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March 23, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-23

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SA DAZT MARC R23, 1940



Sylt Incident
Anid Objectivity.


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IOL TT( U 3'4T.r LO'SMLTAE Gy~wlL w ' U.S (4"R,1Wm . ui titu
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member' of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4;00; 'Py mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Editorial Staff

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicary .
Mel Fineberg .

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
SAssociate Editor
*Associate Editor
. Women's Editor
. Sports Editor
. Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
.eJane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager+
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager . . .

O BJECTIVE and critical analysis of all
foreign war dispatches: this was
the criterion and ideal, set forth at the outbreak
of hostilities, by virtue of which we could insure
the continued neutrality of this country. News-
papers, including The Daily, incorporated this
proposition as an integral part of their editorial
policy, while radio commentators and editorial
writers analyzed and explained structure of a
"neutral attitude."
Yet when the novelty of the war wore off and
the brass bands of neutrality began to tire,
our determination to critically analyze all dis-
patches weakened; we took it for granted, then,
promptly forgot it again, falling back into a
state of mental gullibility.
An excellent example of the type of news
story which should be scrutinized from all
angles are the conflicting dispatches which
have reached American news columns concern-
ing the recent bombing raid on the German
island of Sylt.
First reports, filed from England and passed
by British censors, painted vivid pictures of
the Reich's proud air base, razed by British
bombs and reduced to a smouldering waste-land
pock-marked by the deadly hail of explosives.
Quick to deny the sweeping claims of the Bri-
tish was the German military authority. The
raid was not denied, but its epochal success,
as claimed by the London bureau, was discred-
To prove this contention, Nazi military au-
thorities graciously offered to take neutral ob-
servers to the island in order that they migh)
report back eye-witness accounts of the actual
damage inflicted. Selected were three Amer-
ican newspapermen, whose reports, as printed
yesterday morning, upheld previous German
"Only two of the buildings which we saw
showed signs of extensive damage," the report
states, and "we did not see evidence of direct
hits on hangars, nor were we able to discover
on our inspection trip across the (Hindenburg)
dam, indications that any British bombs had
hit the causeway."
On first sight, these "neutral" reports seem
to clear the issue. Further evidence, however,
indicates that even these same reports are not
as objective as they appear on the surface.
Emphasized in a radio newscast relayed from
the Berlin bureau of an American broadcasting
company were several salient points which tend
to question the objective nature of the eye-
witness accounts. First, it is pointed out, the
newspapermen were ferried only as far as Ham-.
burg by airplane. There they boarded a special'
train which took them to the island over the
Hindenburg Dam.
Again, once on the island, these reporters
were taken on a carefully planned tour of the
island. Why, the question immediately rises,
were they not shown a general view of the is-
land from the air?
Then too, reports from Denmark stated that
fires were seen on the north side of the island;
yet, as reported in the radio-cast, the tour
carefully avoided this end of the island, show-
ing mainly futile damage inflicted upon the sand
dunes at the southern extremity.
In view of these contradictions and denials,
the objective reader can conclude but little.
From a strictly neutral point-of-view we can
see that the damage inflicted probably was
not as great as British accounts would picture
it; on the other hand, we cannot accredit the
accounts filed by the trio of reporters as being
strictly neutral.
The one important conclusion at which we
can arrive through the welter of contradictions
is that we must at all times critically view all
foreign dispatches, no matter how plausible or
how authoritative they may sound. We must
not be misled into a subtle gullibility by the
trickeries of propaganda bureaus.
- Karl Kessler

