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April 04, 1940 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-04

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Commander-In-Chief Meet

Ann Arbor

Talks About Pelley

Engineers To Attend Confe

Here Is Today's
In Sumimar


To aid employer, employe and
State, a new program has been in-
augurated by the Ann Arbor branch
of the State Employment service.
The change came about because of
the confusion resulting from persons
seeking work independently without
the aid of the Service not contacting
the employers who were in need of
men, and the State Service not hav-
ing in their files persons qualified to
take the open positions. No attempt
was being made to refer these per-
sons to the State Service.
Now, through an agreement between
the Service and employers, the latter
will refer all persons seeking employ-
ment to the Service to register, and
the Service will then be better
equipped to fill any open positions re-
ported by the employers.
CLiming that injuries sus-
tained in an accident last Nov.
15 have ruined his singing voice
and have left him with a lisp,
Gordon D. llaaxma, 1$ years old,
of Ann Arbor, is suing for $50,-
000 damages in circuit court here.
Haaxma is suing through his
father, Sybrand Haaxma, who is
also suing for damages to the
extent of $5,000. The suits have
been filed against Edward
Scherdt of this city, whose truck
collided with Haaxma's bicycle.
Night classes of the public schools
will present their annual exhibit and
program at 7 p.m. today in the Ann
Arbor High School.

Prof. R. S. Hawley. Prof. R. C. Por-
ter, and Prof. Hugh E. Keeler, all of}
the mechanical engineering depart-I
ment, will represent the University
at the Midwest Power Conferenc.e,
sponsored by the Armour Institute of
Technology, to be held April 9 and
10 in Chicago.
The conference, reorganized in
1938, is a cooperative institution with
university and technical society asso-
ciations. It attempts to bring per-
sons interested in power production
together for a discussion of problems.
Discussion will not be confined to
technical questions, but will include
economic and social angles as well.'

Other universities to be represert-
ed are Iowa State College, State Uni-
versity of Iowa. University of Wis-
consin, Michigan State College, Ar-
mour Institute of Technology, Purdue
University and the University of It-
Cooperating technical societies are
the Chicago sections of the AdhE,
AIEE, AIME, and ASME; the Illinois
section of the ASCE; the Illinois
chapter of the ASH and VE, and the
Western Society of Engineers.
A $100,000 cyclotron is being con-
structed in St. Louis by Washington

(Bu//on-down collar in oxvford cloth)
Made by ARROW featured by

Secretary of the Navy Charles Edison (leftY is shown shaking hands
with Admiral James Q. Richardson, commander-in-chief of the fleet,
after he boarded the flagship Pennsylvania at San Pedroa, Cal., to have
a front row seat for the first ten days of the 1940 war games of the.0
U.S. battle fleet in the Pacific.


New Kellogg Institute Dedicated,
Dentists Hold Annual Homecoming
_ _ _ _-_--

be of interest to note that 100 years
after the first dental school had been
built, the first graduate school-
the Institute-had been constructed.
It is, he said, "the most influential
advancement in the field of den-
tistry for the century."r
Dr. Simpson chose as his subject
"Perplexing Radiographic Evidence."
Reproving the nation's educational
facilities as far as radiological in-
struction is concerned, Dr. Simpson
pointed out that the majority of
dental schools offer no courses in
this highly important field and that'
states think so little of it that it
is hardly ever a part of the state
board examinations.
No one can deny the importance
of radiography, Dr. Simpson assert-
ed. More than 80 per cent of accurate
diagnostic information regarding
teeth and jaws, he said, is deter-
mined from negatives. "Can any
dentist reject this?" he challenged.
There is a desperate need for ex-
pert radiographists, he explained.
There are many radiographists, he
concluded, but merely possessing an
X-ray machine does not make a den-
tist a radiographist-he must have
an extensive course of training.
Homecoming celebrations contin-
ued at noon in the ballroom of the
Union where the alumni dined and
heard the noted poet-anthologist,
Mr. Louis Untermeyer, tell them the
trend of our language.
Mr. ,fUtermeyer's punning had the
dentists roaring with laughter. The
entire Union seemed to shake as
the dentists overflowed into special
rooms for luncheon and were hear-
ing Mr. Untermeyer by remote con-
Luncheon over, the dentists re-
tired to the south side of the Insti-
tute for the unveiling of the Dr.
Willoughby D. Miller Memorial.,
North University Avenue from Wash-
tenaw Avenue to Twelfth Street was
blocked off by police so that the
crowd could stand there without fear
of being run down.
Dr. Bunting gave a short address
prior to the unveiling in which he
told the alumni something about the
man to whom the memorial was
built. He said that Dr. Miller was
"closely associated with Koch andl

