WMtnDAY, l'AucR27, 1940
Mass Meeting
In League
Rushing Rules
For Next Year
To Be Planned
'To Dine Or Not To Dine'
Will Be Main Question;
Dean Lloyd To Attend
General sorority and campus prob-
lems and possible changes in rushing
rules will be the subjects under dis-
cussion at the Panhellenic Mass
Meeting which will be held at 4 p.m.
today in the League Ballroom. +
Dean Alice Lloyd will be in attend-
ance at the meeting which all soror-
ity women may attend.
Three Possibilities Present
To dine or not to dine at rushing
parties next fall will be one of the
major discussion problems. Three
possibilities present themselves, Bar-
bara Bassett, '40, president of Pan-
hellenic Association, pointed out. Des-
sert dinners like those held last fall
may be held; there may be a return
to regular dinners, or dinners may be
eliminated entirely with the rushees
attending parties after the dinner
"The fact that dessert dinners were
not as inexpensive as expected will
probably be stressed by many of the
houses," Miss Bassett said.
Entertainment Is Problem
Other problems connected with
rushing which will be discussed in-
clude entertainment of the rushees,
the question of having orchestras be-
fore the formal dinner and an advis-
able length for formal rushing sea-
son. Miss Bassett explained that the
short 10-day period followed last fall
may be continued; the season may be
lengthened to the three-week* period
which it covered in the falls of 1937
and 1938 or some halfway length may
be set.
"I would like especially to urge
freshmen and sophomores to attend
the meeting so that they may com-
pare notes on rushing as conducted
last fall and the year before," Miss
Bassett said.
Engineer Says
Words Mark
Lawyer Trivia
Editor's Note: The following 1 tter
was received yesterday by the womnn's
staff of The Daily. The Daily assumes
no responsibility for the views ex-
pressed therein.
An open letter to Jorn F. Somer-
ville, Jr., lawyers and the like:
It is rather pitifully apparent,
from the eight inches of indignation
that ran in the Tuesday issue of The
Daily, first, that the women's page
must have been embarrassingly short
of copy to be compelled to pass on
such trivia to the public, and second,
that the Law School must be em-
barrassingly short of lawyers to al-
low little boys to work so hard in
their defense.
Engineers are traditionally men of
action rather than words, and the ae-
tion of the Committee For The Re-
moval Of Crease Ball Posters was
taken advisedly and needs no apol-
ogy to anyone who was unfortunate
enough to come face to face with
one of the aptly termed "eye-sores."
However, since words are the only
medium of defense known to law-
yers, it seems advisable at this time
to meet them on their own level-
hence, this letter. It should be un-
derstood, however, that should the
barristers continue to throw words
in the direction of the College of
Engineering, more serious action may
be deemed necessary.
Incidentally, Debs Harvey has no
connection with the Engineering
College other than the fact that she
is writing up Slide Rule Ball and
its associated activities for The
Daily. Only a lawyer would stoop
to fight a woman.
Ganson P. Taggert, '40E
Tickets for Installation Banquet,
to be held Monday at the League,
will be on sale to all women on
campus from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. to-
day and Friday, and from 3 p.m.
to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
League lobby, Dorothy Shipman,
'40, announced.
Campus Casuals
liave A Military Air
Board To Vote
On Ratification,
Last Changes To Be Made
In Assembly Constitution
Final ratification of the reorganizeed
Assembly Constitution will take place
at the Assembly Board meeting at
4:15 p.m. today in the lobby of the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Mary
Frances Reek, '40, Assembly presi-
dent announced yesterday.
Representatives of the dormitories,
League houses, and zone groups will
have to present their eligibilty cards
'before possessing voting powers, Miss
Reek continued. The Consitution, in
its revised form was presented to the
Board at their meeting last Wednes-
day by the Assembly Executive Coun-
cil. It is hoped that the new struc-
ture of Assembly will remedy many
inconsistencies noted in the past, Miss
Reek said.
Ritter Troth Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Horace W. Ritter, of
Clarkesville, Tenn., announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Virginia
Flowers Ritter, '36SM, to Robert M.
George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hub M.
George, of Detroit.
Riders Meet Today Open House To Be Held
Crop and Saddle, women's riding Special guests at the weekly Bar-
club will meet at 5 p.m. today in bour Gymnasium open nouse to be
front of Barbour Gymnasium for the held from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. to-
first ride of the season. day, are Zone II and WenleyHouse.
OPEN EVENINGS . . . Thursday, Friday, Saturday
j 1/
Summer Season Opens Wealth
Of Opportunities For Vocations
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