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Spring Parley
Heads Named;
Plans Outlined
By Chairman
Arrangements Incomplete
As Tentative Program
Is Set To Start Apr. 19
Student Leadership
To Be Strong Issue
Plans for the Spring Parley, to be
held April 19, 20 and 21, are gradu-
ally taking shape, according to Daniel
Huyett, '42, general chairman of the
Parley Committee, latest development
being the announcement of the mem-
bers of the functional committees
working on the Parley.
A tentative program has already
been worked out, Huyett said, but the
details are not as yet in final form.
The general set-up will be an open-
ing session, one day of panels, which
number four at present, and a final
closing session. This arrangement is
similar to that of last year's Parley.
Arrangements Head Announced
Six committees have been set up.
The Student Senate, which has the
power of convening Parleys, is repre-
sented by a Senate Committee on Ar-
rangements, including Huyett, Mar-
tin Dworkis, '40, Ann Vicary, '40,
Roger Kelly, 42, and Hugo Reichard,
® Grad. Dworkis is also the vice-chair-
man of the Parley and Miss Vicary is
General Secretary. Robert Reed, '42,
will be the presiding chairman of the
whole Parley.
Inasmuch as one of the main issues
of the Parley will be the question of
student government, an Advisory
Committee on Student Government
was- established and the findings of
this group will constitute the basis
for discussion at one of the panels.
This group includes: Dworkis as
chairman, Phil Westbrook, '40, Don
Treadwell, '40, Tom Adams, '40, Dor-
othy Shipman, '40, and Barbara Bas-'
sett, '40. Most of these nembers will
also participate in the opening ses-
Speaker's Committee Appointed
A Speaker's Committee, designed
to visit dormitories, fraternity and
sorority and League houses, and co-
operatives, was set up to help adver-
tise the Parley. This committee con-
sists of Jack Grady, '42, as chairman,
Reed, Reichard, Elliottt Maraniss,
'40, Carl Petersen, '40, Kelly, Elwin
Hendrick, '42, and Fred Tyler.
A Publicity Committee was set up
with William Elmer, '41, as chair-
man and Helen Corman, '41.
Contact Committee to get in touch
with the approximately fifty faculty
men, who have agreed to help, was,
also set up. It includes Jerry Nitx-
berg, Grad., as chairman and Grace
Miller, '42.
The Program Committee will be1
headed by Grace Miller, with Jean
Thompson, '40, and Joan Outhwaite,
'40, assisting.
French Society
Will Hear Talk
Pargment Will Consider
Opinions of French youth on Amer-
ica and France will be the subject of
Prof. Michael Pargment's Le Cercle
Francais lecture at 4:15 p.m. today in
Room 103 Romance Languages Build-
Popular conceptions of American
girls, movies, and literature will be
surveyed by Professor Pargment. In
letters received from young people of
various ages, contrasts were made be-
tween French and American society.
Recognizing the influence of Ameri-
can culture and industrialization,
these students have " written their
evaluation of its scope and predomi-
nance. From his observations based
on this correspondence Professor
Pargment will venture comparison of
the modern French and American
Phi Kappa Phi Invites
140 To Membership
Approximately 140 seniors and
graduate students were invited to
membership in Phi Kappa Phi, na-
tional society honoring outstand-
Swift's Tradition Of Simplicity
Valuable Today, Lecturer Says
Distrusted Abstraction, Pedantry In Thought, Anything
Tending To Make The World Less Simple
Jonathan Swift, in all his ideas
and all his works, stressed the vir-
tue of simplicity, Professor Herbert
Davis, distinguished authority on
18th Century English, pointed out
yesterday in his University lecture'
sponsored by the English depart-
ment and delivered at the Rackham
Indicating that Swift especially
sought simplicity in language, Pro-
fessor Davis asserted: "In an age
when we are almost unintelligible
to each other, it is fortunate that
the tradition of simplicity set by
Swift still endures."
Hated Pedantry
But Swift not only praised sim-
plicity in language, he also hated
abstractions and pedantry in
thought, he said. Swift was distrust-
ful of anything, especially theoriz-
ing, which tended to make the world
less simple, Professor Davis added
in elaboration.
