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March 17, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-17

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SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1940

45th Meeting -Of Arts, Science,
Letters Academy Closes Here

British Leaders Face Critics Together


the information that he had attend-
ed another university.


in a

student has been expelled from
College for falsifying a change
grade report for a Speech course.

Kenoyer, Western State
President Of Parley;
(Continued from Page 1)

gree upon metaphysical speculationi,
was then read by the Rev. Walter
Van Saun.
Examining the prevailing theories
on the causes of crime, Mr. Ralph
H.Ferris of the Department of Cor-
rections at Lansing revealed the dif-'
ficulties and differences faced by
criminologists. Prof. C. H. Langford
of the philosophy department here
concluded the program of the sec-
tion with a discussion of "The Na-
ture of Formal Proof."
Geology And Mineralogy
Stressing the need for new re-
search in geology, Prof. Thomas S.
Lvering of the geology department
yesterday pointed out the problem
of research in economic geology, es-
,pecially noting the need of study of
the precipitation of minerals and the
concentration of ore deposits.
Prof. Armand J. Eardley of the
geology department then presented
a report on geology textbooks; Dr.
R. A. Smith of the ,Department of
Conservation in Lansing talked on
waste in gas and oil and resultant
conservation acts passed in six states
and the new lake level control act
.of Michigan; Prof. George M. Eh-
lers of the geology department spoke
on a revision of E. A. Strong's types
of fossils from the Pointe Aux Gres
limestone of. Grand Rapids; Mr. .
F. Poindexter of the Department of
Conservation at Lansing discussed
the salt resources of the State of
Michigan and Prof. Maurice W. Sen-
stius of the geology department gave
an illustrated talk on the sediments
of western Lake Erie.
Landscape Architecture
Repeating again and again that
"nature left alone is always orderly,"
Mr. Roberts Mann of the Cook Coun-
ty Forest Preserve on the outskirts
of Chicago, explained the policies'
Involved in the design and admin-
istration of naturalistic areas adja-
cent to metropolitan centers. Quot-
ing "You can respect people if you
can give them parks they can re-
spect," Mr. Mann said that no park
which looks like a couple of acres
of debris can earn the respect of
the public.
Also speaking at the section meet-
ing was Mr. Conrad Wirth of the
.National Park Service who discussed
the "Future of National Parks." Oth-
er topics considered were "Highway
Roadside Development," "County and
City Parks," "Private Landscape
Practice" and a description of aerial
reconaissance of landscape architec-
ture in 'Georgia and Florida con-
ducted in 1940.
Prof. H. H. Bartlett of the botany
department here outlined yesterday
the steps in the discovery of a new
genus of palms and disclosed a re-
markable story incorporating social,
Log Cottages
Braun Cedar
J.W. Courtis
P. O. Box 349 Phone 804-F3

Professor Is Elected New
Remer Is Vice-President
botanical, historical and speculative
insight into the affairs of the Phil-
The new genus-rizalia (palmae)
-has been named after a great
Philippine author and scientist, he
said. This man, writing under Span-
ish rule after returning from studies
in Europe, incurred governmental
disfavor after the publication of two
of his novels. This disfavor, Profes-
sor Bartlett related, meant his exe-
If he had only lived, Professor
Bartlett lamented, Philippine liter-
ature and science would have taken
great strides and those coming after
him would have been infused with
a spirit of research and culture.
Other speakers at this section's
meetings were Prof. Elzada U. Clo-
ver, Mr. E. B. Mains and Miss Lois
Joer, all of the botany department
"If the average American tourist
were to understand the humor of
the Pueblo Indians-their satire,
burlesque and clowning-his taci-
turnity toward the Indians would be
dispelled," Prof. Leslie A. White of
the anthropology department pointed
out yesterday.
Revealing that government Indian
agents, tourists and priests are cle-
verly burlesqued. by the more dra-
matic Pueblos, Prof. White indicated
that practical jokes are rare "for no
closely- ;nit society like the Pueblos
could withstand the internal squab-
bling which is likely to result from
such humor." He added that except
for those copied from the white man,
puns are unheard of, because the
language of the Pueblos does not
lend itself to that type of humor.
The story of a Hopi Indian boy's
alleged visit to the land of the dead
and his return was related by Prof.
Mischa Titiev of the anthropology
department .here.
Prof. Norman D. Humphry, of
'Wayne .University, describing the
general: changes in manner of living
of the American Indians .since their
removal to reservations, noted the
tendency of the Indian to center his
activities about, his quest for food,
protection of land and the upholding
of supernatural powers.
-Phonetic changes and the develop-
ment of the Indian languages were
then }.discussed by Prof. Carl F.
Voegelin of DePauw University; Dr.'
Hirsch Hootkins of the French de-
partment . and Dr. Frank Ryder of
the German -department here.
Michigan Folklore
At. yesterday's meeting of the
Michigan:Folklore Group held in the
Rackham Building was featured by a
symposium on folklore materials and
techniques of collecting.
A, highlight of the meeting was the
playing of folksong recordings.

SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1940
VOL. L. No. 121
Notice to all Members of the Uni-
versity: The following is an extract
of a by-law of the Regents (Chapter{
Il-B, Sections 8 and 9) which has
been in effect since September, 1926:
"It will hereafter be regarded as
contrary to University policy for any-
one to have in his or her possession
any key to University buildings or
parts of buildings if such key is not
stamped as provided (i.s. by the
Buildings and Grounds Department).
If such unauthorized keys are'
found the case shall be referred to
the Dean or other proper head of the
University division involved for his
action in accordance with this prin-
ciple. Any watchman or other proper
representative of the Buildings and
Grounds Department, or any Dean,
department head or other proper
University official shall have the
right to inspect keys believed to open
University buildings, at any reason-
able time or place.
"-- -For any individual to order,
have made, or permit to be ordered
or made, any duplicate of his or her
University key, through unauthorized
channels, must be regarded as a spe-
cial and willful disregard of the safe-
ty of University property."
These regulations are called to the
attention of all concerned, for their
information and guidance. Any per-
son having any key or keys to Uni-
versity buildings, doors, or other
locks, contrary to the provisionsre-
cided above, should promptly sur-
render the same to the Key Clerk at
the office of the Department of
Buildings and Grounds.

Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Courses drop-
ped after Saturday, March 23, by stu-
dents other than freshmen will be
recorded E. Freshmen (students with
less than 24 hours of credit) may
drop courses without penalty through
the eighth week. Exceptions may be
made in extraordinary circumstances,
such as severe or long continued ill-
Assistant Dean E. A. Walter
Actions of the Administrative
Board, College of Literature, Science
and the Arts: A student has been
expelled permanently from this Col-
lege for denying in his admission
blank to the University of Michigan

Seniors in the College of Engineer-
ing: Call at Room 429 West Engineer-
ing Building for Drawing 1, 2, and
3 Plates before April 5.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service examinations. Last date
for filing application is noted in each
Detroit Police Department:
Junior Personnel Examiner (male),
salary $2460, March 30.
Senior Technical Clerk (female),
salary $1,860, March 30.
(These positions require legal resi-
dence in the State of Michigan).
City Service Commission of Balti-
(Continued on Page 4)


1 111 11 i lt'

Target of criticism by Britons displeased by England's conduct of
the war with Germany and-most recently--by the Russo-Finnish
treaty that may enable Russia to concentrate on more aid for Nazis,
Winston Churchill (left) stands firm with Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlain. Churchill is first lord of the admiralty.
Debate Subject In Union Contest
Is Decline OfMichigan Men
Today will mark the opening of a engineering school Tuesday, accord-
round robin intramural debate com- ing to Harold Singer, '41. Professor,
petition conducted under the auspices Moore will speak on the extent of his
of the Union executive staff, and hobbies in "Hobbies of a Lifetime."
arguing the statement, "Resolved that Singer pointed out that the meeting
Michigan men of today lack the re- would be the second to be conducted'
sourcefulness and hardiness of their by the Union for the purpose of bring-
predecessors." ing hobby-minded students together.
Ten teams will roar forth with their "There are many students interested
best arguments starting at 3 p.m. The in many avocations on the campus,"
question at issue, according to Chuck he said, "and we are making an at-
Kerner, '41E, will investigate the de- tempt to bring them together fore
generation of men from "the esca- their mutual interest."
pades, cut ups and other colorful as- Among the Union's activities in a
pects of a past Michigan." I busy week were included such regu-
The starting teams are: Wenley lar features as the ever popular Coke
House vs. Phi Kappa Tau, Lambda Bar, and the weekly bridge tourna-
Chi Alpha vs. Fletcher Hall, Sigma ment, both held on Tuesday. The
Chi vs. Sigma Nu, Sigma Alpha Epi- bridge tournaments will be continued
silon vs. Sigma Phi and Allen Rum- at their regular time, 7:30, Tuesday.
sey House vs. Alpha Nu. A silver
cup will be awarded to the team win- : - -_-
ning the contest. This is the first
time that such a contest has been
carried on, Kerner said.
The second of a series of hobby dis-
cussions, open to all students will be
addressed by Prof. A. D. Moore of the

17 with

Famous cOaipos-
er of 'Pink Ele-
phants," "Objcet
of My Affec-
tions" and many
other hits.



." ,you'd probe
say (betwe
Rib, remember how
we hurt from laughing
at the pranks of those
howlarious Brother Rats?"

ably hear them
een laughs):

Classified Directory


nished :house for Summer session.
Ph. 2-1688 after -6 p.m. 334
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. 13
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34

your discarded wearing apparel,
Claude Brown, 512 S. Main Street.
BEN THE TAILOR-More money for
your clothes. We buy old gold.
122 E. Washington. 329
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 16



607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
All articles washed and ironed.
Shirts ...................... .14
Shorts ....... ............. .04
Pajama Suits ................ .10
Socks, pair............ .03
Handkerchiefs .............. .02
Bath Towels..................03
All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coed's laun-
dries. All bundles done separately.
No markings. Silks, wools our
specialty. 14




3 ROOMS furnished; 1st floor apart-
ment. Bath, shower, electrically
equipped kitchen. Adults. $55.
Ph. 2-1928. 335
ROOM for graduate girl. Adjoining
shower. Two blocks from campus.
Phone 2-2139 between 5 and 7 p.m.
only. 327
Ii Meet Me at




I I U .14 ~~~~~~~~ r uwi vr - - ''m LU -u r w ~, 5~

W Ele

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