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March 24, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-24

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Co-ops ... And How They Grew:

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; lby mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicary
Mel Flneberg

Editorial Staff
. . . .
. . . .
Business Staff

Managing Editor
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. City Editor
* Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
SAssociate Editor
*Associate Editor
*Women's Editor
* Sports Editor
. Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
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. Jane Mowers
*Harriet S. Levy

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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
University Professors
And The Hatch Bill .. .
CLOSE SCRUTINY of recent Senate
discussions on the "Extension of the
Anti-Pernicious Activities Act," otherwise known
as the Hatch Bill, will reveal little publicized de-
bates on a very vital public issue.
These debates concern only one phase of the
Hatch Bill which, taken as a whole, is designed
to bar. from political activity those state em-
ployes whose salaries are provided at least in part
by the Federal government. The particular cate-
gory of state employes in question is that of
college professors in universities under the
Morrill Land Grant Act.
Michigan's Senator Brown argued that the
bill as then written was a "sword," forcing col-
lege professors to choose between political and
academic careers. He claimed that there are few
men who would risk the comparative security of
a teaching job for the faint possibility of success
at the polls, and that therefore many state
governments would lose the valuable services of
specialists whose salaries are paid by those very
Senator Brown contended that the bill was
really a violation ,of the right of free speech, and
that-carried to its logical conclusion-it gives
professors a choice of "starve or speak."
KENTUCKY'S Senator Chandler argued, on
the other hand, that the bill was a "shield."
He said that college professors didn't want to
participate in politics, and that the bill was
merely protecting them in their desires. And
even if they do want to enter politics, he added,
they shouldn't be permitted to do so.
The issue, in short, was this: Should college
professors (always referring only to those in
colleges affected by the Morrill Act) be per-
mitted to engage in political activities, other
than casting their ballots and attending public
meetings as spectators?
Throughout the debates Senator Brown cham-
pioned not only the right of free speech but the
logical privilege of the states to utilize their
own employes for their own benefit. After he
had tried vainly several times to insert amend-
ments eliminating the possibilities he attacked,
a last minute amendment finally was accepted.
This contribution permitted state and county
officeholders to "take a leave of absence" from
their official positions if they desired to run for
elective office.
ANOTHER accepted amendment, proposed by
Colorado's Senator Adams, stated specifical-
ly that the bill does not prohobit any worker
from seeking public office so long as he does
not use the influence of his job to promote his
These two amendments embody logical re-
strictive conditions, they made some progress
in attacking the problem. One final amendment,
however, was needed to clinch the point. This
appeared in the final bill as Section 20:
"Nothing in this act shall be construed as in
any way affecting educational, religious, elee-
mosynary, philanthropic, or cultural institutions,
establishments and agencies, together with the
officers and employees therof."
Now, if the Hatch Bill becomes law, college
professors will not be muzzled, but will be free,
to take their normal parts in our governmental
and educational system.
-Howard A. Goldman