Swift, in fact, minimized the work
and importance of Newton, he ad-
mitted, revealing that "Swift con-
P'olloek Speaks
On Government
Careers Today
Affords Students Chance
To Hear Informal Talk
On Aspects Of Vocation
Prof. James K. Pollock of the poli-
tical science department will speak on
"Government and Politics as a
Career," under the sponsorship of the
student staff of the Union, at 7:30
P.m. today in the small ballroom of
the Union.
The lecture will be open to everyone
Robert Ulrich, '41, said yesterday, the
lecture being planned to provide an'
opportunity for all students to hear a'
political discussion of totally infor-
mal aspect.
Plans for a "He-She" bridge tour-
nament to be held Saturday in the
Union were announced yesterday by
Harold Singer, '41, in charge of the
program. Mixed teams will be barred
from competition, he said, in order
to settle the question of the relative
abilities at bridge-playing of men
and women students.
The winning team and that which
takes second place will be awarded
prizes, and the third prize will be given
to the team opposing the one which
takes third place, Singer added.
The new Union-operated travel
bulletin board is operating with in-
creased success, Pete Brown, 41E,
said yesterday.
sidered Newton an 'instrument maker
and worker in the mint' and scoffed
at the idea that Newton might vie
with him in fame."
Declaring that Swift did not real-
ize that it was his privilege to live
in the bright dawn of the scientific
era, Professor Davis commented:
"Swift saw in scholars and scientists
only enthusiasm for useless specula-
tion; he despised abstractions, ob-
scurity and 'fine' language; he scoff-
ed at those enthusiastic seekers after
truth who take the whole realm of
knowledge for their research."
By means of the power of his
satire andhis writing, Swift drove
out pedantry that becomes absurdity;
and did much to preserve the tradi-
tion that allows A. E. Housman in
poetry, Santayana in philosophy,
and Becker in history to express
themselves simply, Professor Davis
To Cultivate Simplicity
Swift believed, he maintained, that
the best safeguard against pedantry
is the fostering of a society in which
persons of both sexes meet to culti-
vate the art of conversation and
Professor Davis showed that Swift,
disillusioned while still fairly young,
resorted to raillery and satire to ex-
pose the hated shams and quacks
of his day and times.
First analyzing the varied "roman-
tic legends which have grown up
about Swift," Professor Davis dis-
counted the notions that Swift had
a "touch of sinister horror" or that
there was something of the "demo-
niac" in him.
'Three Prizes
Are Awarded
Gertrude Frey, '41, Wins
German Essay Contest
Winners of the German contest last
week as announced yesterday by the
German department were Gertrude
Frey, '41, president of the Deutscher
Verein, for the Bronson-Thomas
prize and Catherine N. Brown, '42,
and- Sidney Milgrom, '42, for first
and second prizes from the Kothe-
Hildner Fund.
The Bronson-Thomas prize was
given on the basis of a three hour
essay competition covering the devel-
opment of German literature from
1750 to 1900. Miss Frey wrote on
the German Novelle of the 19th cen-
The two Kothe-Hildner prizes of
$30 and $20 were given for the con-
test among students taking German
32 in a translation competition (Ger-
man-English) and (English-German).
Sherman Act
Held Binding
In AFL Case
Justice Department Move
Against Building Union
Upheld By District Judge
Decision Overrules
Former Indictment
WASHINGTON, March 26.-()-
Scouting any idea that trade unions
enjoy a blanket exemption from the
Sherman Anti-Trust Law, Federal
District Judge Peyton Gordon today
upheld the action of the justice de-
partment in invoking the law
against a union alleged to have re-
strained trade during a jurisdiction-
al dispute.
Leaders of the American Federa-
tion of Labor who have been critical
of methods used by the justice de-
partment in its anti-trust campaign
in the building construction field
have contended that unions are ex-
empt from the anti-trust law, though
subject to prosecution under other
But Justice Gordon said that the
Sherman Act applies to labor unions
in cases where their objectives are
not "legitimate" and where they use
unlawful means to attain the ob-
It was the second victory for the
justice department in two days. Yes-
terday the Supreme Court, in a case
involving the Ethyl Gasoline Cor-
poration of New York, decided that
the owner of a patent cannot regu-
late prices and suppress competition
among the purchasers of the product.