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Fraternity Men
And The Future . . .
AST WEEK, a Michigan fraternity
alumnus came back to Ann Arbor
to deliver a little oration to the newly-initiated
men, and e briefly summarized the problems
of fraterni ies when he said that relations with
the University administration is the biggest and
most vital problem facing the modern Greek
letter organization.
This same line of attack was used yesterday
by Dr. Fred T. Mitchell, dean of men at Michigan
State College, when he spoke to a large assem-
bly of fraternity men and faculty in the Inter-
fraternity Council's Greek Week program. Nor
is the problem new. President Ruthvend in his
annual report last year, stressed the need for
closer working relationships between adminis-
tration and fraternities. The Greek Week was
designed with just this in mind. Thomas B.
Adams, Jr., president of the Council, got te
idea for a Greek Week at the National Inter4
fraternity Conference last year in New York,
and after observing the results of similar pro-
grams at other schools, decided that the first
step in improving relations here would be t
have a Greek Week stressing just that problem.
There is much room for improvement, but
the Council alone cannot do much without the
support of the individual houses. Apathetic and
self-satisfied, the average fraternity man doesn't
think very far beyond his own immediate acti-
vities and problems. Maybe he is uninformed,
but after the program of yesterday and today,
there should be no excuse for his ignorance.
The avenues open for the individual houses to
cooperate and improve working relations with
the University are many. Some houses, but not
very many, make a policy of inviting facultymen
to dinner at regular times, so planned that the
visits do not conflict with their own plans.
Others have faculty teas, or merely depend on
their alumni in the faculty or administration for
However, the few who do have any functional
plans for bettering relations are such a small
minority of the houses on campus that most
facultymen think of them as mere eating and
sleeping places, filled by young men who come
to college for fun or to make personal contacts.
This is not the case, for some of the brightest
students in the University are fraternity men.
Why the members don't wake up to the fact
that improved relations would help them and
strengthen their position on campus is obvious.
They simply are too much wrapped up in their
own affairs to pay any attention to the world
outside their own four walls. They have meet-
ings and discuss relative merits of one form
of rushing, or else argue about the date for
the Spring formal. But there is never a men-
tion of what can be done to improve the posi-
tion of fraternities in general.
When President Rutliven issued his report
last year, he thought, and to a certain degree
rightly so, that it would stimulate the fraternities
to act to improve themselves. He pointed out
that the fraternity house was an excellent place
to foster cultural development, to learn the
finer things of life. But he also pointed out
that fraternities have failed miserably in this
respect. Perhaps the fault lies in the leadership
of the individual houses; surely there is no cause
for complaint as far as the Council is con-
cermed-thev sonsor enough things. But their

The Hillel Players presented last night at
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre a well-acted and
well-produced version of Irwin Shaw's play
about the revolt of the world's little people,
"The Gentle People." The play itself is far
from faultless, but Shaw's competent handling
of character and situation combined with the
considerable talent shown by the Players made
this their best effort in the last five years.
The plot of the play is a simple one. Two old
men, victimized by a petty racketeer, are finally
goaded into murdering him. The daughter of
one of the men, too, is a potential victim, and
it is the danger to her that provides the catal-
yzing agent. On this structure Shaw attempts
to rear a social philosophy; that the gentle
people can only have the peace that they de-
sire by fighting violence with violence. Goff,
the gangster, is made the symbol of all the
oppression of the ruthless ones of the earth.
To be meek before them is not enough. Only
when they die can the ordinary and good people
live. In the character of Goff the prime faul
of the play is manifest. Shaw, in his attempt
to impersonalize and generalize the forces of+
oppression, makes Goff himself a victim of a
system in which violence and oppression are
implicit. He is evil because he has known only
evil. But in the lives of Jonah and Stella Good-
man, and Phillip Anagnos, Goff is all evil. Thus
we are given two sets of conflicting evidence
about him, and the revolt itself becomes mean-
ingless. Goff himself is a victim. The triumph
of the little people is not triumph at all. Whole
armies of Goffs menace them. All social P4Li-
losophies may be in their nature a mixture of
optimism and irony, but the mixture in "The
Gentle People" produces a diffuse, and at times,
a sprawling effect.
Strictly speaking, it is not a propaganda play,
but Shaw's doctrine is implicit in it. However,
there is much more to the play than confused
philosophy. Confused or no, the statement of
the philosophy in character and action is always
vital and dramatic. Shaw knows and under-
stands the lives of the gentlepeoplenand their
speech and action is real.
Herbert London and Roy Rector, as Goodman
and Anagnos, were outstanding in a cast that
always had a firm grip on the material at hand.
Upon London, as the chief protagonist, depends
a great part of the action, and his handling of
the part gave to it the full depth that it requires.
Norman Oxhandler, as Goff, never succumbed
to the temptation to the cheap dramatics that
a less competent actor could find in the part.
After a shaky beginning, Joan Sack, as Stella
Goodman, settled down to a very understanding
interpretation of the part.' Eugenia Paprin and
Samuel Grant contributed the outstanding bits.
Sheldon Finkelstein, as Stella's boy friend, was
at times a bit careless of the scenery, but other-
wise good.
Grace Dunshee, the director, working under
considerable handicap,. deserves much of the
credit that this always interesting production
must have. Even in its few thin spots, the wheels
of the machinery never showed through. Robert
Mellencamp's sets were, as always, effective.
In the past four years, the Hillel Players have
presented student-written plays. Without going
into the fundamental merits of such perform-
ances, it is certainly true that there was a
finish to last night's publication that would have
been hard to achieve with a student-written
Cromwell's 'Floater'

