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April 25, 1940 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-25

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Guests Named
By Military Ball
Ticket Sale Will Continue
Today And Tomorrow
At ROTCHeadquarters
June Spoeri of Ithaca, N. Y., will
be the guest of Walter Clement, Jr.,
'40E, general chairman, at the twen-
ty-second annual Military Ball to
be held from 13 p.m. to 2 a.m. to-
worrow in the Union Ballroom.
Gilbert L. Stephenson, '41E, chair-
man of the floor committee, will
attend with Shirley Lawson of Milan.
Gaynell Weller of Ann Arbor will be
the guest of Wendell E. Lenz,
'40F&C, entertainment chairman.
Frank R. Ellis, '41, treasurer and
head of tickets and publicity, has
invited as his guest Gertrude Ann
Klaver, '39, of Marinette, Wiscon-
Lowell R. Moss, '41E, secretary'
and programs chairman, will attend
with Anne Minckler, '41P. Elizabeth
Watkins will attend the dance as
the guest of Louis A. Hopkins, '40E,
in charge of patrons and guests.
Doris Martey, '43, will be the guest
of Douglas C: Jeffery, '41E, decora-
tioris head. John W. Stephens, '41,
entertainment, will attend with Ja-
net McMullen of Dayton, Ohio. Wal-
ter H.,Scoville, Jr., '40, drill master,:
has asked Lois Hogstrom of Berwyn,
Ill. to be his guest. John C. Sherrill,
'40, entertainment, will have Enora
Ferriss, '40, at the dance.
Plans Of WAA
Include Hike,
Tennis Matches'
Tennis and hiking enthusiasts may
participate in two WAA events which
are still open for new participants.
The Outdoor Club breakfast hike'
will start at 7:30 a.m. Sunday from
the WAB. Twent-five cents must be
turned in to Bette Sachs, '43Ed., or
Virginia Gensel, '43, of Stockwell
Hall; Jeanne Cordell, '43, or Ruth
Clark, '43, of Jordan Hall; or Mari-
an Bale, '41, of Helen Newberry, by
5 p.m. Saturday by those wishing to
join the group, Neve Dilley, '41Ed.,
president, announced.
The mixed doubles tennis tourna-
ment lists are not complete, said Ger-
trude Inwood, '43, tennis chairman.
Anyone still wishing to join the con-
test may sign up on the WAB bulle-
tin board. Only one members of any
pair of entries is required to be a stu-

To Attend Military fal

Oldest Alumna
Began Medical
SCareer At 50
In June, 1890, Mary McConahy,
now the oldest alumna of the Univer-
sity, was graduated from the Medical
School when she was 50 years old.
Behind her lay years of struggle
to earn enough money for a college
education. She was born in Staten'
Island, N.Y., in 1840. The year in
which Queen Victoria married Prince
Albert, steam vessels began regular
trips, telegraph was coming into gen-
eral use, and Harrison was running
for the presidency under the slogan,!
"Tippecanoe and Tyler too."
Later her family moved to Wiscon-
sin, where she taught school at Hales
Corners and Durham, which were a
good three-hour buggy ride from
Milwaukee. In 1882 she entered the
University of Michigan, and at 47
entered the School of Medicine from
which she was graduated three years
Dr. McConahy practiced in the
"back-of-the-yards" area of Chica-
go, between 87th St. and Halstead
which was one of the poorer districts
of Chicago. This pioneer of her sex
in medicine worked unceasingly to
improve the sanitary conditions and
health of her patients. She was called
upon to do everything from scrub-
bing urchins' ears to handling mater-
nity cases.
In 1928, at the age of 88, Dr. Mary
McConahy stopped practicing, after
35 years of service. She celebrated
her 100th anniversary March 3 as the
oldest alumna of the University, and'
one of the first women to be gradu-
ated from the Medical School.

