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March 23, 1940 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-23

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SATURDAY, MARC! 23, 1940

Foremen Hold
Yearly Meeting
HereApril 131
Delegates From Midwest
Will Discuss Problems
In One-Day Conference
Gram Will Speak ,
Foremen are considered the heart
blood of American industry accord-..
ing to the National Association of
Foremen, and since problems of one
foreman are invariably problems of
many, the Extension Service is spon-
sorhig the Second Annual Michigan-;
Ohib Foremen's Conference to be
held April 13 in Ann Arbor.
Convening will be foremen author-
ities from all parts of the middle west,
drawn to Ann Arbor at the request
of the Extension Service's co-spon-
sors," the Foremen's Clubs of Michi-
gan and Ohio and the National Asso-
ciation of Foremen.
Chief speaker of the session is Mr.
Malcom W. Bingay, editorial director
6f the Detroit Free Press, who will
analyze "America's Debt to Indus-
try." Mr. Bingay, in addition to ser-
ving as editorial director, is also
author of the column"Iffy the Dope-
With Mr. L. Clayton Hill, works
manager of the Murray Corp. of
America, Detroit, presiding, the morn-
ing session will get under way at 10
.em. with a welcoming address from
Prof. Lewis M. Gram, chairman of
the civil engineering department and
director of plant extension of the]
Replying on behalf of the foremen
will be Mr. A. C. Horrocks, president
of the National Association of Fore-
men and at present affiliated with
the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.,
Akron. Mr. Bingay's address will
come at 10:30 a.m.
Adjourning for luncheon at noon,
the delegates will hear Mr. A. A.
Nichoson, personnel manager of the
'texas Co., New York City, speak on
an as yet unannounced subject. The
meeting will be presided over by Mr.
C. H. L. Thompson, Toledo Edison Co.
Cooperative Men
Gather In Chicago
More than 85 delegates from seven
campuses representing 3000 coopera-
tive members, met last weekend in
Chicago at the Convention of the
Midwest Federation of Campus Coops
to discuss problems aimed at weld-
ing the cooperatives in this region
closer together.
The group was divided up into
small committees following the open-
ing of the general session Saturday
morning by Federation President
Robert Quinn, Chicago. At least one
delegate from each school was ap-
pointed to each committee, if the
numbers permitted.

Link Trainer, Test Plane, Aids
Students In Studying Aeronacutics

Italian Peace
Stand Analyzed
By Dr. Villari

100 Colorado
Students Plan
To Visit Here


Pint-Sized Model Produces
All Motions Of Airplane
WithoutActually Flying
Five fliers each month are getting'

phones and must solve his navigation
problems entirely by instruments.
Everymovement of the Link is re-
corded by a "crab" that traces on
a map the line of flight. When a
student has completed his problem,
an analysis of the lines drawn by the

SATURDAY, MAR' 23, 1940


1-V A-4 j[iI.A 11V3U1 t- 5VAAF icrab show how successfully he has
the opportunity to advance a step been able to guide his ship by con-
nearer success in their life work' trots.
through the aid of the Link Trainer Five men may take the course each
recently installed in the East En- month. They spend eight'hours a
gineering Building. day, five days a week, with the Link.
The Link is a pint-sized, embryo- They study between flights. Their
winged airplane so constructed that work covers all subjects pertinent to
it can simulate all the motions of an acquiring a rating, such as radio aids
airplane in flight without moving to navigation, meterology, ice forma-
from its pedestal. It was brought tion and flight plans. The course is
here originally to aid in instructing identical to that given by the CAA,
student fliers in the CAA program. at Wayne County Airport in Detroit,
'Blind' Flying Is Taught for their own personnel.
With the cooperation of the State Applicants for the course are listed
Department of Public Instruction and according to their need for the in-
the State Board of Aeronautics how- strument rating. Those pilots who
ever, the University has set up an in- have promise of employment when
strument and radio training course they pass their exam will be accepted
for commercial pilots who need train- ahead of all others. Of the five men
ing in "blind" flying. now taking the course, four have al-
Many of the men who have applied ready been promised airline jobs, and
for the course have advanced as far the fifth will be able to improvo h s
as they can without their "instru- position.
ment rating." To secure airline posi-
tions they must pass a difficult CAAo
examination in instrument flying. W illiam s Plans
Link Simulates Problems
That is where the Link steps in.
Since it can simulate any problem of eeavbr
plane offers a safe and inexpensive
method of learning to fly blind. The 'M-Pay' r Be Discw std
student is shut in by a hood, receives Al edniesday Melng
his instructions via his radio ear-

