Fair today;
continued cool,
5k igan
Reciprocal Trade
Contributes To Exports .. .
Secret Debate
On Economic
War Ordered
In Commons
Prime Minister Restates
Confidence In Outcome;
Trade Bureau Set Up
Flying Boat Defeats
IX az_ Warplanes
LONDON, April 4. -(P)- Prime
Minister Chamberlain today ordered
a secret session of the House of Com-
mons for next Thursday for debate
on the worldwide economic warfare
by which the Allies are seeking to,
"drain the lifeblood out of our en-
Speaking outside the House he
declared he was "ten times as con-
fident" now of winning the war as
he was when the conflict broke out
because Adolf Hitler "missed the bus"
in failing to launch a Blitzkrieg last
New Economy Step
A new step in the economic of-
fensive was taken with establishment
of "the English Commercial Corpora-
tion, Limited" to deal with neutrals,
particularly in Southeastern Europe,
to divert vital goods from Germany
and capture markets for Britain.
- In the continuing war in the skies,
the British reported a lone flying
at on patrol yesterday attacked
scattered six German warplanes
the North Sea, shooting down
nd damaging one so badly it
in Norway where the crew
ngular prime minister opti-
y surveyed the war in a
speech before his Conser-
arty council, even as the na-
hed with skepticism yester-
binet reshuffle which gave
Churchill prime responsibil-
ar strategy but was seen as
ittle else.
Chamberlain Confident
mberlain declared Britain was
a great deal" stronger position
tive to Germaxy now than at
e start of the war. In addition,
he said, there was "a growth of sen-
timent among neutral countries in
our favor."
He contended that Germany, be-
cause of "brutal, callous and wicked"
measures, "has not a real friend in
the world."
The usually matter-of-fact Prime
Minister displayed a sparkling homey
side of public personality with the
use of man-in-the-street phrases
such as "Hitler missed the bus" and
a statement he was giving his au-
dience a war report 'straight from
the horse's mouth."
Mystery-Shrouded British
Liner Reaches Honoluil
HONOLULU, April 4.-(.P)--Great
Britain's great liner, the Mauretania,
reached Diamond Head at 2:40 p.m.
today (7:10 p.m. EST) on her secret
trans-Pacific voyage.
The Mauretania, which left New
York March 20 and passed through
the Panama Canal into the Pacific
a week later, was reported approach-
ing Honolulu last night, but the veil
of secrecy resembling wartime cen-
sorship prevented reporters from
learning of her exact whereabouts
until she was sighted by a lookout.
The liner will stop here to take
oni fuel and water before resuming
her trans-Pacific voyage, presumably
to New Zealand or Australia to pick
up troops.
Newspapermen and photographers
were refused access to the territorial
pier, which was crowed with U.S.
customs officers and police.
State Ignores
McCrea P lea
Dickinson Refuses Motion
To Drop Graft Charges
LANSING, April 4.-(M--Governor
Dickinson refused today to "fuss
with' a motion by Duncan C. Mc-
Crea~ Wayne Comnty Prosecutor, for
dismissal of ouster proceedings that
have been filed against him.
Attorney General Thomas Read
has asked that McCrea be removed
on charges of graft and connivance
with underworld characters.
Sen. Holt Denounces Canadian's
Plea Urging U.S. Intervention
Vandenberg Asks Senate To Investigate 'White Book'
Of Nazis Charging American War Mongering
WASHINGTON, April 4.-(/')-A1 war against Germany. The talk drew
Swim Team
Seeks AAU
Title 'Tonight
Canadian official's plea for United
States involvement in the European
war stirred angry denunciations of
"propaganda" today, during which
Senator Holt (Dem.-W. Va.) des-
cribed James H. R. Cromwell, Amer-
ican minister to Canada, as a "tea
hound" diplomat "who paid $50,000
for his job."
Holt read the Senate excerpts from
an address yesterday by Ontario's
Attorney General, Gordon Conant.
Conant said that Canadians should
"do everything within our power to
enlist the active support of the
United States in the cause of the
"But I don't hold the Canadian
people any more responsible for that
statement," Holt shouted, "than the
American people are responsible for
the statements of Jimmie Cromwell."
Cromwell recently made an ad-
dress supporting the Allies in their
Senate Election
Directors Call
For Candidates
Sixteen Positions Vacant;
Petitions, Platforms Due
After Spring Vacation
Petitions for the Student Senate
semi-annual' election, set for April
26, must have the signatures of at
least eight students, and must be
handed in during the first week after
vacation, Norman A. Schorr, '40, and
Stuart Knox, '40, ,directors of elec-
tions, said yesterday.
