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March 15, 1940 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-15

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Annual donto AndCapitalist als Will Take Place


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knit, Chat, Play Bridge,
That's G P Backstage
Bridge and knitting, studying and
just plain ordinary chatting-a little
of each and you have the backstage
of JGP, "Hi-Falutin'."
Laughs behind stage are not al-
ways limited to the lines that go
over the footlights. Harriet Sho-
craft as The Eater and her failure
to get out of character for fully five
minutes of eating after leaving the
stage, male lead Betty Kepler's dis-
covery of the wisdom of wearing sus-
penders, and the "bloomer girls" in-
evitable catastrophes with hoops so
that they go into the final act wielding
straight lathes in place of circular
arcs are minor problems as 'the
show goes on," and the junior wo-
men learn the perils of the realm of
fashion Show
Will Be Today
Public Will Be Admitted
Free To League Event
In correction of the error made in
yesterday's Daily the League will hold
its annual fashion show given in con-
nection with a local store from 3:30
p.m. till 5:30 p.m. today, Mary Minor,
'40, chairman of the social committee,
Reservations may be made at the
main desk in the League and admis-
sion is free to the public. Tea will
be served to those who wish it for
25 cents.
Door prizes will be given to holders
of the tickets drawn at the style show,
and winners must be there when they
are drawn in order to receive the
prizes. Edith Lynch, '41, is in charge
of arrangements for the show.
Models will include Beverly Brack-
en, '41; Jane Nussbaum, '40; Yvonne
Westrate, '41; Mary Alice McAn-
drew, '40; Florence Brotherton, '40;
Ellen MacDonald, '40; Katherine For-
berg, '41; Elizabeth Kimball, '40;
Anne McCarthy, '40; Betty Mar-
quardt, '43; Mary Major, '41; and
Marcia Connell, '39.

Junior Class
Is To Present
Decorations Will Feature
Spring Motif in Dance
To Be hldi Ai - League
Odonto -3all. traditional dance
sponsored by the junior class of the
School of D nt isiry. will be held from
9 p.m. to1 . today in the League
Balli room.
Fe:aured as "America's Most
Danceable Dance Band," Ace Bri-
gode and His Virginians will play
for the Ball. Brigode will present
Ruth Hart, his Queen of Song, as
vocalist and Buddy Curran and Wil-
liam Dingel in novelty specialties.
Floral Arranigements Used
Decorations for Odonto Ball will
utilize a spring motif. Two floral
arrangements will be placed on ei-
ther side of the entrance to the
ballroom. Besides the flowers, 12
potted palms will be distributed
around the ballroom and in back of
the orchestra.
Two large cellophane bags, filled
with assorted balloons will be sus-
pended from the ceiling. At a high
point in the evening, the bags will
be opened, and their contents per-
mitted to descend upon the dancers.
Central Committee Named
Central committee for Odonto Ball
consists of the following men: Lyle
Aseltine, general chairman; Andrew
Frostic, finance chairman; Jack Ku-
cera, programs; Anthony LaGargia,.
decorations; Daniel Mixer, who made
arrangements for the hall; Jack
Bates, publicity; and Sol Heiligman,
Odonto Ball is a closed dance to
all but dental alumni, students, hy-
gienists, and pre-dental students.
Tickets can be purchased from mem-
bers of central committee or at the
desk in the Dental Clinic.
Programs will also be made in ac-
cordance wit h spring colors and the
decorative scheme.