Interview Reveals Fears More than 100 students of the Uni- VOL. L. No. 126
Of Russian Expansion versity of Colorado School of Business Notices
will bethe guests of students and3
Held By Italian Leaders members of the faculty of the School School of Education Slndent,, oth-
of Business Administration today er than freshmen: Courses dropped
(Continued rrom Page 1) when they stop here on their way er today will be recorded with the
-from Detroit to Colorado. 'gae ofay ,iexceptode extaordin
end," he said, but asserted "if Italy The visiting students are finish- grade o E, except under extraordin-
is attacked she will fight to the bit-nTheisithn nare p in sh- aiy circumstances. No course is con-
ter end." ing their fifth annual Spring Vaca- i dered? officially dropped unless it
ter end. - - ~~~tion Tour, designed to give them first- drdofialy rppd nesit
"Though Italy hopes to aid in a tind T xesignce ithemndist- has been reported in the office of the
satisfactory settlement of the Euro- hand experience with industrial Registrar. Room 4, University Hall,
pean conflict and bring about gen- plants and companies in large Ameri-'
eral European peace, Italy has mod-s can cities. Diploma Applications: Graduate
est aspirations of its own that should top inAnAdow g tue students who expect to be recom-
be included in any peace agreement," a tour of the campus, including the mended for a degree in June, 1940,
Dr. Villari stressed. Rackham Building, the Law School,
Dr. ited thse'odestthe Intramural Sports Building and' and who at the time of registration in
He cited those modest aspirations the stadium, to be followed by lunch February did not fill out a blue appli-
as: participation the control of at the Union, Dean C. e Griffin of cation, please call at the office of the
the Suez Canal, on whose board, he a the Unon, DeBasnC.EssGrAdminstra Graduate School no later than today
said, Italy has not representation; the School of Bulsiness Administra- Grfiaduate Scool nonltr. hn oa
the "maintenance of the Italian tion commented yesterday.
character of those Italians resident While in Detroit the Tour visited-- -
in Tunisia and satisfaction of rail- points of interest which included the .I (( f ' l (? i'otees
road terminal facilities at Djibuti. Ford and Cadillac factories, the . . Al
Hitting the "Federal Union idea" Parke-Davis Company, the General Business Adm stration 4: All stu-
Motors Buildingandvarious banks, dents who have not received assign-
as a mere re-hash of the League of ments for this course are to make
4he added.

'37A, Booth Traveling Fellow in Arch-
itecture inu1938. Architectural cor-
ridor, ground floor cases, 'through
April 5. Open daily 9 to 5, except
Sunday. The public is invited.
University Lecture: Professor Her-
bert Davis, Chairman of the English
Department, Cornell University, will
lecture on "Swift and the Pedants"
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of English at 4:15 p.m. on Tues-
day, March 26, in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. The public is cordially
Mr. Louis Untermeyer's Schedule:
Saturday, March 23, Informal dis-
cussion "Changing Lines in Archi-
tecture." East Conference Room,
Rackham Building, 4:15 p.m.
Monday, March 25, 4:15 p.m. Lec-
ture 5: "The Painters Discover Amer-
ica." Rackham Amphitheatre.
Tuesday, March 26, 4:15 p.m. "In-
formal discussion (The Painters Dis-
cover Amei'ica). East Conference
Room, Rackham Building.
Wednesday, March 27, 4:15 p.m.
Lecture 6: "New Rhythms in Music."
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Thursday, March 28, 4:15 p.m. "In-
formal discussion. (New Rhythms in
Music). East Conference Room,
Rackham Building.
Biological Chemistry Lecture: Pro-
fessor Walter Nungester will speak on
the "Chemistry of the Antigen" to-
day at 11:00 a.m. in the East Lec-
ture Room of the Rackham Build-
ing. All interested are invited.
American Chemical Society Lec-
ture: Professor S. C. Lind of the Uni-
versity of Minnesota will speak on
(Continued on Page 4)


