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March 22, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-22

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W.. eather
Cloudy and colder.


Sfic itgan


No Squabbling
In Real Democracy .. .



Dean Mitchell'



Local Churches Join Prayers
In Good Friday Observances
Ministerial Association To Spoiisor United Worship
In Tre Ore Services At Methodist Church

Greek Week's
Opening Talk
Seven Hundred Expected
At The Annual Banque
For New Initiates
Hackett To Speak
On Fraternity Life
"University-Fraternity Relations"
will be the topic Dr. Fred T. Mitchell,
dean of men at Michigan State Col-
lege, will speak on at the opening ses-
sion of the Interfraternity Council's
Greek Week program at 2 p.m. today
in the Union Ballroom.
After Dean Mitchell's talk, the
meeting, which will be attended by
fraternity men, independents, initi-
ates and members of the faculty, will
be thrown open to general discussion.
Panels, led by members of the Coun-
cil and fraternities, will be held be-
ginning at 3 p.m. on various frater-
nity problems, and will offer affili-
ated men an opportunity to discuss
mutual problems and possible reme-
dies. According to Tom Adams, '40,
president of the Council, this is the
first function of its kind here and
will probably be the basis for similar
and more expanded programs in the
To Continue Tomorrow
The main event of the program, the
annual Interfraternity Initiations
Banquet, will be held at 6:15 p.m. in
the Union, and more than 700 are
expected to attend and welcome the
new initiates into the fraternity fold,
Peckinpaugh pointed out.
Norman Hackett, nationally-known
fraternity leader, and an active par-
ticipant in Greek Weeks at other
schools, will be the speaker of the
evening at the Banquet, speaking on
fraternity life in general. President
Ruthven will attend the Banquet and
Assistant Dean Walter B. Rea will
present the award for highest academ-
ic endeavor in the pledge classes-
the Interfraternity Scholarship Cup,
won by the pledges of Kappa Nu for
the last two years. Adams will be the
toastmaster of the Banquet.
Seven Hundred At Banquet
The program will continue at 10
a.m. tomorrow when house presidents
will meet with the guests and faculty
members in the Union. The guests
and various members of the faculty
have been invited to luncheon at one
of the fraternities at noon, and the
program will get under way in the
afternoon with panels in the Union
at 2:30 p.m. Leading the panels will
be Ganson Taggart, '40E, Harold
Spurway, '40, Jim Tobin, '41 and
Charles Irwin, '41.
Open-house at a number of the fra-
ternities will conclude the program
at 9:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Fi nish Group
Fetes Runners

As all Christian denominations
join to participate in the commem-
oration of Calvary today, seven Ann
Arbor churches will hold union Good
Friday services from 12 to 3 p.m.
in the First Methodist Church under
the auspices of the Ann Arbor Min-
isters' Association.
Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist,
Evangelical, Unitarian, Congrega-
tional faiths will unite in this Tie
Ore worship, observing the time cor-
responding to the time recorded in
Biblical accountsofethe Crucifixion.
Divided into three sections, the
service will open with the showing of
religious masterpieces by Hofmann,
Cornicelius, Flandrin and Munkacsy.
These will be accompanied by solos
under the direction of Prof. Hardin
Van Deursen of the music school fol-
lowing the invocation to be given by
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor
in Religious Education.
Kathryn Slagel will sing Tschai-
kowsky's "A Legend" with the pre-
sentation of Hofmann's "Christ and
the Doctors." Martha Bailey, Grad.
SM, will sing Hageman's "Christ
Went Up Into the Hills Alone."
Other selections will be "Seek Ye
the Lord" by Roberts, sung by Rob-
ort Holland, '43SM; "So Thou Lift-
est Thy Divine Petition" sung as a
duet by Laurence Zoerner, '40D, and
John R. Anderson, '43SM. Appearing
also on this program will be Mildred
Wilson rendering Gounod's "There
Is a Green Hill Far Away" and Ira
Pfeifle singing "Were You There
When They Crucified My Lord" by
During the second hour Dr. Wil-