6 a.m. to 7 a.m.-PORTIONS of Palestrina's
great "Missa Papae Marcelli" are sung by the
Vatican Choir before the voice of Pope Pius XII
is heard blessing worshippers in the square be-
fore St. Peter's at Vatican City. Other liturgical
music to be sung during the ceremonies includes
"Tu Es Petrus" by Perosi. .
7 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.-A choir of several hundred
voices under direction of Walter Eddowes sings
from Temple University stadium in Philadelphia.
Florence Kirk is soloist. Dr. Ross H. Stover,
pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church, will de-
liver the sermon.
My Faith Looks Up to Thee (hymn)..Palmer-Mason
The Old Rugged Cross (hymn)......George Bennard
Prayer and Lord's Prayer, by Dr. Stover and audience
The Omnipotence...............Schubert-Spicker A
Choir led by Walter Eddowes; Florence Kirk,
Sermon: "Alive Forevermore"
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (hymn)...Wesley
Jesus Means Everything to Me(trio). . . Barnett-Loes
My Jesus I Love Thee (hymn)
Hallelujah Chorus from "Messiah".........Handel
7:30 a.m. to 8 a.m.-FOURTEENTH season
of Easter sunrise services under auspices of
Metropolitan Church Federation is given at
Municipal Theater, Forest Park, St. Louis. Male
chorus of 100 ulder direction of Edgar L. Mc-
Faddin; Divisional Staff Band of Salvation
Army, Major Herbert Hill, conductor; Douglas
Schlueter, pianist; Frank Anderson, music di-
N HIS review of Irwin Shaw's "The Gentle
People," presented at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre by the Hillel Players, Mr. James Greene
asserts that because of a fundamental incon-
sistency between Goff and the problem presented
in the play, "two sets of conflicting evidence
about him (Goff) arise and the revolt itself
becomes meaningless."
To prove this Mr. Green declares that "in the
character of Goff the prime fault of the play is
manifest. Shaw, in his attempt to impersonalize
and generalize the forces of oppression, makes
Goff himself a victim of a system in which vio-
lence and oppression are implicit. He is evil
because he has known only evil. But in the lives
of Jonah and Stella Goodman, and Phillip Anag-
nos, Goff is all evil. Thus we are given two sets
of conflicting evidence about him and the revolt
itself becomes meaningless. Goff himself is a
victim. The triumph of the little people is not
triumph at all. Whole armies of Goffs menace
them. All social philosophies may be in their
nature a mixture of optimism and irony, but the
mixture in "The Gentle People" produces a dif-
fuse, and at' times, a sprawling effect."
F TO present people or larger issues as Shaw
attempts to do here, in the light in which
they have arisen is to produce a "diffuse and
at times a sprawling effect," then Mr. Green's
criticism is a just one. But it remains apparent
that Goff, an allegorical character, was spawned
by the very society he threatens. There are
"whole armies of Goffs" and they are engendered
from the same matrix from whence come the
gentle people.
In the play itself Goff tells of striking in
Oregon, of being beaten by a rubber hose until
he went back to work. From this he resolves
to live the hard way, a business way and though
he well realizes that he'll end up with a bullet
in his belly, the short life and a merry one is
for him.
Is this then confusion? Is this a diffuse and
sprawling philosophy? Goff is a victim, just as
Jonah and Stella and Phillip are victims.
There is no inconsistency in Shaw's criticism.
The fault lies in the society he describes.
- Milton Fineberg
Dear Editor:

A NOTE on French democracy: Forty-four
Communist deputies, representing over a
million Frenchmen, are now on trial behind
closed doors. This star-chamber secrecy is what
some people may hail as French democracy. I
consider it in the same category with Nazi
persecution. Even during the last world war
political trials were not conducted secretly. If
these men are guilty of treason as the French
rulers claim, why not expose their treason to
the public? What have these rulers to fear that
they bar the people from the trials? These
deputies are on trial because they disagree with
the present rulers. That is their right. But this
right is no longer recognized by a French ruling
class bent on destroying the gains of the Peo-
ples Front and plunging the French people into
bloody war.
-G. M.
To the Editor:
IN VIEW of the letter from the executive com-
mittee of the American Student Union which
you published, I feel the following clipping
would be of interest:
France Denies Refugee Order
WASHINGTON, March 15. -(AP)- The
French Government has denied ordering
Spanish war refugees in France back to

rector. The Rev. Clark Walker Cummings, ex-
ecutive secretary of the federation, presides.
Song service; Trumpet Call
All Halthe Power of Jesus' Name (hymn)..Holden
Scripture Reading
Alleluia, Christ Is Risen................Kopylow
Prayer; Offering
Unfold Ye Portals from "The Redemption"..Gounod
Address by Rev. Dr. Trueman B. Douglas, pastor of
Pilgrim Congregational Church, "The Eternal Now"
HolydHoly, Holy ! Lord God Almighty (hymn)...Dykes
8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.-BRIGHAM YOUNG Uni-
versity's 80-piece orchestra, Prof. LeRoy J. Rob-
ertson conducting, and choir of 150 voices led
by Dr. Franklin Madsen, participate in rites
from College Hall on the campus at Provo, Utah.
8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.-HELEN JEPSON, Metro-
politan Opera soprano, is soloist with the Los
Angeles Philharmonic 'Orchestra under ditec-
tion of Albert Coates in the 17th annual Easter
dawn observance in Forest Lawn Memorial Park,
Glendale, Calif. A flock of doves will be released
from the Tower of Legends as a salute to the
day. William Farnum, reader; Gaylord Carter,
organist; Glendale Community Chorus, Joseph
Klein, director.
Organ Prelude-Gaylord Carter
Trumpet fanfare: "Flight of the Doves"
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name............Holden
Congregation, led by Art Baker
Easter Morn .......................Rimsky-Korsakoff
Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra
Alleluia ..................................... Mozart
Open the Gates of the Temple ..............Knapp
Miss Jepson
William Farnum;~ annual reading of Emma A. Lent's
Easter poem, "The Master Is Coming"
Since by Man from "Messiah"............Handel
Glendale Community Chorus
Beginning at 3 p.m.-NEW YORK Philhar-
monic-Symphony Orchestra, Albert Stoessel,
guest conductor; Ernest Hutcheson, piano solo-
ist. Deems Taylor is intermission commentator.
Introduction and Ballet from "Ramuntcho"
................Deems Taylor
Tone Poem, "Pohjalo's Daughter............Sibelius
Suite from 'the opera "Garrick"..........Stoessel
Concerto in C minor for Piano and Orchestra
Ernest Hutcheson
9 p.m. to 10 p.m.-MASSED church choirs of
Detroit join Ford Sunday Evening Hour audience.
of 5,000 to sing Handel's "Hallelujah" Chorus
with Richard Crooks, tenor, guest soloist, and
the symphony orchestra and chorus directed by
Victor Kolar. W. J. Cameron, speaker.