Justice Gordon's decision overruled
a demurrer and a motion to dismiss
an indictment of a Washington lo-
cal of the AFL Teamsters Union,
and five of its officers. They were
indicted last fall in the first of a
series of grand jury actions against
The Teamsters Local was charged
with engaging in a "conspiracy" to
compel three concrete mixing com-
panies to hire members of the Team-
sters Union, instead of members of
the AFL's Operating Engineers Un-
ion. as drivers of concrete mixe.
Six Speakers
Inter-Departmental Speech
Contest To Be Held
Six students will compete in the
finals of the semester's first inter-
departmental speech contest for
Speech 31 sections at 4 p.m. today in
the Natural Science Auditorium.
The contestants will be Dean Bur-
dick, '42, who will speak on "Thanks,
Sucker;" Robert Hext, '41, whose ad-
dress is "Success;" William Irwin,
'42, who will talk about "The Book
Store Monopoly;" Richard Lehpman,
'42, will discuss "May Cannot
Change;" Harry Mosebrook, Grad.,
who chose "What I Expect of Col-
lege" for his topic; and Melvin See-
ger, '42, who will speak on "Is This
An American War?"
The six finalists were chosen from
candidates from each of the 17 sec-
tions of students taking Speech 31.
Competitors in the elimination con-
test held Monday were chosen by pop-
ular vote in each section.
Williams To Talk
On M Day Plans'
"M Day Plans," will be the topic of
discussion by Prof. Mentor L. Wil-
liams, of the English department, at
3 p.m. today in the Union at a meet-
ing sponsored by the Michigan Anti-
War Committee.
In his lecture, Professor Williams
will point out and analyze the do-
mestic problems of industrial and
human regimentation that the Uni-
ted States will face in the event that
this country abandons her neutral-
ity and enters into active participa-
tion in the European conflict, John
Huston, '41, counsellor for the Com-
mittee said.
Canadian Liberals Win
Policy Endorsement Vote
OTTAWA, March 26.-(A)-Scor-
Seeking Jobs
Will Be Topic
Of Program
Agencies Merge
In Production
Illustrating Techniques
Marcia Connell, '39
Stars In Skit Today
Alumni, a Detroit department
store, the Student Senate and the
University's Bureau of Occupational
Information will all participate in
the "It's Your Life" program and
skit illustrating the best methods of
job-seeking at 8:30 p.m. today in
the Union Ballroom, according to
Robert Reed, '42, chairman of the
committee sponsoring the affair.
Not only will the audience learn
the whys and wherefores of correct
employer interviewing, but there will
be plenty of the latest business-world
fashions, modeled by none other than
Marcia Connell, '39, and several of
her sister-models, all employed by a
Detroit department store which is
the co-sponsor of the program with
the Senate.
Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of
the Bureau of Placement and Occu-
pational Information, will give a
short talk on vocational guidance
and job-seeking, and will also have
the role- of typical vocational guid-
ance director in the 'program.
The whole playlet will be in pan-
tomine form with Louis W. Quaal,
'41, as narrator. The coeds cooperat-
ing in the fashion show scene are:
Carolyn Denfield, '42, Marney Gard-
ner, '42, Ruth Willits, '43, Mary Pate,
'43A, Ruth Davis, '41, June Cleary,
'42, and Barbara Foote, '42.
Thornthwa ite
Will Consider
Speech Society
Receives Thirty
In Ceremonies
Selling fish, stump speaking, and
shoveling snow initiated 30 engin-
eers into Sigma Rho Tau, honorary
speech society yesterday afternoon
while the formal ceremony took place
last night.
