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February 16, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-16

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SATURDAY, FEB.'7, 1940




I _

SATURDAY, FEB. 17, 1944
VOL. L. No. 97
To Federal Income Tax Payers: The
Federal Commissioner of Internal
Revenue has now ruled that lodging
and meals furnished are "compensa-
tion" or "salary" within the meaning
of the Revenue Act and must be in-
cluded by individuals who make re-
turns, if such form of compensation
is furinished them by the University.
While there is no express statement,
we are advised that it will ordinar-
ily be satisfactory if room allowance
is reported at $144'per year and board
at $216 per year, or an average total
of $30 per month. Where less than
three meals per day are furnished
a proportionate reduction in the
amount reported may be made.
Shirley W. Smith
Apinaratus Exchange: The Regents
at their meeting in March, 1927, au-
thorized an arrangement for the sale
of scientific apparatus by one de-
arbment to another, the prOceeds
of the sale to be credited to the
budget account of the department
from which the apparatus is trans-
Departmnents having apparatus
wich is not In active use are advised
to send description thereof to the
University Chemistry Store, of which
Prof. R. J. Carney is director. The
Chemistry store headquarters are in
Room 223 Chemistry Building. An
effort will be made to sell the appara-
tus to other departments which are
likely to be able to use it. In some,
instances the apparatus may be sent
to the University Chemistry store on
consignment and if it is not sold
within a reasonable time, it will be
returned to the department from

which it was received. The object
of this arrangemenrt is to. promote
economy by reducing the amount of
unused apparatus._ It is hoped that
departments having such apparatus
will realize the advantage to them-
selves and to the University in avail-
ing themselves, of this opportunity.
Shirley W. Smith.
To All Faculty Members and Staff:
Special Employment Time Reports
must be in the Business Office on
Wednesday, February 21, to be in-
cluded in the roll for February 29.
Edna Geiger Miller
Payroll Clerk
Seniors and Graduate Students:
Mr. Joseph Y. Barnett, of the Office
of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of
the Interior, will be in 102W Angell
Hall on Monday, February 19, at 10
a.m., to interview candidates for
positions with the Southwest Field
Training Program in Albuquerque,
New Mexico. The purpose of this
program is to recruit and train a
limited number of college graduates
for positions in the Indian Service
and in the Department of the Inter-
ior. Persons who are primarily in-
terested in a career in government
service and who are able to make a
satisfactory adjustment under condi-
tions similar to those found in the
Indian Service are most desired.
Candidates must hold a bachelor's
degree from a recognized college, and
have achieved a high scholastic aver-
age; they must be citizens of the
United States.
L. S. Woodburne
Aeronautical Engineering Seniors
and Graduates: Students obtaining
either bachelors' or masters' degrees
in Aeronautical Engineering in June
or August, 1940, should fill out the
Department personnel records im-
mediately. Blanks for this purpose
may be obtained in the Department of
Aeronautical Engineering Office,

Room B-47 East Engineering Build-
ing. Manufacturers are already ask-
ing for information on this year's
graduates, and it is essential that the
personnel records be available at once
so that they may be supplied with
accurate and complete data. Delay
in turning in these records may re-
sult in incomplete information going
;o the manufacturers.
Code Practice: All University stu-
dents wishing to practice the Inter-
national' Morse code are invited to
use the R.O.T.C. Signal Corps equip-
ment in Room 301 Engineering Annex.
The room will be open week days after
4 p.m.
C.A.A. Flight Training: The new
transportation schedules for the sec-r
ond semester are now posted on the
Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin
Summer Employment: Will the
students on the campus who are in-
terested in summer positions, please
take care of their registration this
week. We are asking this in order
that we can bring their records to-
gether and render service to them.
If registration is put off until later,
(Continued on Page 4)
Psychiatry Department
Gets Dieterle Resignation
Dr. Robert R. Dieterle, assistant
professor of psychiatry, recently sub-
mitteed his resignation from the
department to devote all of his time
to writing and private practice..
Dr. Dieterle spent a year in Europe
in 1929 as a Guggenheim Fellow in
Psychiatry and Neuropathology. Fol-
lowing his service in 1930 and 1931 as
assistant physician at the Milwaukee
Sanitarium, Wauwatosa, Wis., he
spent two years in Europe in analyti-
cal training, returning here as in-
structor in psychiatry.

