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February 20, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-20

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Cloudy, with little temperature


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The Man Without
A Bank Account . .

VOL. I. No. 99 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEB. 20, 1940


Norway Supports
German Position
In Altmark Clash

Claims English Violation
Of Neutral Rights; May
Take Case Before League
Proposal For Appeal
To Roosevelt Made
OSLO, Feb. 19.-(/)-Accusing the
British Government of acting in
"open conflict with principles which
it has itself so often proclaimed,"
Norway served notice tonight she
might put Britain on trial by taking
the Altmark case before the League
of Nations "or some other tribunal."
The indication of this jittery neu-
tral's course in the controversy aris-
ing from the rescue of 300 British
prisoners from the German ship Alt-
mark was given by Foreign Minister
Halvdan Koht at a special session of
the Storting.
His reference to "some other tri-
bunal" raised interesting speculation
in view of a suggestion in the Oslo
"shipping times" that President
Roosevelt be asked to head an in-
vestigation commission.
In a long review of the case, Koht
said the Altmark was a state vessel
and admitted she was armed with
anti-aircraft guns but was perfectly
within her rights to go through Nor-
wegian waters.
The only illegal action of the Ger-
man vessel, he said, was the use of
her wireless in territorial limits and
this was discontinued after Norwe-
gian authorities told the captain of
the infringement. He denied British
assertions the Altmark had been
searched at Bergen. The British have
asserted the search was not thorough
Strain Between Norway
And Germany Lessened
BERLIN, Feb. 19.-M-)-Diplomatic
tension between Germany and Nor-
way eased decidedly tonight. There
was evidence that Foreign Office
correspondence over the British at-
tack on the Nazi ship Altmark was
being dictated by kindlier hands.
Norway's indignation over the
British naval invasion of her neu-
tral waters was stressed by author-
ized sources in the Foreign Office.
The strong tenor of Oslo's demand
for return of the British seamen freed
from the Altmark and for full com-
pensation was said to have impressed
Moreover, there was an apprecia-
tion of the fact that the small Nor-
wegian warship accompanying the
Altmark was no match for the Cos-
sack, fleet 1,870-ton British destroyer
that engaged in hand-to-hand com-
bat with the Altmark Friday night
in Gjossingf jord.
Britain Acknowledges
Loss Of Destroyer 'Daring'
LONDON, Feb. 19.-()-Britain
today acknowledged loss by torpedo
of the destroyer Daring with 157
men, but kept up a triumphal chorus
praising the swashbuckling rescue of
British prisoners from the German*
prisonship Altmark in defiance of
Norwegian neutrality.
Sixth destroyer lost bytBritain in
the war, the Daring was the 28th of
Great Britain's naval craft to go
down in the intensifying warfare on
the sea. Fourteen losses of the Brit-
ish fleet were capital ships, destroy-
ers or submarines.
While Britain cheered the action
of her naval forces in the Altmark
episode, neutrals on the fringe of
the westernhwar weighed the impli-
cations of the precedent set by the
British destroyer Cossack's invasion
of Norwegian waters. Great Britain
termed the affair a move of urgent
naval necessity.

Gustaf Regrets Not
Being Able To Aid Finns
STOCKHOLM, Feb. 9.-(R'P)-King
Gustaf of Sweden told his people to-
day that much as he regretted it,
the Swedish government had no al-
ternative but to turn down Finland's
request fpr direct military aid.
His declaration said that if Sweden
gave Finland outright military as-
sistance in her fight with Soviet
Russia the country certainly would'
t~.r ncr i-F~ rr ... rn.fSana_

