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March 27, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-27

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WETN1U fAY. MARC! 27, 1940


_______ _________ if _______________________________________________________________________________________________


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school yea by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising: Service, Inc.
College Publishers Represeniaive
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40"

Carl Petersen
elliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Dorman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicary .
Mel Fineberg

Editorial Staff
. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . City Editor
. . . . . Associate Editor
. . .Associate Editor
. . . . . Associate Editor
* * * .Associate Editor
* . . . . Women's Editor
. . . . . Sporte' Editor
Business Staff

Business Manager
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager .
Publications Manager.


. Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zetovia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
*Harriet S. Levy

The editori'als published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Public faith
In The Courts
T IS a tradition of judicial pocedure
that a judge shall be respected in
his court. If there is disrespect, it is punishable
by fine or imprisonment.
In St. Louis this week a case is being decided
that may go to the Supreme Court because an
attempt has been made to use this device beyond
the court room to protect a judge from censure
by the press. A citation of contempt has been
issued against the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and
three employes at the request of Circuit Judge
Thomas J. Rowe who alleges that his court was
defamed and scandalized by material appearing
in recent issues of the newspaper.
The charge is based on two editorials (really
masterpieces of satire) and a Fitzpatrick ,car-
toon. The cartoon reprinted in Time represents
the brillian cartoonist at his best. The Post-
Dispatch first dug up evidence purporting to
show that Big John Nick, head of the Motion
Picture Operators Union, had taken $16,500 from
exhibitors to call off demands by his union for
higher wages. With State Representative Ed-
ward (Putty Nose) Brady who was accused of
acting as a go-between, Big John was indicted.
Several weeks ago Judge Rowe handed down
a decision dismissing charges against Putty Nose.
In a previous trial Big John had also been ac-
quitted. It is interesting to note that during
Big John's trial, the defense attorneys in ar-
guing for his innocence inferred that Putty
Nose, not Big John, was responsible for the whole
THE next morning after the Rowe action in the
Brady case, Circuit Judge Ernest Oakly gave
out a separate decision in a civil action, and held
that Big John had received the money illegally,
and ordered him to pay back the union $10,000.
The Post-Dispatch then carried a stinging
editorial contrasting law and order as it was
treated by the two judges. They pointed out that
the situation was very confusing and wholly
inexplicable to the lay mind.
Judge Rowe feels that the paper's attack has
cost him the proper respect that a judge should
have. Although the Post-Dispatch now denies
that this was their purpose, we are inclined to
agree with his honor. But the question of whe-
ther Rowe's court was scandalized by the pro-
ceedings themselves or by prejudiced descrip-
tions of those proceedings will depend on the
community's viewpoint of what should. have
been the proper action of the court.
The case has attracted much attention, how-
ever, because of a larger, more basic principle
involved, the relationship of the judiciary to
public opinion. Cannot a medium of public opin-
inion, the press, acting with traditional Amer-
ican freedom, criticize a member of this branch
of. government? The Post-Dispatch maintains
that it can and labels the contempt proceedings
a direct violation of the Missouri Constitution
guaranteeing freedom of press and speech. Cer-
tainly it is against all the principles of democ-
racy to believe that any governmental institu-
tion is so sacred that no rebuke from the people
may ever be directed towards it.
THE PAPER insists that it was well within its
rights in performing a public service which
aims to improve and strengthen public confi-
dence and respect for the administration of jus-
tice in the city of St. Louis.
Thp fnith nfflp' jnnhfir.1in.n ,in r ini rain n iv

