CIO'duty , i I th I 'a~sii
C', r
Plays The Game .
Lasting Peace)
Prof. Hoover Is Chosen
As Waterways Advisor
Member Of Economics Department To Act
As Research Consultant For Survey
Base, Is View
Of Roosevelt
President's Plea Is Echoed
By Netherlands' Queen;
Western Front Revives
Artillery 'Booms
AlongSaar Front
(By The Associated Press)
President Roosevelt once more
pointed the way toward world peace
yesterday even as activity picked up
on the stalemated Western Front-
now Europe's only land war theatre
--and as Britain lost two more naval
"Today we seek a moral basis for
peace," the President said in an in-
ternational broadcast from the White
House in connection with a Christian
Foreign Service Convocation in New
Must Recognize Brotherhood
"It cannot be a real peace if it fails
to recognize brotherhood," Mr. Roo-
sevelt declared. "It cannot be a last-
ing peace if the fruit of it is oppres-
sion, or starvation, or cruelty, or hu-
man life dominated by armed camps.
It cannot be a sound peace if small
nations must live in fear of powerful
In a speech from the Hague to
the conference, Queen Wilhelmina of
the Netherlands also called for an
end of world strife and prayed that
mankind might "learn to see. through
the eyes of Christ."
However, as the two heads of neu-
tral states voiced peace sentiments on
the eve of Holy Week, French aerial+
scouts reported Germans were build-
ing up their air fleet strength at air-
ports in the rear of the west wall.
Artillery on both sides of the Wes-
tern Front boomed in the region of
the Saar.
At sea, German mines claimed two
British naval trawlers, the Peridot
and the Maida, and several merchant-
men. The commander and five crew-
men of the Maida were believed lost,
The crew of the Peridot was saved.
Bombers Over Poland
In the air, the British announcedt
their bombers had flown over Ger-
man-occupied Poland for the secondt
time since the war began and over
Helgoland Bight.
In Berlin, the Germans said theirt
planes had shot down a French cap-r
tive balloon east of Breisach, Baden
Province, Germany.
Finland tackled the disheartening
task of rehabilitation and the build-
ing of new defenses behind her re-
stricted borders. A Finnish frontiert
commission will fly to Moscow Mon-
day to complete details of the littler
republic's new frontiers, forced back
by the treaty ending the Russian-t
Finnish war.
Another protest against the viola-c
tion of the American neutrality zoneo
was dispatched to London by the 21A
American republics.2
Mine Explosion
Traps Workers
Coal Gas Retards Rescue1
Of 46 Entombed Men
ST. CLAIRSVILLE, O., March 16.
--P)-A blanket of death-dealing t
"black damp" tonight enveloped
the fate of 46 miners trapped by an
explosion in the Willow Grove coal
mine. Two rescue workers were
Some of the 160 other miners res-
cued after a terrific blast rocked the
mine at noon expressed fears for the
lives of the 46.
"On the way out we saw men scat-
tered all over the lot," said John s
Howoroski, 33, of Neffs. Harry Stan-Z
ley declared, "it looks bad." E
R. L. Ireland, president of the J
Hanna Coal Co., owners of the mine, d
announced that the 160 of the 206 c
men working in the pits had been
accounted for. Most of them gained c
safely through an airshaft at the t
head of the three-mile long "drift,"
or horizontal mine.
John Richards, mine superinten- p
dent, and Howard Sanders, tipple t
boss, lost their lives in a daring res- ti
cue effort. They were killed by the j
treacherous "black damp," a gas %
which forms in mines after an ex- E
Nearly all of the 160 were affected E
45th Meeting
Of Academy
Closes Here
Kenoyer, Western State
Professor, Is Elected
President Of Conclave
Relays O
Sprint By
1 Spectacular
Prof. Edgar M. Hoover of the eco-
nomics department will leave today
for Washington, D.C. to serve as spe-
cial consultant for the St. Lawrence
Waterways Survey.