There are 16 positions to be filled,
of which the first ten elected will
serve for a term of three semesters,
while the remaining six will have a
one-semester. term. This arrange-
ment is necessary since the Senate
is in a state of transition which will
eventually see a membership of 30,
one-third of whom will retire each
semester. At present the Senate has
32 members with two-semester terms
with half being elected each semi-
annual election.
There will also be a "battle page"
in The Daily, to be run the week of
the election, which will present the
platforms of the candidates, the di-
rectors said. Platforms, of not more
than 200 words should be turned in
to the directors along with petitions.
A fifty-cent fee, as in the past, will
be charged for all those registering
The directors pointed out that the
three-semester teiure should not dis-
courage upperclassmen from run-
ning, for the Senate has always made
a policy of permitting graduating
seniors or graduate students to ap-
point successors.
With this issue, The Daily sus-
pends publication until April 16,
the day following the resumption
of the University schedule.
a rebuke from Secretary of State
(Holt's reference to $50,000 was to
the contribution Cromwell made to
the Democratic campaign chest in
Before Holt took the floor Senator
Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.) had urged
the Senate to order a speedy inves-
tigation of Nazi "White Book"
charges that American diplomats had
engaged in war mongering activities.
The Michigan Senator suggested
in a formal statement that such an
inquiry be conducted by a special
seven-member investigating commit-
tee, proposed by Senator Clark
(Dem.-Mo.) to look into all war
propaganda activities. Clark's reso-
lution won approval of the foreign
relations committee last week but
has not yet been considered by the
Vandenberg said he accepted at
face value the denials of Secretary
of State Hull and William C. Bul-
litt, Ambassador to France, that Bul-
litt had said the United States would
Join Great Britain and France in
fighting Germany. This statement
was attributed to Bullitt in purpotted
Polish papers the Germans said they
siezed in Warsaw.
Nevertheless, Vandenberg said his
mail reflected "considerable restless-
ness and anxiety over the main-
tenance of our ultimate neutrality
in the light of recent events."
Slayer Traced
Here. By Police
Clues May Implicate Local
Man In Murder
Clues today indicated that an Ann
Arbor man might be implicated in
the, murder near Ripley, Tenn., of
a man tentatively identified as Oscar
A. Kalmbach of Manchester.
The man, whose identification tal-
lied completely with that of Kalm-
bach, was found dead in a remote
Mississippi River district. Examina-
tion revealed a blow on the temple
from a sharp instrument was respon-
Working with Tennessee author-
ities through telegrams, local police
traced the car in which the man was
discovered to Kalmbach. The Man-
chester man, a World War veteran,
has been missing since Sunday and
had $400 with him when last seen.
Although all identification had been
stripped from the dead man, dental
work and a package of pills fur-
nished clues.
The possibility that a local man
might be closely linked to the crime
was seen after a clerk in Dickson,
Tenn., declared that he sold a .22
rifle found in the auto to a tall, dark
man listing Ann Arbor as his address.
No further clues were available.
A Manchester undertaking firm
announced it would send a man ei-
ther Friday or Saturday to return
the body here. The firm said local
residents knew that Kalmbach had
a wife and a 21-year-old son some-
where in Canada.I
Mann Depends On
Sharemet For
O.S.U. Defends
Wolverines Reign
As SlightFavorites
(Special to the Daily)
-NEW YORK, April 5.-)--Coach
Matt Mann's "greatest Michigan
team," fresh from a brilliant con-
quest of the collegiate swimming
squads, goes after new worlds to con-
quer here tonight when the Amateur
Athletic Union opens its annual na-
tional indoor championships in the
pool of the swanky New York Ath-
letic Club.
The Wolverines ruled slight favor-
ites tonight to roar on to their sec-
ond major title in a little more than
a week with the unbalanced Buck-
eyes from Ohio State, defending
champions, rated as the second best
Mike Peppe's squad is the only
college swimming team that has
ever marched off with the National
AAU crown and the Buckeyes have
done it twice, in 1938 and 1939. Be-
fore the reign of the Ohio mermen,
the nation's athletic clubs waged an
annual battle for the amateur throne
and the collegians never had a
Ohio State Feared
Ohio will be right in the heat of
the battle again this time, let there
be no question about that. With Pat-
nik and Clark both back for more,
20 sure points will be almost enough
in itself to place the Buckeyes near
the top.
