IM MIPMPIIYePgllli ' PY li91 M4YMM9R IItlMM1Y11WY w.
Mostly cloudy today;
slightly colder.
Congressional Antics
Maur Session ...
mu.. uuiiufiinuuuiui I
VOL. L. No. 136
Ruthven Presides
Receives Appointment
Of New Institute
Homecoming Celebration
Opened By Dr. Bunting;
SimpsonAlso Speaks
Dr. Oliver W. White
Given M.S. Degree
Dental alumni-more than 1,00(
strong-invaded the Lecture Hall o:
the Rackham Butlding yesterday fo
the formal dedication of the new
W. K. Kellogg Foundation Institute
for Graduate and Postgraduate Den-
tistry and the annual homecoming
ceremonies of the School of Den-
With President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven presiding over the almost capa-
city audience, the alumni heard him
extol the new Institute as a gift
"first to the citizens of Michigan
and second, to all humanity."
They watched President Ruthven
confer an honorary degree of Mas-
ter of Science on Dr. Oliver W. White
of Detroit who gave the response to
the Institute on behalf of the alumni.
Dr. White already had repeived two
degrees from the University, a DDS
and a DDSc. He had been president
of the American Society of Ortho-
dontics and of the Great Lakes Or-.
ori s Presents Building
Dr Emory K. Morris, treasurer
and associate director of the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation, presented the
building to President Ruthven, who
accepted it as par of the educational
facilities of the University on behalf
of the Regents.
Outlining the Foundation's inter-
est in dentistry and the reasons for
the construction of the new Insti-
tute, r. Morris explained that the
Institte represents one more step
in securing better health for the peo-
ple of ichigan. This;the Fona-
tion's pride, e said, to contribute
an Institute which "will'further the
cause of dental "
In accepting the.Institute, Pres-
ident Ruthven remarked that "In-
stitues of higher education are ser-
vibe agencies to increase and spread
human knowledge." It is the duty
of these institutions, he said, not
only to prepare youth for adult life,
but also to aid in adult education.
it is only when the institution ful-
fills both these duties, he concluded,
that it is truly a University."
Dr. Russell W. Bunting, dean of
the dental school, in responding to
the gift on behalf of the faculty of
the School of Dentistry, declared that
the Institute was a "dream of the
faculty of the dental school realized,
that this day is a memorable day
in the history of the dental school
and dentistry at large."
Gratitude Expressed
He said: "The faculty of the den-
tal school is grateful to the Kellogg
Foundation and to the United States
Government for its munificent gift;
we are proud that the University of
Michigan was chosen as the recipi-
ent; we are impressed and made
humble by their responsibilities and
obligations laid upon us by the gift;
but we accept all these responsibili-
ties and obligations that go with the
gift and will do all we can o ad-
vance dental education."
Speaking for the Department of
Postgraduate Dentistry, Dr. Paul H.
Jeserich, director of the Institute
and chairman of the department,
reemphasized that Michigan has
been a pioneer in dental education
and stresses the point that this pio-
neering is shared by the dental pro-
fession as well as the University.
Expressing his "extrme feeling of
gratitude," Dr. Jeserich concluded
with the hope that "the new Insti-
tute will inspire the profession to
continue, to pioneer."
Dean Clarence S. Yoakum of the
graduate school and vice-president
of the University spoke for the grad-
uate school when he maintained that
the Kellogg Foundation was worthy
of the highest praise because of its
efforts in discovering new techniques
of thinking and doing. The creation
of the Institute, he concluded, has
further advanced instruction and re-
Representing the Public Works Ad-
ministration, Mr. Thomas Reid, re-
gional finance examiner for the
PWA, noted the harmonious coopera-
(Continued on :Wage 2)
]id- Western
Medical Men
y End Sessions'
Clinics, demonstrations and lec-
tures featured the final sessions of
the three-day Detroit-Ann Arbor
sectional meeting of the American
College of Surgeons which was held
yesterday in University Hospital and
was attended by medical men from
all parts of the Middle West.