Inducted into the society were the
following men who are all engineer-
ing freshmen unless otherwise stated:
James C. Devantzis, Carl Mena, Car-
rol Haas, Herman Williams, John
Bolser, Daniel Klute, Joseph Datsko,
B. Madison Unt-Koop, Thomas Rice,
Gordon Osterstrom, Eric Garrett,
Daniel Clark, Edward Ruton, Law-
rence Goldman, Hubert Drake, Phil-
ip Brown, George Madiel, Peter Alex-
ander, Jack Batchelor, Robert Whit-
meyer, Donald Rath, Daniel Cantor,
Robert Baumann, Marvin Zeskind,
Charles Cole, Thomas Cooke, Jr.,
Grad., Rufus Snook, '42E, Irwin Sha-
pero, '42E, and Charles McWilliams,
Brazil Will Be
Sub ject Of Six
Lectures Here
Dr. de Carvaho To Speak
On Social And Economic
Trends InApril Talks
Dr. Carlos Delgado de Carvalho,
distinguished sociologist and a mem-
ber of the faculty of the University
of Brazil, will visit Ann Arbor from
April 15 to May 10 as a visiting lec-
turer for the Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace, University
officials announced today.
Dr. de Carvalho, who is also a
professor of sociology in the Colegio
Pedrp II of Rio de Janeiro, will deliver
six lectures here and will meet in in-
formal conferences with student and
faculty members. He will be accom-
panied here by his wife.
The following series of lectures,
open to the public, will be delivered
during Dr. de Carvalho's visit:
"Glimpses of Human Geography of
Brazil," Tuesday, April 16, Rackham
"An Outline of the Economic His-
tory of Brazil," Friday, April 19, Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
"Problems of Race Mixture and
White Acclimatization in Brazil,"
Tuesday, April 23, Rackham Amphi-
"Present Trends in Brazilian Edu-
cation," Thursday, April 25, Rackham
"The Immigration Problem in
Brazil," Tuesday, April 30, the Union.
La Sociedad Hispanica
Hears Colombian Speaker
La Sociedad Hispanica will hold
a meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the
League, at which Jorge Carulla, '41E,
will speak on Colombia and its cus-
Other features of the meeting will
be Spanish songs by Stanley Frye,
Spec., and Flores de Lara, who has
just come from Mexico City. Group
conversations in Spanish will also be
carried on, under the leadership of
advanced students of the language.
Leading Problems
Consumers' Groups
Be Discussed Today
Relations Seen
As Near Open
Ambassador Is Withdrawn
From Paris; Reported
He Was Asked To Leave
Reynaud Says Goal
Is To Beat Enemy
(By The Associated Press)
Relations between France and
Russia, which steadily have grown
worse since the Soviet Union lined
up with Germany last summer and
then marched on Finland in Novem-
ber, appeared near the breaking point
today with the semi-officially re-
perted recall of the Russian ambassa-
dor in Paris.
Semi-official dispatches from Mos-
cow said Ambassador Jakob Surits,
who had stuck to his post in the
French capital despite a rising tide of
antagonism to his government, had
been "freed from his functions as
Soviet ambassador to France."
The dispatches said the French gov-
ernment had notified Moscow that
Surits' presence in Paris no longer
was desirable. The French ambassa-
dor to Russia, Paul Naggiar, already
had returned to Paris, ostensibly on
sick leave.
Indications that the Allies might be
laying plans to force action on Adolf
Hitler emerged last night from the
almost-static European war scene.
First, Premier Paul Reynaud in a
radio speech presented his new cabi-
net to the French nation with the em-
phatic assertion that it was a "war
government" whose one goal is to
"beat the enemy." He promised to
"make war and make it in every field."
Second, Britain was concentrating
her North Sea destroyer and sub-
marine squadrons on the Skagerrak,
an arm of the North Sea running into
the Baltic. She apparently intends
not only to close the blockade around
the Reich but, perhaps, to lure Ger-
many's fleet into battle.
Eight or nine British destroyers
were reported seen twice in Nor-
wegian waters on Good Friday when
German ships were passing the coast.
Norway has lodged a second protest
in London against asserted violation
of her neutral waters within the last
few days.
SprMg Concert
Features Gould
As Conductor
Composer Will Introduce
His 'Cowboy Rhapsody'
Here Tomorrow Night
Morton Gould, nationally prominent
American writer of symphony music,
will arrive in Ann Arbor sometime
today to prepare for his appearance
as guest conductor of the University
Band at its annual Spring Concert
to be held 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
Recognized as outstanding in his
field, Mr. Gould will introduce one
of his most recent compositions,
"Cowboy Rhapsody," at the Concert
tomorrow night. Other of his works
will also be included in the program.