'Julius Caesar'
To Have Cast
Of 60 Players
More than 60 players will act in
Play Production's newest presenta-
tion, "Julius Caesar," Prof. Valentine
B. Windt, director of the group, an-
nounced yesterday. The play will be
given at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow through
Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, with a matinee at 2:30 p.m.
Caesar himself will be played by
Duane Nelson, Grad.; John Jensen,
'40, will take the part of Brutus;
Norman Oxhandler, '40, will play
Cassius; and Arthur Klein, Grad.,
will portray Mark Antony.
Supporting these four will be John
Schwarzwalder, Graid., as Casca;
John T. Gelder, '40, as Decius Bru-
tus; William duBois, '40, as Metullus
Cimba; Sheldon H. Finklestein, '42,
as Cinna, the poet; and Rowland O.
Barber, '41, as the soothsayer. Cal-
purnia will be played by three dif-
ferent girls, while two will share the
role of Portia.
Professor Windt emphasized, how-
ever, that the mob, in "Julius Cae-
sar," is fully as important as any in-
dividual character. The treatment
of mob psychology is one of the most
important phases of the play, he
In this connection, he added that
10 of the 30 actors in the mob scene
will be women; "they make good
gangsters!" he laughed.
Special musical accompanimen
for the playhasibeen composed and
arranged on trumpets and drums
by Alfred S. Burt, '42SM.
Tickets for "Julius Caesar can be
secured at the Lydia Mendelssohn
ticket office, now open in the League.
Earl Long Calls
National Guard
Expects Violence To Flarej
In Louisiana Primary
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 19. -(A)-
Thirty-five hundred National Guards-
men stood to their arms tonight amid
mounting fear that bloodshed will
underscore Louisiana's verdict on thej
Huey Long machine in tomorrow'st
runoff primary for the Governorship.
Gov. Earl K. Long mobilized the
soldiers today and said they would be
used against the poll watching "Jack-
son Brigade" if that organization of
World War veterans "starts trouble"
-trouble he predicted would flare in
New Orleans.
The brother of the slain Huey seeks
the Democratic nomination-equiva-
lent to election-against "reform"1
candidate Sam Houston Jones, whoI
is striving to drive from power the2
last remnants of the organization un-3
beaten since "the Kingfish" first
shaped it in 1928.
A half million voters are expected
to choose between Jones and Long.G
Although each side predicted victoryg
for itself, both acknowledged the racet
might be close.a

Technic Says
Study Rooms
Editorial In Current Issue
Cites Research Charging
LightingHalf Standard
Claims Facultymen
Aware Of Situation
Lighting equipment in some of the
University study halls is so poor that
a single match held a few inches away
in a dark room would give better
illumination than present facilities
provide, according to an editorial in
the current issue of the Michigan
Technic, engineering college publi-
Even in the best conditions-and
that means a clear, bright afternoon
-the illumination in each of the three
engineering school libraries is about
"one-half the minimum required for
safe studying," the Technic charged.
J. Anderson Ashburn, '40E, of Win-
ston-Salem, N.C., is editor of the
magazine. The editorial was un-
signed. The conclusions, the Technic
said, were reached after some re-
search work.
Lab Light Deficient
At night the light in the engineer-
ing laboratories is about one quarter
of the "absolute minimum," and on
cloudy days it is about one third "of
what it should be," the Technic said.
"The worst single case of lighting
encountered in the collge," the article
continues, "is that of the balances in
the gas and fuel analysis laboratory.
Here, at mid-afternoon of a sunny
day and with all the lights burning,
the illumination falling upon the fine-
ly marked scales is only one twenty-
fifth of the minimum for such cir-
"The lighting would have been the
same if a single match had been held
several inches from the scale in a
totally dark room."
'Irreparable Harm To Students'
Members of the faculty are aware
of the situation, the Technic claims,
and they realize that poor lighting
conditions are doing "irreparable
harm" to the vision of students and
professors in the college of engineer
According to the studies 'of the
Technic, proper illumination can be
obtained by quadrupling the present
wattages, which would cause power
costs to soar and would necessitate
the installation of large cables.
Another solution which the editor-
ial advocates is to install fluorescent
lighting-a system by which the same
illumination can be obtained from
one-third the amperage. Fuorcent
lighting is now in use in the blue-'
print room.
"But the joker in the pack," the
Technic points out, "is that while
fluorescent tubes themselves are
cheap and the cost of operation is no
more than with present facilities, the
initial installation for fixtures is very
ASU Peace Commission
To Meet Today In Union
The Peace Commission of the local
chapter of the American Student
Union will meet at 5 p.m. today in the
Union, Hugo Reichard, Grad., chair-
man of the commission announced
Inviting all interested students to
attend, Reichard said that the agenda
will consist of discussion centered
around American loans' to belligerent
governments; the literature issued by

the "Yanks Are Not Coming Com-
nittee"; and coming peace meetings.

