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April 30, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-30

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________________ ilt T TGAN 47I~ u


Leulis Speaks To Negro Congress:
New Politcal Alignment



j lr Nt ('efJ tNI L NNe,, bymf a N . MH wc-. w
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; 'y mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss . .
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Njorman 'A. Schorr
Dennis ;Flanagan . .
John N. Canavan . ,.
Ann Vicary .
Mel Fineberg .



Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Seen Ev4
OF irst-rate importance both to the Negro
citizens and to the American people at large
was John L. Lewis' speech last week-end to the
delegates at the Third National Negro Con-
gress. While the politicians of the Republican
and Democratic parties travel around the coun-
try making speeches that ostentatiously avoid
any mention of the life and death issues of
peace and jobs, Mr. Lewis is busy making his-
John L. Lewis is president of the Congress of
Industrial Organizations; he is also chairman
of Labor's Non-Partisan League, a political or-
ganization embracing more than five million
trade unionists in the CIO, AFL and indepen-
dent unions. In themselves these two organiza-
tions are of such crucial political and economic
importance that they have been the galvanizing
forces behind most of the progressive legislation
enacted in the past few years. When, there-
fore, Mr. Lewis offered the cooperation of these
two groups to the American Youth Congress,
a body representing more than four million
young people, in order to "achieve legislation
for the common welfare of labor and youth,"
it was apparent that a new and powerful force
was emerging to challenge the leadership of
the two old parties.
Direction Is Devious
R. LEWIS, of course, had made no mention
of a third party to the Youth Congress.
Even in his famous speech to the mine workers
at Monangah, West Virginia, where he prom-
ised to organize "Labor, youth, the Negro peo-
ple, the unemployed, farmers, and old-age pen-
sion groups" into a mighty political force, he
made no direct mention of a political party.
But the direction and the outcome of his course
is obvious. It is a course forced upon all pro-
gressive groups in the country by the tremen-
dous shift in public policy undertaken by the
Democratic party. When the war guns started
booming in Europe, the Roosevelt Administra-
tion abandoned its policy of attempting to solve
the domestic crisis by improving the conditions
and raising the purchasing power of the Amer-
ican people, and adopted one that would make
our economy dependent upon war, and the prof-
its of war trade. No responsible leader of an
organization of the people, whose urgent prob-
lems-unemployment, housing, health, educa-
tion, and peace-still demanded an answer,
could follow the President on the road to war
and deeper depression. Nor did the Republican
party or Hoover and Landon, the consistent foes
of WPA and other social expenditures, offer
an alternative to the millions of progressive
Americans who supplied the mass support for
the Democrats in 1936.
ndepen dent Organizration
N THE LIGHT of these events, the activities
of Mr. Lewis and of the leaders and mem-
bers of other large organizations become clear.