Ten Rules
For Reelection . . .
T HE most interesting commentary in
recent years on Washington poli-
teal life in the raw appeared recently when
Alabama's Representative Patrick listed his 10
"must" rules for Congressmen to follow in order
to secure reelection.
In this year of bustling activity on our na-
tional political scene, it mght be well for a
patronizing public to take note of the results
of its own dictates, as embodied in a speech be-
fore the House of Representatives by a Con-
gressman of three years' standing.
HERE are the rules:
1.Entertain with a smile constituents, their
wives, their sons, sons' wives, etc. Go with them
to the White House, show good reason why you
are.unable personally to have them meet the
President; take daughters to meet midshipmen
at Annapolis.-
2. Explain what bill is up for debate; point
for discussion; how it will be passed; how you
will vote and why.
3. Attend to balcony and point out Speaker
Bankhead, Leaders Rayburn and Martin, Ham
Fish, Dewey Short, that man Martin Dies, and
name each lady Member of Congress.
4. Respond to worthy causes; make after-
dinner speeches, before-dinner speeches; learn
to eat anything, anywhere, any night-work all
day, dictate all night, and be as fresh as a
rain-washed daisy for next day's duties.
5. Be a cultured gentleman, a teller of ribald
stories, a profound philosopher, preserve a store
of "Confusius say" gags; be a ladies' man, a
man's man, a he-man, a diplomat, a Democrat
With a Republican slant, a Republican with a
Democratic viewpoint, an admirer of the Roose-
velt way, a hater of the New Deal, a New Dealer,
an old dealer, and a quick dealer.
6. Learn how to attend six to eight major
functions, rushing home and back during each
term on one round-trip travel pay.
7. Have the dope on hot spots in town, with
choice telephone numbers for the gay boys from
back home, and help to contact all local moral
organizations and uplift societies in Washington.
8. Learn to be an expert guide. Keep car in
tip-top shape.
9. Know names and dates related to all points
of interest, and be able to supply information
regarding public buildings and statuary about
10. Be an authority on history, travel, psy-
chology, philosophy, education, economics, civics,
finance, export trade, government printing, in-
ternational relations, neckties and fishing tackle.
to live up to all these rules, "epecla'lly the
hot spots, stories and so forth," but they never-
theless represent the significant observations
of a man with three years of experience as a
representative in Washington.
If that's what the voting public demands in
its representatives, that's what it's going to
get. National elections appear on the not-too-
distant horizon. Will we elect representatives
'With qualifications in line with Representative
Patrick's rules, or will we send to Washington
men able and free to discuss and decide upon
the many vital issues confronting us?
- Howard Goldman
To the Editor:
Doubtless you were amused, as I was, to see
how precisely the Young Communists fulfilled
my prediction that they would meet my letter
by an evasion. I made four points: (1) the com-
plete ignoring by Moscow of its own puppet
government of the "Finnish people," an open

confession of hypocrisy; (2) the panic fear
of the Finnish peasants of coming under Com-
munist rule; (3) the fact that Britain and
France acted so slowly and reluctantly against
Russia that, after fighting all winter long Fin-
land collapsed before they sent aid, while our
own "warmongers at Washington" did nothing;
(4) the request of Finland for more aid to the.
destitute, countering campus anti-relief propa-
ganda that such aid was not needed. In their
"reply" the Young Communists mentioned
NONE of these points!
Instead they filled their space with the theory
that Finland, which for just twenty years had
been at peace with Russia, was so great a
military menace that reluctant Russia had to
attack (precisely Hitler's excuse for seizing Bo-
hemia), and in diatribes against the "capitalist
warmongers in London, Paris and Washington"
(who, presumably, stated this "imperialist war"
by their famous attack on Poland!). Not a sin-
gle word was said of any part warmongers in
Berlin might have played; the new Berlin-Mos-
cow axis forbids that! But why should the
Berlin-Moscow axis run through Ann Arbor?
Really, after that comic exhibition of "party
line" tightrope walking can anyone take the
Communists seriously? I for one cannot.
Yours sincerely,
Preston Slosson
To the Editor:
For the last couple of years earnest and well-
meaning young men on the Michigan Daily
staff have used an Alger-book lead to countless
ctnripazn~ nw am 'Gnm Namm ctavrtAd t hp. nn-

