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April 23, 1940 - Image 1

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VOL. L. No. 144




Student Apathy Hit
At Closing Session
Of Spring Parley


More Than 300 Present
AsStudents And Facslty
Summarize Discussions
National Liberties
Are Threatened
More than 300 students, faculty
members and townspeople met Sun-
day afternoon to hear four panel
chairmen, faculty and student speak-
ers from the floor denounce student
apathy as one of the major ills of
our decadent University democracy
and give summarizing views on the
theme of "Democracy Through the
Students' Ayes" to wind up the three-
day bull session of the tenth Annual
Spring Parley.
Principal speakers at the closing
session were Prof. Arthur Smithies of
the economics department, Prof.
Arthur Shepard of the psychology
department, panel chairmen, Martin
Dworkis, '40, "The World Scene,"
Tom Downs, '40L, "American Democ-
racy," Ellen Rhea, '41, "The Campus
Community," and Roger Kelley, '42,
"University Training."
Three Overlapping Groups
Dworlkis as chairman of the com-
mittee on student government, stated
that there are three types of over-
lapping organizations; the service
groups which integrate University
activities; student policy organiza-
tions such as the Student Senate and
student participation in administra-
tion through, such means as boards
for student publications and athlet-
ics., Since the representation of stu-
dents on administrative boards is im-
portant, precautions should be taken
to stop any attempts to curtail such
representation. The group voted to
empower the committee to continue
their investigation and submit a
written report at the" end of the
In summarizing the findings of the
panel on, "American Democracy,"
Downs stated that civil rights were
being threatened. It was the decision
of the panel that although there is
a large degree of democracy in the
United States, political and economic
democracy are not equal. It was re-,
solved that: the economics depart-
ment should offer a course dealing
more with contemporary problems.
Democracy Best In Cooperatives
Miss Rhea, reporting for the panel
on, "The Campus Community," said
that democracy existed within the
organized house groups, but that out-
side ,of this limited area, little dem-
ocracy exists. Cooperatives offer
the students the best type of democ-
racy, she pointed out. A resolution
passed unanimously by the panel
stated that: the Board in Control of
Athletics is responsible for discrim-
ination of Negroes in athletics. A
committee should be set up by the
Parley to investigate this charge and
if true, it should attempt to abolish
such practices, inasmuch as the Uni-
versity is democratic.
As summarizer for the panel on,
"University Training," Kelley de-
scribed the Senate as the most demo-
cratic, most representative and least
effective organization on campus.
Student inertia was blamed for mak-
ing it the impotent instrument it is.
Immaturity of the student was sug-
gested as a cause and it was re-
solved that: functional committees
(Continued on Page 2)
Seen Evolving
T. Z. Koo Lecture Notes
Rise Of New Spirit

Rebuilding the Chinese nation is
going along side by side with the
prosecution of war, declared Dr. T. Z.
Koo, international lecturer apd secre-
tary of the World Student Christian
Federation, in a speech sponsored by
the Student Religious Association last
night in the Rackhanm Auditorium.
The four words in China's slogan:
resist, fight, build, nation, reveal the
traditional attitude of the people to-
ward war in general, Dr. Koo ex-
plained. Even while they are fight-

Newman Club
Delegates End
Meeting Here
Secretar± Of State Kelly
Makes Urgent Appeals
For Spiritual Strength
America's theory of government
has always found a place for the ten-
ets which are contained in the creed
of the Catholic Church; consequent-
ly Catholic youth today must make
government more sound by employ-
ing spiritua strength in everyday
action, Secretary (f State Harry F.
Kelley told 275 Newman Club dele-
gates at the close of their 14th an-
nual convention here Sunday.
A recognition of the dignity of man
and the existence of God are prin-
ciples which are contained in Ameri-
can governmental documents-and
they are principles which were first
developed and have been preserved
by the church, Mr. Kelly said. Ameri-
ca should point with understanding
and pride to the p'assage of the Decla-
ration of Independence, "men are
endowed by their Creator with cer-
tain inalienable rights," Kelly said"
President Ruthven assured the
convention that the University of
Michigan is striving at all times to
prevent individuals from "depart-
mentaliing" their lives so that they
separate intellect and knowledge from
other moral qualities which are just
as important. A mottoof the Uni-
versity work has been, "To know God
is a revelation," Dr. Ruthven said.
'Harvest Ticket
Sales. To Open
Art Cinema Film Begins
Tickets for all performances of the
French Cinema Center's film "Har-
vest," which begins a three-day run
at 8:15 p.m. Thursday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, will go on sale
at 10 a.m. tomorrow in the theatre
A presentation of the Art Cinema
League, the film, acclaimed by New
York Film Critics' Circle as the finest
foreign picture of 1939, will also be
shown at 8:15 p.m. Friday and Sat-
urday, and at 3:15 p.m. Saturday.
Proving, in the words of a New
York Times critic, "that the motion
pictures can be art." "Harvest" is the
production of Marcel Pagnol who
adapted the story from Jean Giono's
novel, "Regain." Pagnol has already
filmed three Giono novels, all of them
set in Provence, as "Harvest," is whicha
region Giono has used "as a univer-
sal symbol of the richness and fer-
tility of the earth as the mother of
man . . ."t
Score for the film has been written
by Arthur Honegger, French com-
poser of "Pacific 231." and the scores
for "Pygmalion" and "Mayerling."