olving In Nation
The only alternative left for the millions of
Americans who want to continue to progressively
solve the grave problems confronting our peo-
ple is to organize independently for political ac-
tion. ft is not at all a question of whether this
is the proper course: the choice was not Mr.
Lewis'. The only question that is pertinent is
whether or not it can be done in time for the
coming election. And it is in this respect that
Mr. Lewis' speech to the Negro Congress is of
crucial importance and timeliness. Added now
to the millions of citizens in the CIO and the
Youth Congress who are pledged to a program
of peace and employment, are the millions of
Negro citizens, who offered to cooperate with
labor and youth to achieve common ends.
Mr. Lewis' speech at the Negro Congress was
a sensitive and sincere address, a welcome res-
pite from all the cant and hate that is being
aired these days. Keenly aware that the Negro
people, more than any other group, are affected
more directly by the social evils of unemploy-
' ment and insecurity, Mr. Lewis urged them to
organize for their rights. He pledged to the
Negro Congress that "labor will fight side by
side with you" for the basic civil liberties of
the American people, "because labor knows
that only through the preservation of the Bill
of Rights can the high purposes of our nation
be attained." Full confirmation of the sincerity
of his words came when he pledged the entire
support of the CIO for the passage of the anti-
lynching bill and for the anti-poll tax bill.
The poll tax is an oppressive instrument which
deprives millions of Americans of the right to
vote. He warned the Negro delegates that the
people who are trying to get us into war are
getting bolder, and told them to "beware of the
propaganda of agents of foreign countries that
we have an obligation on the side of the Allies."
Tentative Conclusions
IT IS TOO EARLY to make any predictions
about the outcome of the movement that
has started among the rank and file of the
organized men and women of the labor, youth
and Negro movements. However, some tenta-
tive conclusions can be made at this time. In
an incredibly short period of time a far-reach-
ing political re-alignment has taken place
among a large section of the people. Around
a joint program of peace, civil liberties and
jobs these groups are moving toward indepen-
dent political action. A political hurricane is
beating about our ears. Not since the days when
Lincoln and groups of anti-slavery crusaders
formed the Republican party have events of
such profound implications been witnessed on
the American scene. The time is short; the
odds high. Yet the situation confronting Lin-
coln and the Michigan farmers and New Eng-
land factory hands who went to battle against
the slave power was even more forbidding. The
common people of America will once mo .p
respond to a crisis in the country's history b
effective, organized political action. In the bal-
ance lies the peace and prosperity of the peo-
ple of America.


Business Manager .
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit 'Manager
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager . .

Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
Harriet S. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
National Solution
Of Migration Problem. .
TROUGHOUT much of the past two
decades, the problem of the Amer-
ican migratory worker has become increasingly
evident, increasingly critical. It has been dram-
atized not only in such books as "The Grapes
of Wrath" but also in countless publications
and articles. It has concerned not only the
state of California, but also such states as North
Carolina, Texas, Florida, Indiana, Michigan and
New York. And, finally, it has concerned the
national government.
For, recently, the House of Representatives,
acting on a resolution proposed by Representa-
tive Tolan of California, has decided to inves-
tigate the causes for the annual migration of
an estimated 2,000,000 persons and to attempt
to find a solution or amelioration of the problem.
THE SITUATION is complicated by several
factors. There has been, first, the migra-
tion of the Negro from the South to the northern
industrial centers and this migration has been
accompanied by all the problems engendered
by the change of the Negro from an agricul-
tural to an industrial economy and the race
prejudice, especially stimulated by a depression,
he has met. There has been, secondly, the
problem of the white agricultural worker who
has migrated to the large industrial centers
to find work, has glutted the labor market and
has been a severe drain on these cities' relief
budgets. The relief problems in such cities as
New York, Detroit, Cleveland, Philadelphia,
Pittsburgh and many cities on the West Coast,
are largely results of the migration problem.
Probably, however, the most pronounced migra-
tory distress has been the agricultural workers
from such regions as the Dust Bowl moving to
find better agricultural work on the West Coast,
particularly California.
In answer to all these migrations, the cities
and states affected, though they have given the
;migrants some relief, have, for the most part,
attempted to discourage the migrant from en-
tering and, at the same time, encourage those
migrants already entrenched in the vicinity to
leave. In New York, for example, the state
has gone so far as to provide, by law, for the
deportation of a migrant. The constitutionality
of such a law, setting such dangerous prece-
dents, is yet, however, to be determined.
PERHAPS the best aid to migrants, however,
has come from the national government.
The Farm Security Administration with its tem-
porary housing facilities and the Works Project
Administration with its job relief money have
both served to mitigate the problem somewhat.
But the most progressive step toward the solu-
tion of the problem has come from the House
of Representatives, in its recent proposal to
investigate the problem on a national basis.
For the migration problem, complicated by such
national factors as depression and drought, is
truly a nation-wide problem and, as such, can
only be solved on a nation-wide basis. The
House's action was a significant move toward
that solution. - Laurence Mascott
There is increasing opposition to the proposal,
under the President's fourth reorganization
plan, which would place the Civil Aeronautics
Authority in the position of a bureau of the
Department of Commerce and abolish the Air
Safety Board. Protests against such action have
T-aa mnr frn maenv ,uar .r inludin the