Announcing yesterday his appoint-
ment by N. R. Danielian, head of the
Survey, Professor Hoover indicated
that he has been granted a special
three-week leave of absence in which
to conduct research on the project.
Professor Hoover will also remain
in Washington during April vacation
to serve at the special meeting of
the Wages and Hours Committee of
the Tanning Industry. The commit-
tee will convene from April 8 to 11
to consider recommendation to raise
the minimum wage of 30 cents an
hour for employees in the tanning
industry. The Committee was formed
under the Fair Labor Standards Act
and Professor Hoover was appointed
to it in 1940. He had previously serv-
ed as a member of the Wages and
Hours Committee of the Shoe and
Leather Industries under the terms
of the same act.
The St. Lawrence Waterways Sur-
vey was created in the fall of 1939
in order to estimate the probable ef-
fects of navigation and power devel-
opment along the St. Lawrence River.
The Survey, established under the
instigation of President Roosevelt,
is being carried on at the Depart-
ment of Commerce.
The treaty with Canada, under the
terms of which the St. Lawrence
project would be consummated, is
expected to come before Congress
Oratory Series
To Be Ended
By Nicol Smith
Explorer Will Describe,
Asia City Of Kochu
And LifeAmong Lepers
When a three-inch monkey saves
the life of a white man who is beir;
attacked by a mad water buffalo,1
that's news.
This journalistic axiom will be'
the basis of a story by Nicol Smith,
young American explorer, in the fi-
nal Oratorical Series lecture at 8:30
p.m. Thursday in Hill Auditorium.1
To prove this and other adven-
tures in the world's far corners, Mr.
Smith will follow another newspa-
perman's maxim-"a picture tells ten
thousand words." He will present
more than an hour of motion pic-
tures to supplement his story.l
His films will cover native life on
the Japanese-seized island of Hainanz
off China's coast, experiences in at
leper colony, the first photographst
of a "pig bear" and views of theI
Asiatic mystery city of Kochu, where
25,000 children have been sold intoX
slavery to work in tin mines.s
The time of the lecture, usually
8:15 p.m., has been moved to 8:30
because of Lenten church services.I
Tickets will be available at fifty
cents Wednesday in Hill Auditor-f
ium's box-office.
Mr. Smith recently wrote, "Burmai
Road," the record of his adventurest
in Burma and Tibet. He has also
lived on Devil's Island.c
Contest Attracts
35 ManuscriptsI
S s
Perspectives Will Namet
Winners Tuesday a
The winners in the preliminary
short story contest which closed
Thureday will be announced in ther
Daily on Wednesday, according to
James Allen, '40, and Harvey Swa-
dos, '40, co-editors of Perspectives,
campus literary magazine.
The two manuscripts which will be
hosen from 35 at a board meeting
tomorrow are to be submitted in the
'Story Magazine" all-college contest.
"Story" is offering $100 as a first
prize and $50 as a second in a na-
tional competition which may be en-
tered only through selection in ac
preliminary contest. Entries here
will be judged by Prof. Arno Bader,<
Herbert Weisinger, Wallace Bacon,
and Prof. Joe Lee Davis, all of the
English department, and Davidt
in the rather near future. A
a result, Professor Hoover ex-
plained, the most recent informatior
possible is essential for that Con-
gressional consideration.
Professor Hoover's specific dutie
as special consultant for the survey
will be to probe the probable indus-
trial shifts, that is, the re-location
of industry, caused by the develop-
ment of the St. Lawrence Waterways.
He will study those shifts in the light
of cheaper transportation created by
intensification of water shipping and
cheaper water power for upper New
York State, made possible by ex-
pected hydro-electric development.
Professor Hoover has attained na-
tional recognition for his studies on
the location of industry in the U.S.
His book, "Location Theory and the
Shoe and Leather Industries" is con-
sidered basic toward an understand-
ing of the location of industry.