Of ALL Things...
.... ByMorty=Q ... ,
rTHE Cass Theatre was host to a number ofI
c'elebrities Monday night. Besides the usual
run of first-nighters: those who want a whole
week's time to tell their friends who wore what
and how-there was a select little group of men
who have come to be quite well-known to
movie-goers. There was the gentleman who
had escaped from a gang of some sort-oh, yes,
the chain gang; and next to him were two doc-
tors, one French, one English, one a scientist
who experimented with cows and who has some-
thing to do with pasteurized milk-that's it!
Pasteur. And the other owed his very existence
to a man named James Hilton, who once wrote
a story called "We Are Not Alone;" the fourth
of the group was also a Frenchman, a man who
liked to think, a man who wanted to tell the
world about the misery he had seen, and who
wrote a lot of books and stories to make his
point; his name was Emile Zola.
Yes, these four were in the Cass Theater in
Detroit Monday night. What were they doing
there? They were acting, of course. What else
does one do in a theatre? Oh, that-well, never
mind. The play was Maxwell Anderson's "Key
Largo," and these illustrious four took very im-
portant parts. They were there by proxy, of
course; that is, there was a gentleman on the
stage by the name of Paul Muni, who is the
exclusive representative of these people in this
country, and who spoke adequately for them
all. Don't misunderstand. Anderson's play is
not one-of these cosmic jobs that involves and
revolves around these four; no, the play is the
story of a man who is living and knows not
why; who does not want to die and knows not
why; who is searching, within and without, for
reasons, for clues, something to hang onto,
something to clutch, saying "this is life, mean-
ingful, worthwhile, livable."
BUT, in the person of Paul Muni, these four
were there. Every time Muni looked fright-
ened or lost, there was the fugitive from a chain
gang; when he sat down and thought things out
clearly, conducting experiments in his head and
weighing the facts, always with a frown and a
snapping up of the head, there was Dr.
Louis Pasteur; when he talked of life
and death, philosophizing, wondering, search-
ing, there was James Hilton's doctor; and
when he stood up and spoke in a loud deter
mined voice, at once convincing and convinced,
there was Emile Zola. In a way, it is too bad
that Muni did such a marvelous job in these
pictures, for now it is hard to disassociate him
with these characters that he has so perfectly
portrayed. For example, whenever Muni gives
any sort of a long speech, calling for dramatic
gestures of face, hand and voice, it is difficult
not to visualize Emile Zola standing in court
pleading for the life of Dreyfuss. Again, don't
misunderstand: this is not a criticism of Muni's
acting in "Key Largo"; this actor by no means
can be said to have stereotyped actions and ges-
tures. If anything, it is an acclaim for a play
that allows one actor to portray or even bring
to mind such varied and different characters
as these four.
(This column is being written on Louis
Untermeyer's typewriter in his room at the
Union, Mr. U. has just finished reading his
review of contemporary poetry and a review
of his autobiography in the current Yale
Review. He is now beaming all over the
joint. In answer to Mr. Q.'s remark that it
is terribly difficult to write an adequate re-
view of a play that moves you emotionally
as much as "Key Largo" does, Mr. U., who
saw the opening night performance in New
York, suggested that it would be better to
wait until you had settled down, until you
could mull over all the ideas presented and
digest them properly. For, to sit down imme-
diatel'y and write a complete review of a play
such as this, treating the problem of the
meaning of life, is not to do it or yourself
justice. And this, of course, led Mr. U. into
a discourse on plays and Broadway. He
mentioned that the three plays this season