(of the English Department
The Deutscher Verein, directed by
Dr. Otto Graf of the German De-
partment, took over the Mendels-
sohn Theatre last evening for a
well-mannered performance of Les-
sing's high comedy, Minna von
There can be no doubt that the
revival of dramatic classics, both in;
our own and in foreign tongue, is;
a prerogative of the university stage.
Too often, of course, one can say
little more than that after watching
a group of amateurs rattle the bones
of some masterpiece behind the foot-;
lights for two hours or more, all in
the name of "acting." Happily, on
this occasion, Lessing and Minna
had better luck.
The five acts moved with pace
(and grace), in spite of exorbitant
demands made by this type of play
on the ingenuity of the director and
the talents ofbthe performers. High
comedy has been well defined as
that sort whichnevokes thoughtful
laughter-of which there was a
quantity last night. The definition
implies that the interpreters must
be richly endowed with one of For-
tune's (apparently) rarest gifts, the
ability to speak well, since they must
make their appeal almost exclusively
by this means. Here the Deutscher
Verein's thespians handled their as-
signment astonishingly well. One
blenches before the realization of
all that linguistic "homework." Last
night there was an overwhelming
gush and rush of Teutonic polysyl-
lables on the Mendelssohn stage.
There had to be, of course; Lessing's
concept of theatrical humor pre-
cludes the convenient device of get-
ting a laugh by requiring that some
minor character shall fall on his
puss when things get dull.
An able cast managed to keep
things lively without such hanky-
panky last night. The two female
protagonists just possibly walked off
with major honors. In the title
role, Ethel Winnai more than ful-
filled the promise given in earlier
productions of the Verein. Her Min-
na had charm and poise, and was
in addition something good for the
eyes, particularly in the lovely garb
provided for the fourth and fifth
acts. As Franziska, the inevitable
servant-confidante who is the real
dea ex nmachina of any comedy of
love intrigue, Betty Ramsay had an
enviable opportunity to steal the
show and the good taste not to do
so. Occasionally she was called upon
to practice the great art of being
inconspicuous on the stage, while
other characters tied the knot she
well knew she would be later re-
quired to untie, but even this she
did impressively well.
Among the men, Kenneth B. Mar-
ble had the greatest responsibilities
as Major von Tellheim, a dismissed
officer whose accumulated misfor-
tunes include a philosophy which
motivates the action of the play.
In brief, he could not love the hero-
ine so much, loved he not honor
more; anyone can imagine what
difficulties this position gets him
and everyone else into. Marble made
the exacting part convincing, evcept
for occasional inelasticity. It can
well be that his mood was too well
sustained. David Gibson was more
successful as an inquisitive and ac-
quisitive landlord, displaying greater
relish for the lines given him than
some of the other performers dis-
played for theirs: William Mills
Todd, servant to the moody von
Tellheim, grumbled and roared al-
ternately. Howard Wallach made a
generous and romantic Paul Werner,
suitably rewarded as the curtain fell.
Cordon Avery, Alexander Miller, and
Carl Petersen, temporarily a truant

from The Daily, also ran, in inter-
esting bits.
Undoubtedly, however, the warmth
and maturity of the performance by
J. Stanhope Edwards as Riccat
de la Marliniere was the feature of
the evening. He had them in the
Library Extension. Work
Hundreds of Michigan citizens from'
all walks of life annually take .ad-
vantage of the mass of informative
material held for distribution by the
Extension Services offices of the Uni-
versity Library.
Teachers, students, clubwomen,
civic and social workers are to be
found among those who make requests
for pamphlet or clipping material
to aid them in preparing addresses
or papers or merely for study.
Organized in 1911, the University
Extension Division was aimed at pro-
moting "the cause of education and
the advancement of culture through-
out the State." How well it has done
that is attested by the great volume
of correspondence which it weekly re-
Among those subjects about which
correspondents most frequently ask
are vocational guidance and various
school problems. Teachers, especially
of the primary and intermediate
grades, ask Extension service offices
for information which may be used'
to guide their pupils into studies in