Pasteur and the outstanding scien-
tists of his day.",
Dr. Miller, according to Dr. Bun-
ting, was responsible for the research
that has served as the basis for
study today. Many of his papers,
he said, are "as true today as when
they were written."
Paying tribute to the alumni
through whose contributions the me-
morial was made possible, Dr. Bun-
ting explained how the site of the
memorial. was so fitting, that it was
under the windows of. the laboratory
in which Dr. Miller would have stu-
died had he not died before coming
to the University.
Dean Yoakur, who is also vice-
president of the University, accepted
the memorial in the name of the
University. After the ceremony, the
alumni proceeded to an inspection
of the Institute.
Faculty men
Attend Partlyo
Of Physicians
With the American College of Sur-
geons closing their meeting in Uni-
versity Hospital yesterday, many doc-
tors on the faculty of the medical
school are leaving for the Fourth
Annual Session of the American Col-
lege of Physicians meeting today and
tomorrow in Cleveland.
Dr. James D. Bruce, chairman of
the Department of Postgraduate
Medicine, who is President-Elect of
the College, will be the presiding of-
ficer at a Symposium on Military
Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, director of the
Simpson Memorial Institute, will give
a clinic on pernicious anemia. He
will also present a paper on anemia.
Other doctors attending are Dr.
Henry Field Jr., Dr. William D. Rob-
inson and Dr. Daniel Melnick of the
internal medicine who will collaborate
on presenting a paper.
Dr. Bradley M. Patten, chairman
of the anatomy, will discuss "The
Growth and Development of Chick

Blond Dorothy Waring of New
York, secret agent for a former
house investigation committee, told
the Dies Committee that Wiliani
Dudley Pelley, Silver Shirt leader,
told her he planned to lead a march
on Washington and become the
"white king" of the country. She
is shown above as she testified.
An original radio drama by Rich- I
ard Humphreys, '40, "The Initiation
of the Skull," will be presented today
over WCAR and WMBC at 2:15 p.m.
under the. author's direction.
The play, which tells of an ill-fated
college fraternity initiation, will be
announced by John Schwarzwalder,
Grad:. Others in the cast are Ted
Mattson, '41, Vahan Kalajan, '41,
Guy Warner, '41, and Chase Sander-
son, '41. John Gelder, '40, will handle
special effects.
The students in Prof. Louis M.
Eich's radio reading and dramatics
class will feature an adaptation of
0. Henry's "The Lick Penny Lover"
in their final air appearance of the
year. Duane Nelson, Grad., will direct
the play while Frank Firnschild, '40,
will serve as announcer. Veitch Pur-
dom, '42, Mary Jordan, '40, Ransom
Miller, '40, comprise the cast.
Outdoor Club Elects
Executive Officers
Austin Emens, '41E, was elected
"Keeper of the Cache" of "Les Voy-
ageurs," society of outdoorsmen, at a
recent meeting. Edwin Phillips,
Grad., was chosen Chief; John Poe,
'41, Vice-Chief; William Ferrell, '41
F&C, keeper of the legend; Charles
Smith, '41F&C, keeper of the toll
gate; and Gordon Watts, '40F&C,
keeper of the record.
"ILes Voyageurs" was organized at
Michigan more than 30 years ago
for men interested in the outdoors.
Every Sunday evening the members
retire to their cabin on the Huron
River where they cook a real woods-
men's meal and hold their meeting. A
two-day canoe trip is planned for
April 27-28.
Hurlich Elected President
Abraham Hurlich, '41E, was elected
president ofthe student chapter of
the American Institute of Metallur-
gical Engineers at an organization
meeting yesterday.



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Style Begins with the Collar
Arrow collars on Arrow shirts are styled
with a touch of genius. Enhanced by neat pat-
terns, their precision fit and soft drape make
them campus classics. See your Arrow dealer
today for the smartest, newest shirts for col-
lege men. $2. All Arrows are Sanforized-
Shrunk with fabric shrinkage less than 1%.




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