In 1934 a student, Eldon Hamm,
'37, moved into a basement room in
the Maynard Street Home of Rev.
Harry L. Pickerill, had a wagonload
of food shipped in to him from the
farm and proceeded to live for ap-
proximately 50 cents a week. When
two other students who were in col-
lege on a shoestring wished to join
Hamm, there was established in the
minister's basement the first cooper-
ative on the campus.
Since that time the cooperative
principle has continued to offer to
students the same low-cost advant-
ages that Hamm had demonstrated.
In 1935 Hamm and eight other stu-
dents moved from their basement
quarters and organized a cooperative
house. In 1937 the first women's co-
operative was formed. By 1939 there
were six houses and 125 cooperators,
and three more houses were estab-
lished last fall.
Along with this rapid increase in
numbers and importance, there arose
a need for some form of intercooper-
ative planning and organization. It
was felt that the spirit of cooper-
ativism that existed within the houses
should be carried over into the rela-
tions between the individual units.
In addition, the cooperatives saw that
there were some problems with which
individual houses could not adequate-
ly cope.
As the cooperatives expanded,
there was between the houses an in-
formal exchange of suggestions and
plans for improvement in manage-
ment and economy. In 1937, how-
ever, these mutual relations were
formalized into the Associated Cam-
pus Cooperatives, a loosely knit or-
ganization with no power outside of

suggestion and general recommen-
dation. It met seldom and was ofl
little actual importance.
But in the fall of 1938 the num-
ber of houses rose sharply, and the,
ACC assumed more positive func-
tions. The first issue of the "Cooper-
ator", mimeographed newspaper, was
published. Exchange dinners between
the various houses were initiated in"
order that the members could become
better acquainted with each other1
and each other's problems.
Last fall representatives from the
nine houses met to discuss a more'
powerful central body, with more
complete functional representation.
The result was the Intercooperative
Council as it now stands.
The Council incorporated two im-
portant improvements: it provided
for a democratic assembly and for
centralized planning of such activi-
ties as purchasing and personnel.
To insure the first point, the Coun-
cil was made representative. Each
house sends two delegates, official
voting representatives, these two
give their house's opinion on the
various questions that the Council
considers and carry back to their
houses the Council's decisions.
In addition, each house elects re-
presentatives to a number of cen-
tralized functional groups. That is,
each cooperative has a purchasing
agent who, instead of working entire-
ly on his own, meets with the pur-
chasing agents of the other eight
houses and follows the unified poli-
cies that the group adopts. The chair-
man of this purchasing division re-
presents his group on the Council.
The same method is carried out for
the personnel, social, management
and education functions.

By means of this centralized or-
ganization, the purchasing commitee
has been able to work out mass-buy-
ing plans by which the houses may
secure better prices on their pur-
chases. The social committee has
been working on a series of exchange
dinners, and sponsored a successful
dance last fall. The personnel com-
mittee is planning to handle all ap-
plicants for vacancies within the var-
ious houses through a central body.
The education committee is now
sponsoring a lecture series in co-
operative living, with noted leaders
of the cooperative movement as
speakers. Despite the fact that the
great majority of the members of the
cooperatives are working outside in
addition to doing their share of work
within the houses the scholastic
average of the members is well above
With all its improvements, however
the Intercooperative Council still
lacks effective legislative and execu-
tive power. The great problem facing
the cooperatives on campus today is
to formulate some method of in-
creasing the efficiency of this cen-
tral body, for only through it can the
houses continue and expand. A new
constitution is now being drawn up
that will enable the Intercooperative
Council to come into its own as a
guiding and synthesizing unit. To
quote from the preamble: "In order
to form a more perfect union, the
student cooperatives of the Univer-
sity of Michigan hereby intrust in
the hands of their democratically
elected representatives the adminis-
tration of their common interests,
and invest them with the power to
legislate and execute such acts as
they shall deem necessary."


