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April 23, 1940 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-23

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. . .

of cabbages
and kings

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At last the spring breezes have begun to blow here in Ann Arbor, and
on the breeze various details of who was where on the first real spring week-
end this year, have been wafted to your correspondent.
Seen hobblin' around at the Phi Delt's annual "Hobo Hobble" where
everyone came dressed in 'his most comfortable clothes, were Betty Erdman
and Jack Emmett, Patty Walpole with Ken Calder, and Nancy Worrell with
Johnny Fletcher. In overalls were Betty Barlie and Dick Sherling while,
Ruth Mary Smith and Bill Cae tossed the hay around.
Over at the Union we saw Mariett Roleston with Shuman Worrell,
and Eleanor Smith with Bob Summerhays. Also beatin' it out were Mary
Lowery and Marvin Rodney, Bob Lewis and Lois Arnold and Dotty Davidson
with Al Waterstone.
And Then There Was War! ...
At the Delta Upsilon house Friday night Freda Vander Veen and Doug
Larson, Mary Louise Finney and John Kramer were seen wrapt in melodies.
*At the Sigma Phi party Barb Simonds
\ * and Fred Linsell were dancing away,
" as were Edna Kearney and Bill Laitner.I
. * The "War Dance" held at the Sig Nu
house Friday night brought out such
trenchmen as Genevieve Lovelace witl
Bruce Hartwick, Betty Ann Neal and
-.,Oscar *Hauser, Barbara Talcott with
Wayne Osborne, and Jean Borland with Bud Bentley.
Also giving war whoops were Mary Trix with Dick Anderson, Bob Bragg!
and Rugh Diehlman, Alice Pearl Kramer with Art Griep, and Pat Neal
with Paul Sampson. Mary Newcomb was there with Bill Harrison and
Margaret Anne Hadsell with Lawton Hammett. Ginny Davis and Dick-
Melcher were together, and Janice Baxter was there with George Cheffy.
Spring Parley quite an important part in the week-end's activities,
for Saturday afternoon we saw Jane Sapp, Dick Briggs, and Jane Baits
a 'listenin' away. Saturday night Nina McClellan and Libby Allington
appeared as did Marge Forrestel. Also present Saturday were Elaine Fisher,
Gene Kane, Fred Heath, Ann Faden and Dotty Sampson.
But Shirley Fishman was the most avid listener and
participator; she was there at all sessions. 'Elwin Hel
drick, Art Biggins, Thelma Weber, Elmore Staples, Roz
Seidler and Helen Breed were also interested in the *.
Spring W as In t ne Air . . . -
Saturday night at the Gamma Phi Beta spring formal
we saw Ted Novak and Pedo Ortmeyer, Mary Neafie and
Bob Van Buren, and Helen Rhodes with Johnny Bach- '--'' - .
;nann. At the Hermitage party the same night Walter Lang with Janet

For '41 JGP
Judiciary Council To Meet
Sophomores This Week
From 3 P.M. To 5 P.M.
Eligible sophomore women who,
have petitioned for the 1941 JGP are
urged to come out early in the week
for interviewing which will be held
from 3 p.m. today, tomorrow, Thurs-
day, and Friday, Doris Merker, '41,
chairman of Judiciary Council, an-
Early interviews will be to the ad-
vantage of the individual as well as
the Council, Miss Merker added, since
the last minute rush will be avoided.
Scenery chairman is the only new
position on the central committee,
which ordinarily consists of general
chairman, finance chairman, patrons
chairman, and ticket chairman. Oth-
er committee chairmanships are fi-
nance, dance, costumes, properties,
ushers, music, make-up and pro-
grams. This year, assistant dance
chairman, assistant costume chair-
man, recorder and bookholder will not
be members of the ,cerntral commit-
tee, although interviewing for these
positions will take place at the same
Eligibility cards must be shown at
the time of the interview, Miss Merker
said. The usual sign-up system,
whereby the girls sign up in the order
of their coming, will be used to facili-
tate prompt and calm interviews,
Miss Merker continued.
"Hi-Falutin' was thename of the
1940 JOP which was given this March
by the class of '41. Jane Grove was
general chairman.
Statewide Meeting
For Kappa Deltas
To Be At Lansing
A statewide conclave for alumnae
and actives of Kappa Delta sorority
is Ito be held April 27 in East Lansing.
Guests will be members of the active
chapters at the University of Michi-
gan, Albion College, Michigan State
College and alumnae groups from De-
troit and Port Huron.
The Lansing alumni chapter will
act as host at a Saturday luncheon,
formal banquet and Sunday morning
breakfast and the active chapter at
Michigan State will entertain the
guests with a semi-formal dance Sat-
urday following the banquet and will
hold open house all weekend.
Registration will be held from 10
a.m. to noon Saturday, April 27, at
the Michigan State Union in East


Are Popular

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Dickinson, Ralph Beeker with Donna Baisch, and Ernie Palmer
Carolyn Spatz were seen waltzing around.


The ever-popular, ever-practical
shirt waist dress has received new
interest by the use of large patch
Theatre Group
POsitions Open
Mary E. Wheeler Named
Assistant To Chairman
Petitioning for, positions on the
central committee for Theatre Arts
will be open today through 5 p.m.
Friday, it was announced yesterday
by Jane Pinkerton, '41, chairman of
the committee.
Mary Ellen Wheeler, '41, has been
appointed assistant general chair-
man of the committeee.
Other positions on the committee
which will be filled following petition-
ing include chairmen of The Daily
publicity, Ann Arbor publicity, art,
scenery, ushers, program, music, cos-
tumes, and contacting public schools.
Also to be appointed will be chair-
men in charge of properties, makeup,
boxoffice, dance, bookholder and con-
tacting dormitories, fraternities and
sororities and civic organizations.
Assistant chairmen for these com-
mittees will be appointed from, those
petitioning for the chairmanships.

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