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May 01, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-01

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'Miami Triad' Dance To Be Revived Here Saturday At



Pharmacy Ball
To Have Music
By Ray Gorrell
Decorations Will Feature
Vharnacists' Symbols
And Reflected Colors
Pharmacists' symbols and the re-
flection of colored lights will be feat-
ured in the decorations for Apothe-
caries' Ball which will be held from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday at the League
To carry out the theme of the
dance, which is "Pharmacy," large
colored 'jars which are associated
with the profession will be placed onj
either .ide of the band stand. Fur-
ther carrying out the theme will be
a huge mortar and pestle in silver
which will be located on the balcony
at the opposite end from the orches-
TQ Use Colored Spotlights
In the center of the Ballroom will
be hung a ball of colored mirrors
which will reflect the colored spot-
lights, playing upon it. The reflec-
tion of colored lights will also be
seen from the mortar and pestle.
Ray Gorrell and his band, featur-
ing Lee DeBain and Charles Ferrell
as' vocalists, will play for the Ball.
Pharmacists Sponsor Dance
Added to the list of local pharma-
cists sponsoring the dance is Mr. 0.
A. Eberbach, it was announced by
William Austin, '40P, general chair-
man of the Ball. Others on the list
include Mr. Nick Miller, Mr. Byron
W. Swift, Mr. D. H. Edison, Mr. R.
C. Bliss, and Mr. Theodore Schos-
tak .
Tickets for the ball may be obtained
from central committeemen, any
member of the Pharmacy School or at
the main desk of the Union and
League. They are also being sold at
the Miller Drug Store and the Robert
L. Gach Co., Austin said. The dance
is open to students of all colleges of
the University.

'o Play

Here Saturday

Leroy Smith
Mimes .Models
To Be Shown
.insyle Sh ow
In addition to the 33 women who
will model clothes at the second an-
nual spring style show to be held at
4 p.m. Friday in the Michigan The-
atre, Jack Reed, '40, and Robert Ti-
tus, '42, from the cast of "Four Out
of Five", will be included in the show.
In the Mimes production, Reed
carried the feminine lead as Kate,
the sweet blond coed, who almost lost
her college man to Hedy LaTour. In
a brief tableau, Titus, who also had
a chorus part, portrayed Cleopatra,
dressed in an exotic white robe.
As a part of the entertainment at
the style show, Reed and Titus will
attempt to show the women how to
model clothes. Annabel Van Winkle,
'41, feminine lead in "Hi-Falutin!"
will sing; and Mrs. Roosevelt will
make an appearance in the person
of Jack Silcott, '40. '
"Vanity Affair", as the show is en-
titled, will be carried out in the idea
of a country club terrace. Bill Gail's
orchestra will supply the music for
the show. This is the third style show,
which has been sponsored by the
Michigan Daily within the last two

