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March 23, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-23

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Generally fair;
Continued cold.


Ak itr~gan


Fraternity Men
And The Future ..



Newly Formed
French Cabinel
Is Given Power
By Single Yoe
Reynaud's Ministry Plans
To Fight For Its Lif
Despite Narrow Margin
War Committee
Will Meet Today
PARIS, March 22.--'P)--The new
French government of Piemier Pau
Reynaud wrung an absolute major-
ity of just one vote from the Cham-
ber of Deputies today but decijjed
to stick it out and fight for its ife
For a time it appeared that the
seven Radical Socialist ministers
headed by former Premier Edouard
Daladier would desert the regime.
But after an hour and a half's
pow-wow, the unwieldy 22-man cab-
inet agreed unanimously to carry on.
Whether this means a mere mo-
mentary arrangement or that by th/
time the Chamber re-convenes on
April 2 Reynaud will try to whip up
a larger majority, remains to be
'War Committee'
At all events, the inner "war com-
mittee" formed by Reynaud to meet
several times a week is gathering at
10 a.m. (4 a.m. EST) tomorrow to
get on with the little premier's pre-
carious promise to push the war.
The government emerged from its
first precarious day of existence shy
only one man-the Navy Undersec-
retary Jean Le Cour Grandmaison,
who resigned under pressure from
his Rightist party.
There are now 12 undersecretaries
in the new regime, making a total
governmental group of 34.
Reynaud gave several clear-cut
pointer in his talk to the Chamber
which returned him a majority of
one today.
He said he intended to prosecute
the war vigorously.
Nevertheless, he intends to follow
the policy of his predecessor, Dala-
dier, in doing nothing rash. That
is, he, like bDaladier, will be "sparing
in lives."
'To Fight Communism'
He will continue a relentless fight
against Communism. Speaking to
the chamber he said: "It (the Com-
munist Party) is an organization of
treason. It acts against the country.
We will crush it."
Today's close vote onthe new coal-
ition Government showed 268 dep-
uties voting in favor; 156 voting
against. But 111 others present re-
fused to vote at all, and had to be
considered hostile. Thus Reynaud
got a one-vote absolute majority of
those present.
So far as fundamental differences
between the Reynaud government
and that of Daladier which resigned
Wednesday are concerned, the
French already are saying that this
is merely a "Reynaud-Daladier" gab-
met instead of a "Daladier-Reynaud"
If today's abstainers became ac-
tive oppositionists, Reynaud might
be overthrown. Conversely, he ma'
win these votes, or most of them,
over to his support.
Communique Cited
The communique aniouncing Rey-
naud's decision to remain in power
"The Cabinet Council examined
the situation resulting from the
Chamber's vote. All the ministers

assured the Premier of their loyal
collaboration. In these circum-
stances, the chief of the French gov-
ernment considered that in the pres-
ent grave situation the duty of the
Cabinet, which obtained an absolute
majority of votes in the Chamber,
was to remain at its post."
Reynaud, noted enemy of Nazism,
speaking before a crossfire of debate
in the Chamber staked the life of
his government on a ministerial dec-
laration which said in part :
"France is engaged in a total war.
The stake of this total war is every-
thing. To win means saving every-
thing. To lose means losing all."
'The Gentle People'
To End Run Today
Hillel's 1940 major production, Ir-
win Shaw's "The Gentle People,"
will conclude its two-day run at
8:40 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendel-
sshn Thentr -

700 Initiates Hear Hackett Call
Fraternity Social Laboratory'
Sigma Alpha Mu Is Awarded Pledge Scholarship Cup;
Dean Mitchell Opens Greek Week 'sessions

