for tonight at 7:00 to be held in
Room A at the Institute.
The purpose of this meeting is to
give the students a better under-
standing of the plans and programs
of the National Conference of Social
Work to be held at Grand Rapids,
Michigan, May 26-June 1. Members
of the faculty will present briefly
various phases of the Conference pro-
gram. Any questions pertaining to
the Conference' may be raised for
discussion at this meeting.

Tryouts for all those interested in
Cheer Leading, report to Art Treut,
North Entrance, Yost Field House at
5:00 p.m. today.
The Cercle Francais will present
"Les Jours Heureux" by Claude-An-
dre Puget at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre today.
Graduate Dance tonight from 9:00
to 12:00 at the Rackham Building.
Graduate students and faculty are
Ann Arbor Independents: There
will be a "coke" social for all Ann
Arbor Independent girls today at 3:00
p.m. in the League Grill.
University Girls' Glee Club: Re-
hearsal today at 3:00 in Game Room
of League; rehearsal Saturday, May
4, at 1:00 p.m. at Methodist Church.
Stalker Hall: Bible Class at Stalker
Hall at 7:30 tonight.
Stalker Hall: Hike and Wiener
Roast at the Island tonight. We
will leave Stalker Hall at 9 p.m.
For reservation call 6881 before Fri-
day noon. Small charge. All Meth-


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