1940, Drama
Season Tickets
To Go On Sale
Supplementing a heavy mail-order
trade, counter sale of tickets for
the 1940 Ann Arbor Dramatic Season
will start at 10 a.m. tomorrow in
the Garden Room of the League.
The Season, which will begin its
11th year on May 13, has already
signed such eminent stars as Ruth
Chatterton, Mady Christians, Diana
Barrymore, Madge, Evans, Whitford
Kane, Barry Thompson, Joseph Hol-
.land and Hiram Sherman.
Arrangements have been complet-
ed for four out of the five plays to
be presented. Opening night audi-
ences will 'see Miss Chatterton in
"Pygmalion," which will run May
13 through'18.
The second week's bill will offer
Shakespeare's seldom-done comedy,
"The Winter's Tale." The play's cast
will include Mady Christians, Hiram
Sherman, Joseph Holland and Diana
Sidney Kingsley's "The World We
Make," a hit on Broadway this sea-
son, will begin a five-day run May
28. Playwright Kingsley will be in
Ann Arbor during the play's engage-
ment. Madge Evans has the lead.
Dr. Middleton
Accepts Galens
Lecturer Post'
Wisconsin Dean To Speak
Under New Honorary
,Medical Professorship
The first visiting lecturer to fill
the post of Galens Honorary Med-
ical SocietyClinical Professorship
will be Dr. William S. Middleton, it
was announced yesterday by Robert
Plumb, '40M, president of the So-
Dr. Middleton, who is Dean of the
Wisconsin Medical School and Pro-
fessor of Medicine, agreed to lecture
here during the week of May 13.
One of the important aspects of the
visit will be for Dr. Middleton to
gather as much information about
the Department of Medicine and the
Hospital in general; and then to
make suggestions as to how local
officers might better the department
and the institution in general.
During his stay here, Dr. Middle-'
ton will conduct ward rounds, deli-
ver an extemporaneous out-patient1
clinic, conduct a clinic for third
and fourth year students, partici-
pate in clinical pathological and an
X-ray conference, and deliver an
address to a meeting of the entire
four year classes of medical stu-
Chicagoan Left Cold
By Overcoat Trade
An evidently unpremeditated trade
of overcoats by some careless Uni-
versity student in a Three Rivers
restaurant Saturday, April 13, left
Robert E. Schlau of Chicago prey to
chilly Michigan winds during the;
past week, according to a letter from
Mrs. Schlau received by University
officials yesterday.
The student's coat, which is in
Schlau's possession, is too small for
him, the letter continued, and he
will welcome a retrade. Schlau will
be here tomorrow or Thursday, and
the student in question should phone
the office of the dean of students
for further information.

Sherman Cites
Made In Smoke.
At Engineers'


Soot, Smoke
Is Foreseen.