Odonto Chairman And

Lansing Guest

Yearly Dance sha
Is To Feature To R
Aiison Weeks Y
300 Couples Will Attend rock Swin
Dance At -Union; List spirit of S
to 1 a.m.
Of G ests Is Named publicityr
More than 300 couples will "Go Red Ri
Dancin' With Anson" at Capitalist play for1
Ball from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow feature of
at the Union Ballroom. Parade" o
popular bi
Heading the guest list of the an-
nual School of Business Administra- A buffet
t.on formal are the guests of Charles 11:30 p.m
Davisson, '40BAd., and Morgan ing room,
Gibbs, '41BAd., co-chairmen. Davis- F. G. Ray
son will attend with Jay Cleary, '42, Miss Esth
who will wear a full skirted gown wig, and
of rose taffeta. Gibbs will attend the The co
dance with his wife. Mrs. Gibbs eludes Vi
has chosen a gown of blue crepe with Susan Ald
silver accessories. tickets; E
Orchid Taffeta To Be Worn and Miss
Houston Brice, '40BAd., co-chair- Approxi
man of patrons will have as his guest vited an
Julia Gold, '42. Miss Gold will wear bowls of
an orchid taffeta formal. Jean Belk- the tables
nap, 40, will attend the dance with _
patrons co-chairman Robert May, John Go
'41BAd. Miss Belknap's flowered of publici
print silk gown will be set off by Bettie Sc
a string of pearls. nor Brow
Del Lakin, '40BAd., and Richard Scheule 1
Livingston, '41BAd., co-chairman in chiffon, s
charge of music, will have as their dle. Miss
guests Maxine Walsh of Detroit, and fon gown
Agnes Crow, '42, respectively. Miss ver sequir
Walsh will be attired in a blue net the short
formal. Miss Crow has chosen a gown Ice
of turquoise jersey with an accordion Arnold
pleated skirt and rhinestone acces- man ine
SO ies. attend th
George Liechty, '40, co-chairman theimer,
of tickets, will attend the dance with wear an i
Mary Eleanor Porter, '40. Miss Por- trimmedi
ter will wear a black net gown trim- will wearI
med with velvet. Al Conrath, '41BAd., '41BAd.,c
has asked Janet Mercer, '43. Miss have as h
Mercer's white organdy dress has a Hall's go
full skirt edged with lace. She will cut on cl
wear a matching lace jacket. of materi
Arthur Bartholomew, '40BAd., and der.

mrock Swing'
le Uil Todfay
Hall will hold their "Sham-
ng," a formal dance in the'
t. Patrick's Day, from 9 p.m.
today, Rose Mary Kenny,
chairman, announced yes-
tz and his orchestra will
the dance, and a special
the program will be a "Hit
of 10 songs voted the most
y women in the dormitory.
t supper will be served from
. to 12:30 a.m. in the din-
and patrons will be Mrs.
y, Mrs. Cornelia Matthews,
er Colton, Miss Hope Hart-
Miss Rosemary Neuhaus.
anmittee for the dance in-
irginia Capron, chairman;
derdyce, music; Jane Eiffert,
Elaine Bennet, decorations
Kenny, publicity.
imately 126 guests are in-
d decorations will include
gardenias in the center of
odell, '41BAd., co-chairmen
ty, will have as their guests
heule, '40, and Mary Elea-
wn, '43, respectively. Miss
as chosen a ,gown of white
set off by a wide gold gir-
Brown's aquamarine chif-
will have star-shaped sil-
ins on both the girdle and
Blue Satin Is Worn
Kleiman, '40BAd., co-chair-
charge of decorations, will
e dance with Barbara Os-
'41. Miss Ostehimer will
ce blue satin strapless gown
in deep purple velvet. She
purple shoes. Vance Wilson,
co-chairman of tickets, will
is guest Ann Hall, '40. Miss
wn of white crepe will be
assic lines with a long panel
al coming from each shoul-

Tickets are still available for
the performances of "Hi-Palut-
in!", the 1940 Junior Girls' Play,
which will be given at 8:30 p.m.
today and tomorrow in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, Lee Har-
dy, '41, publicity chairman, an-
nounced yesterday. The tickets
may be obtained by calling the
box office of the theatre.