Describing the fraternity as a
"social laboratory," Norman Hackett
nationally-known fraternity leader
told more than 700 initiates at a ban-
quet last night in the Union that
"more than half of what a student
gets out of college comes not from
1books but from learning how to live
with and be agreeable to other peo-
Mr. Hackett, claiming that a fra-
ternity is useful to individuals in pro-
viding many good times and life long
friendships, warned that scholarship
must not be neglected as it is the
first requisite a personnel man seeks
I when a college graduate applies for
. a job. Other characteristics looked
. for by these men, he pointed out, are
to converse intelligently; . . . "attrib-
utes greatly enchanced by fraternity
He also asserted that it is the duty
of every affiliated individual in col-
lege to cooperate in every way with
his school and strive to uphold his
fraternity's ideals. "Make yourself
worthy of the ideals your fraternity
stands for," he said.
The Interfraternity Scholarship
Cup, awarded annually to the pledge
class with the highest average for the
first semester, was presented by
Assistant Dean Walter B. Rea to Sig-
ma Alpha Mu at the banquet. The
other houses among the first 10 in
pledge scholarship were Phi Epsilon
Pi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa,
Delta Tau Delta, Acacia, Kappa Nu,
Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon and
Beta Theta Pi.
Panel discussions, which were
started yesterday as part of Michi-
gan's first Greek Week program, will
continue at 2:30 p.m. today in the
Opening the =session yesterday, Dr.
Faculty Selects
Club Advisers
Five Junior Law Students
Chosen To Lead Society
Junior Case Club semi-final deci-
sions were handed down yesterday by
a three-man faculty bench; and, as a
result, five of the eight students argu-
ing in the fictitious case were made
Senior Case Club advisers next year
on the basis of excellence of their
arguments and legal presentation.
The five men selected were: Phil-
ip Buchen, John W. Cummiskey,
Robert P. Kneeland, Charles D. John-
son and Kenneth K. K. Lau. The first
four men will argue in the Case Club
finals on April 19, Founder's Day,
and the winners will receive a cash
award. Lau will act as alternate in
the advisory staff next year.
The finals will be heard by a court
composed of three justices from the
Supreme Courts of Michigan, Ohio
and Illinois, according to John Pick-
ering, '40L, present senior adviser.
Gargoyle Sales Continue
The March issue of Gargoyle will be
sold all over campus today from 8
a.m. to 12. Copies may be obtained
from the salesmen at the center of the
diagonal or in the main corridor of
University Hall.

Fred T. Mitchell, dean of men at
Michigan State College, discussed
"Fraternities and Their Place in the
University" praising the Interfrater-
nity Council for their Greek Week
Dean Mitchell said the Council had
taken a significant step in presenting
this program, that it represented
realization of the fact that fraterni-
ties regard themselves-and rightly
-a part of the University. What is
needed, he maintained, to better any
relations of fraternities and colleges,
is more responsibility placed upon
the fraternities themselves, so that
they may develop an independent and
self-governing system of working out
their own problems.
Another important thing that must
be considered when weighing the ad-
vantages of a fraternity system, Dean
Mitchell concluded, is that they are
in a particularly unusual position in
the large school-for the administra-
tion cannot give the mass student
body the well-rounded development
that is possible in a small school.
Therefore, the fraternity should real-
ize this and seek to take this func-
tion into its own hands, as far as
it is able, be concluded.
Senate Passes
Million Dollar
Farm Measure
Economy Pleas Overruled
As Bill Goes To House
For ApprovalOf Change
WASHINGTON, March 22. -(/P)-
Ignoring pleas for economy, the Sen-
ate late today passed an annual farm
bill providing more than $1,000,000,-'
000 for agricultural programs.1
The big appropriation measure,I
passed on a voice vote, now goes back
to the House for consideration of
numerous Senate increases. Senate
leaders forecast approval there. j
As passed by the Senate, the bill
carried more than $922,000,000 in ap-
propriations and directed the Recon-
struction Finance Corp. to finance an
additional $90,000,000 outlay with
loans. The House had voted a totalf
of $713,896,084 in appropriations, no1
loan provisions being written in until
the bill reached the Senate.
Biggest increases made by the Sen-
ate were $212,000,000 for parity pay-
ments to farmers complying with t'1t
Federal farm programs and 25,00D.1
000 for removal of surplus farm com-
modities. The latter item, which
would be used in part to expand the1
Government's food stamp system, wasJ
approved by a vote of 79 to 0. This
was one of the few unanimous Senate
roll calls in recent years.1
The parity outlays would be in
addition to about $500,000,000 pro-I
vided for soil conservation payments<
to growers of wheat, cotton, corn,.
tobacco and rice. Parity paymentst
are designed to give farmers the same
purchasing power they had in 1909-1
The bill also carried funds for the
Weather Bureau, the Food and DrugT
Administration and scores of otherF
agencies under the Agricultural De-