Mr. Gould's appearance as guest
conductor will come during that por-
tion of the Concert which is to be
broadcast coast-to-coast over the Mu-
tual Broadcasting Company from
9:30 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.
Admission to the Spring Concert
will be free of charge, but the audi-
ence is warned to appear early for
the most desirable places in the Audi-
The program of the Spring Concert
"March of the Steel Men" .. Bach
"Prelude and Fugue"....... Bach
"Bolero" .................. Smith
"La Jeunesse d'Hercule" Saint-Saens
"King Orry-A Rhapsody" ....
.................Hayden Wood
"Siegfried's Rhine Journey ....
.... from "Gotterdammerung"
By Mr. Gould:
"Pavanne." "Tropical." "Prima
Donna." "Cowboy Rhapsody."
"Sakuntala, an Overtue," Carl
Pre-Medics To Meet
"Cooperatives and Their Proo-
iems," will be discussed by Frea
Thornthwaite, of the Eastern Micli-
igan Association of Consumers' Co-
operatives, at 7:30 p.m. today in
Room 116 of the Union, Paul Ban-
ner, '41, chairman of Intercoopera-
tive Council lecture committee, an-
nounced yesterday.
In his speech, Mr. Thornthwaite
will point out and analyze four per-
tinent problems; the democratic
technique as an approach to coopera-
tive group discussions; the social and
economic status of the cooperatives
in America today; how the coopera-
tives attained the position they have;
and the solution to the economic
problem-via cooperatives as com-
pared to socialism, communism or
The meeting, sponsored by the In-
tercooperative Council, is the first'
in a series of four discussion group
meetings to spread and explain the
principles of cooperative living, Ban-
ner added.
Play Production Will Dramatize
Richard Sheridan's The Critic'
National Secretary For ASU
Warns Group Of War Dangers
"There is a relatively immediate
and pressing problem of preparing
America for peace because the United
States is closer to war than we think,"
Herbert Witt, national executive sec-
retary of the American Student Union
warned an audience of more than 150
students last night.
Centering his talk, "Is Roosevelt for
Peace?" on the federal budget in
which substantial increases in the
army, naval and air appropriations
have been offset by drastic decreases
in social service funds, Mr. Witt told
his listeners that unlike 1916 or 1917
there does exist in the country today
an organized peace movement which
not only wants to keep the United
States out of war, but is prepared to
propose specific alternatives to a war
The present budget, he maintained,
is the best and most effective step
toward war economy, while nothing
is being done about unemployment,
public health, the youth problem or
any of the other social and economic
ing able to read
On 12 specific
outbreak of the
1939, the United
has violated the
our neutrality in
Mr. Witt stated.
or write, Mr. Witt
occasions since the
war in September,
States' government
letter and spirit of
favor of the allies,
It is doubtful, he
The assembled belles and period costumes shown here will appear
in the four day run of Sheridan's "The Critic" which opens tonight at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Those in the picture are from left to
right: Joan Baker, '42, Mary Ellen Wheeler, '4lEd., Jane Grills, '41,
Mary Jordan, '40, and Lucy Jones, Grad. The ladies represent rivers, it
was pointed out yesterday, and the costumes are after the Union Opera
motif, or gags.
continued, that measures to cut the
CCC appropriation by 65 millions
which will result in June of the clos-
ing of one out of every four camps
and the discharge of 85,000 youths is
purely economical.
These youths will not go back to
universities, he declared, because
they didn't come from institutions of
higher learning. They will return
to the highways, slums and poolrooms
from whence they came and will
make wonderful recruiting material,
he warned.
Vigilance must be the attitude of
the American people, he urged. "The
war has not yet begun. A good deal
of what is to transpire depends on
what America does. Any man who
Play Production will present its
opening performance of Richard
Brinsley Sheridan's satire-comedy
"The Critic" at 8:30 p.m. today in
1779, was the successor to the Duke
of Buckingham's "The Rehearsal,"
as the most popular and successful
English theatrical tragedy. For many