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March 15, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-15

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$1.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service,"Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

OfALL Things!..
Wedneda:, the question of women in art was VOMEN? WHY 1 -RE TIFY NOT GREAT ART-
brought up, and not one of the 75 people grouped I ISTS?
informally around the Men's Lounge in the
Rackham B1hding could explain fully why{SPEAKING of women, today's mail brings a
there have not been more and better women letter from a gal who is a little weary of
artists. Incidentally, before this goes any fur- this four-out-of-five business. She says, as
ther, Mr. Q. would like to urge all of you to follows:
attend as many of Mr. Untermeyer's lectures "Perhaps we girls shouldn't make such a
and conference sessions as you can: He is dis- fuss since every, one of us should be able
cussing a subject in which all of you should to boast at lhast three male catches, but we
have a vital and vigorous interest: American do get a little tired of having unflattering
culture, its past, present and future, with the r narks continually being ast about us.'
emphasis on the latter. Mr. Untermeyer is "Since, by now, the 'Four Out of Five' slo-
completely sold on America, and is a very com- gan has gained country-wide fame, do you
petent salesman in his own right. suppose it might be possible for me to add
Anyhow, to get back to this women business- a slogan' of my own, intended especially for
it's being done every day, you know. Various the male population? Vell anyhow, here
suggestions were made as possible answers to goes:
the question, none of which were at all com- Water, water, everywhere,
pletely satisfactory. One person pointed out And all the drips at Michigan
that women were more emotionally unstable; he Sincerely,
was quickly argued down by showing that, in Marion beisig. '43
the first place, they are not more emotionally *
unstable, and, even if they were, doesn't much W ONDERATION DEPARTMENT: What ever
of our great art come from emotionally unstable happened to the people's government at
people? So that was out. Then, somebody else Terijoki?
brought out the place-in-the-home argument*
with all the subsequent trimming; but, does 0UT-L-ON-THE-LIMB DEPARTMENT: The
that not give them more time to create and is Hillel Play, Irwin Shaw's "The Gentle Peo-
not the home a perfectly good place to write, ple," will be one of the best pieces of stage
paint or compose? Other arguments were ad- entertainment here this year . . . Michigan, mi-
vanced (not, peculiarly enough, by any of the nus Jimmy Welsh, will only beat Wayne, 53-31,
women present who seemed to be sitting back in the Intramural Pool tonight advises a cer--
and laughing at the men making damn fools Lain M. F. . . . Matt Mann's great swim outfit
of themselves) : but it was not solved to anyone's ! will also bout. out Yale irl the Intercollegiate
satisfaction. at New Haven at the end of the month . . . if a
So, Mr. Q. would like to throw the question certain F. D. R. runs for a certain presidency
open right here and would appreciate any corn- he will be re-elected in no uncertain termns .
ments or suggestions any of you would have to if it ain't so, go ahead, sue.

The Outside World:

Carl Petersen
Etlliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
.in N. Canavan
A"n Vicary
Mel Fineberg

Editorial Staff
Business Staff

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
*Associate Editor
SWomen's Editor
. Sports Editor
. Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. Jane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy

Business Manager..
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager . .

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Michigan Academy
Arrives Today .
T ODAY a great flood of lecturers and
scholars will come to the University
campus to take part in the Michigan Academy
of Science, Arts and Letters. There will be talks
on subjects ranging from botany to the economic
aspects of war. On looking over the lists of
topics and lecturers, anyone interested in learn-
ing will probably wish he could be in a dozen
places at once.
It is of course impossible to give proper em-
phasis to each phase of so leviathan an organ-
ization as the Academy. Many of the lectures,
if presented singly, would doubtlessly arouse
much interest that the mass-production of the
Academy does not permit. There is one phase
of the assembly, however, that seems to demand
more than cursory notice. This is the meeting
of the Michigan Folklore Group, to be held in
conjunction with the Academy.
What gives this meeting importance is that
it is the first time that the subject of folklore
has'become part of the Academy. Furthermore.
it marks a determined effort on the part of
the Folklore Group to bring to the public's at-
tention the rich sources of folklore in Michigan
that have never been tapped.
As has been pointed out by Prof. Ivan H,
Walton of the engineering English department,
chairman of the group, Michigan has one of
the richest backgrounds of folklore material in
the country, and yet has done little about it.
The schoonermen of the Great Lakes, the lum-
bering camps, folk songs, Indian rites-all these
form a colorful past of which the present genera-
tion is not cognizant. Today's meeting may be
dwarfed by the immensity of the Academy, but,
from it may spring a broadened interest in the
past of Michigan. - Hervie Haufler
Legislators Missed
Grapes of Wrath--
G RAPES OF WRATH, both as a pic-
ture and a book, apparently has
failed to reach the people who should have been
most influenced by it. Instead of trying to
better conditions of migratory workers, the
California state legislature has taken steps that
will make even worse the situation Steinbeck
In a special session, the legislators instituted
a 40 per cent cut in relief allowances that will
affect 370,000 relief clients, numbering among
them hundreds of the "Okies" and some Mexican
families. The maximum budget per family has
been reduced to only $58 while the residence
qualification has been raised to three years.
The migratory workers, who have had a miser-
able subsistence in the past, will be forced to an
unbelievably low standard of living by the new
maximum monthly relief check.
EVEN more injured by new regulations will be
some 30,000 Mexican families. These Mex-
icans are victims of what the New Republic calls
the "worst wave of race hatred in California
since the Chinese pogroms." Many of the Mex-
icans were imported by American labor con-
tractors but have no documents to prove entry
prior to 1936, as required by law. Ironically,
some native-born clients who have been agitat-
ing anti-Mexican prejudice are also losing
through the regulations.