At a luncheon held at noon in the
main ballroom of the League, Dean
Albert A. Furstenberg of the med-
ical school spoke on "The Trends in
Undergraduate Medical Education."
He stressed the importance of a
broad, general education and a high
degree of mental maturity for the
student who contemplates the study
of medicine. He recommended add-
ing courses such as social medicine
and clinical pharmacology to the
medical curriculum, in line with re-
cent changes in our social structure.
Dr: George P. Muller and Dr. Mal-
colm T. MacEachern, /officers of the
society, also spoke.,
Dr. Carl H. -Camp, professor of
Neurology, speaking at the general
afternoon conference in the main
amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing,. discussed "Surgery and the Psy-
choneurotic Patient." He pointed out
that psychone'uroses are conditions
in which all symptoms are phenom-
ena of mental conflict. Obviously
surgical operations could not be ex-
pected to cure such cases, he said.
* * *
Dr. Bell Chosen
For Health Post
. S
On Commission
University Medical Adviser
To Assist National Group
In Education Research
Dr. Margaret Bell, director and
professor of Health and Physical
Education, and Medical Advisor for
women at the University, has been
appointed a member of the newly-
-formed ,Commission on Health Edu-
cation of the American Association
of School Administrators, Ben G.
Graham, the organization's presi-
dent, announced yesterday.
The Commission is a department
of the National Education Associa-
Dr. Bell will join ten other leaders
in the educational and medical fields
in a two-year study of the methods
of instruction in health education in
the nation's schools in an attempt
to strengthen what is considered one
of the most important aims of edu-
cation, laying the foundation for
sound 'health.
The report of this commission,
which will be distributed to schools
throughout the United States in 1942,
is expected to bring about a marked
improvement of the nation's health
by assisting in the development of
a generation well informed in health
The purpose of the report will be
to arouse increased interest and ef-
fectiveness in teaching health habits,
hygiene, and the recognition and
treatment of common human ail-
Prohibition Law
In East Lansing
Is Declared VYoid
Court Returns
McCrea To Job
As Prosecutor
. 4
Suspension By Dickinson
Lifted: County Attorney
Is Restored To Payroll
DETROIT, April 3.-(P)-Lifting
today by the Supreme Court of the
suspension imposed upon Wayne
County Prosecutor Duncan C. Mc-
Crea by Gov. Luren D. Dickinson re-
stored McCrea to the county payroll
and cleared his office of state at-
It also made it possible for Mc-
prea to proceed with his own grand
jury investigation of Wayne county
Army Supply
Bill Slashed
In Committee
Dewey Seen GOP Leader
As Third Term Trend
Also Gains In Strength
Investigators Ask
NLRB Revision
WASHINGTON, April 3.-'P)-The
collapsing Congressional economy
drive revived somewhat today when
the House Appropritions Commit-
tee slashed the Army's supply bill
for the next fiscal yer to $785,999,-
094-$67,357,660 less than President
Roosevelt recommended.
Without a dissenting vote, the
Committee, source of most of this
session's economy moves, sent the
measure to the Houe floor imme-
diately for debate, nd legislators
predicted it wouldg to the Senate
tomorrow without an major change.
However, economy advocates lost
a round on the Sen*te side of the
Capital. An appropriations subcom-
mitteeaapproved, 5 to'4, a $25,000,090
increase in the War' Department's
Civil Functions Bill. The added mon-
ey was earmarked for rivers and har-
bors projects.
Third Term Trend,
Dewey Seen Stronger
WASHINGTON, April 3. -/P)-
Tuesday's elections left an impres-
sion in many quarters that the draft-
Roosevelt movement had been stren-
gthened within the Democratic Par-
ty-but there 'were also predictions
of Democratic troubles in November.
At the same time none disputed
that the Presidential prospects of
Thomas E. Dewey had been increased
by his 2 to 1 victory over Senator
Vandenberg of Michigan in the Wis-
consin presidential primary. Politi-
cians found the picture of an Eastern
city man proving a big vote getter
in the Western farmlands highly
m' eSnVe.
