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April 23, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-23

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Course Opens
To Graduates
Summer Session Offers
Comprehensive Studies
On American Culture
A comprehensive graduate study
course in American Culture and In-
stitutions, presented by the economics
English, geography, history, philoso-
phy, political science and sociology
departments, featuring the country's
outstanding lecturers in the field of
American Culture, will be included in
the curriculum of the 1940 Summer
Session, Prof. Dwight L. Dumond of
the history department announced
The course, known as Course 3 0,
will be a broad study of American
civilization as approached from the
cultural, historical, philosophical and
sociological aspects. It is intended
primarily "for those who are already
well advanced in their studies in their
own field or department, and who are
prepared to follow profitably such
a collaboration of scholars in various
fields as this program contemplates."
Although students may register .in
either of the seven departments par-'
ticipating, all will attend the lectures,
four of which will be delivered each
week for a period of five weeks, be-
ginning July 1.
"R4egional Varieties of Cultural De-
velopment" will occupy the fitst
week's concentration, and will he
discussed by PrQf. Howard Mumford
Jones, Harvard University;. Prof.
Charles S. Sydnor, Duke University;
Edward E. Dale, University of Okla-
homa, vnd Prof. Stanley D. Dodge
of the geography department.
Detroit News Columnist ,
Speaks Here Tomorrow
H. C. L. Jackson, author of the
popular Detroit News column, "Lis-
tening in on Detroit;" will speak at 3
p.m. tomorrow in Room E, Haven
A University graduate in journal-
ism and former staff member of The
Daily, Jackson will speak here under
the auspices of the journalism depart-
ment. The talk is open to the pub-

Economics Professor Receives
waterways Survey Appointment

E. M. Hoover To Consult
On St. Lawrence River
Waterways Re-Survey
Back to Washington recently for
intensified three-week service as spe-
cial consultant for the St. Lawrence
Waterways Survey went Prof. Edgar
M. Hoover of the economics depart-
Professor Hoover had just returned
to campus after work on this survey
performed in Washington immediate-
ly before and during Spring Vaca-
tion. He was appointed its special
consultant last month.
In an interview last week, he point-
ed out that the St. Lawrence Water-
ways project was submitted to the
Senate's -consideration seven years
ago and was rejected after an elabor-
ate report. Professor Hoover indi-
cated, therefore, the basic reasons for
the new, present re-survey.
He listed, first, the desire of Presi-
dent Roosevelt to bring research on
the project up to date and to include
any new elements in the situation
that might possibly amplify or
change the findings of the original
survey. That is, he said, the com-
modities that would now travel on
the proposed waterway would be dif-
ferent from those of a decade ago-
when the facts for the original sur-
vey were gathered. Professor Hoo-
ver specified, as an example, the
possible increased shipment of auto-
mobile parts. And, of course, he
added, there are certain minor
Scouts Give First Aid
To Trampled Nature
"Stop-Thru Grassway" and "Give
the Worms a Chance"-these and
about 50 similar signs diverted the
intentions of many a passerby as he
started to cut across the lawns re-
Alpha Phi Omega, boy scout serv-
ice fraternity for all University men
who were scouts are carrying on the
"6se the walk" campaign to assist the
buildings and grounds department
which has started seeding those sec-
tions of the grounds.

changes to be made in the project
He cited, secondly, the greater rela-
tive importance of power as an ob-
jective of the project. Stipulating
power development and navigation as
the principal aims,he revealed that,
as upper New York State has in-
creased and is increasing in manu-
facturing and population, there has
been an increased demand for power,
not only in New York but in some
sections of New England which the
project might serve.
And, third, he said, is the necessity
for a broader, more intensive study
and analysis of the economic results
of. the project. Especially to be con-
sidered, Professor Hoover explained,
are the possible effects on the Mid-
West, the Atlantic coast ports, rail-
roads and the displacements of in-
dustry. He cautioned that the whole
project must be viewed in the per-
spective of the probable, future
growth of the United States, and
that, because the project would take
10 years to complete, all estimates
must be based at least upon the year
1950 and take into consideration such
factors as larger population and traf-
SRA To Show
Film Of Camp
Movies Of Fresh Air Camp
Offered At Lane Hall
A film on the activities of the
Fresh Air Camp, sponsored annually
by the Student Religious Association,
will be shown at 8 p.m. Thursday in
Lane Hall at a meeting of Alpha
Phi Omega, national service frater-
nity of boy scouts.
The public is invited to attend the
showing of the film explaining the
working of the camp at Patterson
Lake which provides two weeks of
-sunshine and swimming for under-
privileged boys in this area.
May 3 and 4 have been selected
for the sale of tags, proceeds of
which go into the fund for the camp.
As in the past, campus groups are
cooperating closely with the central