Leaves Coachig Post

Union To Hold
Smoker Today
On Activities
Campus Heads To Speak
On Extracurricular Work
In ManyCampus Fields
The third annual Activities Smok-
er, conducted under the auspices of
the Michigan Union, will introduce
eligible and interested men to the
extracurricular activities of the
University when it opens at 8 p.m. to-
day in the main ballroom of the
Under the administration of
Charles Kerner, '41E, of the Union
staff, the smoker will present many
of the campus activities and their
personnel in the form of speaker and
exhibitions. Tentatively, Ted Spang-
ler, '40, will act as master of cere-
monies. Under his guidance, numer-
ous informal talks will be made on
the various phases of extracurricular
James Neilson, '40Arch, will speak
for the Daily business staff, Don
Treadwell, '40, for the Union, and
Richard Waterman, '40, for the
Michiganensian, campus yearbook,
the Daily men's editorial staff will
also be represented. The Gargoyle,
humor publication will present no
speaker, nor will the Michigan Tech-
nic, engineering school magazine, nor
Congress, independent men's organ-
ization. The Student Religious As-
sociation will be represented by Wil-
liam Muehl, '41, and Sigma Rho
Tau, engineering speach society, by
Wade Flaherty, '40E. The American
Student Union and Alpha Phi Omega,
a scout group will present exhibits
as will the Institute of Aeronautical
Sciences, but neither will have a
The Union Opera will be adver-
tised by its head, Robert Mix, '40.
The Society of Automotive Engineers,
the Transportation Club, and the
Glider Club will all have exhibits.
All the organizations listed will main-
tain booths whether they have speak-
ers or not. These booths will provide
an opportunity for interested candi-
dates for that activity to ask ques-
tions and examine the sort of work
Prof. Moore
Elections For Republican
Nominees Are Held
Voting in the city's primary elec-
tion yesterday resulted in the nomi-
nation of one member of the Univer-
sity's faculty for alderman in the
sixth ward and the wife of another
faculty member for supervisor in the
seventh ward.
Prof. Arthur D. Moore of the engi-
neering school emerged victorious
over Leland T. Strickland in the sixth
ward aldermanic nomination race by
a margin of 93 votes, polling 158 to
Strickland's 65. Mrs. Jessie E. Coller,
wife of Prof. Frederick A. Coller of the
medical school gained the nomination
for seventh ward supervisor, James
N. Galbraith of the Building and
Grouncs department polling 361 votes
to Mrs. Coller's 408.
The total primary vote was 1,679.
All contests were for Repubulican
In the second ward, incumbent
Floyd D. Elsifor gained 238 votes to
George O. Ross's 147 for the nomina-
tion to the office of alderman. In-

I rjmh~t NphcerfT.L- Kenett--n*11wp-dI

Eastern Job
Is Accepted
Rumored Deanship Lures
Youthful End Coach;
Reporter Informed
Came To Michigan
With Fritz Crisler
Campbell Dickson, Michigan's end
coach, will resign his positionto ac-
cept an offer of a deanship in an
eastern school, it was learned by
The Daily yesterday.
Head basketball coach Bennie
Oosterbaan will assume end coach-
ing duties, a position he held under
Harry Kipke. He will also continue
as basketball coach. It is believed
that a new man will be added to the
staff to act as an aid in football, bas-
ketball and baseball.
Dickson, tall, scholarly, bespec-
tacled, is a lawyer by profession and
has written numerous short stories.
He came to Michigan in 1938 with
Head Coach Herbert O. (Fritz) Cris-
ler, with whom he served at Prince-
ton since 1932, as end coach, later
being named head basketball coach
for the Tigers.
When contacted by The Daily last
night for a statement Crisler said he
has heard nothing definite from
Dickson and, as far as he knew, there
was no formal resignation. He said
Dickson had had an offer from an
eastern school last year but refused
and had received the same offer this
year. He said he has known for the
last six weeks that Dickson was seri-
ously considering it. Crisler refused
to divulge the name of the school or
the position, saying it was a confi-
Dickson also served in the capacity
of head scout and it is in this de-
partment that he will be most sorely
missed for he is said to be one of
the shrewdest scouts in the business.
He graduated from the University
of Chicago in 1924 where he com-
piled a brilliant athletic career. He
played end in football (as a team-
mate of Crisler), high jumped in
track, and starred in basketball, serv-
ing as captain in his last year. He
received the Conference medal for
athletic scholastic proficiency. Upon
(Continued on Page 3)
Dr. Steindorff
To Speak Here:
Will Lecture On Fetishes
And Gods In Egypt
World-Famed Egyptologist Dr.
George Steindorff will come to Ann
Arbor and lecture on "From Fetishes
to Gods in Egypt" at 4:15 p.m. to-
morrow in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building.
The talk is a University lecture,
sponsored by the Oriental languages
Dr. Steindorff is recognized as one
of the founders of Modern Egyptol-
ogy; and his research along with the
late Prof. Adolf Erman is considered;
fundamental in the revelation of the
wonder of ancient Egypt. To Dr.
Steindorff and Professor Erman,
moreover, authorities attribute the
credit for the donation to the world
of the first scientific knowledge of
the Egyptian language.
Dr. Steindorff is also a well-known

writer on Egyptian history, religion
and archaeology; and his contribu-
tions to "Baedeker's Egypt," his trav-
els in the Libyan Desert and in Nu-
bia, his excavations at Gizeh near
the Pyramids and other excavations
throughout Egypt and Nubia have;
won him fame.