It strikes us that our colleague, Gulliver, has
been unfairly maligned by several who would
criticize his harmless little satire on the latest
effort of the Metropolitan Opera Assoc. to milk
an all too gullible public. In our humble but con-
sidered opinion Gulliver pulled his punches in-
stead of telling all. The whole truth is even worse
than what he told of the present campaign.
To begin with there is some doubt that the
present campaign for funds is ridiculous. Any
enterprise expecting to realize a million dollars
by radio advertising in these so cautious days
must choose its method carefully; and the Met-
ropolitan's advertising is no worse than that for
a number of cereals and tootn pastes and pos-
sibly should be subjected to no more ridicule. In
addition, the opera, while expecting a return of
a million dollars has been able to create the
impression that it is a charitable and cultural
institution worthy of the contributions of the
public. This is a real achievement, and one of
which ace advertisers and agencies might well
be proud.
But the real point is not whether the methods
of the Met are praiseworthy, but whether the
institution is worth saving. And it is here that
we find ourselves in greatest accord with Gulli-
ver. Taking points up as they occur let us first
examine the charge that the Met is owned body
and soul by the box holders. That this can be
denied is an impossible proposition.
It is the boxholders who built the opera, it is
they who insisted on its present size and shape
with deplorable vision (except from the boxes)
and lamentable acoustics (almost everywhere).
It is the boxholders who refused to sell one box
to a comparatively recent millionaire for the
price of one year's cost of running the whole
place. It is they who keep prices so high that
even in the Family Circle students and any but
the comparatively well to do cannot afford ad-
mittance except on bargain nights. It is the
boxholders who have hired broken down singers
to manage the opera and have allowed them to
present nothing but the traditionally worthless
succession of 19th century Italian opera, while
contemporary works went begging at the gate.
It is they who by their reactionary policies have
discouraged native composers to the point where
no American operas are being written, and have
disheartened American singers so that they can-
not be sure of earning their bread. They have
permitted what few selections of native singers
are made to be dominated by two .very wealthy
music schools. They have insisted upon an out-
worn technic of both singing and acting, and
have utterly divorced opera singing from the
musical life of the young.
Above all, they have fostered the view that
music is a thing apart, a "cultural ideal," in-
stead of a living force and a necessair ne iin