Ruthvens Head
Pharmacy Ball
List Of Patrons
Tickets For Second Animal
IDanec May Be Obtaiied
At LeagUe, Union D sc-ks
Patrons for Apothecaries Ball,
which will be held from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. Friday, May 3, in the League
Ballroom, were announced yesterday
by William Austin, '40P, general.
chairman of the dance.
President and Mrs. Ruthven head
the list which continues with Dean
and Mrs. W. B. Rca, Prof. and Mrs.
F. F. Blicke, Prof. and Mrs. C. R.
Brassfield, and Prof. and Mrs. C. C.
The list concludes with Prof. and
Mrs. H. B. Lewis, Prof. J. L. Powers,
Prof. and Mrs. J. Sax, and Prof. and
Mrs. C. H. Stocking.
Ray Gorrell and his band will play
for the dance which is the second an-
nual formal affair to be given by the
School of Pharmacy. Lee DeBain
and Charles Farrell will be featured
as vocalists with the band.
Tickets for the Ball may be obtained
from central committeemen, any
member of the Pharmacy School, or
at the main desks of the Union and
League. The dance is open to stu-
dents of all colleges of the University.
The central commtitee for the
dance includes Austin; Marjorie
Kern, '41P, and Henry Scislowicz,
'41P, co-chairmen of tickets; Nor-
man Baker, '40P, publicity; Duane
Parker, '41P, and Sydney Aaronson,
'42P, co-chairmen of decorations;
Tilden Batchelder, '42P, entertain-
ment and orchestra, and David
Schlecting, partons.
JCV- Interviewing
To Continue Today
Interviewing for the 1941 JGP will
continue from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. today
and tomorrow, in the Undergraduate
Office of the League, Doris Merker,
'41, Chairman of Judiciary Council,
Petitioners are urged not to wait
until Friday, due to the extraordinar-
ily large number of women that re-
main to be interviewed.
A general meeting of the Merit
System committee will be held at
4 p.m. today in the League, for all
old and new members, Barbara
Dittman, '41, chairman of the
committee, announced. Those
who will be unable to attend should
I notify Miss Dittman.

Satirical Skit Life In World Political Center Mebers Of Social
Will Be Given Aids Social Director In Duties m""te" T Mee
All members of the Social Commit-
B F reshm en By DEBS HARVEY element felt that enough of the tee will meet at 4:30 p.m. today in
By Fr e me/nU Three years spent abroad in the Lutch traditions and customs could the League.
center of the vital diplomatic life of be salvaged if Germany should de- Anyone wishing to be active on the
Freshmen women will answer the one of Europe's most important cap- cide to extend her 'protection' to committee including new members
accusations of the Union Opera in itals and extensive travels over the that country to make compromise and thse who wish to be members
"Five out of Five", the satirical skit continent, United States and Canada preferable to war, of the group and have not yet signed
which will form the major part of have given Mrs. G. J. Diekema, so- Rolland Is United up should be present, Virginia Osgood,
the floor show at "Heavenly Daze", cial director of Martha Cook Build- Since the invasion of Denmark ,41, chairman of the committee an-
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday in the C ing, the broad outlook and under- and Norway, however, The Nether- nounced,
League Ballroom. standing of fundamental values so lands has become united in a deter- Those wishing to be chairmen of
"Scene-Jordan Hall Desk; situa- important in dealing with students miniation to resist any act of aggres- one of the divisions of the committee
tion-blindJdates", reads the skit in the relatively sheltered existence sion. An invasion would not be a should attend the meeting today. An-
ook, with characters depicting vai- of a college life, surprise, but Holland is prepared nouncement of these chairmanships
ous types of freshmen and one tele- As the wife of a former United and would fight to the bitter end. will be made at the next meeting
phone operator. "The lines are States minister to The Netherlands, Every precaution is being taken,
riots," said Richard McKelvey, dra- officially known as Envoy Extra- she added, to prevent a repetition
matics director of the League. "Cos- ordinary and Minister Plenipoten- of Norway. Most of the country is
tumes include plenty of sloppy male tiary to the court of Queen Wilhel- now under martial law, and homes
clothes." mina, Mrs. Diekema had the oppor- are constantly being searched for
To the music of Bill Sawyer and tunity of knowing men in and be- illegal arms, in case Nazi sympa-
his orchestra, the "Jordan Jig" girls hind the political news, and of see- thizers should be seeking to aid a
will interpolate a chorus satire into ink at first hand history in the warring government, as in Norway.7
the program, with Marjorie Ned aigItrse nPltc
Elayne Bennett, Mary Pfender, Mary itrse nPltc J
Elinore Brown, Jean Ranahan, Su-r Since that time, though she has '.il1I i &.4Hi
zanne Nicholoson, Sally Laux, Doris been leading a quiet life far removed
Arner, Lorraine Judson and Joan from the political front, Mrs. Die- SundayD ieCUSScuson S all.e s
Gerrung in the dances. Speaking kema has retained an active interest
parts of the skit will be taken by in national and international af- "War?" will be the topic of a dis-
Doris Kirk, Nancy Wowrell, Virginia fairs. cussion to be held at the weekly
Morris, Margaret Brown, Mary Lou Holland today is ruled by a coal- meeting of the Congregational Stu-
Ewing. Olga Gruhzit and Joy Wright. ition party somewhat similar to our dent Fellowship Sunday evening at
Scabbard and Blade banquet will own New Deal, though not as lib- 7 p.m. Everett Shelton, Grad., will
have the first glimpse of the floor eral, Mrs. Diekema stated. Until lead the discussion, which is a con-
show at a specially arranged preview quite recently, Queen Wilhelmina tinuation of the beginning session of
before the Project. Barbara Alcorn and the 'big business' element were two weeks ago.
not entirely in sympathy with the An evaluation of current events
'4,dnecaraadRcadcoalition party. will be presented as a basis for a
McKelvey, dramatics director, are There was a time, she said, when prognosisproffthe futui'e he di
collborating in arranging the pro- big business felt that if Germany cussion will follow a Sunday evening
duction. did invade Holland, war would prob- supper which will be served by the
In keeping with the central theme, ably prove equally or more disas- women of the Church. In charge I
the decorations will revolve around trous than compromise with Ger- of arrangements is Audrey Johnson,
the satire of freshmen bewilderment, man rule. In other words, a certain '43.
and typical first-year student prob-
P 1P
Oib&ep .ee,
By VICKI ve(;
For four years we've heard com-
plaints that student government is
non-existent on the =Michigan cam- In ale ink thsky b
pus in spite of the Men's and Wo-
men's Judiciary Councils. Spring .. . in Iwo shades of blue
Parleys have argued both sides of the
question in one form or another for wi/h navy. Made for danc-
most of the past 10 years, and in-i n da Fa
evitably they are forced to call a g . er-
truce before the spectre of student weight calfskin.
apathy.-- -
"Student apathy" is a cliche. It's Juo
used so glibly that it has no mean-75 f
ing. It is composed of the elements
of disinterest and ignorance, and iaiii0
charatcerized by the ostrich pose-
with head in the sand.
Students Show Apathy -- ,SHE'S CUTE AS A
It is an accusation of immaturity I BGS EAR in brilliant
en masse which should arouse Uni- BGSERi rlin
versity students to defense of their crush - resistant linen
epUtations as University students.
But it doesn't, because University fitted like paint.
tudents ignore the fact that they
tand indicted.
Mrs. Roosevelt was accused of trite- $ 91
ness when she spoke these words
from the platform of Hill Auditorium:
"American people who believe ine
democracy and yet are too bored to
vote, and too tired to bother about
their representatives in government n
will wake up someday to realize that
the reins of government are securely
in the hands of those who are neith-
cr too bored nor too tired.'
Asleep On Volcano?
Mrs. Roosevelt was not trite, and
hier words should be painted on tre-
mendous postei's and ireiterated by

