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April 26, 1940 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-26

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State High School Debate Finals

o Be Held Here onight


Flint Northern,
Grand Rapids
Central Meet
Michigan Band Will Play
At 23rd Annual Contest
Of Forensic Associations
.5,000 Are Expected
Flint Northern and Grand Rapids
Central high schools, survivors of a
three-month elimination contest will
participate in the finals of the 23rd
annual state championship debate
of the Michigan High School Foren-
sic Association at 7:30 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
Following a concert by the Univer-
pity of Michigan band, Flint North-
ern's affirmative team will meet
Grand Rapids Central's negative on
the question, "Resolved, That the
Federal Government Should Own and
Operate the Railroads." From 4,000
to 5,000 persons are expected to hear
the finals, including more than 1,000
students from all parts of the state.
Band To Play
The band concert which will pre-
cede the debate will include several
new numbers. After the band march-
es down the aisles of the Auditorium
proudly playing "The Victors", the
concert will follow with Wagner's
"Siegfried's Rhine Journey"; a cor-
net trio's rendition of Smith's "Bo-
lero" played by Albin Johnson, '41
SM, Richard Baker, Grad.SM, and
Leslie Grimord, '41SM, "Pavanne"
from the Second American Symphon-
ette by Morton Gould, Von Weber's
"Tropical" and "Concertino", gnd
"Huckleberry Finn" from the Mississ-
Ippi Suite by Grofe, arranged by Don
The two debating teams tonight
have won their way to the finals from
more than 230 squads who started in
the qualifying contests last fall. This
is the first Grand Rapids team to
reach the finals in the 23 years of'
debating and the fourth time a team
from Flint Northern has debated in
Ann Arbor.
The Flint Team
The Flint affirmative team will
consist of Bernard Didier, Lorraine
Miller and William Tate who were
coached by Frederic C. Harrington.
The Grand Rapids squad of Robert
Dangl, David Ewing and Gordon Boo-
zer was coached by Florence T. Efty.
Miss Efty was formerly a debater on
the Grand Rapids Central team and
was on a team that was defeated by
a Manistique squad ;n the quarter-
finals of the 1933 contest. Both Miss
Efty and Mr. Harrington are taking
graduate work in the summer session
of the University.
Judges of tonight's contest will be
Dr. Alan H. Monroe, head of the
speech department of Purdue Univer-
sity and president of the National
Association of Teachers of Speech,
Prof. G. E. Densmore, chairman of
the speech department, and Prof. Carl
G. Brandt, chairman of the English
department of the engineering col-
lege and lecturer in the speech de-
partment. Tod Rockwell, sports edi-
tor of the Detroit Free Press, will in-
troduce the speakers.
Speech To Be Eight Minutes
Constructive speeches in tonight's
debate will be eight minutes in length,
and rebuttal speeches will be limited
to four minutes. Timekeepers will
be Westley Rowland, debate coach
of Comstock High School and Emil
R. Pfister, principal and debate di-
rector of Kingston High School. The'
debate is open to everyone without
admission charge.
Teams of Kingston and Comstock

High Schools were defeated by to-
night's contestants in the semi-finals.
Members of the Kingston team were
Ethel MacDonald, Edith Malott and
Olga Dorics. On the Comstock team
were Willah Skinner, Robert Waber
and Helen Taylor.
The debate series is conducted an-
nually by the Michigan High School
Forensic Association, a division of the
University Extension Service. Arthur
Secord of the Service, and varsity
debate coach, is manager of the For-
ensic Association. Awards are given
annually by the Detroit Free Press.
Speech 32 Sectioins
Will Contest Today
One of the major speech events oft
the day will be the extempore speak-
ing contest between seven members
of Speech 32 sections to be held at
4 p.m. today in Natural Science Audi-
Contestants will be Wolfred Block,
'42, who will talk on "Invisible
Stripes"; Edgar Clinton, '41, whose
address is "The Great Change"; Wil-
liam Comstock, '42, will speak on
"Student Responsibility"; Jean Hub-

Speakers To Argue In ill Auditorium
f V-
The above high school debaters will take par't in the finals of the
slate championship contest at 7:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium on
the railroads ownership question. Diddier, Miss Miller and Tate are
on the Flint Northern affirmative and Dangi, Ewing and Boozer are
on the Grand Rapids Central squad.