But, on the Democratic side, the
adherents of President - Roosevelt
dealt a blow to the anti-third term
campaign of Vice-President Garner
with a 3 to 1 victory in Wisconsin
and margins running as high as
5 to 1 in New York City.
Wagner Act Amendments
Placed Before House
WASHINGTON, April 3,--)--A
sharply-divided labor committee put
four amendments to the Wagner
Act before the House today and
evoked a storm of protest by asking
that debate be limited to two hours
and that no other changes be con-
Even before the Committee's bill
was approved,, sponsors of the more
sweeping Smith Investigating Com-
mittee amendments were laying plans
to upset the Labor Committee's pro-'
gram, and House leaders were re-
ported in favor of more liberal de-
Rep. Cox. (Dem.-Ga.), frequent
critic of the Act and the Labor
Board, told the House that "the whole
matter will be opened up for con-
Engineering Graduates
To Receive State Jobs
University igraduate students who
are adjudged "outstanding" in en-
gineering may find jobs this sum-
mer with the State under a new plan
announced last night by the State
Highway Department, according to
the Associated Press.
Murray D. Van Wagoner, State
Highway Commissioner, said that his
department would provide jobs for
about 25 engineers. The selection will
be made from students enrolled in
the Michigan College of Mining and
Technology, the University of De-
troit, Michigan State College and
Wayne University in addition to the
University of Michigan. Choices will
be made in proportion to the num-
ber of graduates in each institution.
Glee Club To Visit
Bay City On Trip
Previewing their annual spring trip
to be held during Spring Vacation, the
Bureau Of Studen
Shortage Of Dat
Churchill Is Given Full
War Powers In Drastic
Dating habits of Michigan's men
and women are revealed in figures-
released yesterday by the Bureau of
Student Opinion at Lane Hall. Based
on polls taken in December and May
of last year, the statistics show that
in sample groups of over five hun-
dred students each, 55 per cent of
the men would like to date oftener
than they do, and 44 per cent of the
women would also like more dates.
Asked if the results of the polls
agreed with her observations as so-
cial director of the League, Miss Ethel
McCormick said, "As far 'as I know,
this poll is quite accurate. I still
think there should be some place for
students to meet."
She pointed out as an example of
the anxiety of boys and girls to
make social contacts, the fact that
many of the boys who attend danc-
ing classes held at the League do so,
not so much for instruction as for
the opportunities to meet members
of the opposite sex there. ""There
are a great many boys and girls who
would like to date," Miss McCormick
added, "But so far, though here in
the League we have been trying to
correct the situation, a real solution
has not been found."
Comparative figures compiled by
the Bureau under the direction of
James M. Vicary, '40, show that stu-
dents reporting a 'B' or better aver-
age in their studies date eight per
cent more than the students report-
Peaceful' War
Will End Soon,'
Europe Preparing Itself
For Lengthy Struggle,
News Analyst Reports
Europe's many peoples-diversified
in race, language and thought-to-
day are on the verge of a long war
that may continue to rage for as
long as five years, S. L. A. Marshall,
foreign news analyst and editorial
writer of the Detroit News, declared
here yesterday in an address spon-
sored by the University journalism
Mr. Marshall predicted that the
present "peaceful war" will soon
come to an end, and that it will be
replaced by a real conflict of blood
and power.
Europe's peoples are ready for this
war, he declared, and reports that
they do not want to fight are not
based on any real knowledge of the
factors involved.
The next war-costing billions of
dollars-wig be more devastating
than is generally realized, he added.
Mr. Marshall served overseas dur-
ing the World War, and has special-
ized in analyzing military affairs
both as a newspaperman and as a
radio broadcaster for many years.
He also has a gobby of photography.
ing, a scholastic average of 'C' or
below. Those holding positions in
student organizations dated 15 per
dent more than the all-campus group.
As a group, fraternity and sorority
members dated more than any other
group on campus, while freshmen
dated the least.
The question asked was "During
the past seven days, how many dates,
other than chance meetings have
you had?" In their answers, 42 per
cent of the men said that they had
no J dates at all during that time,
while only 26 per cent of the women
said the same. The question also
provided for learning how many
times a week those who dated did
so, and it was found that 31 per cent
of the men had one date a week,
while 20 per cent of the women had
the same number. But 27 percent of
the men answered that they had two
or more dates a week, while 54 per-
cent of the women had that number.