And while Peppe depends on his
divers, Coach Mann will pin his hopes
on two of the greatest relay teams
in the country. His freestyle quar-
tet, with a4 3:31 performance last
week in the Collegiates, will be high-
ly favored to dethrone the New York
AC team, while Michigan's medley
trio, also Collegiate champions in
2:54.9 will probably puncture Prince-,
ton's two-year hold on this race.
Mann Is Prepared
But while. Peppe will be pressed
to produce more points, Mann has
another ace up his sleeve that might
lead him to victory. Gus Sharemet,
acclaimed by all the experts who
watched him perform in New Haven
last week as the greatest swimmer
in competition today, will undoubt-
edly add points to the Michigan
The husky sophomore will find a
(Continued on Page 3)
Hull Program
Fail In Senate
Minimum Of Reduction
In Tariffs Is Proposed
To Protect Competition
Opponents Advocate
One-Year Extension
WASHINGTON, April 4-4)-New
efforts to clamp Congressional re-
strictions on the Administration's
reciprocal trade program failed to-
day, and leaders predicted a final
vote tomorrow on legislation to con-
tinue the program for three more
An amendment which would have
required majority approval of both
houses of Congress for all trade pacts
with foreign nations, and one which
would have required approval by a
majority of the Senate had no better
luck than an earlier proposal for
two-thirds Senate ratification.
The first, by Senator O'Mahoney
(Dem.-Wyo.), was rejected 44 to 38,
and the second, offered by Senator
Adams (Dem.-Colo.), was turned
down by a 46 to 34 count.
With that issue out of the way,
Senator McCarran (Dem.-Nev.) led
an unsuccessful effort to write into
the law a prohibition against redc-
ing the tariff on any competitive
commodity to a point where ship-
ments could be brought into this
country at a cost below the Amer-
ican cost of prodction. The vote was
42 to 36.
(Under the program the Admin-
istration may reduce tariffs as much
as 50 per cent in return for conces-
sions from other nations.)
Meanwhile, opponents marshalled
support for a last-stand fight to
limit the extension of the program
to one year instead of three.
Council Holds
'Scavenger' Land Sales
Subject Is Discussed
Among the proceedings of the pres-
ent city council in its last meeting
yesterday was a letter from Clarence
W. Lock, Secretary of the State Land
Office Board, which advised the city
that if the deed claimants who had
bid for the land in the "scavenger"
sales do not pay the state, the city
must either wait the required 45 days
under section 7 of the State Land
Sale Act before acquiring the land
by payment or file an application uh-
der Setcion 8 of the Act to the Board
to obtain the land without cost by
establishing proof that the so ac-
quired lands are to be used for pub-
lic purposes and are not to be for
The council passed a motion in-
cluding instructions to city attorney
William M. Laird to notify the State
Land Office Board as to the purposes
of the lands which are to be used for
playgrounds, parking spaces, city
dumps, parks and other municipal
Prof. Paul Henle
To Keynote First
Session Of Parley
"Democracy Through Students' Ayes"
To be Topic Of 10th Spring Meet
"Democracy Through the Students' Ayes" will be the title of the coming
tenth annual Spring Parley, considering in its panels and discussions, the
world scene, the crisis facing American democracy, the social campus and
the University, Daniel Huyett, '42, general chairman of the Parley arrange-
ments committee announced yesterday.
Prof. Paul Henle of the philosophy department will keynote the open-
ing session which begins at 3:30 p.m., Friday, April 19, and will be assisted
by a student panel headed by Robert Reed, '42, presiding officer of the
Parley. Working with Reed will be Elliott Maraniss, '40, Harvey Swados,
'40, Jerry Nitzberg, Grad., John Harwood, '41E, Phil Westbrook, '40, Paul
Robertson, '40E, Cas Sojka, '41, and Alberta Wood, '40.
H~ineral Study
To, Aid Peace,3
Behre Asserts
Prof. Charles H. Behre, Jr., dis-
tinguished authority on geology from+
Northwestern University declared
an international program of min-
eral control to be a necessity for
permanent peace in a University lec-
ture yesterday in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. He pointed out that min-+
eral economics must be more care-a
fully considered at the next peace
conference than they were m 1918.
Professor Behre /described seven
possible policies for the control of
mineral p'roduction. They were: the
substitution of non-replaceable min-
erals, like nitrate deposits, by re-
placeable minerals, such as nitrogen
in the air; the substitution of one
mineral for another, as in Germany
coal is being substitutued for fast-
decreasing oil; conservation of min-
erals by preservation of the by-
products; the levying'of a tariff to
encourage private development of
mineral resources; acquisition by
force; lastly, some type of inter-
national economic control.