Of ALL Things.'..
---y MOR TY Q--
AS MR. Q. predicted a few weeks Men" (which is worth at least The play was wonderful; the
ago, the Hillel Players' "Gentle six "Gone With the Winds") acting was excellent; the direc-
there were lummoxes in the the- tion and technical points were
People" was very much worthwhile atre who laughed at Lennie. Here very fine. But the audience was
and, as Jim Green pointed out yes- was this big, childish, harmless, lousy.
terday, Herb London and Norm Ox- imbecile, with not a bit of mali-
handler, as Jonah, the oppressed, ciousness in him, and some peo- SPEAKING of those Predictions
and Goff, the oppressor, respectively, pie thought it was funny, that were made here a short
were outstanding. But Jim made a C0, last night, these same ig- while ago, you will remember, that
mistake by reviewing the play; he norant goofs, who should Mr. Q. (with Mr. F.) also predicted
should have reviewed the audience have been off somewhere, play- the Wayne-Michigan swimming score
instead, and it might have gone, ing the nickelodeon or in a card
something like this: game, made it miserable for as 53-31 (it was 54-30) and now with
those who were there to see a this Hillel ,success, it makes it two
The Hillel Players put on their play, a very serious and signifi- for two in the clairvoyant depart-
major production of the year last cant play. When Eli, the young ment. The other two oraclings were
night in Lydia Mendelssohn and man who was "good for Stella," that Michigan would win the Nation-
the audience once more made as opposed to Goff, the racket- al Collegiate swim title at Yale next
perfect fools of themselves. eer, mentioned he went to Boy's week, and that, if FDR ran, he would
Keeping up their amazing ree- High School in Brooklyn, those win. The second one can wait for a
ord, established in "Grapes of in the audience who lived within while, but if looks as if Matt Mann
Wrath" and "Of Mice and Men," i 600 miles of that establishment or the Board in Control of Athletics
the audience maintained their thought it was a sign to start a or somebody is conniving to make
amateur standing by laughing good old Boy's High cheer. DMr. Q.'s forecasting look bad, for
in the wrong places, talking out When Flatbush Ave. or President the latest report has it that Mich-
loud during tense scenes, and, St. or Steeplechase Pier was igan's great tank team is making the
in general, conducting them- mentioned, again there were 750-mile trip by bicycle or kiddie-car,
selves like a pack of kids at a roars and shouts and guffaws. depending on the weather. So. Mr.
Saturday matinee. Now granted that Shaw intended Q. suggests that the Finnish Relief
In the "Grapes of Wrath," these things to get a reaction Committee tak~e some of that dough
(and those of you that didn't from the audience, he did not, they took in last night at the Field
see it, ought to be ashamed) the expect them to create such an House and appropriate a few bucks
audience laughed at Muley, the audience fuss that many of the so that the Maize and Blue swimmers
dispossessed sharecropper who choicer lines in the play were won't have to spend all day Wednes-
would not give up his land, and lost in the din, day and Thursday on the road. (See
they laughed at Casey, the erst And again granted that there Mel Fineberg's Corner for a few
while preacher, who found he was feeling of camaraderie be- more needles).
did not have "the call" anymore tween the audience and the ac-
and who discovered he could help tors, because they knew them or REWARD Department: Mr. Q. of-
men more by trying to find a they went to class with them or fers a reward of six sets of Fin-
better way of life on this earth, whatever it was, but Mr. Q. be- nish skis for anyone giving informa-
they laughed at Casey, the erst- lieves the acting was of a high tion leading to the capture of a cer-
a thing to laugh at: they were enough calibre so that it was not tain skunk family that has decided
pitiful and admirable characters, necessary to make it like a lodge to spend the spring in the shade of
not comic. And, in "Of Mice and meeting or a social. the Michigan Union hospitality.

(Continued from Page 2)

Lecture 6: "New Rhythms in Music."
Rackham Amphitheatre.

bert Davis, Chairman of the English
Department, Cornell University, will
lecture on "Swift and the Pedants"
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of English at 4:15 p.m. on Tues-
day, March 26, in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. The public is cordially
Mr. Louis Untermeyer's Schedule:
Monday, March 25, 4:15 p.m. Lec-
ture 5: "The Painters Discover Amer-
ica." Rackham Amphitheatre.
Tuesday, March 26, 4:15 p.m. "In-
formal discussion (The Painters Dis-
cover America). East Conference
Room, Rackham Building.
Wednesday, March 27, 4:15 p.m.
the difference being that the hat
company pays for its time on the air
and when you give them a contri-
bution you get a hat as well as the
thanks of society.
Our pen is not as heavy as Cato's
but we give it as our primary propo-

Thursday, March 28, 4:15 p.m. "In-
formal discussion. (New Rhythms in
Music). East Conference Room,
Rackham Building.
University Lecture: Dr Richard P.
McKeon, Dean of the Division of
Humanities, University of Chicago,
will lecture on "Discovery and Proof
in the History of Logic" under the
auspices of the Department of Phil-
osophy at 4:15 pm. on Friday, March
29, in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building. The public is cordial-
ly invited.
University Lecture: Professor C. H.
Behre, Jr., of the Department of Geo-
logy at Northwestern University, will
lecture on "The Role of Minerals in
the War" under the auspices of the
Department of Geology at 4:15 p.m.
on Thursday, April 4, in the Rack-
ham Auditorium. The public is cor-
dially invited.
American Chemical Society Lee-

Pargment will give the seventh lec-
ture on the Cercle Francais program,
"Quelques opinions de la jeunesse
Francaise sur l'Amerique et la
France", Wednesday, March 27, at
4:15 p.m., room 103, Romance Lan-
guage Building.
Today's Events
International Center: Tonight a
Symposium on International Edu-
cation will be presented at 7 o'clock
by the following students: Mrs. Fran-
cesca Thivy, Madras Women's Col-
lege; Miss Ruth Ciu, Hwa Nan Col-
lege, China; Deogracias Borlongan,
University of the Philippines; Fak-
hri Maluf, American University, Sy-
Graduate Outing Club will meet
today at 2:30 p.m. in the rear
of the Rackham Building. Pro-
gram consists of a hike to the
Ann Arbor water softening plant, and
skating for the last time of the sea-
son at the Coliseum. Supper at the
club rooms. All graduate students,

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