Local Churches
Observe Palm
Sunday Today
Professor Sellars To Speak
On Humanism; Gregory
Will Discuss Requiem'
Observing Palm Sunday, Ann Ar-
bor churches will feature special mu-
sic programs and sermons today at
morning services as congregations'
participate in confirmation and com-
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church will
hold communion services at"8 a.m.
to be followed by a confirmation
breakfast. For the regular service at
11 a.m. will feature Rev. Henry Lewis,
sermon. "'The Grapes of Wrath' and
The Last Supper" will be the topic
of Rev. H. P. Marley's address to the
congregation of the Unitarian
Sellars To Speak
Concluding the series of morning
symposiums of the First Congrega-
tional Church, Prof. Roy W. Sellars
of the philosophy department will
speak on "Why I Am a Humanist."
Following this program, Rev. L. A.
Parr, analyzing professed faith, will
deliver his sermon concerning the
precept "That God Is King."
Prof. Leonard Gregory of the
School of Music will discuss Verdis
"Requiem" at the meeting of the
Wesleyan Guild as an introduction
to the program to be given at the
First Methodist Church Tuesday.
"Palm Sunday" will be Dr. Charles
Brashares' sermon topic for the
morning worship service.
The Westminster Student Guild of
the First Presbyterian Church and
the Roger Williams Guild of the
First Baptist Church will exchange
pastors who will speak at their re-
spective meetings.
Marriage Is Subject
As a featureci speaker, Mrs. Grace
Sloan Overton will speak at the
Disciples Guild meeting on "Prep-
aration for Marriage and Home-
Building." She is nationally known
as a writer and lecturer on sociolog-
cal problems. As a native of Pales-
ine, Mr. Joseph Mazzawi, director
of the Friend's school in Nazareth,
plans to address the student fellow-
ship of the Bethlehem Evangelical
Church on "Boyhood in Palestine."
Dr. W. P. Lemon of the First Pres-
byterian Church will give "Keeping
Up with the Real" at the morning
ervice while Rev. C. H. Louckes en-
itles his sermon "Behold Thy King."
The Student Evangelical Chapel
will be directed by Dr. J. C. Korne,
director of Missions of the Reformed
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz of Hillel
Poundation will give "The Frater-
nity Jew and the Jewish Fraternity"
as his sermon at the Reform services
at 10:30 a.m.
Ellen Rhea Elected
President Of ASU
Ellen Rhea, '41, Holland, Mich.,
was elected president of the local
chapter of the American Studhnt
Union, Carroll Leuchtmann, '43,
chairman of the elections committee
announced yesterday.
Miss Rhea who is a member of
the Delta Delta Delta sorority and the
Remer Is Chosen
s As Vice-President
For two days a cavalcade of ex-
tensive knowledge was revealed to
citizens of Ann Arbor and students
at the University; that procession
was brought to an end yesterday
when the Michigan Academy of Sci-
ence, Arts and Letters closed its 45th
annual, traditional meeting here.
At the business meeting of the
Academy, held yesterday afternoon
at Natural Science Building, Prof.
L. A. Kenoyer of the botany depart-
ment of Western State Teachers Col-
lege was elected president for next
year's meeting. Other officers elected
were: Prof. Charles F. Remer of
the economics department here, vice-
president; Dr. Mischa Titiev of the
anthropology department here, trea-
surer; Prof. Leigh J. Young of the
forestry and conservation school, sec-
retary; Dr. William W. Bishop, Uni-
versity librarian, librarian, and Prof.
William C. Steere of the botany de-
partment, editor. Professors Young
and Steere and Dr. Bishop were all
Language And Literature
At yesterday morning's meeting of
the section of language and litera-
ture at Mason Hall, Prof. Norman
E. Nelson of the English department
presented the thesis that great liter-
ature need not contain historical or
universal truth, powerful or sincere
emotion or ethical soundness. "Great
literature need only contribute to the
reader's, enjoyment and enrich his
life," he emphasized.