liam P. Lemon will preach the ser-
mon, The Meaning of the Cross."
He will be assisted by Dr. Leonard
Parr, Rev. Theodore R. Schmale, and
Rev. H. P. Marley.
Dr. Charles Brashares and Rev.
Howard C. Bushing will conduct the
hird portion of the service. Hymns,
responsive reading, prayer, and litany
will constitute the ritualistic worship.
Soloists appearing in the last two
hours will be Catherine Ennest,
Maran Westerman, '43, James H.
Penn, Grad., and Jean Westerman.
The Lenten Litany hymns and the
meditations on "The Seven Last
Words" woven about the seven sen-
teheesauttered from the Cross will
be featured in the service of the
Trinity Lutheran Church beginning
at 1 p.m.
The Disciples Guild of the Church
of Christ will hold a peace pray en,-
titled "Brothers" at 8:30 p.m. today.
The First Congregational Church
will conduct a communion service
in German at 10:30 p.m.
Getting A Job
To Be Subject
Of Pantomime
Student Senate Sponsors
Entertainment Showing
Vocational Guidance

Student Senate
Sets April 26
For Elections
Group Introduces Changes
In Method Of Election;
Chooses Committee
All Campus Peace
Council Endorsed
Student Senate Elections will be
held on April 26, the second Friday
after Spring Vacation, it was de-
cided at the Senate's meeting yester-
day, and a sweeping change was made
in the by-laws of the organization
affecting elections.
From now on, the Senate will be
composed of 30 members rather than
32 as a result of the new amendment.
Moreover, Senators will be elected for
a term of three semesters instead of
two as in the past. Thus only 10
will be chosen at each election. Fur-
thermore, although the Senate has
held none too closely to the policy,
elections will be held within the first
four weeks after the beginning of
the semester instead of six weeks as
for nerly.
The Senate officially endorsed the
all-campus Peace Council, and ap-
pointed two Senators-Robert Reed,
'42, and Annabel Hill, '42SM-to at-
tend the Negro Conference today at
the Union.
Reports were heard from the com-
mittee head on Spring Parley plans
and from that quarter best results in
the history of the Parley were prom-
ised. A speaker's committee of Sen-
ators designed to publicize the Par-
ley was et up to travel about the
rmmn~i xii talk-.n thei.7P n-

Reynaud Names Cabinet;
Survival Seen 'Doubtful';
S ylt Damage Is Examined

Italy's Position
Will Be.. Topic
Of Villari Tall'
Famous Italian Statesman,
And Scholar To Speak
Today About Europe
Dr. Luigi Villari, noted Italian his-
torian and statesman, will talk on
"Italy and the International Situa-
tion" in a University lecture spon-
sored by the political science depart-
ment at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Dr. Villari is a member of the staff
of the League of Nations and former-
ly of the Italian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs. It was as a member of the
staff of the League of Nations that
Dr. Villari chiefly gained his inter-
national fame, but his fame in his
native country was firmly established
upon his appointment as member of
the Foreign Affairs Ministry.
Born in Italy and educated in Ox-~
ford, in England, Dr. Villari has car-
ried on the tradition set by his father,
a prominent historian of modern Eur-
ope. Dr. Villari has especially cen-
tered his writing and research upon
contemporary European history, es-
pecially the history of Italy.
As a historian, Dr. Villari has been
one of the most important contribu-
tors to the Italian Encylopedia and
has written several books on modern
European history.
MySIterious Hain
B yN1col Smi
Concluding this year's Oratorical
Series, Nicol Smith, noted young
American traveller, described to more
than four thousand people last night
in Hill Auditorium his explorations
among the primitive inhabitants of
the mysterious island of Hainan.
His lecture, which was illustrated
with motion pictures and colored
slides, told of the customs and living
conditions of the Lois and Danchus
living in Hainan, which, until recent-
ly, was part of the Chinese province
of Kwangtung. Today it is a Jap-
anese possession and is being used
as a naval base.
Speaking of the military signifi-
cance of the island, Smith asserted
that it is of great strategic import-
ance, since it lies across the British
defense line between Hong Kong and
Singapore and near the port of Hai-
phong in French Indo-China and
Dutch Guinea.
Hainan as a scenic spot is magnifi-
cent, he said; one can step out at

