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March 24, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-24

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It -1"


Foreign Center
Pa1s4 Stidll
Fori'm Tuday
Symnposium. In Ld1ieutno,I
On Internation~al Scene',
Will Feature Progr,'111


oTaHE vrMIa pHIGAN. ! ! .IAIAlY .Ai FX

-- 1

Five To Par" i c pato
A symposium on international ed-
ucation will feature the Interna-
tional Center's program at 7 p.m.
Taking part in the symposium.
which will present part of the results
of the conferences on international I
and comparative education that for-I
eign students at the Cenror have
been conducting for the past few
weeks, will be five students at the 1
University who have also been under-
graduates at other institutions of'
higher learning throughout thet
Participants Listed
The participants are Mrs. Frances-
ca Thivy, Madras Women's College,
India; Ruth Ciu, Hwa Nan College,
China; Deogracias Borlongan, U~ni-
versity of the Philippines; Akiyoshi
Hlayashida. University of Hawaii;
and Fakhri Maluf, the American Uni-
versity at Beirut, Syria. They will
discuss such questions as the prob-
lems of education throughout the
world and the suggestions toward
better educational methods that per-
cnnc frnmali....................

PAGE Fvri.

TI le driopping mercury electrode
iind recent research on this subject
\ ilbe described by Nathiel B. Nich-
ols of the physics department at the
physics colloquium at 4:15 p.m. Mon-
day in Room 1041 of the East Phys-
ics Building.
Prof. Norman Anning of the math-"
emat ics department will present a dis-
cussion on the subject "The Sine ofj
18 Degrees" at a meeting of the Jun-
ior Mathematics Society honoring
freshmen of the Math. 14 class. The
meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m.
Monday in Room 3021 Angell Hall.
jThe intricate network of heating
tunnels wvhich honeycomb the campus
will be described by Edward C. Par-
doni, superintendent. of the building
and grounds department, at a meet-
ing of Sima Xi, honorary scientific
society, at 7:45 p.m. Wednesday in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. A tour of the University
(sower House, conducted by Mr. Par-
dion will follow the lecture and re-
Easter Church
Services Have
Drama, Music
(Continued from Page 1)

!~ahi I~i~Frane?

Swift Is Topie Preying Intsects Offer Menace
SOf Iavi Tdikr 1To lelced lo-Ili Plants

I ere rfitesdayl t 1!,!! Mvti1
Though shzeltrred from thle out-of-~
~ doors and the bees, hot-house plants:;
rniitgi i9riesr have their troubles too, for red spid-i
Smith President - Flect jei's, mealy bugs, plant lice, fungi,
I 1 thrips, white flies, scales, mildews,'
Is Known For Research ! n ut a ilcnrht hi

Pr f. lierbort Davis will talk on
"Swvift snd the Pedants"~ in a Uni-
;'- iv lectfure sponsored by the Eng-'
lish department at 4:15 p.m. Tues-
o-fi the Rackha~m Lecture Hall.
Professor Davis is head of the
English Department at Cornell Uni-
versity and president-elect of Smith
Bce n in England, he taught English
'.t the University of Toronto before
accepting his present post at Cornell
two years ago. He was recently
appointed president-elect at Smith.
Professor Davis' special field is the
rcy of 18th century English. He
has particularly devoted himself to
research and devaluation upon Jona-
than Swift, his times and his works.
He has frequently contributed ar-
ticles on 18th century English, and
has edited several authoritative
wor ks upon Swift for American pub-
:ihn concerns. He is at present
nvolved in the editing of another
vcrk upon Swift for a British pub-
lishing house.
His talk is open to the public.
Stockwell Hall
Plans In formal
Dinner For, 17

coda l ua) . 1tty t~fl lfl III I -I t Ule1Ir
share of trouble to the healthy growv-t
ing plant, Prof. Felix Gustafson of
the botany department, remarked.
St'hese insects, all of which can
barely be seen with the naked eye,
attack the young part of the plant
and destroy, sometimes leaving it
dead overnight, Professor Gustafson
said. Because most of them are suck-
ing insects, that is, they have a struc-
ture whereby they draw out the juice
of the leaf, it is difficult to destroy
them for it is necessary to hit this

grreen white or red drssiay be dim-
in~ited with nicotine sulphate.
Red spiders attack and destroy
the plant chlorophyll and are very
difficult to free from the plant once
started Professor Gustafson said.
They build nests on the leaf which
seems necessary for the activity of
the spider and if it is washedi of f
regularly, it is frequently possible to
rid the plant of them.
The best check on damning off
fungi is to free the groun~d of any
trace of the insect before potting the
plant, he pointed out. This may be
done, he said, by heating the soil
thus effecting a steam sterilizer, by
saturating it with formaldahyde, or
with sulphur dust.