Two Teachers
To Give Talks
Instruction In Directing
Activities To Be Offered
Sixth in the series of programs
concerning the direction of extra-
curricular activities for prospective
teachers will be given by Prof. 0. W.
Stephenson, director of social studies
of the School of Education and Miss
Hope Chipman of University High
School from 10 until noon today in
the University High School Library.
Featuring the management, super
vision and finance of field trips. Dr.
Stephenson will describe their use
and place in the school curriculum.
For illustrative purposes he will an-
alyze some that have been conducted
in the field of social studies.
Nungester Speaks Today
Prof. Walter J. Nungester of the
bacteriology department of the Med-
ical School will discuss the chemistry
of antigens at 11 a.m. today in the
East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. The lecture is one in
a series on biological chemistry.

Prof. Mentor L. Williams, of the
English department, will lecture on,
"M-Day Plans," at 8 p.m. Wednes-
day in the Union, at a Michigan Anti-
War Committee meeting, according
to John Huston, '41, counsellor for the
In his talk, Professor Williams will
point out the plans for the regimen-
tation of industry and the youth in
the United States in the event that
our country enters into active partici-
pation in the present European con-
flict, Huston said.
Professor Williams' speech Wed-
nesday is one in a series to present to
the campus an impartial view of both
the foreign and domestic problems
that would arise if the United States
does abandon its neutrality, he added.
The public is invited to attend.

Nations, Dr. Villari commented that
the "federation" idea has all the de-
fects of the League and none of its
merits. He analyzed the proposal as
an attempt to divide the world into
"sheep and goats" with domination
by the "have" powers. Such a pro-
posal could only lead to further wars,
he claimed.
The only lasting, true peace must
be based upon a real understanding
between major, equal powers, he em-
phasized, claiming that Mussolini
had first conceived of the plan of a
four-power pact in 1934. Praising
Mussolini for having seen the neces-
sity of four powers, Germany, Italy,
Britain and France, banding togeth-
er to settle Europe's difficulties re-
ciprocally and prevent others from
harming small nations, Dr. Villari
said that such a four-power agree-
ment is the truly practicable solu-
tion today.
In appraising Italy's present con-
dition, it is essential to consider the
nation's geographic and natural sit-
uation. "It must be remembered,
that Italy has a very small territory,
little of which is fertile, a relatively
large population, and that Italy is
sadly lacking in raw materials." In
this light, he indicated, much of It-
aly's actions can be well understood.

Faron Outlines
Swedish Plans
Slum Clearance And City
Developmlent Are Cited
Modern developments in Swedish
architecture were discussed yesterday
by John Gray Faron, Jr., in an illus-
trated lecture "Stockholm Builds For
the Future" at the College of Archi-
tecture and Design.
Mr. Faron, who is a Fellow of the
American Scandinavian Foundation,
returned from Sweden three months
ago after working in the town plan-
ning department of the city of Stock-
holm. "It would seem to the aver-
age visitor that Stockholm is over-
bullding," Mr. Faron commented,
and added that ''actually they can-
not build fast enough." Many new
housing units, such as worker's
homes in the "satellite cities" on
the edge of Stockholm, are rapidly
being built of pre-fabricated mater-
ials. However, added the lecturer,
the effect is not monotonous.

appointmients a s soon as possiwe wzr
Mr. Meachain.
Landscape Architecture Exhibit of
plans and photographs of examples
of the work of professional landscape
architects and planners from New
York to Hawaii is on display in the
exhibition hall of the Architecture
Building. It will be open until the
end of this week. Of special inter-
est are the plans of the International
Peace Garden in North Dakota and
Manitoba, a plantation village in
Hawaii, New York City parks, etc.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Photographs of Finnish
architecture, by Ernst L. Schaible,



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Lydia Mepiessohn Theatre

TODAY through Sauturd1Y

Effective as of February 14, 1939
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your discarded wearing apparel.
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