Union Opera Dance, Don Dig,
Wins Local Enthusiasts' Approval

Union To Hold
Frosh Smoker
Eligible Students To Hear
Leaders Of Activities
The 1940 version of the Union Acti-
vities Smoker will be held at 8 p.m.
Tuesday in the main ballroom of the'
Union, Charles Kerner, '41E, general1
chairman of the event, announcedt
The smoker, held for the first time;
last year, is designed to acquaint7
eligible and interested freshmen withi
the activities of numerous campus
Led by Don Treadwell, president of
the Union, campus leaders will give
informal talks describing various
phases and requirements of their
work. Among the groups to be repre-
sented on the program are The Daily,
the Union, Michiganensian, Gargoyle,
Student Religious Association, Tech-
nic, Interfraternity Council and Con-
gress. Also represented will be the
ASU, Alpha Phi Omega, Sigma Rho
Tau, IAS, the Glider Club, SAE, the
Transportation Club and the Band.
Plans have been made for the varsity
men's Glee Club to lead in group sing-
Presidents' Dance
S onsoredBy ASU
An informal Lincoln-Washington
Dance will be held from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. Wednesday in the Grand Rapids
Room of the League, Hugo Reichard,
Grad., chairman of the social com-
mittee of the American Student
Union, announced yesterday.
The floor show which will be pre-
sented during the intermission will
include a skit, written and directed
by Edwin Burrows, Grad., which is
a take-off on "Gone With the Wind,"
readings on Lincoln and Washington
and group dancing of American folk
Margaret Matthews, Negro vocalist
and pianist, will sing and play her own
accompaniment. A male trio will sing
Negro spirituals.
Tickets are 75 cents per couple or
50 cents each.


Topic Of Red
Cross Meeting
"The things that need to be done in
a disaster a7.e the things that are
done and must be done in normal
times," Albert Evans, one of the lead-
ers of the Northwest District of the
Red Cross, stressed yesterday before
a special one-day conference of the
local Washtenaw County chapter of
the organization.
The theme of the conference, held
at the Union and attracting commit-
tee heads from all over the County,
wvas "Disaster Preparedness and Re-
Mr. Evans emphasized that during
a disaster all the resources of the
community must be focused on one
end, "the quick relief of human suf-
fering and the return to normalcy."
He pointed out that it was the duty
of the heads of the local Red Cross
"to 'call the plays' and see that the
job is done, quickly and well."
"That job, however," he said, "can
only be accomplished by people famil-
iar with the resources of the com-
munity and it is, therefore ,the duty
of the local leaders of the Red Cross
to familiarize themselves with the re-
sources of their community."
Each of the local committees on
disaster preparedness and relief, then
listed their functions and prepara-
tions during an emergency.
The committee on transportation
and communication outlined the pro-
jected emergency 'tie-up' with ama-
teur radio operators and plans for a
central meeting place for the relay-
ing of information, such a meeting
place to be established Immediately
in an emergency.

-Courtesy Ann Arbor Newus
"DOIN' THE DMA": Dan Ranney, '40E, (holding) and Arthur Treut,
'41A, (held) illustrate one of the steps from the increasingly popular
dance named after the campus walks. A modified version of the dance
is being planned for student swing enthusiasts.