SOrganism. Tac
One of the best methods of attack- Po.r~A de
ing the bugs is spraying the plants Grand Rapids Law Group
two or three times a week with a
solution called Hitox, Professor Gus- Prof. John Tracy of the Law School
tafson said. One shouldn't wait un- will leave Ann Arbor April 3 to ad-
til the insect appears, he warned, be- daress members of the Grand Rapids
cause when the plant is badly affect- Bar Association on the subject of
ed, it might as well be thrown away "dSome Problems in the Introduction
unless it is very valuable. I of ]Documentary Evidence."
The white fly, a tropical insect The, occasion will be a Law Insti-
which does little harm unless abun- tute for practicing lawyers in and
dant, may be extinguished by the sbotut Grand Rapids, to aid them in.
use of cyanide gas, he indicated. Plant learning the latest developments in
lice or aphids which may be found in legal matters.



sons .LLUU wiueiy aUi11erent uiiiver- -______
sities have to offer. The regular the Gates of the Temple" and the
Sunday night supper at the Center sermon, "Here Speakest the Dead"
will precede the symposium.I delivered by Rev. H. P. Marley will
At 7:15 p.m. tomorrow, moving be the basis of the Easter morning
pictures of "Washington's Virginia" 'devotions at the Unitarian Church.
will be shown at the Center. Regular ILth'ip~ ia Students Union, meet-
feature at the Center, the moving
pictures this week will present views .r"' at 7:3(0 p.m., Prof. John Shep-
of Mount Vernon, Williamsburg and her=d of the psychology department
other historic spots. ,Till conclude the day's program wits-
Speech Classes Scheduled his speec'h, "Science and Immortal-
On Tuesday and Thursday, the ity."
Center will hold its speech and Eng- Sunrise choral communion will be-
lish classes for foreign students, and, gin at 7 a.m. at St. Andrew's Episco-
on Friday, recreation night will be gal Church. Rev. Frederick Leech
held at the Intramural Building. will deliver the sermon at the second
The Center will hold its first an-- comm ..union at 9 o'clock to be fol-
nual Open House April 26 at -he lowed by the regular service and comn-
Intramural Building. A- host of dif - reunion at 11 a.m. at which Rev.
ferent indoor sports will be eng ged Henry Lewis will give festival address.
in by members of the Center. Thlei The junior church service will round
event will be co-educational, Prof. out the church calendar presenting
J. Raleign Nelson, director of thif its program at 4 p.m.
Center and counselor to foreign 1u "The Power of His Resurrection" is
dents, announced.I to be the theme of services of the
___________-j Bethlehem Evangelical Church and
READ THE DAILY~ CLASSIFIEDS Rev. T. R. Schmale's sermon at 10:30.
F \c;(I J/-',fl-0117 B MINOR Mess
1'REDVRciCKAL EXANTLER, f'011( actor


,Martin.- to plat uo ste_ a during- the night, the French luxury liner
lie de France is shoe n att her doAk at Staten Island, New York. There
were rumors that se rildfollow the British liners Queen Mary anal
Matrctania wlaittn 1,4'. New York h~atx'bor to enter troopship service.
'the lie de FEraic e hli~w ea'vily -uarded sinee the war began.


' ~- Seventeen guests who have been
[llecft101 4." ;eV Sh1 ow k E4 liit*o011 especially interested in the residence,
m halls projiects have been invited to
OfM oden11I Jl 11V e rsiitv I i'd..t as attend an informal dinner at 6 p.m.
tomorrow at Stockwell Hall to mark
the opening and completion of thea
hihits Of ilistorical Files (ldiplomas was not ready in time to living rooms, uncier construction
have them availiable for Commence-,
Ln iackhain Baseiiin j meatt. The "em'ergency diploma," as since the Hall opened this semester.
Fr ae ronm 8!, it i called in a note on the folder Mrs. Frederick G. Ray, house di-
I vh1 c- contains the copy, was never reotor, is in charge of the arrange-
great deal of the story of the us'ed, since the regular diplomas ar- ments. Those invited to attend are:
uto ftedpom a eiec vcd in time. Perry Alice C. Lloyd, Miss Jeannette

Announces the Prices
Vc't 1?een Waiting for:
Garmenits Clean~ed, Press 'ed alidl DELIVERED)
Suits........... .
Top and Reefer Coats ...... $. 85


Frida4, March 29, 8 P.m. Exactly
No Reservations Seats 25 cents

. ..