Student Apathy
Scored At Final
Parley Session
(Continued from Page 1)
be set up to investigate the problem
of immaturity of the student for fur-
ther study by the Senate.
Dworkis, chairman of the "World
Scene" panel commented that Eng-
land, France and Germany are all
imperialistic but France and England
are not so dynamically aggressive.
The discussion centered around the
problem of keeping the United States
out of war.
The greatest contribution to dem-
ocracy that can be made here, Pro-
fessor Smithies asserted, is to culti-
vate more independence of thought.
In his speech summarizing the re-,
marks of the chairmen, he, too,
stressed student apathy as one of the
major causes leading to a weak cam-
pus democracy.
/ In closing the Parley, Professor
Shepard pointed out that there were
many who didn't attend the Parley
because they feel that it is merely a
good place for people to blow off a
lot of steam. People only think be-
cause they have to, he declared. When
the shoes of necessity pinches more
students, then the Parleys will re-
ceive the attention and attendance
that they merit, he concluded.
Senior Class Dues
Will Be Collected
Seniors dues of one dollar per stu-
dent will be collected from 9 a.m.. to
3 p.m. beginning today in Angell
Hall lobby, Don Nixon, '40, chairman
of the class of 1940 finance commit-
tee, announced yesterday.
The money collected which will be
turned over to the class officer's fund
of the Alumni Association will be
used to keep class organization to-
gether by maintaining contacts be-
tween officers and members and pro-
viding for reunions every five years.


VOL. L. No. 144
Note to Seniors, June Graduates,
and Graduate Students: Please file
application for degrees or any special
certificates (i.e. Geology Certificate,
Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once
if you expect to receive a degree or
certificate at Commencement in
June. We cannot guarantee that the
University will confer a degree or cer-
tificate at Commencement upon any
student who fails to file such applica-
tion before the close of business on
Wednesday, May 15. If application
is received later than May 15, your
degree or certificate may not be
awarded until next fall.
If you have not already done so,
candidates for degrees or certificates
may fill out cards at once at office
of the secretary or recorder of their
own school or college (students en-
rolled in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, College of
Architecture and Design, School of
Music, School of Education, and
School of Forestry and Conservation,
please note that application blanks
may be obtained and filed in the
Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer-
sity Hall). All applications for the
Teacher's Certificate should be made
at the office of the School of Educa-
Please do not delay until the last
day, as more than 2,500 diplomas
and certificates must be lettered,
signed, and sealed and w4e shall be
greatly helped in this work by the
early filing of applications and the
resulting longer period for prepara-
-Shirley W. Smith
All Ways the Best
Demand a genuineERD BER Watch Strap.
Quality .material, expert workmanship
make this strap the popular leader. Good
looking, smart, priced from 75cents up.
At eterauthorized jewelers.
E -Fne cther
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4: v


CCandidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for June 1940, to be recom-
mended by the School of Education,
are requested to call at the office of
the School of Education. 1437 UES,
this week, between the hours of 1:30
and 4:30, to take the Teacher Oath
which is a requirement for the cer-
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Michigan Civil Service examinations.
Last date for filing application will
be May 10.
Vital Statistics Representative II,
salary range $200-240.
Forester I (open to men only) sal-
ary range $150-190.
Complete announcements on file
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours:
9-12 and 2-4.
Graduate Training for Social Work:
Professor Arthur Dunham of the fac-
ulty of the Curriculum in Social
Work, a division of the Graduate
School of the University, with head-
quarters at 40 East Ferry Ave., De-
troit, will be on campus on Thursday
afternoon, April 25, for individual
consultation with students who are
interested in graduate tramining for
social work or in the possible choice
of social work as a vocation. Pro-
fessor Dunham will meet students'
at Lane Hall; appointments should
be made in advance through the
office at Lane Hall.
Senior Engineers: Class dues must
be paid by Friday, April 26, in order
to rent caps and gowns from En-
gineering Council at reduced prices.

Senior Class Dues: All Senior lit-
erary students, who have not done
so, should pay their class dues of one
dollar to members of the Finance
Committee in Angell Hall lobby from
9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. this week.
Tennis Tournaments: The women's
singles tournament brackets will be
posted in the W.A.B. Monday. The
first round must be played off by
(Continued on Page 4)
AAi i/ ininA A - il




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Robert YOUNG -Walter BRENNAN
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Greenhouses to Every Lady at
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Pens - Typewriters - Supplies
"Writers Trade With Rider's"
302 South State St.

-- _ % /










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