Stories Of Good Old Del
Retold By Prof. Emeritu

The good old days of debating--
the days when Michigan sent her de-
bate teams to England, were retold
yesterday by Prof.-Emeritus Thomas
C. "Chief" Trueblood, grand old daddy
of the speech department.
S The first inter-collegiate debate in
he United States took place in 1892
between Harvard and Yale in the
East. The very next year, the first
western debate was held at Michigan
between Michigan and the University
of Wisconsin. These debates were
judged on the percentage basis, Pro-
fessor Trueblood recalled, the distri-
bution ranging on composition, meth-
od of delivery, and rebuttal.
Ishpeming, Manistique, Maranesco,'
The next two years Michigan met
teams from Northwestern University
and in '96, the University of Chicago.!
The first association for contests in
the Mid-West was the Central De-
bating League, organized in 1897 be-
tween Michigan, Chicago, Northwes-
tern and Minnesota, but after four
or five years, Minnesota was dropped
because it was so far away and a tri-
angular league carried on a yearly
Michigan still carried on inde-
pendent debates with Wisconsin, how-
ever, and soon another league was
formed with Wisconsin and Illinois.
Women came into the picture then,
as they invariably must, and about
the same time that women's suffrage
broke through the national scene,
they insisted on trying for the men's
debate team. Starting with 1920, one
woman was permitted on each team
of three and five or six such debates
were held. "No debate was ever lost
that had a woman team member,"
Professor Trueblood mused.
No Appeasement Yet
But appeasement for women was
not possible while they were limited
to one member on the varsity. Con-
sequently, in 1922 Michigan, Ohio and
Indiana formed the first League for
women debaters.
During Professor Trueblood's ad-
ministration, from 1893 to 1926, a
total of 103 debates were held, 64 of

Leads Varsity Today

atig Days E sk y Captures
Ds Trueblood Northern Title
Defeats Wakefield Team
Michigan defeated Oxford University For U.P. Trophy
jwhen its team came to this country
and a few years later Cambridge Escanaba Senior High School de-
University brought a team here which etdaemfrmWkildnth
proved superior to local material. fnl fteUprPnnuame
In 1926 the Michigan lads made a tonatake the Upper Peninsula chain
return trip and again suffered defeat to take the Upper Pennsula cham-
at the hands of the Cambridge team pionship this year.
while winning four other debates from Due to difficulties caused by trans-
Manchester, Leeds, Exeter and Bris- vortation facilities between the pen-
tol. Prof. Richard D. T. Hollister of insulas and the expense involved in
the speech department accompanied travelling the necessary distances,
t he squad. schools from God's country did not
Trueblood Recollects compete with down-state schools this
"The boys who made tnis trip," said year.
Professor Trueblood, as he fingered Each of the finalist schools will re-
over his numerous scrolls of type- ceive a trophy similar to those pre-
written material, apparently carrying sented to the semi-finalists in the
Michigan's debate history, were Eph- down-state contest. The trophy is a
riam R. Gomberg, '27, William W. walnut base surmounted by the Lamp
King, '27, and Gerald E. White, '27. of Knowledge.
Professor Trueblood received his Nine schools in the elimination con-
first chance to teach a speech course test will each receive one of the wall
from President Angell, and in 1888 he plaques donated by the Detroit Free
offered the first. speech course for Press.
credit in any university. But speech
was under the English department Debate TIS Fo'mii.#h
until 1892 when he founded the C ~I~L~
Speech department which is the old- For Flint Northern
st in a state university in the coun-
try and at the same time became the
first full professor of speech in any For the fourth time in the last
university. eight years, Flint Northern partici-
The department here grew and pates in the finals of the Michigan
added instructors to teach the be- State Championship Debate.
ginning courses while Professor True- No other school has sent a team
blood taught the advanced courses in rto Ann Arbor more than twice, al-
Great Orators, Debating, and Oral though Flint Northern only: took
Interpretative Reading. When Pro- the title once (in 1933) in her three
fessor Trueblood returned in 1926 tries. Flint Central defeated Battle
there were nine full time teachers, six Creek Senior High last year in lhr
part time teachers, and 1,000 students second final contest. It was also
in the department. Battle Creek's second meet.
Pens - Typewriters - Supplies
"Writers Trade With Rider's"
302 South State St.