Leroy Smith's
Band Will Play
At Spring Ball
Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi'
Phi Delta Theta To Give
Formual Affair Jointly
Greek-letter organizations will add
another memory-crammed chapter
to the section on revived traditions
when, for the first time in ten years,
Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta,
and Sigma Chi will attempt to re-
capture the spirit of the famed
"Miami Triad" by holding a joint
spring formal from 9 p.m. to mid-
night Saturday in the Union ball-
The original "Miami Triad" had
its beginnings at Miami University
in Oxford, 0., where Beta Theta Pi
established its chapter in 1839, Phi
Delta Theta, in 1848 and Sigma Chi,
in 1855. The organization spread
through the West and South and
became so outstanding that "Miami
Triad" dances on many campuses
became one of the major events of
the social season.
Band Features Singing, Dancing
Leroy Smith and his famous or-
chestra will furnish the music for
the dance. Smith's 14-piece band,
which only recently finished a 17-
week engagement at the Mayfair
Casino in Cleveland, features both
swing and sweet music, especially
arranged in a tempo suitable to
dancing. The band also features en-
semble singing by the entire group,
and vocal solos and eccentric and
soft shoe dancing by drummer Henry
The committee in charge of the
"Miami Triad" consists of the social
chairmen of the three houses: Lee
Perry, '42, Phi Delta Theta; Robert
Shulters, '40E, Sigma Chi, and Julius
Beers, '40, Beta Theta Pi, who have
announced that a formal dinner will
be served before the dance and that
souvernir favors will be given to the
Class Groups To Meet
On the afternoon of the dance,
the three houses will be split up,
with one class taking charge of each
house. At Beta Theta Pi, the seniors
will hold sway, while the juniors,
with the sophomores assisting, will
command the Phi Delta Theta house,
leaving the freshmen to rule the Sig-
ma Chi house.I
Patrons of the Michigan dance
include Associate Justice of the
United States Supreme Court Frank
Murphy; President and Mrs. Ruth-
ven; Dean Alice C. Lloyd; Dean and
Mrs. Walter B. Rea; Dr. William
M. Brace; Dr. and Mrs. Carl V.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Gibbs of
Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow E.
Coon of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
L. Cavan of Birmingham; Mr. and
Mrs. Donald C. Stevenson of Grosse
Pointe, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ra-
der of Detroit.
Chapters Hold Elections
Of Officers For 1941
Phi Sigma Sigma announces its
new officers for the year 1941. They
are Beverly Sadwith, '42, president;
Anita Newblatt, '41, vice-president,
Shirley Saperstein, '42, secretary;
Ruth Aleinik, '42, treasurer, and
Margaret Weiner, '43, historian.
Spring elections at Phi Kappa Sig-
ma put the following men into of-
fice: Arthur Treut, Jr., '41A, presi-
dent; Roy Fairlamb, Jr., '42, vice-
president; Lowell R. Moss, Jr., '41E,
vice-president, and Irving Munson,
'41A, house manager.

Dr. Eliza M. Mosher Was
First Notable Woman
Graduate Of University
In speaking of illustrious Mich-
igan alumnae it is only fitting that
the name of Dr. Eliza M. Mosher be
put at the head of the list. Eliza
Mosher, '75M, first Dean of Women
at the University, was one of the five
original women to enroll when Mich-
igan opened its doors to women in
The late Senator Royal S. Cope-
land, a colleague and friend, gave'
her much credit for Michigan's fame
when he said, "She started activities'
and movements which gave such
popularity to the University that
now thousands of women are at-
tracted to it."
Held Variety Of Positions
After her graduation Dr. Mosher
studied abroad, entered private prac-
tice, was appointed superintendent
of the Massachusetts StateWomen's,
Reformatory School, lectured at
Wellesley College, served as resident
physician at Vassar College, and
resumed private practice again.
But for only 10 years was she able
to do work in her chosen field when
her alma mater called her to be
the first Dean of Women under
President James B. Angell. At Mich-
igan Dr. Mosher developed the de-
partment of physical education for
women students in Barbour Gymna-
sium, which was just being com-
pleted. She also had a full profes-
sorship in hygiene and gave a course
on home economics in addition to
being Dean of Women.
Was Writer And Lecturer
In 1902 she returned to her Brook-
lyn practice which she continued u-
til her death at the age of 82 in
Accomplishments of this famous
alumna are too numerous to enu-
merate, but they include popular
writing and lecturing besides many
medical papers and a book on per-
sonal hygiene which has been trans-
lated into Braille for the blind.
Her studies in posture have been
considered outstanding. She design-
ed the seats in several types of rapid
transit cars, and was the inventor
of a kindergarten chair. At the In-
ternational Congress of Medical Wo-
Publicity Head
To Be Chosen

men at Geneva in 1923 Dr. Mosher
represented the Medical Women's
National Association of which she
was honorary President. For more
than 20 years she was senior editor
of the Medical Women's Journal.
Honored At Banquet
More recently, in June, 1927, Dr.
Mosher turned the first sod for the
construction of the new Women's
League Building.
It was in recognition of Dr.
Mosher's superior work in all that
she ever undertook that prompted
her friends and associates to tender7
her a banquet in 1925 in New York
City on the rare experience of at-
taining the completion of 50 years in
the practice of medicine.

First Women's Dean Was Noted
As Teacher, Doctor, and Writer

n -)ia cG011 ttiee
Will Hold Meeting
There will be a rms meeting for
all members of the social commit-
tee at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Grand
Rapids Room of the League, at which
appointments of chairmen on the
committee will be announced, Vir-
ginia Osgood, '41, chairman, an-
nounced yesterday.
Everyone who wishes to work on
the committee next year should either
attend or call Miss Osgood at 2-2285.
Women's Club To Meet
Alfred W. Goodhew will address
the interior decorating section of the
Faculty Women's Club on the care
and arrangement of flowers at a)
meeting at 3 p.m. Thursday in the
Michigan League.