Informal discussion of Barthelemy
Anheau's "Picta Poesis," a collection
of the 16th century poet's verse, was
then led by Dr. Frank O. Copely of
the latin department.
At this same meeting, Prof. H. T.
Price of the English department
traced the intensified use of Eng-
lish words in medieval Latin and
French manuscripts; Messrs. Clifford
H. Prator and Francis W. Gravit of
the French department presented a
paper on "The Editions of 'Freron's
Lettres sur Quelques Ecrits de ce
Temps'"; and Prof. Pierre C. Delat-
tre of the French department at
Wayne University explained the re-
sults of his study and classification
of consononantal force of articula-
tion in French.
Prof. J. M. Wells of Hillsdale Col-
lege, discussing "Some Aspects of
the Philosophy of Nicholas Berdy-
aev," indicated yesterday that Berdy-
aev considered intuition to be the
guiding principle of life, opposed to
the factors of experience.
A paper by Rabbi Bernard Heller
of Philadelphia, maintaining that re-
ligion must depend to a certain de-
(continued on Page 2)
.Drama Group
Plans Showing
Of' The Critic
Richard Brinsley Sheridan's "The
Critic" is next on Play Production's
calendar of major presentations this
year. This comedy farce will be stag-
ed Wednesday through Saturday,
March 27-30 in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
Prof. William P. Halstead of the
speech department, on the produc-
tion staff, described "The Critic" as
"a satire on many things." It's a
satire on types of people connected
with the theatre, he explained, as
well as a satire on pompous tragical
acting style. And it's incidentally a
satire on "Romeo and Juliet," he
"The Critic" is the story of the-
atre, and, more specifically, the story
of the production of a new show, a
tragedy. So, oddly enough, it is a
comedy about a tragedy!
Sheridan was an 18th century
playwright, and is most famed prob-
ably for "The Critic," Professor Hal-
stead remarked. He recalled that
this play has had several successful
revivals in this country, notably on
Only one other Sheridan play has
been presented here: "School for
Scandal" five summers ago by the
Summer Repertory Players.
Play Production's other presenta-
tions here this season have been
"Family Portrait," " . . . one-third
of a nation . . . ," "Julius Caesar,"
and "Il Seraglio."
Michigan Gains Seventh Straight Crown
By Winning Mile Relay, Closing Event
(Special To The Daily)
INDIANAPOLIS, March 16.--R)-Warren Breidenbach, Michigan's
great quarter-miler, stole the show tonight with a brilliant anchor leg run
in the University Mile Relay to give the Wolverines their seventh straight
Butler University Indoor Relays team championship.
The Wolverine Team total wac 37 1/5 points. Indiana University was
runner-up in the team competition with 34 3/20 points.
Breidenbach's great sprint in the final point-scoring event of the relays
' overshadowed Greg Rice's attempt to
crack the world's indoor record for
'Gentle Peo ie the mile and a half. Rice, former
r Notre Dame star, won the event but
Cast Announced his time was 6:42, almost five see-
onds slower than the record.
When the University Mile Relay
B y Hillel Group started, Indiana had a lead over
_ Michigan in the point standing of
32 2/3 to 27 1/5 and the Hoosiers
London, Oxhandler And needed only to win a second to take
Rector To Play Leading the team title, even if Michigan won
y g the event.
Roles In Shaw's Play Hoosiers Never In Race
The Hoosiers never were in this
Under the direction of Mrs. Grace race as far as winning was concerned.
Dunshee, Grad., the Hillel Players Pittsburgh took the lead at the start,
will presentas their 1940 major pro- closely pressed by Notre Dame.
duction, the cast of which was an- Going into the final leg, Pitt still
nounced yesterday, Shaw's "The was out in front. Breidenbach, how-
Gentle People" Friday and Saturday ever, was less than 10 yards behind
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Lawrence Tregoning of Pitt. He
Taking the roles of two of the stayed behind Tregoning until they
gentle people, menaced by a typical hit the last turn, then a burst of
small-time gangster, are Herbert speed sent Breidenbach out in front.