newspapers, by announcers, by your
telephone operator. She was not
speaking of student apathy, but of
American apathy which is the great- I
cst enemy of Demnocracy in existence
To overcome apathy of the student
or American variety-the difference
is one of degree --one must overcome I
prejudice, ignorance, and the blind-
ness of people who refuse to be aware
of the problems extant in society. (7)
Our warning is this-the apathetic
may find themselves asleep on the _LLm O re
top of a volcano.
in Slick Silk Jersey
More of our silk jersey successes for Spring-
on-the-Campus days. Ensemble a wardrobe
in witty color combinations all your very own.JNIR
Sizes 10to 20.
Get Your Money's 0A"Mix-Mates
Wort!Mix-Mates" Colors
Wrap-Around Turban . , 100 Yellow SHE CASHES IN ON
For dance for date.- Short-Sleeted Blouse . . . 2.95 Rose
attractive, huge, inex- 2.5PleBu CHECKS in gay ging-
trctvugnx-C able-Stilch Sweater. . . 2.95 Pale Blue hm
Long-Sleeved Shirt . . . 3.95 Chinese Tea
Pocket-Flap Skirt .. . . 3.95 Aqua $ (195 to $1 750




Drastic Reductions
End-of-Month Clearance
/Sprinq mcrchanJci'e







Coverts, twills, camel hair and plain
worsted. Fitted and swagger.
Sizes 10 to 18.
Formerly to 25.00

Plain and printed crepes, pastels, black,
arid navy. Sizes 9 to 17, 12 to 40.
Formerly to 19.95




Dressmaker, man-tailored in men's wear woolens, tweeds, plaids
and covert. Sizes 12 to 18.

Formerly to 14.95 Fo

)rmerly to 17.95

15 9
Formerly to 29.95

12 Price
One Group of Early Spring Hats.
No Approvals

Formerly to 1.00

Broken sizes.

All Sales Final ---1

Ill I



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