Pointing out the factors which af-
fect mineral reserves, Professor Behre
stressed technological improvements
which may increase reserves and the
effect of continued political control
on the reserves for each particular
Absentee operation, as is prevalent
in England and the United States,
often leads to a rapid rate of ex-
haustion for various minerals. Pro-
fessor Behre stated that state-con-
trolled mineral reserves are less rap-
idly exhausted than those operated
by private profit.
Included in the new slogans re-
ceived last night by the campljs
Peace Council which is sponsoring
the Peace Rally April 19 are:
Lafayette, we are here, and,
man, we're staying. -Barbara
Woolcott, '43.
Education, no decimation.-
Robert Speckhard, '42.
On the second day of the Parley,
there will be four panels, at which
resolutions will be passed on the
results of discussions, Huyett said.
The first panel, entitled "The World
Scene: Chaos or Cosmos?" will have
Martin Dworkis, '40, as chairman,
assisted by two panels. The faculty
panel consists of Prof. Preston Slos-
son of the history department, Prof.
George Benson, Prof. Lawrence
Preuss, and Prof. Harlow Heneman
of the political science department,
Prof. Arthur Smithies of the econom-
ics department, Prof. Dwight Long
of the history department, Prof. John
Tracy of the Law School and Prof.
Howard Ehrmann of the history de-
partment. The student panel in-
cludes Swados, Soka, Hugo Reich-
ard, Grad., and Jack Shuler, '42.
Downs Heads Panel
The second panel, "American- De-
mocracy: Now or Never?" will be
chaired by Tom Downs, '40L. The
faculty panel includes: George Helm,
Albert Stevens and Bernard Baum
of the English departmeht, James
Duesenberry of, the economics de-
partment and Robert Rosa, Grad.
Prof. James K. Pollock of the po-
litical science department, Prof. Rob-
ert Angell of the sociology depart-
ment, Prof. Harold McFarlane of
the engineering school, Dr. Edwardx
W. Blakeman, counsellor in religious
education, and Prof. DeWitt Parker
of the philisophy department. On
the student panel will be: Maraniss,
Tom Adams, '40, Carl Petersen, '40,
and Harwopd.
"The Campus Community: Amity
or Enmity?" is the title of the third
panel, to be headed by Ellen Rhea,
'41. The faculty panel includes: Prof.
Karl Litzenberg and Prof. Arno Ba-
der of the English department, Ken-
neth Morgan of the Student Reli-
gious Association, Prof. John .L.
Brumm of the journalism depart-
ment, Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, Assis-
tant Dean of Women Jeannette Per-
ry, and Prof. Richard Fuller of the
sociology department. The student
panel will consist of: Westbrook,
Treadwell, William Muehl, '41, and
Frank Rideout, '41.
Kelley Chairman
The fourth and last panel, enti-
tied "University Training: Demd-
cratic or Autocratic?z' will have Roger
Kelley, '42, as chairman. Faculty
panel: Dean of Women Alice Lloyd,
Prof. Carl Brandt, Prof. Norman Nel-
son and Dean Erich Walter of the
English department, Prof. Ferdinand
Menefee of the engineering school,
Dean Walter B. Rea, Prof. Arthur
VanDuren of the German depart-
ment, Prof. Wilbur Humphreys of
the English department, Prof. How-
ard Calderwood of the political sci-
ence department, Prof. Burton Thu-
ma of the psychology department,
Prof. Stanley Dodge of the geogra-
phy department and Prof. Mentor
Williams of the English department.
Student panel: Nitzberg, Huyett,
Wood, William Elmer, '41, and Paul
Robertson, '40E.
The Parley will close with a final
general session at 3 p.m. Sunday,
April 21. Robert Reed will be chair-
man of the session, and Professor
Smithies will give a summarizing
Pollock Analyzes WisCorsin Vote:
Dewey Nomination Is Boosted
But Not Clinched By Primary
First Glee Club
Journey Stop
Climaxing a year full ofentertain-
ment engagements on campus and
outstate, the Men's Varsity Glee Club
tomorrow starts its annual spring
jaunt, which this year will take the
singers west and north.