English Sub
Sinks First
Nazi Vessel
Germany' s Merchantman
Is Hit Near Denmark;
Few Men Are Missing
Norway Protests
Raids On Neutrals
LONDON, March 22. -(9P)- The
first German merchantman to be
sunk by a British submarine since the
start of the war was added proudly
today to Allied sea conquests while
British sources accused Germany of
"torpedoing without warning" one
Norwegian and six Danish vessels in
the last 48 hours.
Admiralty announcement that the
4,947-ton Nazi freighter Heddern-
heim had been torpedoed eight miles
off the Danish coast was regarded in
some quarters as indicative of a Bri-
tish campaign to cut off Scandinav-
ian ore shipments to Germany, one
leaky place in the Allied blockade.
Location Of Sinking
The Admiralty merely gave the
location of the sinking as 8 miles off
the Danish coast, but unofficial re-~
.ports said it occurred in the Kattegat,
entrance to the Baltic Sea, shortly
before last midnight.
In Denmark 35 members of the Ger-
man merchantman's crew, rescued
from small boats by a Danish coast
guard cutter, said they had been giv-
en 15 minutes to leave the ship be-
fore the British torpedo was launched.
The captain slipped into one of the
boats and the other crewmen told the
British he was "dead;" thereupon, the
crewn en said, the British took the
Heddernheim's first engineer aboard
the submarine.
British Plane Crashes
On top of these developments came
word from Amsterdam that a Bri-
tish plane, apparently attemptingto
make a forced landing after a battle
with several German planes over the
German frontier, had crashed in
flames in a Netherlands' flooded de-
fense area. The plane's crew pre-
sumably was killed. Three other Bri-
tish machines accompanying it were
reported to have made their escape.
Tonight, reports from off the Nor-
folk coast said a German plane had
attempted to tomb the Cromer Knoll
lightship during the day.
Despite this quickened tempo of
the war, even British munitions work-
ers took a Good Friday holiday. Hun-
dreds of thousands of Britons
thronged the country and seaside for
Easter vacations.
Norway Protests
Raids On Neutrals
OSLO, March 2.-IP)-Norway has
protested to Germany against the
"unnecessary" sinking of ships plying
between Norway and neutral ports
and neutral ships carrying supplies
to Norway, authoritative sources said
They asserted that the note sent to
Berlin requested a conference to dis-
cuss the affair.
Norway previously protested on
March 16 after Berlin's assurance of
March 11 that Germany would make
every effort to respect neutral ships
not sailing in convoys.


120 Others To Compete



In A.A.U. Rlys


Finnish Star

Is Primed For Contest

Daily Photo By Sapp
Finland's Taisto Maki arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday afternoon
with his coach, Paavo Nurmi, and went immediately to Yost Field House
to get a look at the track he will race on tonight and to get a rubdown
from Steve Bronson, Michigan trainer. .Capt. Ralph Schwarzkopf,
Maki's most formidable opponent tonight, looks on while Bronson gives
Maki's record-breaking legs a massage.

Japanese Diet
Questions Arita
On Axis Policy

Foreign Minister
European War
Is Considered


TOKYO, March 22. -(')- Mem-
bers of Japan's Diet, posing the ques-
tion as to whether Japan should not
take some positive role in support
of "Germany and Italy," were in-
formed tonight by Foreign Minister
Hachiro Arita that Japan already
was "certain" of the way the Euro-
pean war would come out.
The matter, he added, is too deli-
cate to talk about further. However,
he did say that "Japan wil not put
any obstacles in Germany's way by
joining hands with Britain or Amer-
ica" during the European conflict,
although Japan's entry in the West-
ern affair is inadvisable since she is
concerned solely with the construc-
tion of a "new order" in Asia.
Arita was asked such leading ques-
tions as these:
"Don't you think Japan should
discard her policy of uninvolvement
and openly side with Germany and
"Why, while mouthing phrases
about involvement, has Japan prom-
ised Britain not to transport German
nationals or armament to Ger-
Tonight To Feature
Round Table, Music
Open house will be held by the Stu-
dent Religious Association from 7:30
p.m. to 12 tonight at Lane Hall. Ken-
neth Morgan, director of the SRA,
will lead a round table discussion on
Baha'ism, a universal religion, from
7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Other activties include handicraft
work of various kinds, sewing, clay-
modeling, wood-carving, and work
in the toy library. Facilities for play-
ing chess, checkers and ping pong
are also available.
Students are invited to come at any
time during the evening to the Open
House, which is bne of the weekly
activities of the SRA.
Molotoff Expected
In Germany Today
ROME, March 23. (Saturday) .-(P)
-The Rome Radio early today broad-
cast Berlin reports that Soviet Pre-
mier-Foreign Minister Molotoff would
arrive in the German capital during
the day for a talk with Adolf Hitler
on a possible rapprochement between
Itafly and Rusia.n