OPEN EVENINGS . . . Thursday, Friday, Saturday

in the files of t he Michiga tn luist o -
cal Collectio io the ibue fnt of
IT. 1\+ inty1e. re-en'1' a S;sl
"rhe file of diplom , r- i aasIh
.ertificates of cou rses :.le l th
,he chcni i'y del:tiet., ar
1859. 1864 and 1864, thefrfofIa.:
=and the other two by I'll --'.'~ )
laven. Thes^ cortifiates are 0)!)
proximately the sire of the dirlonia';
awarded by the literary college fo
the bachelor of aits degre today.
and they bear an engraved liken@- s
of the old chemistry h)abaratory.
The oldest of the 18 actual diplo-
mas in the collection is a form
which was prepared for the first
Commencement, in 1845. A faded
note 'written on its border explains
that it was intended for use in c ase.
the "new plate" for thie engravedc
Choral Group,
Saginaw Invites Glee Club
To Appear At Fe, Oval
Members of the Va r-1it l:1ccCl].b
will travel to Sagrinaw ueda
appear as featt ired la 1tforrnj
that city's annual music f,: _t-__.
The Glee Club will appea. r ' t?
the Saginaw symphony orhstr:a and
has prepared a hrsfdmr
of musical numbers flgl gi~on:
the classics to p;,, dr Mr:ig snj
Included will be such clasn sa
"T e B u a u e jStrauss and "C omne and Trig I1_"I
Handel; semi-classic. suh as 13L
lard's "Nottingham HFu1n-t"; ncA~
songs, featui'ing ) 'S-:,r,--- in 1h,01
Snow" by Nagler. In dlinoa
repertoire of Mi 'lrigan b llads, the
Club will pr'esent a groupn of 1,;e;;ro,
songs, among which ar e ld "I of
IMotntain" and " Belie Come, A-Knit -
in' " by Jacqil-(s Wlfi
The g jorip - coflrns t_ g he 35 CGlee!
club members ch osc A to gooen the
.innual Sprint trip and Dr. Davids E.
'Aattern, director. will jeia;ve b'_r O-
I naw Gl' . it rl bm. at ?3 n.q. T.:e!-
ay. A ; xanTir b'n t sconoe-~i
idnk arranged by . eaiurini c lult
a~~ Sa ew
Ofieand Portable Model-
N ew, and Reconditioned.

4t diiShool's FPrst
T <{'( rlieu diplorna issued by the
2 i dic'al cl in the file is that
of yrn W. Cheever, '86M. signed
Psident 1-laven. This diploma
- rs the same general design as
h;hoseth ie literary college and has
-tl len1ass cf a he avy curtain around
t'e bo;rder. The -writing on this
'iliecma is in English, while that on
e Medical School diplomas since
1878 is Latin.
'ho dii.loina of Henry A. Nichols,
'flh. is one of the first issued by the
Laew School and one of the oldest
: n the collection, Miss Macintyre
-,czrinented. It bears the same design
e':} the others, darker printing being
Sike only df Terence between it and
either Lawe School diplomas of that
r7a. she pointed out.
The in .:)intscm oftie seals appear-
(v ezr n all dliplomnas issued prior to
1~s=3 show the old Minerva design.
A diploma issued by the Law School
in 1896 is the earliest one in the
°liect ion to display the "new" seal
z hickh features the "lamp of know-
c , :_e" arnd the eunrays, the basis
of tid sal Lused today.
A duiplic'ato dip-orna. made up for
a n, t erof 'the- class of 1862, after
he uhntenof the new design in
) g, bar: ;arch ],,ip of knowledge"
-,al in: teacl of ,onvay's likeness.
'h Miss Mac-1nt-L-L' said, shows a
{s 'ieu ncesistene. since the Min-
>t'a seal was used on all other diplo-
rzlS sin 1862.

Neuhaus, Mosher Hall and Miss Esth-
er Colton, Jordan Hall.
Dean Lloyd and Professor Litzen-
berg will give short talks following
the dinner. The living rooms will
then be thrown open for inspection
by the residents.

r eT l5imnpa n in 1863 and, bearing
heoid 'Mii i-a se al of the Uni-
t,,r:ity. T[hecl ovation of the di-

IjJjiiL. J5'J~I5'L~s. .lt) 5'~iUULitzenberg, director of residence halls
hi:urycolegc' Mis Mcityr Eand Mrs. Litzenberg, Miss Kathleen
t-a*.d, 1nclude three sigined by Pres- Hanim, dietician, Miss Ethel Mc-


Cormick, Dr. Margaret Bell and Mr.c
Francis Skiel, business manager and
Mfrs. Shiel.j

Reversible Coats ........
Plain Dresses ..........
Hats Cleaned and Blocked
Blouses ...............
Swvnagger Suits ...........
3 Ties ... ............ .
Tlux and Tails ..........
Formal Gowns .........

. .$.100
It p

1 loiam s e iures the nmotif of the Others attending are House Direc-
in i-al. vwii 1, twlo dece'. trees and tor's Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, Betsy
hel nt.: x ed Fbaneacgle and the Barbcur; Miss Ruth Danielson, Hel-
E01ci' P'iots3 Ufum." Other' en Newberry; Mrs. Holley Dobbins,
:plorm s in thi s group bear the sig- i Adelia Cheever; Mrs. Garret Diek-
na-ture; of P 'e. ,!nt H-aven, and Cialalath ok;Ms Ellery Pres-
;' mnen re (' 7by20'inches in size. r, nAlina 4r c~fi c ,n,.


FULLER: "The Loon .Feather"
LLEWELLYN: "Howv Green? Was My
HORAN: "Night Bell" . .
SMITH: "~Burma Road" .
ELIZABETH: "~Mr. Sk.e ffington"
SINCLAIR LEWIS: "Bethel Merriday"
LEVANT: "A Smattering of Ig noran
(Special) BROOK'S: "eThe Flowering o
103 North Main Street

* . . . $2.50
y Valley" ..$2.75
. . . . $2.00
. . $3.50
. . . . . $2.50
ic" . . . . $2.00
if New England" $1.49



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