Purdue Outroughs
Wolverines 25-17
Before 5,600 Fans

Natators Meet
MSC Tonight
In Lansing Tilt
Matt Mann's point-a-minute mer-
men travel 50 miles to East Lansing
tonight for the next thing to an ex-
hibition, a swimming meet with Rus-
sell "Jake" Daubert's weak Michigan
State aggregation.
Easily victorious in five straight
dual meets so far this year, the power-
ful Wolverines will find little trouble
adding their sixth victim to the list
tonight. In the past 14 years of
Michigan State-Michigan swimming
competition, the Spartans have man-
aged to win but one event, the cen-
tury free style race back in 1935.
Last year Mann gave the State
team a gift second by entering only
one swimmer in the century, but his
swimmers went on to grand slam ev-
ery other possible point for a 67-17
After hanging up the worst record |
in his 12 year history with the Spar- ,
tans, Coach Daubert started this sea-
son off with two easy wins over Ohio
Wesleyan and Purdue. But then came,
Leo Maas' amazing Wayne crew and
the State team went down to their
first defeat, 56-19.
Tonight the Spartans will fall
(Continued on Page 3)
Staff Formed,
Editors Reveal
Deadline For Manuscriptsj
For Use In Next Issue
Announced As March 71
The newly reorganized student
staff of Perspectives, campus literary
magazine, was announced yesterday
by Harvey Swados, '40, and Jamest
Allen, '40, co-editors.
At the same time the editors also
set March 7 as the deadline for sub-
mission of manuscripts for the next
issue of the magazine. Contributions1
may be left at the English or en-
gineering English offices or at the
Publications Building.{
Members of the essay staff undert
the editorship of David Spengler, '40,'
are: William Hynes, '41, Louis
Deutsch, '40BAd; Veitch Purdom,
'42; Hartley Goldstein, '41; Betty
Whitehead, '42; Doris Nashold, '42;
John Ragsdale, '42; Richard M. Lud-
wig, '42; Mary McConkey, '41; John
Schwarzwalder, Grad., and Mary
McConkey, '41; John Schwarzwalder,
Grad., and Mary Knobloch, '40Ed.
Included on the poetry staff of1
James Green, '40 are: Margaret
Sutherland, Jean Jay Livingston, '41
and Alvin L. Ureles, '43.
Hervie Haufler, '41, head the fic-
tion staff of: Shirley Wallace, '42;
Jay McCormick, '41; Frances Pyle,
'41; Marian Phillips, '42; Janet Hiatt,
'42; Marion Cowing, '41; Marian
Bale, '41; William J. Rosenberg, '41;
Emile Gele, '42; Joseph Walker, '42
and Henry R. Clauser, '40.
Aiding Seymour Pardell, publica-
tions manager, is J. Paul Smith, '41.
The faculty advisory board of the
magazine includes: Prof. Arno L.
Bader, Prof. J. L. Davis, Mr. Herbert
Weisinger, Mr. Wallace A. Bacon
and Mr. Howard Whalen. Art Direct-
or is Lucy Anne Kirkpatrick, '40A.