Fuel Expert Traces
U. S. Coal History
Elimination of smoke and soot
from coal-burning stoves and fur-
naces was prophesied as an immi-
nent development of recent re-
cent researches by R. A. Sherman,
supervisor of the fuels division of
the Battele Memorial Institute, Co-
lumbus, O., speaking before a con-
ference of coal utilization engineers
yesterday at the Union.
Addressing a Joint meeting of the
fourth annual Coal Utilization In-
stitute sponsored by the mechanical
engineering department and the
twenty-fifth Fuel Engineering Con-
ference of Appalachian Coals, Inc.,
Sherman cited recent developments
in the design of electrostatic and
mechanical smoke arrestors as in-
dicative of the trend toward cleaner
air now being undertakep by many
Declaring that small hand stoves
still heat about 40 per cent of the
city homes in this country, he point-
ed out that the problem of air pollu-
tion by this type of heating plant
has hardly been touched by past
developments. Education in firing
methods and further research on the
design of more efficient plants, to-
gether with the development of a
smoke-less fuel.
Addressing the banquet meeting
of the Conference last night at the
Union, Howard N. Evanston, con-
sulting mining engineer from Pitts-
burgh, traced the history of coal
production in the United States
from pre-Revolution days of hand
mines to the modern shafts designed
for large-scale production.
Teacher Group
To Meet Here
Phi Delta Kappa Will Hear
Eminent Educators
For its third annual state conven-
tion, Phi Delta Kappa, honorary
education fraternity will convene
here Saturday to hear leaders in
state and national education discuss
current problems and, to initiate
new members of the local chapter.
At its luncheon meeting Dr. Fred
W. Frostic, superintendent of Wyan-
dotte schools and state coordinator
will preside. Dr. T. C. Holy, profes-
sor of education at Ohio State Uni-
versity and district coordinator will
be the featured speaker.
The spring initiation of the
pledges to the Omega Ann Arbor
chapter will be conducted by the
chapter of Wayne University fol-
lowing campus excursions and the
band and orchestra concerts in the
Deutscher Verein
To Discuss Plans
For Coming Play
Plans for the Deutscher Verein's
forthcoming production of Lessing's
"Minna von Barnhelm" will be dis-
cussed at the club's meeting at 8:00
p.m. today in the League.
Dr. Otto G. Graf of the German
department, who is directing the
play, has announced that Robert
Mellencamp, art director of Play
Production, will design the scenery;
Miss Emma Hirsch, costumiere of
Play Production, will supervise the
costuming, and Frank X. Brown of
the German department will act as
business manager.
The cast is now reaching the final
rehearsal stage for its presentation
next Monday at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre, according to Dr. Graf.

Those taking prominent roles are
Kenneth Marble, '41, Gordon Avery,
'41, Betty Ramsay, Grad., Carl Pe-
tersen, '40, Howard Wallach, '43,
Ethel Winnai, '41, and David Gib-
son, '41.
Architecture Society
Will Hold Elections
The Architecture Society's elec-

U.S. Attache
Dies In Raid
On Norway
Hull Bases Possible Action
On Forthcoming Details
Of BombingOperations
Americans Advised
To Leave Hungary
WASHINGTON, April 22. -()-
Secretary of State Hull, expressing
sorrow over"dispatches reporting that
Capt. Robert M. Losey, 31, assistant
American military attache, had been
killed by a German bomb in Norway,
considered tonight whether to take
strong diplomatic action toward Ger-
Captain Losey had gone from Swe-
den to Norway to assist Americans to
get out of the latter country. A
newspaper at Goteberg, Sweden, de-
scribing his death, said he was stand-
ing in a mountain tunnel at Dombas
during an aerial bombardment yes-
terday when a splinter from a bomb
struck him in the heart.
Although several American diplo-
mats and military attaches have had
narrow escapes from German and
Russian bombing planes, Captain
Losey was the only one to be killed.
Hull said he was seeking all infor-
mation about the circumstances sur-
rounding Losey's death and would
not make a decision as to diplomatic
action, if any, until the information
had been assembled.
Captain Losey had gone to contact
a group of Americans who were as-
sumed to be enroute from Illeham-
mer, Norway, to Sarna, Sweden.
The State Department has been in-
formed that the group gotacross the
frontier safely yesterday, escorted by
Lt. Commander Ole 0. Hagen, Ameri-
can naval attache at Stockholm.
Baggage Is Packed
For Speedy Flight
BUDAPEST, Hungary, April 22.-
()-The American Legation on or-
ders from the State Department in
Washington, today advised all Uni-
ted States citizens remaining here
to go home while there is a "means
of egress" still available.
In line with the State Depart-
ment's policy of repeatedly advising
Americans to leave unless they have
compelling reasons for staying, sim-
ilar notices were issued by United
States legations throughout South-
eastern Europe.
Many French and British in Buda-
pest, including diplomats, had their
baggage packed for a speedy flight
should it be necessary to escape a
German lightning thrust in South-
eastern Europe.
Delgado To Deliver
Third Talk Today
Problems of race mixture and
white acclimatization in Brazil will
be- discussed today at 4:15 p.m. in
the Amphitheatre of the Raclham
Building, by- Dr. Carlos Delgado de
Carvalho, noted Brazilian geog-
rapher and sociologist.
This will be the third in a series
of six lectures on modern Brazil
being given here by Doctor Delgado,
accredited Visiting Carnegie Profes-
sor under the Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace.
Sponsored locally by the division