Coach Arthur Se-ord of the
speech department not only
coaches the Michigan varsity de-
bate squad but is director of the
Michigan Forensic Association.
igan proved herself superior prior to
1926. Against Northwestern, Michi-
gan won 14 contests and lost 12, she
1 scored 16 against Chicago's eight,
three against Minnesota's one, three
against Pennsylvania's one, nine
against Illinois' one, and 11 against
Wisconsin's four. Ohio won five to
Michigan's three and Indiana took the
only contest with that schoolsup to
that time.
Competition with English schools
at this time was particularly inter-
esting Professor Trueblood reminisced


-E 3

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which ended in victory for Michigan
and 35 of which were lost. No deci-
sion was rendered in four.
To all Mid-West schools with the
exception of Ohio and Indiana, Mich-
Trophies Given
To Participants
In All Contests
Trophies presented to the finalists,
whether winner or loser, are alike.
To each of the two schools partici-
pating in the State Championship
Debate, the University presents a
large trophy mounted on a black wal-
nut base. Replacing the trophy cups
presented in the past, the new tro-
phies .stand 19 inches in height and
are surmounted by the Lamp of
Knowledge with Achievement on eith-
er side of the pedestal.
Due to the Upper Peninsula's with-
drawal from competition with Lower
Peninsula schools this year, the Uni-
versity is presenting the winner in
that section with a trophy similar to
that which is being offered to partici-
pants in the semi-finals. These tro-
phies are 13 inches in height and are
surmounted by the Lamp of Learn-
ing on a black walnut base.
Each of the 90 schools whose teams
participated in the elimination series{
of debates received a Univer-
sity of Michigan Wall Plaque Tro-
phy through the courtesy of the De-
troit Free Press. The design of the
plaque is taken from the University
of Michigan shield.





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Michigan Teachers Of Speech
Will Hear Monroe At Session
Teachers of speech in Michigan Field in California" on the second
high schools and colleges will meet at floor terrace. Clarence R. Van Dusen
9:30 a.m. today in the Union to start of Michigan State College is the
a full day of activities on the con- chairman of that section.
ference of the Michigan Association A symposium on "Enriched Speech
of Teachers of Speech. Opportunities in the High School"
Dr. Alan H. Monroe of Purdue Uni- will feature the high school division
versity and president of the National discussion which will take place in the
Association of Teachers of Speech, Small Ballroom. Raymond Ford of
will address the group at the lunch- Detroit will take charge.
eonmechetg o tBeSpecialc Should Members of the association will be
Four discussion meetings will.be guests of Zeta Phi Eta at 3 p.m. at
held during the morning session the League for an interpretation
helddurng te mrmngsesionhour. At 4 p.m. they will audit an
which begins at 9:30 a.m. Dr. Mon-exmrAe4 p eykig auntsan
roe will talk to the college section on extemporaneous speaking contest in
"Some Practical Problems in the Natural Science Auditorium, and at
TehingofCoilleg eSch." throf.6 p.m. they will dine with the School-
Teaching of College Speech." Prof. master's Club at the Union where
ient"b cha ance oftAlson Colg Prof. Floyd A. Firestone of the physics
whihwi be hrman omthe2secondepartment will demonstrate what
which will be held in Room 220 of the physicist can do with or without
the Union. tehmnviei i ak ,
"Problems in Teaching Elementary the human voice in his talk
Speech" is the title of a panel discus-
sion for the elementary and inter-
mediate group in Room 224. Richard CLEAR, PU RE
Wright of Detroit will be chairman.
Eugene Hahn of Wayne Universi-
ty will address the speech correction
section on "The Speech Correction

w r w VaInc " s r


To each of the six debaters partici-
pating in tonight's debate, the Free
Press presents a gold watch engraved
with the name of the debater and in
recognition of his or her individual
merit in debating.
As an honor award, the Free Press
presents a pin or lapel button copied
after the Michigan Wall Plaque Tro-f
phy to each debater who participates
in one or more of the Elimination De-
bates, and as an additional award,
certificates of Merit are also present-
ed to all debaters who participate in
one or more debates during the sea-
son. More than 300 lapel buttons and
1,200 certificates were given out this

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