(Continued from Page 2)

W.A.A. Swing Concert, Wednesday,
May 1.
Staff Assistants' Applications: Stu- I
dents who will be enrolled in the Uni-L
versity during the coming year and 1
who wish to apply for Staff Assistant-
ships in the Residence Halls for Men
and Women may obtain applicationd
blanks in the Office of the DirectorF
of Residence Halls, 205 South Wing,.
Preference will be given to graduateF
and professional students in the selec-
tion of appointees for Stockwellq
Hall, for the Adelia Cheever House,
for the East and West Quadrangles,
and for Fletcher Hall. 'A few Staff 1
Assistantships in Mosher Hall and in,
other Houses will be open to under-n
graduates. Undergraduates who0
have lived in University of Michigans
Residence Halls are by no means dis-
couraged from making application.
Karl Litzenberg
Summer Employment: The Bureau 1
of Appointments has received a call
for some young colored women to
act as camp counsellors for the week
of August 15-23. For further infor-
mation concerning this, please call i
at the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall, office hours 9-12, 2-4.u
Tennis Tournament: The secondd
round of the women's singles must
be played off by Thursday, May 2.
Academic Noticest
English 154: The class will not meetP
this evening.
Graduation Recital: William Pres-I
ser, violinist ofdSaginaw, with Wil-
liam Schottstaedt at the piano, will
give a recital in partial fulfillmentv
for the degree of Bachelor of Music
at the School of Music Auditorium
on Maynard Street, Wednesday, May
1, at 8:15 o'clock, to which the gen-
eral public is invited.3
An Exhibit of the Art of Easternn
Asia, under the auspices of the Insti-
tute of Fine Arts on the occasion of
the opening of new quarters for Far
Eastern Art in Alumni Memorial
Hall, through Friday, May 3 (2 to 5i
p.m. only).
Retrospective exhibits of the etch-
ings and drawings of Dr. Warren P.
Lombard, and the paintings of Hor-
atio W. Shaw, until May 3, West Gal-
lery, Alumni Memorial Hall, 2-5, everyI
day, including Sundays. Auspices.t
University Institute of Fine Arts and
Ann Arbor Art Association.-
University Lecture: Dr. Kazys
Pakstas, Professor of Geography at
the University of Vytautas-the-reat
(Kaunas, Lithuania) will lecture on
"The Baltic States: Gateway to Rus-
sia" under the auspices of the De-
partment of Geography at 4:15 p.m.
on Wednesday, May 1, in the Rack-t
ham Amphitheatre. The public is
cordially invited.
Henry Russel Lecture: Dr. FrankI
N. Wilson, Professor of Internal Med-
icine, will deliver the Henry Russel
Lecture for 1939-40 at 4:15 p.m.,
Thursday, May 2, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall, on the subject "Thet
Electrical Currents Produced by the
Heart Beats" (illustrated by stere-l
optican). The Henry Russel Award
for 1939-40 will beannounced at
this time. . The public is cordially
Carnegie Lectures: Dr. Carlos Del-
gado 'de Carvalho, Professor of Soci-7
ology in the Colegio Pedro II and Pro-
fessor of the Geography of Brazil in
the University of Brazil, the Visiting1