Milady's Summer
Wardrobe Shows
Trea, To Stripes
Stripes! Not just all over our flag.
but this spring they're all over us.
Their charm is that they're becom-
ingly adaptable to every type. Thin
people wear them going around,
stout people wear them up and down;
and almost anyone can wear them
to an advantage when they slant.
They're most popular for blouses
and wash dresses, but suits, skirts
and evening dresses take their share.
You'll see them used as piping too,
or as a contrast to plain colors in
two-piece dresses. And the color is
incidental, for they are seen in every
hue. Blue and red quite often are
mixed with white. Different pastels
combine well into irregular widths
of stripes.

6ngagemen ts



Mrs. Curtis G. Redden, of Ann
Arbor, announces the marriage of
her daughter, Frances Redden, '36Ed.,
to Wayne Ross Porter, '38A, of De-
troit. Mrs. Porter has been an in-
structor in physical education at the
Mt. Clemens High School for the
past four years. Mr. Porter is affil-
iated with Sigma Chi.
Announcement has been made of
the engagement of Frances Hunting-
ton, of Cincinnati, daughter of Fred-
eric Greene Huntington, to Dr. Al-
exander W. Winkler, '27, son of Mrs.
Max Winkler, of Ann Arbor, and the
late Dr. Winkler.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pritzker of
North Bergen, N.J., have announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Sylvia Pritzker, '40Ed., to Harry Ash-
ton Guss of Jersey City, N.J. Mr.
Guss was graduated from Fordham
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eisen of New-
ark, N.J., recently announced the
engagement of their daughter, Phyl-
lis S. Eisen, '41, to Dr. Murray N.
Hirsch, '39D, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Abe Hirsch of Forest Hills, Long Is-
Announcement has been made by
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hender-
son of the engagement of their
daughter, Mary Henderson, '41, to
Richard Finn, '38E, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John F. Finn of Ann Arbor.
Miss Henderson is a resident of Ann
Arbor and is affiliated with Gam-
ma Phi Beta. Mr. Finn is a mem-
ber of Sigma Nu.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wheat of
Bay City announce the engagement
of their daughter, Mary Wheat, '39,
to Dr. Gabriel Bosschieger of Am-
sterdam, the Netherlands, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Bosschieger-Gunning
of Barn, the Netherlands. Mr.
Bosschieger received his degree from
the University of Leyden and took
graduate work in chemistry at -the
University of Michigan in '37 and
'38. Miss Wheat is affiliated with
Collegiate Sorosis.


Relax and enjoy Fine Food
1107 Wilard
(Opposite New Wilard Dormitory)
LUNCHES 25c to 50c
DINNERS . .50c to 85c
(50c Dinner also includes Salad
A La Carte Sandwiches and Salads

Council Position
For Petitioning

To Open



1 "''-
I'_. _.


Petitioning for chairmanship of the
publicity committee of the League
will be held Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday of next week, Doris Mer-
ker, '41, chairman of Judiciary Coun-
cil, announced yesterday.
Blanks may be obtained in the Un-
dergraduate Office, and any eligible
junior woman who has done any
work of this type is offered the op-
portunity to petition for the posi-
Interviewing will be held Thurs-
day, May 9, and Friday, May 10, by
appointment. Anyone who petitions
will be called by Miss Merker to make
the appointment.
This is the only League Council
position which was not announced at
Installation Banquet in April, due to
the changed plans of the Council.
The new chairman will take the place
of Suzanne Potter, '40, present chair-
man of that committee.








The Michigan Dailyc
Ann Arbor Inviti
. . a fa iton
3am mer
30 CAMP,,
May 3 . 4:00 P.M.. at
Assure Yourself
by attending th


this year on MOTHER's DAY by
sending her your Photograph.


ind the Merchants of
You To Attend
para e /
the Michigan Theatre
of a Good Seat
a Early Matinee.

Presenting Miss CARLYE, repre-
sented by four maodels showing her
hitest designs.
Our brand new stock of CARAFY
fashions will be in the store for
the showing . . .



3 for $5




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