of social sciences, Doctor Delgado
has delivered two lectures since he
arrived here April 15, one on the
human geography of Brazil, and
one on the economic history of that
country. ,


Launch Aeria


Attack On Narvi


Stout To Speak
At Engineerng
Banquet Here
Deans Crawford, Cooley
And Lovell To Appear
On Program Thursday
William B. Stout, noted aircraft
and automobile designer, will be the
principal speaker at the 1940 All-En-
gineering banquet to be held at 6:30
p.m. Thursday in the ,Union, J. An-
derson Ashburn, '40E, chairman and
toastmaster announced yesterday.
Other featured speakers at the
banquet will include Dean Ivan C.
Crawford, newly appointed dean of
the engineering college who will be
introduced to faculty and students
at the banquet by President Ruthven;
Dean Emeritus Mortimer E. Cqoley,
the second dean of the college; Assist-
ant Dean Alfred E. Lovell and James
E. Brown, '40E, president of the En-
gineering Council.
Entertainment highlight of the eve-
ning will be a demonstration of the
intricate and delicate art of juggling
by Prof. A. D. Moore of the depart-
ment of electrical engineering. Pro-
fessor Moore gained campus fame by
his performance at the Samples of
Science program last fall.
Announced at the banquet will be
the winners of the Engineering Hon-
or System essay contest, Art Brandt,
'40E, chairman of the Honors Com-
mittee of the Council announced last
Tickets for the banquet will be on
sale only until tomorrow noon, Ash-
burn announced, as reservations must
be completed by that time. Sales are
being conducted through represen-
tatives of the various engineering.
Gargoyle Will
Appear Soon,
Wunsch Says
Unquestionably the best edition of
the Gargoyle year will come out this
-er--sometime this week, Ellis A.
Wunsch, 140, assured 4esterday.
Mr. Wunsch is pilot of the month-!
ly excursion into collegiate wit and
humor. For his authorities, he cites:
A cover which, at one and the
same time, follows the New Yorker
magazine, and unearths a new ar-
tist sensation.
A main feature devoted to a BMOC
and BWOC blue-book.
Jay McCormick's prize story of
the' month about a tattooed man,
and Chuck Holt's golf tale of a "Jane
who gets jilted for a jigger"
Special features on a "stream-
lined" University catalogue and on
Jan Savitt, who will give a "swing"
concert May 1, in Yost Feld House.
A page of news bits: campus hap-
penings, pictures of personalities
"ignored by The Daily."
The issue, pages larger than any
of the past three months, will also
contain the departments that have
become familiar to the whole cam-
pus: jokes, art-work, quizzes, car-
toons, and a Hurrell photograph.
There will be no beauty contest.