The trip, which has been a regular
feature of the Club's yearly program
for many years, this year will bring
the nationally known group before
audiences in Chicago, Evanston, Mil-
waukee, Appleton, Wis., Marquette,
Newberry and Sault Ste. Marie. The
trip, in richer times a journey spent
in the lush comfort of a private rail-
road car, has been continued every
year and is sponsored by alumni
The Club's program is made up of
the best of the songs learned and-re-
hearsed during the regular season.
All new songs tried are aimed at
presentation during the trip. Regu-
lar singing concerts are given which
include classical music as well as
spirituals and school songs.
The Glee Club is directed through-
out the year by Prof. David 0. Mat-
tern of the School of Music. The
Glee Club performed during March
at the Campus Finnish relief conceri
along with the University Band.
Prof. James K. Pollock of the po-
litical science department passed a
word of caution yesterday to those
who would give too significant an
interpretation to Tuesday's presiden-
tial primary election in Wisconsin.
Although only 18 states now have
some form of the presidential pri-
mary, he said, many political, ob-
servers are inclined to consider re-
sults in these states as something
of a political weather vane. At any
rate, he added, the primary in Wis-
consin seems to be considered with
more than the usual amount of in-
Mr. Dewey's sweep of the state
clearly boosts his candidacy for the
Republican nomination, Professor
Pollock declared, and contrariwise
Senator Vandenberg'sdstar seems to
be on the decline. However, one
must remember, he continued, that
the nomination will finally be be-
stowed not by the rank and file of
the party voters, but by the dele-
"Mr. Dewey's popular appeal, how-
ever, is well established," Professor
Pollock noted; he added, "I should
say that the Republican Party needs
something along this line."
Commenting on results in Wiscon-
sin's Democratic primary. Professor
Pollock pointed out that the Garner
forces, despite expenditures of large
sums of money and campaign effort,
could not break through President
Roosevelt's strong popularity. Even
with the Roosevelt vote divided be-
tween two sets of delegates, he said,
the Garner showing is poor.
But since it was clear before the
primary that Roosevelt could have
the nomination if he wanted it, Pro-
fessor Pollock remarked, the primary
adds nothing to the general situation.
Professor Pollock noted that, in its
present stages, the Republican nom-
mating campaign can be compared
with the corresponding campaign in
1920. In the earlier battle, he recall-
Britain's sudden shakeup in cab-.,
inet organization closely resembles
corresponding shifts made by the
new Rdynaud government in France
a week ago, Prof. Harlow J. Heneman
of the political science department
observed yesterday in an interview.
Now both Allied countries have ap-
parently acknowledged that there
has been faulty organization for di-
rective purposes in the war to date,
he explained.
The changes were made evidently
in an attempt to concentrate respon-
sibility for the war in those who are
responsible for its direction, he said,
as three new and important war
committees were set up. The chair-
men of these committees (Winston
Churchill for military affairs, Sir
John Simon for economic affairs and
Sir Kingsley Wood for home affairs)
are to ' report directly to Neville
Chamberlain, he noted, leaving the
Prime Minister without direct admin-
Heneman Views Cabinet Changes
British Shakeup Acknowledges
Faulty Leadership In'Wartime
Professor Heneman noted that
Churchill's rise to what apparently
is a position of greater power and
influence is-like his belated en-
trance into the cabinet-an acknow-
ledgment by Chamberlain that
Churchill's energy is essential in Bri-
tain's conduct of the war.
Churchill, he said, is a member of
the Conservative Party, although in
recent years he has been an out-
spoken critic of both the Baldwin
and Chamberlain cabinets. He added
that Churchill wanted to check Ger-
many four or five years ago.
Churchill, who still retains his po-
sition as First Lord of the British
Admiralty, is regarded as a Tory
"die-hard" in foreign policy, Profes-
sor Heneman remarked, and he has
agreed on many issues of foreign
affairs witt such "Young Conserva-
tives" as 'Sir .Anthony Eden and Sir
Alfred Duff Cooper. These three, he
added, have consistently opposec
Chamberlain's policies of "non-inter-
vention" and "appeasement."
Secretaries of the Parley for tJ
panels and general sessions are: Ar
Vicary, '40, chairman, assisted t
Jeanne Davis, '41, Grace Miller, '4
Joan Outhwaite, '40, Rhoda Leshir
'42, Phyllis Waters, '42, Marjorie Fc
restel, '41SM, and Malcolm Long, '
Ilowse Votes Army
A ppropriaionI.ill
WASHINGTON, April 4 --(VP)-An
overwhelming House vote sent a
ROTC Group Will Show
Movies Of World Wa
The Infantry Officers Club, a cad
organization of the ROTC, will pr
sent to its members a movie of t