In Yost

Field I


Boilermakers Retain
Big TenLeadership
Michigan's high-strung cagers had
a severe case of the jitters, consid-
erable difficulty in making free
hrows and an altogether miserable
evening last night as they fell be-
fore a title-bound Purdue quintet,
The main difference between two
teams that tried their utmost to
make the other look good by com-
parison was the fact that the Wol-
verines succeeded on only three of
seventeen free throws while Purdue
sank seven out of ten. Outside of
this, however, there was little to
choose between the two; both clubs
were equally successful in dropping
passes, throwing the ball away and
missing shots.
Michigan Has Good Defense
The Wolverines, by dint of some
excellent defense work and the happy
coincidence of the inability of Pur-
due marksmen to connect, managed
to hold the high-scoring Boilermak-
ers to their lowest score of the sea-
son, their previous nadir having been
36 points against Indiana.
But the league-leaders didn't head
nuch of an offense to wind up on the
long end of the score. Capt. Jim Rae,
a fine player having his worst night
of the year, and Charley Pink led
the Wolverine offense with five points
apiece while Herb Brogan gathered
three and George Ruehle and Dave
Wood brought up the rear with a
basket each
Game Is Full Of Thrills
What the game lacked in scoring
and basketball technique it made up
in spills, thrills and rough-house
tactics. The Boilermakers were tak-
ing no chances on losing this game
to the underdog Wolverines and at
times their efforts to recover loose
balls looked like a gymnastic ex-
hibition. twenty-seven fouls were
called by the officials who caught the
comic spirit of the whole affair;
when flagrant violations were being
made, they always seemed to be
counting the gate, while at other
times they had jumpitis of the
The Wolverines managed to jump
off into an early lead and at the
end of eight minutes were ahead, 8-3.
After Purdue's captain Fred Beretta
sank a free throw, Rae scored on a
fast break and then a minute later
tipped in his second basket within
a minute. Pink then converted on a
free throw and the 5,600 fans had
visions of an upset. Don Blanken put
a temporary halt to these dreams by
taking a misdirected tip-off in Mich-
gan territory and breaking down t
the court to score.
Ruehle tipped in a mal-aimed Bro-
gan free throw and then Brogan ac-
tually converted a foul to make it
(Continued on Page 3)
Fire Protection
Made Available
Congress Offers Low Cost
Insurance Plan
With promises of renewed cold
weather in the offing, Congress offi-
cials urged students living in private
rooming houses to take immediate
advantage of their low-cost personal
belongings fire insurance. William
Rockwell, '41, of Congress pointed out
that students suffered large losses in
a fire yesterday morning in a room-
ing house at 610 S. Forest Ave.
Ann Arbor firemen, commenting on
the fire, said it was caused by defec-
tive wiring. Rockwell pointed out
that, although regularly inspected,
local rooming houses are mostly of
ancient vintage and fire is a real

hazard. Policies at one-sixth the cost
of previously available insurance, are
being offered to students by Congress
on a non-profit basis, Rockwell said.
Student interviewers are meeting
from 3 to 5 p.m. daily in Congress'
offices in the Union to answer qlues-

Inquiring Reporter Discovers
New Marching Song Makes Hit

"Hail Michigan" evidently has
"gone across!" The plaudits which
greeted it last night at the Michigan-
Purdue basketball game, as well as
the opinions of fans interviewed there
by a Daily reporter, indicate that
Claudius G. Pendill's new Michigan
marching song is worthy of a place
beside "The Victors," "Varsity," and
other Michigan "immortals."
No two of the eight views expressed
were the same. Some even voiced cer-
tain criticisms. But all were agreed
that "Hail Michigan" will "make a
hit" with the campus.
The Question: What is your opinion
about "Hail Michigan," new Michigan
rniarrhivio cnngO

John Hildinger, '42E: It's a swell
song. Seems to me, though, that I've
heard that tune somewhere before.
Anyway, the students seem to like it.
George Marshall, '40E: Doesn't
seem to me like another "Victors," but
it's sure a good song. It sounds better
each time I hear it. The words have
a lot of swell spirit.
Daniel Perlnan, '41: "Hail Michi-
gan" has lots more vim and pep than
even "The Victors." It's a great tune.
Sounds a bit like a Northwestern
marching song, though.
Virginia Haire, '40: It has a very
pretty melody, and the words certain-
ly fit in well. It looks like "Hail Mich-
igan" will develop into as popular a

Magic And Deception Feature
Scientist's Lecture Tomorrow

Master magician and master scien-
tist, doctor of the occult sciences and
doctor of medicine: these are the
titles of Dr. Francis G. Benedict,
former director of the Nutrition
Laboratory of the Carnegie Institu-
tion in Boston, booked to give a
University lecture at 4:15 p.m. to-
morrow in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building.

the importance of repeated experi-
ments and above all the false se-
curity placed in so-called "controls,"
Dr. Benedict maintains his lecture
is educational.
To use his words, he says "It is a
challenge to all those engaged in
advance study or research, or indeed
to the college undergraduate who
must learn the 'prime importance of
distinguishing not simply essentials
frnm nnnQC 1'nt 1 c Nit + ha t+rip

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