New Breton
nocence . . to this peren-
nial favorite! Gay spring
shades in this style that
tops off practically every
type of costume! Wise
212 - 22 22% 23





Ten Fraternity Dances Contend
With Capitalists', Dentists' Balls

Odonto and Capitalist Balls may
head the list of celebrations for to-
day, but they haven't put a dent in
the spirit of the undergraduates, as1
the following list of parties will testi-
Alpha Chi Sigma starts the group
of "entertainers." Dr. and Mrs. L.
W. Thomassen and Dr. and Mrs. C.
A. Siebert will chaperon. House
party is the contribution of the Delta
Sigma Deltas, starting today. Their
chaperons are to be Dr. and Mrs.
Ralph S. Moyer and Dr. and Mrs. D.
A. Kerr.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Jeffers, Mr.
and Mrs. John Johnstone and Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Townsley will be the
chaperons for the informal radio
dance at the Delta Tau Delta house.
A dinner from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. will
be given by Lambda Chi Alpha. They
have requested Mr. and Mrs. P. A.
Prasil and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hart-
man to chaperon.
Lasting from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m., the
formal dinner dance to be held by
Phi Delta Theta will be chaperoned
by Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Weller and
Mr. and Mrs. William Buettner, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Dey and Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Kinkead have con-
sented to chaperon the Phi Gamma
Delta dance.
Sigma Phi Epsilon is holding a
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Selects New Officers'
Election of officers held recently
by Kappa Kappa Gamma includes
Mary Eleanor MacCready, '41, presi-
dent; Elinor Sevison, '41, chairman
of chapter standards; Dorothy Gil-
liam, '41, recording secretary, and
Elizabeth Gram, '43, treasurer.
Margaret Dodge, '42, corresponding
secretary; Betty Kepler, '41, pledge'
captain; Anne Winters, '42, rushing
chairman and Patricia Nahser, '41,
registrar ,completes the list of offi-

dance which will be chaperoned by
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Carney and Dr.
and Mrs. John Naylor. Those chap-
eroning the dinner at Xi Psi Phi are
Dr. R. G. Moore and Dr. and Mrs.
H. O. Goldbeck. At the Zeta Beta
Tau party the chaperons are Mr. and
Mrs. John Heavenrich, and Dr. and
Mrs. Isaac Rabinowitz.
Beta Theta Pi will hold an initia-
tion formal from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The
dance will be chaperoned by Mr. and
Mrs. Donald C. Stevenson and Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas F. Paddock, from
Grosse Pointe.
Close Out This Week
3 and 4 Thread Numbers. Not
all Shades or Sines, Although
Plenty to Choose from .
"Laros" Labar Slips with the
Perma-lockt Seams. Fits, looks
and wears perfectly. Guaran-
teed by the Institute of Laun-
dering. Comes in short, medi-
um, And long lengths . . . Tea
rose, white and navy. .
Special at $1.39
Buttoneer shirt with pearl shoe
buttons down the front. Tail-
ored beautifully and washes
perfectly. All colors and sizes.
Moderately priced at
I 195
Michigan Theatre Bldg.

[or your Spring tileur
lIGHT UP TI SLEEK DARKNESS of your Suit with a cob-
webby blouse . . . very fresh, very essence-of-Spring.
You cain put drab winter really behind you with one or
: -" two of these spanking white, frilly sheers. Thriftily
Priced frit
767 7 - Angelic looking chif- 8004 - Fine batiste with neat 7606-Stitched front with fa
fon with frothy lace trimming, fagoting and lace trimming. oting. Sheer chiffon. Com
tucked and pleated front. Band bottom. White, sizes in white only. Sizes from
White, 32 to 40. from 32 to 40. to 40.
* A.
S ir;> C \'
.,r. .".-.._ _,__ , __ ir - 3 'rt sn c i i n ~ l . _ 11 ''.1 p/t~ .' Tt t


Spaniel Print

graceful Spaniel heads all over a heavy spun rayon and
crepe fabric. Have it in a two-piece dress, 14.95.. .
in a separate blouse . . . 6.50. The smooth wool suit
in dyed to match colors, $25.00. Brick dust, storm
blue, sage green, pale pink.

The most enchanting



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