Vocational guidance, a fashion senedbyth arley.
showadetranetalrle sented by the Parley.
show and entertainment all rolled An elections committee was ap-
into one, will be made available to the pointed, including Roger Kelley, '42,
student body next Wednesday when Charles Hendricks, '41, Anabel Hill,
the Student Senate-sponsored "It's ,42SM and Carl Pe'tersen, '40 As in
Your Life" program is presented in the elections last fall, Norman Schorr,
the Union Ballroom with professional '40 and Stuart Knox, '40, will serve
and coed models, Robert Reed, '42, adetr o'lections.
announced yesterday. as directors of elections.
College students, male or female,
do not know the proper procedure in I
obtaining a job, Reed said, and it is
the purpose of this program to pre-
sent in short pantomime form, the W ill discuss
rights and wrongs of prospective em-
ployer interviewing, as well as some"
information as to the proper apparel A chitecture
an applicant should wear.
Arthur Shepard, son of Prof. John Turning away from his considera-
Shepard of the psychology depart- tion of American literature, poet
ment ,is preparing the skit, and the Louis Untermeyer will continue his
J. L. Hudson Co. of Detroit has agreed series of lectures on "New Frontiers
to furnish two models and the nec- of American Culture" with a talk
essary clothes, Reed said. on "Changing Lines in Architecture"
The playlet will be in three scene at 7:00 p.m. today in the Rackham
all pantomime, with a narrator. There Amphitheatre.
will be no admission price and all stu- In his three earlier lectures Mr.
dents interested are urged to attend. Untermeyer has described America's
After the skit, a representative from revolution against European stan-
Hudson's or the University Bureau dards of literature and has traced
of Occupational Information will give the birth of interest in American
a short talk summing up the points scenes and idioms. He has explained
made in the performance, with fur- how writers and poets have concen-
ther advice on job-seeking. trated on expressing the life of their
regions, and has discussed the litera-
U S NC ture of New England and the Middle
U. - . ewsiman( onvicted1 West.
TOKYO, March 22.,-(A)-James His final three lectures will cover
TOKY, Mach 2.--(P)-Jmesthese pro-American influences on
R. Young, correspondent for Inter-ate e pai anmusnc.sTo-
national News Service, was convicted architecture, painting and music. To-
toda ona carg ofspradig flseday's lecture, on architecture, will
today on a charge of spreading false be illustrated by slides.
rumors and given a six months sus- Mr. Untermeyer will conduct a
pended sentence by a Tokyo district discussion of the material covered
court judge. in the lecture at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow
in the East Conference Room of the
* r iRackham Building. Although the
.an iescl eu series is under the auspices of the
engineering English department, the
ib Is-u Tci n T ,1 - e talks are open to all students

U.S. Newspapermen Visit
British-Raided Island;
See Result Of Bombing
Cromwell Talk
Censured By Hull
March 21. -(P-- Three American
newspapermen, ferried to this Ger-
man air base by Field Marshal Her-
mann Goering's own plane and by
special train from the mainland
across the Hindenburg Dam, tonight
viewed the results of a 6-hour Bri-
tish bombing raid.
Only two of the buildings which
we saw showed signs of extensive
damage. We did not see evidence of
direct hits on hangars, nor were we
able to discover, on our inspection
trip across the dam, indications that
any British bombs had hit the cause-
German authorities say that three
civilians were hurt by bomb splinters
in the raid. A section of the civilian
population of Sylt, mostly women,
children and men above military age,
continues to tend farms on the is-
In our trip across the 6-mile Hin-
denburg Dam, on a slow special train
which stopped frequently for inspec-
tion of the right-of-way, we were
unable however to see any evidence
of damage to the strategic little rail-
way which is the lifeline of Sylt.
The sand dunes at the southern
end of the island were literally pep-
pered with British bombs, and citi-
zens and soldiers were curiously ex-
amining the craters.
Officers estimated that about 40
bombs fell on the extensive grounds
of the airport in the south.
"Of course our antiaircraft guns
harried them and they seemed to be
nervous," said these Germans. "There
was lots of noise but little if any
military effectiveness."
Cromwell Is Scolded
For Anti-Nazi Talk
WASHINGTON, March 21.-)-
Secretary Hull told James H. R.
Cromwell, American minister to Can-
ada tonight that his pro-Ally, anti-
German speech at Toronto Tuesday
"contravened standing instructions
to American diplomatic officers" and
warned him not to do it again.
Hull sent the millionaire diplomat
a telegram after a storm of objection
had risen in Congress to Cromwell's
strong address. The Secretary said
".such public statements by our dip-
lomatic representatives are likely to
disturb the relations between this
and other governments."
He added:
"Public discussion of controversial!
policies of other governments, par-
ticularly with governments engaged
in war, without the prior knowledge
and permission of this government,
is not in accord with such standing