To the Editor:
In our strictly "Spoils System" diplomatic
service, it's too bad that every once in a while
one of our necessarily wealthy would-be diplo-
matists has to pull such a 'floater' as Crom-
well did in Canada a few days ago.
Though I personally am of the direct oppo-
site opinion as our envoy-extraordinary (extra-
ordinary envoy in this case) let's assume that
he is dead right in his stand . . . even if Eng-
land and France are carrying the burden of
saving 'our democratic world' for us (or demo-
cratic capitalism, or whatever expression he
used) it is entirely beyond his station as a for-
eign service agent to so much as whisper the
idea in public-our neutrality, however unneu-
tral, is nevertheless official, and Cromwell would
do well to observe the admirable dignity and
discretion and 'silence' of Sumner Welles.
As a political realist I recognize that men must
either be born rich, become rich, or marry mon-
ey in order to pull down one of our fancier
embassies or legations in which to hang their
dinner jackets ;and until our Foreign Office
can convince the powers that vote funds of,
the foolishness of saving pennies on Ambassa-
dors' and Ministers' salaries, that's the way it's
going to be.
My only suggestion is this: A man of that
type should be very careful to study the ex-
cellent career men he is bound to find surround-
ing him as his immediate staff when he arrives
at his post . .. if he's a good man, it's possible
that a year might make him a fairly competent
Though other evidences point to Cromwell
as a sincere student of economics and govern-

(This is the third and concluding
article in a series dealing with the
operation of the Associated Farmers
of California, its organization, opera-
tion and threat to American democ-
III. Stormtroopers In U.S.
In Santa Rosa, during the 1935
apple harvest, the workers struck
against unbearably low wages, and
on Aug. 1 two speakers at a mass
meeting of pickers and packing-
house workers in Santa Rosa were
"jerked from the platform" by a
mob of 250 Associated Farmer "vigi-
lantes" who broke up the meeting
and "engaged in a free-for-all fight
with the workers." 'Later the vigi-
lantes demanded of relief and WPA
authorities that all strikers be stric-
ken from the rolls, in order to starve
them back onto the job.
On Aug. 23, a group of vigilantes
seized Solomon Nitzberg and Jack
Green, who had participated in the
meeting, dragged them through San-
ta Rosa streets and commanded them
to leave town. When they refused
to do so they were kicked, beaten,
tarred and feathered. The mob pour-
ed rifle bullets and tear-bombs into
Nitzberg's house in order to bring
him out. That evening was referred
to as the "wildest scene in the his-
tory of Sonoma County."
The leaders of the tar-and-fea-
thering mob consisted of a local
banker, the mayor, several motor
policemen, a member of the state
legislature, numerous American Le-
gionnaires and the president of the
local Chamber of Commerce. Hearst's
San Francisco Examiner next day
shouted patriotically that "the tar
and feather party was hailed in So-
noma County as a direct American
answer to the red strike fomenters."
Mr. Hearst, it is interesting to note,
owns a 300,000-acre ranch in Cal-
'Gunkist Oranges'
Worthy of mention is McWilliams'
article entitled Gunkist Oranges,
which appeared in the Pacific Week-
ly, in which he gives an eye-witness
account of the squashing of a strike
of 2,500 union Mexican orange pick-
ers in 1936, in which "Orange Coun-
ty was virtually in a state of seige,
with highway traffic under police
surveillance; 400 special armed
guards, under the command of for-
mer 'football heroes' of the Univer-
sity of So. California masquerading
as amateur storm troopers, were