Carnegie Professor, will be in resi-
dence at the University of Michigan
until May 10.
The following series of lectures has
been arranged under the auspices of
the Division of the Social Sciences:
"The Immigration Problem in Bra-
zil" (Annual Phi Kappa Phi Lecture)
today, 8:30 p.m., Michigan Union,
Large Ballroom.
"The New Brazilian State" on Mon-
day, May 6, 4:15 p.m., Rackham
All of the above lectures are open
to the public.
Today's Events
The Romance Language Journal
Club will meet today at 4:15 p.m., in
Room 408 R.L. The following papers
will be read:
William A. McLaughlin: A review
of The Works of Francesco Landini
(L. Ellinwood).
Arthur G. Canfield: Amy Robsart,
Cromwell and Paul Meurice.
Graduate students are invited.
Alpha Nu Speech Society will meet
tonight at 7:30 in the Alpha Nu
room in Angell Hall. Officers will
hat n nmin n tpri fr the1 nnmnin a cr'lnnI

to enter upon advanced studies in his-
tory are especially invited to attend.
Tau Beta Ph: Dinner meeting to-
day at 6:00 p.m., Michigan Union.
Dr. M. H. Soule of the Bacteriology
Department will give an illustrated
talk on his travels in Egypt.
Michigan Union Schedule for to-
day: Founder's Room: Engineering
Research and Chemical Engineering
Staff, 6:15 p.m.
Rooms 222-3-4: Political Science
Faculty, 12:15 p.m.
Rooms 319-21-23: Sigma Rho Tau,
7:30 p.m.
The Annual A.I.E.E. Banquet will
be held tonight in the Grand Rapids
Room of the Michigan League. Din-
ner at 6:15. Professor John L. Brumm
of the Journalism Department will
A.S.M.E.: Those members desiring
to go on the Milford trip must sign the
notice on the main bulletin board
by 5:00 p.m. today.
Pre-Medical Society will have a
Smoker tonight at 8, in the Terrace
Room of the Michigan Union ,which
is open to all interested. Several
members of the Medical School fac-
ulty will be guests of the evening,
and will lead the Pre-Medical stu-
dents in diverse discussions.
Phi Kappa Phi: The Spring Initia-
tion of seniors and graduate students
to Phi Kappa Phi will be held at 6:30
p.m. today in the Ball Room of the
Michigan Union.
Initiation will precede the banquet
and Dr. Carlos Delgado de Carvalho
will speak on "The Immigration Prob-
lem in Brazil" at 8:30 p.m. Members
desiring reservations should notify
the secretary, R. S. Swinton, Uni-
versity phone 649, Room 308 Engin-
eering Annex.
The last All-Campus Bridge Tour-
nament will be held tonight in room
305 of the Union beginning at 7:30.
Small charge. Prizes.
Transfer Orientation Advisers will
meet today at 4:30 p.m. in the League.
If you cannot attend, call Virginia
Schwegler, 2-2569.
American Student Union: A meet-
ing will be held on the National Youth
Administration today at 5:00 p.m. in
the Union. All NYA workers are
urged to attend.
American Country Dances: Mr.
George Lovett of the Ford School of
Dance will present American Coun-
try Dances to students, interested
in teaching dancing, tonight from
7:30 to 9:00 in the Women's Athletic
Building. Four meetings will be ar-
Christian Science Oorganization
will meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel
of the Michigan League.
The class in Conversational He-
brew will meet at the Hillel Founda-
tion tonight at 7:00 p.m.
The Music Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will meet tonight at
8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. A.
Christman, 1613 Shadford Road.
The Bibliophile Section of the Fac-
ulty Women's Club will be enter-
tained by Mrs. N. E. Nelson and Mrs.
James Rettger at the home of Mrs.
Rettger, 513 Oswego Street, today
at 2:30 p.m.
Coming Events
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May
1. Dr. Eugene H. Eyster will speak on

"Physical Investigations in the Struc-
tural Chemistry of Azides and Cya-
Open House: The new buildings of
the W. K. Kellogg Foundation In-
stitute: Graduate and Post Gradu-
ate Dentistry, and the Health Service
will be open for inspection this week.
Both buildings will be open for in-
spection by members of the faculty
and citizens of Ann Arbor from 7:30
to 10:00 on Wednesday evening,
May 1.
The Health Service building only
will be open for inspection by Uni-
versity students on Thursday eve-
ning from 7:30 to 10:00, May 2.
The purpose of these functions is
to give the public an opportunity to
view the general features of these
unusual and interesting building pro-
jects. No special exhibits are being
planned. Members of the staffs will
be present in the various units to
explain them to visitors.
Phi Beta Kappa: The Annual Initi-
ation Banquet of the Alpha Chapter
of Michigan will be held at the Mich-
igan Union, Thursday, May 2, at 6:45
p.m. Dean Marjorie Nicolson of
Smith College will be the speaker. All
members of Phi Beta Kappa are urged