that hit him hardest, the plays that stirred
him most, were ones that had poor runs on
Broadway, playing four, five or six weeks.
These three were "Key Largo," "The World
We Make," and "Morning's at Seven." These
folded, while smutty tripe like "Dullarry
Was a Lady," and comedies like "The Man
Who Came to Dinner" are still turning them
T HE FACT that Mr. Untermeyer liked these-
plays which were rejected by the public does
not necessarily mean he is queer or unusual: it
simply means that the majority of the public
does not want to be handed any philosophy in
a drama. If a character speaks four lines with-
out a funny crack or without breaking into a
dance, they become bored. If they get a play
like "Key Largo" with an actor like Paul Muni
that tries to express the tortures of a man's
mind, that tries to talk of contemporary sub-
jects like Spain and Hitler and Stalin, that tries
to set ux some one thing as worth living and
dying for, they receive it coldly. They don't
wantto think: they want to be entertained.
And so it was at the Cass Monday. The play
was not a perfect play; there were slow parts
and ragged edges. But it was a good play, per-
haps great. The trouble is you have to think
to understand it, and, for most people, this is
just too much trouble.
room to twenty students at two dollars per
week. No other cooperative on campus has been
able to come with gunshot of the living standard
we have been able to maintain at this price.
Thio is, fn ao7r efficia lnotice that the reitera-

By JOHN SCHWARZWALDER Jhotels, night clubs, and other estab-
While this column is still warm lishments which cannot exist without
from the hammering it took on its music or with a picket line.
last effort we should like to discuss Some union regulations are extra-
another of the more important ordinaryato say the least.One edict
blights on American music. This by the aforementioned salaried of-
is the Musician's Union. AFL. It is i ficial resulted in virtual censorship
with no small regret that we are ob- of a road show. Another denied a
liged to state that in this case. (as distinguished composer the right to
in the similar cases of various stage play a complmentary concert of his
unions) unionism has been prosti- own compositions in a Chicago hotel
tuted to a base seeking after per- fraprivate audience.
petuation of privilegekfor a few, and Others, equally arbitrary, tell vis-
the cause of music as a whole has iting musicians just what percentage
suffered badly, of their guarantees they must turn
We would not deny that many over to the local union; just what
We wuld ot eny hat anyand where and how long they may
locals escape this criticism, that the dplay.
union has been in the past respon-
sible for higher wages for many Union Diegtatorshi'is
classes- of musicians, and that ex-
ploitation would probably follow des- It is quite possible for a member
truction of musicians' unions. All ewhois considered undesirable to be
this is true, but it hardly follows that from his means of making a livin
these same unions are not badly inw
need of reforms which at present without a public hearing. In practice
they apparently are not able or will- many locals are dictatorships regard-
ing apprenctlyreoth alesorwi less of oft expressed pious sentiments
ing to effect for themselves. and democratic constitutions.
Presidential Salaries End result of a shortsighted policy
The largest of midwestern locals of provincialism is the death of the
is a case in point. Its head receives road for all but a comparatively few
a salary roughly equivalent to that well known bands, maintenance of
of thV... T -i .-f o T.h UniforA,.- i. . inefficienevy dis(coura~g i emnt of thoGP



sist that the musicians either clean
their own house or let someone else
clean if for them is a foregone con-
How much longer can music as a
profession allow itself to be domin-
ated by artistic myopia? How much
longer will the public submit to a
mulcting that brings it inferior mu-
sic and increased costs?
For Democratization
The immediate steps toward re-
form should be democratization of
unions, free interchange of musicians
all over the country, lifting of stif-
ling regulations, economy in union
management, sponsorship of more
and better public concerts and mu-
sical services, formulation of a policy
encouraging musicianship instead of
perpetuating a bureaucracy, and a
careful checking of all existing reg-
ulations with the end of eliminating
those which are not concerned with
wages, hours and working conditions.
Censorship is not yet either a musical *
or union function.
Above all, members of musicians'
unions should use care in selecting
leaders. Only when most of the
present crop of officers is removed
does reform stand a chance. For the
moment the public is waiting to see
what the musicians themselves can
accomplish toward correcting condi-
tions. If reform from within is not
apparent, regulation will follow at
the public's demand. If they are wise,
musicians will not allow this to be-
come necessary.

oz Ue Prresiaenmt e U t eL tLedtates.
Its officers are paid on a comparable
scale. It retires deserving function-
aries on pensions equal to those of
many an'ambassador. This is paid
for out of the sweat of the ordinary
members who seldom attain such
affluence, and by the proprietors of

who would compose and produce mu-
sical shows, and a tax which ulti-
mately falls on the public for the
upkeep of worthless and occasionally
worse than worthless leaders.
That the public will eventually tire
of this situation, will some day in-a