Nazi-Occupied Trondheim
Surrounded By British
And Norwegian Troops
Stieklestad Scene
Of Fierce Fighting
STOCKHOLM, April 22.-(P-
The British, in broadcast warnings
to the populace of Narvik, threaten-
ed to bombard that northern ore
harbor today, and with their Norwe-
gian allies clamped a slowly closing
vise on German-occupied Trond-
helm, vital west coast port and rail-
way center 400 miles farther south,
The Germans and Norwegians
were reported fighting at Melhus,
only 20 miles south of Trondheim
on the Trondheim-Oslo railway. A
force of British were reported at
Storen, five, miles to the rear.
Reach Steinkier
A main force of British, working
south from the other, side of the
port, were reported to have reached
Steinkier, reported Norwegian con-
centration center 50 miles north of
This was about 15 miles north of
Vardalsora where fighting between
advance detachments was reported
4 To the east of the city, the Nor-
wegians were reported still in pos-
session of Hegra fortress guarding
the railway to the Swedish border
Three times during the daythe
,British broadcast warnings to the
inhabitants of Narvik, advising
them to leave the town before the
start of the barrage. The allied ac-
tion presumably was in reply to a
German aerial attack yesterday oni
Namsos, British troop landing point
south of Narvik,
Destroyers Land Troei,
A_ dispatch from the Nrwegh.
Swedish frontier, by Reuters, British
news agency, said today that Ger-
man destroyers from Trondheim had
landed troops north of Trondheim
with the object of attacking British
forces from the rear but that they
had been driven off by the British
The dispatch said fierce fighting
now is. going. on between German
and British troops at Sticklestad,
north of Trondheim, between Stein-
kjer and Vardalsora.
Nazi Air Force Increases
Intensity Of Attacks
BERLIN, April 23.-IP)-The Ger-
man air force was described as loos-
ing. its force with mounting intensity
early today against debarking' Bri-
tish troops among whom it was assert-
ed "bloody losses" had been caused,
and British transports and warships,
14 of which were declared sunk or
damaged in the last 48 hours.
In addition the German aircraft
were reported by DNB, official Ger-
man news agency, in a summary of
Monday's fighting, to have attacked
Norwegian detachments with bomb
and machinegun at positions north of
Close Senate
Election Seen



- ____

Ehrmann Links Italian Moves
To Nazi Attack On Scandina'


Recent and sudden acceleration of
Italy's war spirit, as well as Italian
military and naval activity in the
eastern Mediterranean area, can be
closely connected to military devel-
opments and uncertainties in the
rest of Europe, Prof. Howard M.
Ehrmann of the history department
observed yesterday in an interview.
Explaining his statement he noted
that more Italian troops have been
called to the colors and that Musso-
lini seems to be preparing his peo-
ple for war. Mussolini wants to
enter the war on the side of Ger-
many, he said, but only after Ger-
man victory is assured.
He pointed out that Mussolini's
strengthening of Italy's army close-

British- Somalilands, in addition to
the present Italian possessions of
Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Italian
He pointed out that a concentra-
tion of Italian warships in the stra-
tegic Dodecanese Islands closely fol-
lowed the massing of Russian troops
at Odessa threatening Rumania, rev-
elation of an alleged Allied plot to
block the Danube River at historic
Iron Gate, and numerous rumors of
impending military action in the
Professor Ehrmann also indicated
the possibility of an Italian thrust
in the 'Balkans-in Yugoslavia, for
example-as a campaign separate
from the western European conflict.
Several considerations, however,
seem to indicate that Italy will not

President Ruthven Addresses
Flint Alumni At Annual Banquet

(Special to the Daily)
FLINT, April 22.-The University;
of Michigan Club of Flint held its An-
nual Banquet last night at the Hotel
Durant here, but the affair turned
into a surprse birthday and anniver-
sary celebration honoring R. Spencer
Bishop, president of the Alumni Asso-
President Ruthven gave the ad-
dress of the evening. Short talks
were given by Prof. Carl G. Brandt,
of the English department, Dean
Albert C. Furstenberg, of the Med-
ical School and T. Hawley Tapping,
general secretary of the Alumni As-i

Alumni Association warranted a
special celebration.
He was completely surprised, then,;
when-near the end of the menu---
the lights went out, a huge white"
cake, was carried in under spotlight,
and the 400 guests broke into the
strains of "Happy Birthday."
Earlier in the program, the guests
heard a 15-minute broadcast of a
special Varsity Band recorded med-
ley of Michigan songs.
Other Ann Arbor guests were Mrs.
Ruthven, Mrs. Furstenberg, Robert
0. Morgan, assistant secretary of the
Alumni Association, and George

Sixteen To Be Selected;
Polling Begins Friday
Party lines and personal allegiance
in the Student Senate race began
to be drawn more closely yesterda3
with the publication of the official
list of candidates in Sunday's edi-
tion of The Daily.
A hotly-contested fight was seer
in the offing by Elections Directors
Stuart K. Knox, '40, and Norman A
Schorr, '40, as they surveyed the
field last night. They predicted a
particularly determined battle to pile
up a sufficient number of votes t
win the ten three-semester term!
to be filled in this Friday's election
The other six winners will hold of.
fice for one semester.
Platforms of prospective senatoJ
will be printed in The Daily's spe-
cial Battle Page Wednesday, the di-
rectors announced. They also re

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