Heads Cabinet


Hillel .Drama
'Gentle People'
Starts Today
Hillel's major production of 1940,
Irwin Shaw's "The -Gentle People,"
will open a two-day run at 8:30 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
The play, which is subtitled "A
Brooklyn Fable," pictures the life
of a few "gentle people" menaced
by a "small time" gangster and the
subsequent gaining of happiness by
the oppressed.
Commenting on the play yesterday,
Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe of the Eng-
lish department pointed out that the
implicit theses of "The Gentle Peo-
ple" were the triumph of the meek,
which "makes us feel so good that,
it may well prove energizing to the
meek," and the "implied moral in
the brotherhood as 'gentle people'
of the old Greek and the old Jew.
No themes could be more signifi-
cant today," he said.
"This drama offers a wealth of
interesting parts for the actors,''
Professor Rowe asserted, "the part
of Jonah being one of the most ap-
pealing in recent theatre history."
Herbert London, '43E, will portray
the role of Jonah in the Hillel pro-
duction and Roy T. Rector, '40Ed,
who recently starred as "Hedy La-
Tour" in the Union Opera, will play,
the part of the old Greek, Philip
Anagnos, his constant companion.
The other starring roles will be
played by Norman Oxhandler, '41,
a veteran of Play Production, who
will take the part of Goff, and Joan
Sack, '42, Jonah's daughter, Stella.
Tickets for both today's and to-
morrow's performances are still
available at the box-office, Zelda
Davis, '40, ticket chairman, an-

22 Ministers Are Named
As French Crisis Ends;
Daladier Defense Chief
Inner Committee
To Set War Policy
PARIS, March 21. -(P)- The
quickly-created Paul Reynaud "Push
The War" cabinet of France headed
immediately into trouble tonight.
With some doubtful head-shaking in
French Parliamentary quarters as
to its chances of survival.
Acting rapidly to suit the demand
that France be spared a lengthy per-
iod without a government, Reynaud,
Finance Minister in Edouard Dala-
dier's regime, put an end to the
original cabinet crisis in a single day
but fell short of satisfying the whole
cross-section of French political
Is Not All-Party
It was neither a small, compact
government Reynaud produced nor
a complete national union govern-
ment to take in all parties from
Right to Left.
The new cabinet has 22 ministers
-three more than the Daladier gov-
ernment which resigned yesterday,
and two powerful Rightist groups
are not cooperating.
Much of the Parliamentary furore
that brought on the fall of the Dala-
dier government was for a small,
wieldly cabinet.
A possible sop to this demand was
Reynaud's creation withn the cab-
inet of a "war committee" made up
of himself, Camille, Chautemps, who
retains the vice-premiership he held
in the previous cabinet; Ex-Premier
Edouard Daladier, who remains as
Minister of National Defense; Geor-
ges Mandel, new Minister of Colo-
nies; Lucien Lamoureux, new Minis-
ter of Finance; and Raoul Dautry,
Armaments Minister. Dautry's name
was added to the committee late
Daladier Group Out
This inner cabinet would meet
several times a week.
The most mystifying development
was a decision by Daladier's Radical
Socialist Party, which has seven min-
isters in the new cabinet, to hold its
attitude in reserve pending action
by the Reynaud government.
In other words, the party which
the previous night had issued r
statement saying Daladier had its.
confidence "more now than ever" is
not ready to pledge its unqualified
vote to the governmnt that sup-
planted Daladier's.
Reynaud and his cabinet will hold
their first formal ministerial council
with President Albert Lebrun tomor-
row morning and appear before the
chamber in the afternoon.
The atmosphere is then expected
to be clarified and the new combina-
tion will learn publicly how it stands.
Rightists Displeased
The Rightist groups displeased
with the Reynaud cabinet-Ex-Pre-
mier Etienne Flandin's Republican
Alliance, and Louis Marin's Rightist
Republican Federation - asserted
that it is not a "true war cabinet" as
demanded by critics.
Daladier's decision to remain in
the government as National Defense
Minister was made after close
friends had said he felt he needed a
rest. However, he will get little rest
in his old role at the War Ministry,
and if the Reynaud government fails
to last, there are strong chances
that President Lebrun will ask him
to reconsider and attempt to form a
new government of his own.
Faron Will Speak
On A rchitectue
Of Sweden Today