(Continued from Page 2) rules of the contests before the Spring
not in excess of $5,000, thus, within R. W. Cowden
the limit of five per cent of the salary,
doubling the amount of the Annuity Sons and Daughters of Rotarians:
purchased. The Ann Arbor Club wishes to get

3. The purchase of an Annuity
under the conditions mentioned in 1
(2) above is made a condition of em-
ployment in the case of all members
of the Faculties, except instructors, 1
whose term of Faculty service does
iot antedate the University yeart
1919-1920. With instructors of lessc
than three years' standing the pur-1
chase of an Annuity is optional.
4. Persons who have aecome mem-1
bers of the faculties since Nov. 17,t
1915 and previous to the year 1919-l
1920 have the option of purchasing
annuities under the University's con-
tributory plan.l
5. Any person in the employ of the
University may at his own cost pur-
chase annuities from dhe association
or any of the class of faculty mem-
bers mentioned above may purchase
annuities at his own cost in addition
to those mentioned above. The Uni-
versity itself, however, will contribute
to the expense of such purchase oft
annuities only as indicated in sections
2, 3 and 4 above.t
6. Any person in the employ of the
University, either as a faculty mem-
ber or otherwise, unless debarred by
his medical examination may, at his
own expense, purchase life insurance
from the Teachers Insurance and An-
nuity Association at its rate. All life
insurance premiums are borne by the,
individual himself. The University
makes no contribution toward life
insurance and has nothing to do with
the life insurance feature except that"
it will if desired by the insured, de-
duct premiums monthly and remit
the same to the association.
7. The University accounting of-
fices will as a matter of accommoda-
tion to members of the faculties or
employes of the University, who de-
sire to pay either annuity premiums
or insurance Dremiums monthly, de-
duct such premiums from the'pay
roll in monthly installments. In the
case of the so-called "academic roll"
months of July, August, September,
and October will be deducted from
the double payroll of June 30. While
the accounting offices do not solicit
this work, still it will be cheerfully
assumed where desired.
8. The University has no ar-
rangements with an insurance or-
ganization except the Teachers In-
surance and Annuity Association of
America and contributions will not
be made by the University nor can
premium payments be deducted ex-
cept in the case of annuity or insur-
ance policies of this association.
9. The general administration of
the annuity and insurance business
has been placed in the hands of Sec-
retary of the University by the Re-
Please communicate with the un-
dersigned if you have not complied
with the specific requirements as
stated in (3) above,
Herbert G. Watkins, Ass't Secy.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There are available in the Dean's
Office registration cards and pro-
grams for the Michigan Engineering
Society Meeting, to be held on March
28, 29, and 30, at Cranbrook. Atten-
tion is called to the fact that the fee
for registration is $1.00, while the fee