London, '43, and the Union Opera's Indiana finished fourth behind
"Hedy La Tour," Roy Rector, '40Ed. Michigan, Pitt and Notre Dame.
London will play the part of Jonah Wilbert Ackerman built up a 50-
Goodman, the Jew who once believed yard lead running as third man on
in reason but came to the conclu- Michigan's four-mile relay team that
sion that you can't reason with a set a new record of 17:49.8 for the
man with a gun and Rector will play Butler Relays. Ed Barrett took over
Philip Anagnos, a shy, helpless Greek the anchor position and almost
chef. lapped the field before he crossed
The role of Goff, which was taken the finish line.
by Franchot Tone in the Broadway Michigan's time in this event, how-
production, will be portrayed by Nor- ever, was 33.7 seconds slower tha
man Oxhandler, '41, while Stella the world's indoor record of 17:16.1
Goodman, who was played by Sylvia set in the 1937 meet by Indiana Uni-
Sidney in New York, will be handled versity. Michigan took the lead with
by Joan Sack, '42. the opening leg and held it all the
Eli, who is described in the play as way in the four-mile event.
"the type who enters the subway eve- Final Leg A Thriller
ry morning at 8 a.m.," is played by The final leg of the University
Sheldon Finklestein, '42. Ben Hertz, medley relay was a thriller, with In-
'40, and Jay Steinhart, '42, will play diana's Campbell Kane, only a soph-
the parts of two Irish policemen; omore, nipping Ralph Schwarzkopf,
Magruder and Flaherty. Michigan's team captain, by only a
Ruth Pollock, '40, will take the role ew yards. Kane ran behind the
of Jonah's hypochondriac wife, Stel- Michigan star for the ten laps neces-
la, and Eugenia Paprin, Grad. the lary for the final mile leg and passed
part of Angelina Espesito, who owns ihe black-headed Michigan runner
the restaurant where Philip works. going into the stretch for the final
25 yards.
University two-mile relay: Won by
n, Indiana (Hoke, Tolliver, Medges,
Cr G uKane); second, Ohio State; third,
RA T7d Mi4chigan; fourth, Drake. Time 7:48.3.
Ofter's era's' 60-yard low hurdles: Won by Roy
Cochran, Indiana; second, Dave Ran-
Requiem H ere kin,Purdue; third, Donald Olsen,
Illinois; fourth, Garles Marshall,
Butler. Time six and nine-tenths
The rendition of Verdi's Mannzoni seconds.
Requiem, replete with a chorus of College Two-Mile Relay: Won by
50 voices, four soloists and an or- Michigan Normal (Zemper, Brzebin-
ganist, will be presented at 8:15 p.m. ski, Grindle, Quinn); Second, Butler;
Tuesday at the First Methodist third, Miami; fourth, DePauw. Time
Church, Prof. Hardin Van Deursen, 7:51.5 (New Butler Relays record;
of the School of Music, announced (Continued on Page 3)
yesterday. The public is invited t
Gray To Talk
On War Draft
Speaker To Discuss Status
Of Conscription In U.S.
Harold S. Gray, noted as a consci-
entious objector during World War
and as a leader in the cooperative
movement, will speak on "Facing Con-
scription" at 8:30 p.m. today in the
Union under the auspices of Michi-
gan's Fellowship of Reconciliation, in-
ternational pacifist organization.
Gray will discuss his experience's
in the War, the problems facing youth.
in wartime and the status of con-
scription in the United States.
Gray refused to be conscripted dur-
ing the War on religious grounds and
held that the government did not
have the right to conscript men for
army service. Consequently, he was
imprisoned in Leavenworth and, later,
in Alcatraz. His life sentence was
reduced by President Wilson to 25
years, but he was released with other
objectors at the end of the war.