recruited; over 200 workers were ar-t
rested at the outset of the striket
and herded into a stockade, or bullE
pen, in which the court proceedingsi
. were conducted; bail was fixed1
at a prohibitive figure; and, when
attorneys entered the county to de-
fend the workers they were arrest-i
ed on petty traffic charges, followedc
about by armed thugs and threatened<
in open court . . . Guards with riflest
and shotguns patrolled the fields and
'protected' strikebreakers, and thel
sheriff instructed these guards, most-
ly high school and college youngsters,
'to shoot to kill'..."
The Lost Angeles Times next day
screamed triumphantly that "old vi-7
gilante days were revived in the or-
chards of Orange County yesterday
as one man lay near death and scores
nursed injuries." The strike, of
course, was broken, and the men
went back to work in three weeks
at practically the same wages, with
slight increases "in some cases."
The greatest display of the united
strength of the Associated Farmers
was at the Salinas lettuce packers'
strike in September, 1936, where the
last stronghold of farm unioniza-
tion existed.
Officials Disappear
The Associated Farmers together
with most of the propagandized
townspeople "took one side," and
3,000 white workers, some small
shopkeepers and city laborers and
about 500 Filipino field workers who
joined the strike took the other side.
The first amazing Nazi-like move in
Salinas was the sudden disappear-
ance of the Chief of Police and tl
County Sheriff from public office.
They were supplanted by a "general
staff" recruited by the Associated
Farmers, and Colonel Henry San-
born, publisher of a reactionary jour-
nal, The American Citizen, who held
no official position whatever, was
given full command.
Thisnlittle adventure in strike-
breaking cost about $225,000, which
was raised by an assessment of three
dollars on each car of lettuce shipped
from Salinas, ultimately paid by the
housewives of America. Col. Sanborn
was given a salary of $300 a month.
Over 200 tear-bombs were fired at
The sheriff soon "emerged from
his temporary retirement" in time
to deputize 2,500 men who armed
themselves with shotguns, rifles and
clubs and proceeded to rain blows
and shots on the pickets. Special
guards stationed on rooftops blasted


Sowing Seeds For Grapes Of Wrath :