Trends Noted
By Untermeyer
Typical American Cities
Called Imported Jumble
Of ManyCopied Styles
Poet Louis Untermeyer, who de-
scribes himself as an "enthusiastic
amateur" of architecture, last night
ripped apart a few notions about the
use of Grecian columns and rococo
living rooms and told an overflow
audience in Rackham Amphitheatre
that American architecture, like
American poetry and painting, has
discovered its nativity.
Giving free reign to his destruc-
tive talent, Mr. Untermeyer described
the typical American city as a hope-
less jumble of imported and imitated
architectural styles ranging from
Spanish missions to Roman bath-
houses. "They represent for the most
part," he declared, "a cross between
a pastry cook's dream and an archi-
tect's nightmare."
American architects, he added, have
had a passion for imitating two chief
style importations-the Grecian and
the Gothic. The early architects of
our country fell in love with the Gre-
cian column and apparently desired
to make American public buildings
look like a series of Acropoli. They
were afraid of American styles and
materials and therefore retreated in-
to something remote and ancient,
The Gothic influence has been par-
ticularly potent, he observed, in the
design of American college buildings.
Most of our dormitories look like mon-
asteries. "It is strangely incongru-
ous," he said, "to find existing with
(Continued on Page 7)
Solomon Lee Dies
At Lowell Home
(Special To The Daily)
LOWELL, March 22. - Services
were held here yesterday for Dr.
Solomon S. Lee, '98M, who died
Thursday night after a long illness.
Dr. Lee was a graduate of Olivet
College as well as the University and
was a member of Phi Rho Sigma,
professional medical fraternity. Af-
ter his graduation from the Univer-
sity he practised medicine at Calu-
met and at Lowell from 1912 until
six years ago, when he retired from
active practice. He was a strong
supporter of the University through-
out his life.
Dr. Lee was a life member of the
Free and Accepted Masons Lowell
Lodge Number 90. He is survived by
a sister, Mrs. Dale Morgan, of Grand
Herbert Witt To Speak