Noted Alumnus, MSC Dean
To Speak During Greek Week
Norman Hackett, vice-chairman of
the National Interfraternity Confer-
ence, 1937-38, and a student here in
1894-95, and Dr. Frank T. Mitchell,
dean of men at Michigan State Col-
lege, are two of national fraternity
leaders who will speak here at the
Interfraternity Council's Greek Week
next Friday and Saturday, Richard
Peckinpaugh, '41, announced yester-
Mr. Hackett retired from profes-
sional life ten years ago to devote
his entire life to fraternities, Peckin-
paugh said, and has been a speaker
at many fraternity conferences and
Greek Weeks the country over. He
is the graduate secretary of Teta
Delta Chi fraternity.
Dr. Mitchell has been active in fra-
ternity life throughout his term as
dean at MSC and has long been
The Last Resort: GOP
Seeks Collegiate Aid
WASHINGTON, March 16.-VP)-
The Republican National Committee
associated with fraternities and their
problems as relating to college ad-
ministrating, Peckinpaugh said.
Greek Week is the first attempt
here to expand the traditional wel-
come to new initiates at the annual
banquet, Peckinpaugh said. This
year, the Council is taking a cue from
fraternity organizations on other
campuses, notably at Minnesota and
Ohio State, in presenting this pro-
gram of panel discussions, speakers,
luncheons and banquet, in order to
acquaint the neophytes with frater-
nities, the University and their rela-
tions with one another.
Facultymen cooperating in the
program are: Prof. R. P. Briggs of
the economics department and fra-
ternity financial advisor, Prof. Carl
Brandt of the English department
and director of alumni-student rela-
tions, Prof. Jesse Ormondroyd of the
engineering college, Prof. Herbert
Watkins, assistant secretary of the
University, Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
counsellor in religious education,
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng-
lish department, Charles Peake and
John Stibbs, teaching fellows and
Two former University students,
Miss Helen Van Loon, soprano, and
Elwyn Carter, bass, will take solo
parts together with Miss Mary Louise
Beltz, contralto, and Donald Dane,
tenor. While a student here, Miss
Van Loon appeared as soprano soloist'
in the Gustav Holst, "Choras Fan-
tasia" in the May Festival. Last
season she appeared as soloist with
the Detroit Symphony under the di-
rection of Victor Kolar.
Previous to entering the School of
Music, Mr. Carter obtained his
bachelor's degree from Alma College.
He has taken solo parts in "Elijah,"
and the "Messiah" at Detroit, and
other oratorio parts at Bay City,
Midland, Grand Rapids, and Sag-
inaw as well as in Ann Arbor.
Prof. Leonard Gregory, of the
School of Music, will give an ex-
planatory interview of Verdi's Mann-
zonni Requiem, at 7 p.m. today at
the Wesleyan Guild meeting at the
First Methodist Church.
Students To Hold Flying
Meet In Ypsilanti Today
Student pilots of the University
Flying Club will hold a local flying
meet at 3 p.m. today at the Ynsilanti
Midwest Poets
Is Talk Topic
Untermeyer To Give Third
Lecture Tomorrow
"Voices of the Middle West" will
be the topic of poet Louis Unter-
meyer when he progresses into the
third of his series of six lectures on
"New Frontiers in American Cul-
ture" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
In his two earlier lectures, Mr.
Untermeyer has set forth the thesis
that American culture has been lib-
erated from its subservience to Eu-
ropean standards and has become
focused on native materials. He
traced the beginnings of this revo-
lution to Walt Whitman and to such
later pioneers as Emily Dickinson
and Edwin Markham.
Mr. Untermeyer's lecture on "Old
and New New England" described
the results of this revolution on such
poets as Robert Frost and Amy Low-
ell, who broke away from the foreign
forms and treatments which had
dominatede arlier nontrv of the r..