Washington Merry-Go-Round

You can write it down as certain that Joseph
Patrick Kennedy, one of the most colorful and
hard-working envoys ever sent to London, will
resign as Ambassador to the Court of St. James's
just as soon as the President will let him.
Joe is not in very good health, is a bit bored
with the job and also he has been a little too
frank for the British. His statements indicating
that the Empire might be in for a tough time
before this war was won, did not sit so very well
in London.
Keeping Cotton King
Next week, Henry Wallace and Milo Perkins
will take the first step along a path which some
economists think eventually will lead to solving
the cotton surplus problem.
This is the cotton stamp plan which on May 7
will stage its world premiere in Memphis, Ten-
nessee. For the present, the plan will operate
only in this area, and only on an experimental
basis. There will be modest expansion later.
There is a substantial difference between the
food and cotton stamp plans. It is that only
10 or 15 cents of every dollar spent through
the cotton stamps will go to the producer of
In the food plan, when a reliefer buys a
pound of butter, half the price returns to the
farmer who made the butter. But cotton in-
volves spinning and weaving, so the dollar
has to be divided among the entire industry.
Exit Tugwell Theory
Nobody in the Agriculture Department admits
it yet, but actually the cotton stamp plan marks
an important departure from the original Tug-
well-Wallace theory of restricting acreage. In-
stead of growing less cotton and boosting the
price, the effort will be to use more cotton.
What Wallace's experts have been up against
is fir'st the fact that Brazil, Argentina, and Peru
are cutting in on the curtailed American mar-
ket. Second, war-born purchases are bound to
Thus no amount of acreage reduction can
solve the problem of surpluses-especially when
yield per acre continues to increase. The only
alternative is to put an extra shirt on the back\
of about 10,000,000 persons who live in the
domain of King Cotton. In this case Cotton can

hands of the President, help him become the
battling champion of the working man once
What the Rules Committee did was unprece-
dented in Congressional history. It took the
drastic Smith amendments after the Labor
Committee had turned them down, and placed
them, together with other amendments, before
the House for consideration.
It happens thaf both the AFL and the CIO
are vehemently opposed to the Smith amend-
ments. Further, the amendments haven't a
chance to be enacted. Even if the House ap-
proves them the odds are ten to one that they
will never get out of the Senate Labor Commit-
tee. Even if by some fluke they should get by
the Senate, they will run straight into a pres-
idential veto.
,This would give Roosevelt the change for ,
resounding salvo about the rights of labor and
the infamy of the opposition. It would make
marvelous campaign ammunition to belabor the
GOP and to gag critics in union ranks.
So the only gain the little group of NLRB-
haters is likely to derive from its coup is the
personal satisfaction of taking a poke at the
Labor Board. To the inside leaders, with their
eyes fixed on the coming crucial election, that
is too expensive a luxury.
'Huns' Again ? .. .
Winston Churchill exhumed a propaganda
epithet of the first World War in his address
Sunday when he spoke of "Hitler and his Huns."
The word was a favorite of the Allies almost
from the start of the former conflict, to impress
the world with the alleged barbarism of their
enemy. It was said to have been drawn from
an address by the Kaiser, when he sent troops
to help put down the Boxer Rebellion with an
exhortation to be as ruthless toward the foe
as the ancient Huns had been.
We hope it will never be seen again, and that
the British, too. will disdain to use so obvious
a "smear word." No matter what their present
leadership, labeling the people that produced
Beethoven and Goethe with the name of a bar-
baric tribe is too juvenile when the British are
insisting upon their friendship toward the Ger-
mans themselves.
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch

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