"Stockholm Builds For the Future"
will be the subject of an illustrated
lecture at 4:15 p.m. today by John
Gray Faron, Jr., in the auditorium
of the College of Architecture and
A fellow of the American-Scandi-
navian Foundation, Mr. Faron has
just returned from Sweden where
he worked in the Town Planning
TInar _manf ef hn _ irof m t_

Reception Will
After Track

Be Held

Following the Michigan A.A.U. Re-
lays being held tomorrow night at
Yost Field House for Finnish relief,
Suomi Club, campus organization of
Finnish students, will give a recep-
tion at 10 p.m. at the International
Center for track stars Taisto Maki
and Paavo Nurmi.
Also to be guests at the receptionj
will be George H. Heideman, Finnish
vice-consul in Detroit, and Eliel Saar-
men, noted Finnish architect and
member of the faculty at the Cran-
brook School.
Finnish coffee bread, nisu, will be
served at the reception which is un-
der the direction of Roy Mauty.
Tickets for the track meet, which
will feature many well-known cinder
stars, are priced at 75 cents and $1.25
and may be bought from members of
Suomi Club
Heart Attack Fatal
To House Mother
Mrs. Phyllis Reynolds, house
mother of Delta Gamma sorority, died
last night at the University Hospital,
as a result of a heart attack suf-
fered Sunday. She was 72 years old.
At the sorority's initiation March
9, Mrs. Reynolds marked her 20th

An interesting characteristic of the
people is their habit of tatooing their
bodies with blue tracings. "Their
hands," he explained, however, "are
not marked until marriage."
"Loi women probably weave the
best tapestries in the world," Smith
asserted, "spending seven hours a day
seven days a week for more than six
months until one is completed, each
girl requiring three of these before
marriage. "
Danchu men, according to Mr.f
Smith, are the most henpecked hus-
bands in the world and are assignedI
by their wives to do all house work,
take care of the babies, etc., while
the members of the "weaker sex" do
the fishing, hunting and fighting.
The explorer commented that his in-
terpreter, on numerous occasions,,
asked him whether or not he was a
Among the interesting characters
he described was an old man who,
not having enough money to buy a
wife for his son. attacked and kiled

Sale Of 'Gar g'
To Start Today'
Photocrime And Activities
Included In Issue
Investigation of campus activities
will be carried on in the March issue
of the Gargoyle, to be issued today,
and not, as was incorrectly stated
in The Daily, yesterday. The campus
activities angle, Ellis Wunsch, said
would illustrate the fact that the
Gargoyle, does after all, possess a
Another notable feature of the is-
sue will be a photocrime worked out
by the magazine's staff, with a des-
cription of the method in which sev-I
eral University moguls abscond with
the carillon tower.
"The Gargoyle," Wunsch added,
"repudiates the rumor prevalent on
campus in the last few days, that
the Tniversity censored a rigarette

Ickes Comments On Democratic
Field; Senate Holds Farm Bill

WASHINGTON, March 21.-(R)-
While the White House maintained
silence on Postmaster General James
A. Farley's active candidacy for the
Presidency, Secretary Ickes, a down-
the-line Third Term advocate, said
today that no candidate, now in the
running could control enough dele-
gates to capture the Democratic
Ickes mentioned Farley, Vice-
President Garner and Paul V. Mc-
Nutt, the Social Security Adminis-
trator. Asked at a press conference
whether the Democratic Convention
might draft the Chief Executive,
Ickes replied:
"You might want a girl to marry,
you, but that is no assurance she
would have you."
Ickes said that Farley "is a fine
man" and that every citizen had the
right to announce for President.
"Jim van hp rnPnnerin n t n

WASHINGTON, March 21.-(IP)-
With economy advocates in full re,-
treat, the Senate today advanced
the billion-dollar farm bill almost
to the point of passage, but then
became snarled in a dispute oVer
sugar payments and recessed uftfil
The chamber approved, one after
another, increases its appropriations
committee had made in the house
bill. To the unusual accompaniment
of a unanimous roll call vote, it
endorsed $85,000,000 for the remov-
al of farm surpluses through distri-
bution to the needy and through
export subsidies.
It also voted to direct the RFC
to make $40,000,000 of loans to the
Rural Electrification Administration,
and approved a provision for $50,-
000,000 in loans to help farm tenants
acquire farms of their own.

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