the picket lines with machine gun
fire and tear gas bombs. Fake "ar-
son" and "dynamite" plots, remin-
iscent of the Reichstag fire in Hit-
ler's ascension, were hatched by the
police, and numerous arrests made.
The San Francisco Chronicle, most
impartial of the California papers,
carried a fair and accurate report
of the strike. Later, Chronicle edi-
tor Paul Smith visited Salinas him-
self and observed the war-like ap-
pearance of the town. The Chroni-
cle's photographer and reporter had
been threatened with lynching if they
"didn't get the hell out of Salinas."
After a month the Associated Fer-
mers added another murderous vic-
tory over labor, and the union was
The attorney for the union, during
the strike, sent the following tele-
gram, which very aptly summarizes
the situation:
"Sinclair Lewis should be informed
that it DID happen in Salinas. It
was directed from outside the affect-
ed zone of Monterey County. It em-
braces all civil governments, includ-
ing courts. The State Militia and
State Highway Patrol are directed
by a civilian local committee acting
as the head of a provisional dicta-
torship. It indicates long prepara-
tion, prior rehearsal and the work
of men who know law and under-
stand public psychology, as the aver-
age citizen is not conscious that it
has happened . . . In semi-agricul-
tural and .semi-industrial communi-
ties it could crush any strike, how-
ever peaceful. Significant that the
army of this provisional government
tore Roosevelt campaign buttons off
the lapels of citizens and trampled
them under foot on the streets of
Salinas, freely expressing their un-
expurgated opinion of the present
administration. Hearst's stooge, Col.
Sanborn, admits he is in command.
Organized labor will do well to in-
Organized labor has not seen fit
to investigate, but Congress has
through the LaFollette Committee,
which is looking into the matter of
anti-labor organizations in the state
of California. This Committee should
have its report ready soon.
Carey McWilliams, when in Wash-
ington a few days ago, said, in ref-
erence to the migrant labor situa-
tion: "Hell is going to start popping
before long," and that as long as
fascist organizations continue to rule
California, the workers "are not go-
ing to take it lying down."


Poll Tax
Versus Democracy.

0 0

O N WEDNESDAY, March 27, the 96
members of the United States Sen-
ate will be faced with the problem of determin-
ing whether or not democracy in the United
States should be extended to include all people,
or retained merely for those who have attained
a certain economic status. For on that day the
Geyer Anti-Poll Tax Bill goes before the Senate.
This bill, which would abolish the extremely
undemocratic practice of demanding payment
of a poll tax as a prerequisite for voting in fed-
eral elections, would, if passed, enfranchise
more than 11,000,000 Negro and white Americans
who are now being deprived of the right to vote
in eight southern states.
Although the fifteenth amendment to our
Constitution specifically states that the "right
of the citizens of the United States to vote shall
not be abridged or denied by the United States
or any state on account of race, color or pre-
vious condition of servitude the continuance of
poll taxes presents a picture which seems to
deny the existence of democracy in America.
The 11,000,000 people who have been deprived
of the right of franchise in Alabama, Arkansas,
Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee,
Texas and Virginia, comprise almost 64% of. the
men and women over 21 years of age in those
states. If these statistics are broken down to
a state basis the per cent of ordinarily eligible
voters who actually voted in 1936 would be as
follows: Mississippi, 16%; Tennessee, 30%; Vir-
ginia, 26%; Georgia, 20%; Arkansas, 18%; Tex-
as, 26%; Alabama, 20%, and South Carolina,
According to the Report on Economic Con-
ditions in the South issued in July, 1938, to the
President by the National Emergency Council,
the South, although the poorest section in the

(Continued from Page 2)
"Chemical Action in Electrical Dis-
charges" at 4:15 p.m. Monday, March
25, in Room 303, Chemistry Build-
ing. Professor Lind is the National
President of the American Chemical
Society. The meeting is open to the
Today's Events
Interfraternity Conference progi am
for today:
10:00. House Presidents, Guests,
and Faculty Meeting in Small Ball-
room, Union.
12:15: Guests and Faculty Partici-
pants to Fraternity Houses for lun-
2:30. Panel Discussions Resumed,
Michigan Union.
The Disciples Guild will meet at
the Guild House for a trip to the
Dunbar Community Center this after-
noon at 3 o'clock.
Suomi Club members are invited to
the Nurmi-Maki reception at the In-
ternational Center tonight at 10
Graduate students, and other stu-
dents interested, are invited to listen
to a radio broadcast by the Metro-
politan Opera Company of Wagner's
"Tristan and Isolde," to be given Sat-
"Tristan and Isolde," to be given
today at 1:50 p.m. in the Men's
Lounge of the Rackham Building.
Coming Events
Seminar in Bacteriology will meet
in Room 1564 East Medical Building
Monday, March 25, at 8:00 p.m. Sub-
ject: "Reversibility of Antigen-Anti-
body Reaction." All interested are
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. All faculty members inter-
ested in speaking German are cordi-
ally invited. There will be a brief
informal talk by Professor Albert H.
Marckwardt on "Etwas von den Fili-
Physics Colloquium: Mr. N. B. Nic-
hols wmilltalk on "The Dropping Mer-

guests and a change of the
meeting will be discussed.