New Marks Are Expected
As Famed Track Stars
Invade Yost Field House
Olympic Ace Nurmi
Will NotParticipate
Track fans from all over the state
of Michigan will pour into Yost Field
House at 7:30 p.m. today to watch the
Michigan A.A.U. Relays, a meet which
may cause future Michigan track his-
torians to call tonight "The Night
The Records Fell," as almost every
event is a very probable record-break-
Heading the galaxy of some 120 in-
ternational, national, and state track
stars who will be present, are two
Finns, Paavo Nurmi and Taisto Maki,
for the benefit of whose war-ravaged
country the meet is being held.
Will Not Run
Nurmi will do no running tonight,
for age has overtaken the Olympi
hero, but Maki will take over in his
stead. The erstwhile Peerless Paavo
has seen his records crumble one
after another under the onslaught of
his protege. Tonight, Maki will run
the two mile, in which e.vent he holds
the world record, but he will be fac-
ing Michigan's Capt. Ralph Schwarz-
kopf whose indoor times have been
better than Maki's.
Then, there is the factor that Maki
is better at distances longer than two
miles, despite his holding the interna-
tional record for that event, and
Schwarzkopf is best at that distance.
Also, Maki is just slowly rounding
into real condition, while the Michi-
gan captain is very little, if at all,
removed from the peak of condition
which he reached for the Conference
Schwarzkopf's Field House record
of 9:15.8 appears to have only hours
to live. The Wolverine leader ran
9:10 in the Big Tens without any com-
petition; Maki ran about 9:05 Mon-
day night in Kansas City. With the
added impetus of the battle, the time
should go down near the nine-minute
Special Events Listed
Overshadowed only by the two-mile
are a number of special events. The
mile run will bring together the fin-
est field ever to appear in the Field
House ,and the competitors are aim-
ing at Schwarzkopf's recently estab-
lished record of 4:14.2. The bst col-
legiate milers in the Midwest will be
present. Earl Mitchell and Bill South
worth of Butler, Ed Barrett of Michi-
gan, and Ed Holderman of Purdue
have all run down around 4:15, and
the rest of the field is only slightly
behind. Joe Brezezinski and Duane
Zmeper of Wayne, Tommy Jester of
Michigan, and Bud Leonatd of Wes-
tern State are all capable of run-
ning faster than 4:20, and may sur-
prise their more famous opponents.
Mitchell, only a sophomore, has
run 4:12 already, and it is-only a step
from that time to the first 4:10 or
better mile run in the Field House.
Barrett ran 4:14.6 in the Confer-
ence despite a fever and heavy cold,
and is also ready to set a new mark.
The high and low hurdles will have
for their major attraction the world-
record holder Allan Tolmich, former-
ly of Wayne University. Tolmich
has no easy task tonight, for he will
be competing against such aces as
Whitey Hlad, Michigan Normal's
great sophomore, Marshall of Butler,
Henderson of Wayne and Jeff Hall
of Michigan.
Tolmich Works Out
Working out in the Field House last
week Tolmich three times ran with-
in one-tenth second of the record, and
followed this up with a 7.2 second low
hurdle run, which ties the track mark
set by Jesse Owens. With the com-
petition he faces, the little hurdler
may easily crack both standards.

The high jump field includes the
state's best leapers, including Michi-
gan's undefeated Don Canham, Mich-
igan State's all-around star, Walter
Arrington, Wayne's Perry Simons, and
Michigan Normal's Arnold Cooper-
man. Canham set the Field House
record early this year, and since then
has had serious competition only in
the Conference Meet When he had an

ItalyWants Peace, Villari Claims;
Doubts Possibility Of TripleAxis

Former Fascist Minister
Points Out Analogies
To First World War
"Italy wants to see an early peace
in Europe, but Italy does not want
to see, as the terms of that peace,
the domination over Europe by any
one power."
Thus did Dr. Luigi Villari, former
member of the Italian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, yesterday summar-
ize Italy's stand on peace, in his
University lecture sponsored by the
political science department on "It-
aly and the International Situation"
at the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Describing as a fatal error any
attempt to force on the German peo-
ple a form of government imposed
from without. Dr. Villari warned that

did negotiate with the Kaiser and
more or less forced his exile. They
then created a disastrous economic
situation in Germany that gave rise
to Hitler."
If the Allies attempt again, that
is, if they win the war, to dominate
Germany, they can only create a
"Super-Hitler, Communism or utter
chaos," he predicted.
Italy regards the present war as
a horrible mistake by all sides, Dr.
Villari pointed out. He cited the in-
vasion of Poland by Germany as a
mistake, adding that Hitler could
have gained his demands without re-
sorting to war. He maintained that,
above all, the failure of the Allies
to declare war upon Russia as the
result of the invasion of Finland,
was a grave error. He listed the re-
sults in Italian policy caused by the
Finnish-Russian war; an intensifi-

Interview Reveals Fears
Of Russian Expansion
Held ByItalian Leaders
Dr. Luigi Villari, in an interview
yesterday, expressed his personal
opinion that "I don't believe for one
moment the idea of a triple axis of
Rome. Berlin and Moscow."G -
He indicated that the German-
Italian agreement was stimulated by
the "Eden sanctions" against Italy
and was made possible because both
nations had suffered under the Ver-
sailles Treaty, both had experienced
economic depression, and both were
acutely hostile to Communism."
Italy considered, at that time, and
considers today, that it is very dan-
gerous for Russia to expand west-
ward, either by force of arms or the
use of the "Trojan Horse or boring


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