East University at Oakland. Dial 3779.
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, Director.
Sunday, 11:00 A.M. Reform Services. Sermon
by Dr. Rabinowitz: "Jews in the American
Tuesday, 7:00 P.M. Conversational Hebrew Class.
7:30 P.M. Hillel Players meeting.
Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. Jewish History Class.
Friday, 4:00 P.M. Yiddish Class.
7:30 P.M. Conservative Services.
8:00 P.M. Fireside Discussion. Prof. Maurer,
speaker. Social following the discussion.
Corner of 512 East Huron.
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister.
Mr. Roland Schaefer, Minister of Music.
Mr. Clyde Stitt, Organist.
9:30 A.M. Graduate Bible Class.
Prof. LeRoy Waterman, teacher.
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship. Sermon topic-
"Choose Ye This Day."
12:00 Noon Student Round Table. Discussion
topic-"How Tolerant Should We Be?"
4:30' P.M. The Roger William's Guild joins with
the Inter-Guild Counsel in hearing Miss
Mueriel Lester of London, England in the
Congregational Church. The group will meet
in the Guild House at 6:00 to discuss Miss
Lester's address.
409 Sduth Division Street
Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Services.
11:45 A.M. Sunday School.
Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. Wednesday Evening Meet-
State and William Streets.
Leonard A. Parr, D.D., Minister.
- Director of Music, Donn Chown.
Organist, Mrs. Mary McCall Stubbins.
9:30 A.M. Junior and intermediate departments
of the Church School.
10:00 A.M. Symposium-"What Judaism Means
to Me,"-Dr. Rabinowitz.
10:30 A.M. Primary and kindergarten depart-
ments of the Church School.
10:45 A.M. Public Worship. Dr. Parr will preach
on "That It is Good To Believe," the first in


1432 Washtenaw Avenue. Dial 2-4466.
William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister.
Lillian Dilts, Assistant.
William N. Barnard, Director of Music.
9:30 A.M. Church School.
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service. "Trium-
phant Personality." Sermon by Dr. John K.
10:45 A.M. Nursery for small children during
the Morning Worship Service.
4:30 P.M. Westminster Student Guild group
singing in the Lewis-Vance parlors.
5:30 P.M. Westminster Student Guild will meet
for a supper and fellowship hour. Douglas
H. Miller, class of '40, will speak on "Personal
Experiences on a Mined Ship."
6:00 P.M. Meeting of the Tuxis Society, high
school group, in the Vance parlor.
8:00 P.M. The Sunday Evening Club will meet
in the Lewis-Vance parlors.
Catherine at Division Street.
Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector.
Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Assistant Minister.
Today, 3:30 P.M. The Rev. W. Russell Bowie,
D.D., on "What Jesus of Nazareth Stood For."
Sunday 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship. Sermon by the
Rev. W. Russell, D.D.
11:00 A.M. Junior Church.
11:00 A.M. Kindergarten in Harris Hall.
7:00 P.M. Student Guild in Harris Hall. Stud-
ent Panel: "What I Think Jesus of Nazareth
Stood For."
Theodore Schmale, Pastor
432 South Fourth Avenue. Dial 8498
9:30 A.M. Church School.
10:30 A.M. Morning Worship. Sermon topic;:
6:00 P.M. Student Fellowship Supper.
State and Washington Sireet .
Charles W. Brashares, Miristtr.
Choir Director, Hardin Van Deursen.
Organist, Mary Porter.
9:45 A.M. Class for students at Stalker ;Hall.

If a group of high school students
are any criterion, the dancing couples
on campus are going to like "Doin'
the Diag."
The dance is one of the numbers
planned by Director Roy Hoyer and
his assistant, Bill Collins, for the
Union Opera, "Four out of Five."
During a rehearsal of the "pony
chorus" of the Opera some high school
students in one of Director Hoyer's
dancing classes saw the dance, liked
it and learned the steps.
Latest reports are that the Diag is
sweeping the social circles of the local
schools. Several couples have re-
registered in Mr. Hoyer's classes sim-
ply in order to learn the dance.
Members of the Opera chorus who
have taught the steps to their dates
report that it has attracted the in-
terest of other couples at the dances
in the League and Union. Another
"Big Apple" may be on the way.
If sufficient interest is manifested
in the dance, it will be demonstrated
at the weekend dances at the Union,
according to Robert Mix, '40, general
chairman of the Opera.
Doers of the Diag, Director Hoyer
explained, form a circle, as in La
Conga. The girl stands in front of
the boy, with both facing the same
direction. Both do exactly the same
steps, simplifying the instruction of
the dance. One of the most popular

Arpt Cinema toef u¢ ppejet4j



The French Revolution of and by the people of France.


satire of the "Eleanor Hop," which'
was popular when America first be-
came amazed at the First Lady's
varied activities. In the Opera, Jack
Silcott, Grad., as Mrs. Roosevelt, and
James Neilson, '40A, as a college stu-
dent, perform the dance.

The Catq



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steps, .Director Hoyer said, is the
"Diag drag," a variation of the buck

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