SRA Reelects
William Muehl
As President
Other Appointees Include
Fairfax, Huston, Johnson
Parker And Van Cleve
E. William Muehl, '41, member of
the varsity debate, squad and recent
winner of the campus oratorical con-
test, was reelected president of the
Student Religious Association at a
meeting yesterday of the executive
Jean Fairfax, '41, was elected to
head the Department of Cooperation,
and John A. Huston, '41, was chosen
as chairman of the Campus Relations
Department. Other appointments in-
cluded Frances Johnson, '41, chair-
man of the Religious. Service Depart-
ment; Lana Parker, '41, head of the
Religious Arts section,, and Russell.
Van Cleve, '40E, chairman of the
Department of Religious Study.
First action of the new SRA ad-
ministration will be to put'into ef-
fect the new organization plan re-
cently approved by the Executive
Professor Worley
To Talk. At Kansas'
Prof. John S. Worley of the De-
partment of Transportation Engin-
eering will be the principal speaker
at a joint meeting of the Engineer-
ing College and School of Business
Administration of the University of
Kansas next week in Kansas City.
"Transportation Regulation" will be
the subject of discussion at the
Professor Worley will also attend
the meeting of the Transportation
Committee of the Society for the
Promotion of Engineering Education.
I'-., of/ 1 .. ~/ 'I~ ~~
Athlone Appointed
Canadian Governor
(Unless otherwise stated all foreign
dispatches are subject to censorship).
LONDON, April 3.- )--Winston
Churchill, fighting' heir to Great
Britain's lofty traditions, became her
"Man of Battle" tonight in a drastic
shake-up of the cabinet which made
him director of all the nation's
warring services.
Standing close behind the pudgy
but volatile figure of the First Lord
of the Admiralty In the figre
emerging from Prime Minister Ne-
ville Chamberlain's third government
shift of the war are two other key
men-Sir Kingsley Wood and Sir
John Simon.
Reporting with Churchill to Cham-
berlain as heads of war committees,
they form a war cabinet in fact if
not in name.'
Sir Kingsley, who traded his Air
Ministry with Sir Samuel Hoare for
the latter's post as Lord Privy Seal,
will head the home poliy committee.
He will direct, discuss and advise
on social and domestic problems of
wartime, inchiding food and ari-
culture-vital to this importing,
heavy-eating nation of 45,000,000
To Sir John Simon, silvery-haired
and silent 'veteran of finance, re-
mains the staggering task of pre-
siding over the cabinet's economic
policy committee. As Chancellor of
the Exchequer he directs Great Bri-
tain's mighty offensive of pounds,
shillings and pence.
With the nation quickening to the
increased tempo of aerial warfare
and with Germany's Goering de-
claring the Reich will strike on the
west, Chamberlain bowed to public
clamor to "fight the war" by making
the 65-year-old Churcill head of
the vital Service Committee. He re-
mains First Lord of the Admiralty,
as well.
In this group will serve Oliver
Stanley, the War Secretary; Sir Sam-
uel Hoare, the new Air Minister, their
chiefs of staff and Ch'urchill' own
first sea lord-Admiral Sir Dudley
litzkrieg In West
Warned By Goering
BERLIN, April 3.-(4)-Field Mar-
shal Hermann Wilhelm Goering,
Adolf Hitler's political heir, told mil-
lions of German children today that
Hitler had mobilized all his forces
for "a decisive blow in the west."
"It is here," he said, "that the
decisive blow must be struck."
The mighty German army, he told
the breathless children, will attack
on the west as it did in the Polish
Blitzkrieg "when Hitler is determined
to put an end to this war." He gave
no further clue to the time of the
As Goering spoke Col. Gen. Wal-
ther Von Brauchitsch wa inspecting
troops on the Western Front, espe-
cially those stationed in the Rhine-
land. The tour, which started Sun-
day, ended tonight.