date off

Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sunday, March 24, at 2:30 p.m. in
the rear of the Rackham Building.
Program consists of a hike to the
Ann Arbor water softening plant, and
skating for the last time of the sea-
son at the Coliseum. Supper at the
club rooms. All graduate students,
faculty, and alumni invited.
The Fellowship of, Reconciliation
meets Monday in Lane Hall at 7:00
p.m. Sirajuddin Kadri will talk on
his experience in the non-violence
movement in India.
American Student Union meeting
Tuesday, March 26, 8 p.m., Natural
Science Auditorium. Herbert Witt,
National Executive Secretary of the
ASU, will speak on "Is Roosevelt for
Michigan Wolverine Social Hour
Sunday evening will feature an "Eas-
ter Amble." Schubert's Unfinished
Symphony will be played from 6:00 to
7:00 and the music of Orrin Tucker
from 7:00 until 10:30.
International Center: On Sunday,
March 24, a Symposium on Interna-
tional Education will be presented at
the Center at 7 o'clock by the fol-
lowing representatives of institutions
outside the continental United States:
Mrs. Francesca Thivy, Madras Wo-
men's College; Miss Ruth Ciu, Hwa
Nan College, China; Deogracias Bor-
longan, University of the Philippines;
Fakhri Maluf, American University
The movie at the Center on Ion-
day, March 25, at 7:15 p.m. will be
"Washington's Virginia," showing
among other Virginia scenes, Mount
Vernon, and the Williamsburg Res-
Congress has selected the following
men for committee positions. A meet-
ing of all committee men will be held
Tuesday, March 26, at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 306 Michigan Union. Anyone
finding it impossible to attendthe
meeting will please contact David
Panar, 2-2143.
Jack Braman, Douglas Aldrich,
Ezio DeLorenzi, Kenneth Matson,
Charles Reisdorf, R. M. Reid, Paul U.
~t-r+oR oland Palmauist. Paul W.

worship services at 10:30 a.m. Rev.
E. C. Stellhorn will deliver the ser-
mon entitled, "The Easter Miracle."
Trinity Lutheran Church will hold
its worship services at 10:30 p.m. Rev.
H. O. Yoder will speak on "I Am the
Life." There will also be a sunrise
service at 6:00 a.m.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ):
6:00 a.m. Students will meet at the
Guild House for an outdoor sunrise
prayer service.
10:45 a.m. Morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, Minister.
6:30 p.m. A panel of four stu-
dents will discuss the lectures of the
last two meetings on "Preparation
for Marriage."
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. "Here
Speaketh the Dead;" vocal and in-
strumental music.
7:30 p.m. Round Table discus-
sion, "Science and Immortality," by
Professor Shepard, psychology de-
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. Sub-
ject: "Matter." Sunday School at
11:45 a.m.
Student Evangelical Chapel: Eas-
ter services at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30
p.m. The Reverbnd John Bratt of
Grand Rapids will be the speaker.
Baptist Church: 9:30 a.m. Graduate
Bible Class.
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship and
Baptismal Service. Sermon topic,
"The Power of the Resurrection."
7:30 p.m. Easter Play, "The Dawn-
ing," by Lyman R. Bayard.
First Congregational Church: 7:00
a.m. Easter Early Morning Service,
followed by the Student Fellowship
10:45 a.m. Public Worship. Dr.
L. A. Parr will speak on the Easter
theme: "The Faith We Declare: 'The
Best Is Yet to Be'."
6:00 p.m. Student Fellowship Sup-
per, followed by a talk by Dr. Parr on
"Personal Triumph."
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship services at 8 o'clock and at
10:40 o'clock. Dr. Charles W. Bra-
shares will preach on "Easter."

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