in touch with all students at the l
University who are sons or daughters t
of Rotarians. It will appreciate it E
greatly if such students, and particu- D
larly those who are on the campus for h
the first time this year will send their d
own names, their fathers' names, their
Ann Arbor addresses, and their home
addresses promptly to Mr. George L
E. Lewis, Secretary, Ann Arbor Ro-
tary Club, C/o Detroit Edison Com-
pany, Ann Arbor.-
Physical Educaion for Women: R
Regitration for the outdoor season
will be held in Barbour Gymnasium
on Friday, March 29, from 8:30 to P
12:00 and 1:00 to 5:00, and on Satur-t
day, March 30, from 8:30 to 12:00.4
All R.O.T.C. Advanced Course Stu-F
dents, including Medical Advanced
Course, desiring tickets for the Mili-
tary Ball, to be held Apri 26, from
10 p.m. until 2 a.m., sign the list onI
the bulletin board in R.O.T.C. Head-s
Ticket preference given to thoseo
signing early.
Dormitory Directors, Sorority Cha-
perons and Househeads: Late per-
mission to attend "Gone With The
Wind" for the evening performances
may be secured from the househeads.
Students should return immediatelyc
after the performance.r
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information1
has received notice of the following
Michigan Civil Service examinations.
Last date for filing application will
be April .6:
Cook Cl, salary range $95-1.,
Cook B, salary range $105-125.
Cook A2, salary range, $15-135.4
Institution'Dental Hygienist B, sal-,
ary range $105-125.
Institution X-Ray Laboratory]
Technician B, salary range $105-125.
Institution Power and Maintenance
Superinendent II, salary range $200-
Complete announcements on file at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Maso Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
Academic Notices
History 50: Midsemester on Thurs-
day, March 28, at 10 a.m. Sections 1,
2, 3, 5, Room C, H.H. Section 4
Thursday, 2), Room G, HH.
Verner W. Crane
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Photographs of Finnish
architecture, by Ernst L. Schaible,
'37A, Booth Traveling Fellow in Arch-
itecture in 1938. Architectural cor-
ridor, ground floor cases, through
April 5. Open daily 9 to 5, except
Sunday. The public is invited.
Exhibit: Rubbings from Han Tombs
showing Legends and Life of the
i Chinese in the 2nd Century A.D.
South Gallery, Alumni Memorial
Hall; 8:30-5:00 one week only, end-

ham Building. The public is cordial-
ly invited.
University Lecture: Professor C. H.
Behre, Jr., of the Department of Geo-
logy at Northwestern University, will
ecture on "The Role of Minerals in
the War" under the auspices of the
Department of Geology at 4:15 p.m.
on Thursday, April 4, in the Rack-
ham Auditorium. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Mr. Louis Untermeyer's Schedule:
Wednesday, March 27, 4:15 p.m.
Lecture 6: "New Rhythms in Music."
lackham Amphitheatre.
Thursday, March 28, 4:15 p.m. "In-
formal discussion. (New Rhythms in
Music). East Conference Room,
Rackham Building.
French Lecture: Professor M.' S.
Pargment will give the seventh lec-
ture on the Cercle Francais program,
"Quelques opinions de la jeunesse
Francaise sur l'Amerique et la
France"' today at 4:15 p.m., Room
103, Romance Language Building.
The eighth in the series of Naval
Reserve Lectures being given for
senior students in Naval Architecture
and Marine Engineering will be held
on Thursday, March 28, at 4:00 p.m.,
in Room 336 West Engineering Build-
Lecturer: CommanderH. B. Wallin
(cc), U.S.N,
Subject: "New Construction."
Rev. Owen Geer, the final speaker
on the League for Industrial Democ-
racy Lecture series sponsored by the
University of Michigan Liberal Action
Club, will speak on "The Rights and
Responsibilities of Labor," Thurs-
day, March 28, at 8:00 p.m. in the
Natural Science Auditorium.
Today's Events
Chemical and Metallurgical Engin-
eering Seminar: Mr. C. L. Raynor
will speak at this Seminar for gradu-
ate students today at 4 o'clock in
Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. Subject:
"Self-Diffusion of Copper."
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122, Chemistry Build-
ing, at 4:15 p.m. today. Mr. Nathan-
iel Nichols will speak on "Theory of
the Polarograph."
Sigma Xi: Mr. Edward C. Pardon,
Superintendent of Buildings and
Grounds, will give a brief talk on the
"Heating Tunnels" at the Rackham
Amphitheatre today at 7:45 p.m. Re-
freshments will follow the talk. Mr.
Pardon will then conduct an inspec-
tion trip through the Power House
and one of the representative tunnels.
The Pre-Medical Society will meet
tonight at 8:15 in the East Amphi-
theatre of the West Medical Building.
The program will include elections of
officers, ratification of the consti-
tution and the showing of medical
movies. All pre-medics invited.
Reserve Officers: Major J. W. O'-
Daniel, Infantry Reserve, will speak
on "Military Intelligence Factors in
the Commander's Decision" at 7:30
tonight in Room 304 of the Michigan
Union. All members of the Officers
Reserve Corps may attend.

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