Goering spoke over a nationwide
radio hook-up from the Festival Hall
of the Air Ministry to schoolchildren
and apprentices in factories who for-
got their studies or dropped their
tools to hear the one-hour address.
Athlone Is Appinted
Canadian Governor
LONDON, April 3.-')-The Earl
of Athlone, brother of Queen Mother
Mary and a former governor-general
of the Union of South Africa, tonight
was appointed governor-general of
Canada to succeed the late Lord
The tall, soldierly Earl, who will
be 66 on April 14, is expected to
leave for Canada in two or three
weeks, accompanied by his Countess
Princess Alice, a granddaughter of
Cabinet Chang
Nazis Mobilized For B
t Opinion Finds InWest, Goering Wa
ae (n (nmmgIn Nation-Wide Spe
conditions. EAST LANSING, April 3.-(p)-A
"I have always claimed," McCrea clause in this community's 1903 city
said, "that the Governor has no right charter prohibiting the sale of al-
to suspend a prosecutor previous to coholic beverages was declared void
a hearing, and that the Governor's today the the Attorney General's
action was for the purpose of pre- staff and Michigan State College
judice. officials wondered what would be-
"I am glad that the Supreme Court come of their traditional efforts to
agreed with me that the Governor's keep the college city "dry."a
action was illegal. I will continue City Attorney Harry Hubbard was
to act as prosecutor and give the informed by James A. Greene, Chief
people the same kind of-a square deal Assistant Attorney General, that the
I have always given them." 1933 State Liquor Law gave the
Assistants attorney general who Liquor Control Commission sole au-
have been in nominal charge of the thority to regulate liquor in this
prosecutor's office since the suspen- state.
sion order were withdrawn follow- Greene said the charter clause was
ing the supreme court decision. "null and void and unenforceable."
Poet Gives Opinion Of Campus:
Untermeyer Praises University;
Names Six Best Campus Poets
By ROBERT CHAPMAN Claiming, as always, that he was
"With the exception of one or two only an amateur, he named the six
high-priced cultural schools, more campus poets whom he liked best
good things are going on at Mich- of the dozen or more whom he had
igan than at any other campus in met. John Brinnin, '41, Edwin Bur-
the country," Louis Untermeyer, rows, Grad., Charles Miller, '41, and
noted poet, said yesterday, summing June Harris, '40, were the four "old-
up his impressions of his current er" poets. Mr. Untermeyer said that
stay in Ann Arbor. they "have won their spurs. They
Interviewed immediately before he have accomplishment, as well as
left Ann Arbor, Mr. Untermeyer was promise, to their credit." As "less
unstinting in his sincere praise of integrated, more experimental, but
the University, its people, its accom- highly interesting" he mentioned
plishments. Ie characterized the Howard Moss, '43, and William Gram,
School of Architecture and Design '41. "My suspicion, and hope, is that
as the most progressive in the coun- either Brinnin or Burrows will win
tyr; he called The Daily the best this year's major Hopwood," he add-
To Discuss Re earch. Results
Prof. Behre To Speak Today
On Role OfMinerals In War
Prof. Charles S. Behre, Jr., dis-
tinguished authority on geology, will
discus "The Role of Minerals in
the War" in a University lecture
sponsored by the geology department
at 4:15 p.m. today at Rackham Lec-I
ture Hall.
Professor Behre has recently re-
turned from more than a year of
intensive research on the minerals
and mines of Europe, particularly
studying lead and zinc mines. Though
analyzing mining in general, he es-
pecially concerned himself with the
lead and zinc mines of England,
France, Spain, Sardinia, Italy, Tur-
dicated, Professor Behre has an un-
usual background in knowledge of
mineral resources plus the added
advantage of being in Europe imme-
diately before war was declared.,
Analyzing Professor Behre's talk
to be given today, Professor Lovering
said that the lecture would not only
cover the role of minerals in war,
but "what .is more important, what
part these minerals will play in any
peace settlement that is to be made."
A famed geologist, zoologist and
geographer, Professor Behre began
his pareer as field geologist for the
Wisconsin Geologic Survey in 1916;