WASHINGTON-Now that artillery fire has
departed from the battlefields of Finland,
the Allies are getting an almost panic-stricken
picture of what that defeat means to them.
For when the history of this world war is
written, probably the let-down of Finland. can
be placed beside the British sabotage of the
Spanish Republic as the war's two major ca-
The surrender of Finland means not so
much a triumph for Soviet Russia as for
Germany. It means that the remainder of
Finland now will be welded together for
self-protection in an economic alliance with
Sweden and Norway. And most important
of all it means that all Scandinavia will
come under the direct domination, if not
the control, of Germany.
In fact, Nazi Germany is working overtime
right now, and has been for the past two weeks,
to create a sort of United States of North Eu-
rope-Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark,
all cooperating in the closest manner economic-
Deiroit Has
A Skim Disease ...
S OMETHING like a pulp magazine
crime story has been unfolding in
Detroit in the past few weeks. Charges of ac-
cepting graft have been leveled at some of the
city's highest officials, and these charges have
apparently been confirmed by court testimony.
Many of the top men of the police forc.e of the
fourth largest city in the United States are under
fire. The whole affair is a crime story of the
worst sort, for i appears to be true.
Graft is a skin disease which breaks out every
once in a while in a democratic government.
It's an ailment which you get if you're not
careful and which you may get even if you are
careful. But it is not an irritation which can
be blamed on the system. It occurs because
the wrong elements enter the system.
Those city officials on whom the greater
part of the charge of accepting graft from
gambling syndicates is laid were elected by the
democratic procedure. The citizens of Detroit
went to the polls and voted for the man who
seemed to them to be best fitted for the various
offices. It was expected of those who took office
that they would respect the authority which
had been allowed them by working in the in-
terests of the citizenry.
The voters in Detroit evidently made some
mistakes in their popular choice, as is evidenced
by the corrupt mess which has been uncovered
in these last few weeks. Now, with a half dozen
executives suspected of graft, there is bound
to be a popular mistrust of the entire police
force down to the last rookie on the suburban
Mistrust of the whole force is not to be jus-
tified by the uncovering of graft among higher
officials in the department. The charges of
receiving graft are leveled against individuals
and not against an entire department. When
those individuals are rooted out, there will re-
main hundreds of law enforcing officers who
are utterly innocent of any charge of accepting
graft. They are the ones who make the Detroit
police force, and they are the ones on whom
most of the responsibility for keeping the city

ally, and perhaps politically, with the Reich.
That is why Dr. Schacht, Germany's economic
genius, arrived in Stockholm exactly one day
after Finnish peace was signed.
This means that aother vital area of Europe
becomes alienated from the British, .just as the
downfall of the Spanish Republic meant that
British influence vanished from one vital area
of the Mediterranean.
Chapter By Chapter
TO GET h.e complete picture of British mud-.
dung, one must go back to the start of 'the
Finnish war last November. Here is the history,
chapter by chapter:
Chapter 1.-Finland was dickering with Rus-
sia for a settlement without war. While Fin-
nish envoys were in Moscow, the British press
urged an unyielding front against Russia, Bri-
tish diplomats patted Finland on the back, gave
her every encouragement to resist Stalin's de-
mand for territory and naval bases.
Chapter 2.-The war started. Finland appeal-
ed to Britain for planes. Lord Halifax explained
that Great Britain could not afford to risk of-
fending a friendly country--Russia.
Chapter 3.-As Finland stood her ground, and
as the war dragged past Christmas, the British
and French began sending planes surreptitiously
into Finland. But there was no open support.
Chapter 4.-On February 7 Premier Daladier
and Prime Minister Chamberlain met in Paris.
By that time confidential military reports from
Finland indicated clearly that the Finns could
not last much longer. More than equipment,
they needed replacements. Their men were
worn out.
Daladier proposed that Britain and
France undertake an expeditionary force
through Sweden to Finland immediately.
He said that French troops were ready, but
no expeditionary force could move without
the British fleet.
Neville Chamberlain said he would take the
matter under advisement.
Chapter 5.-On February 8 the Swedes, long
worried over the encroachment of Russia, in-
formed the French and British that they would
cooperate with an Allied expeditionary force.
The Swedes went even further, said that since
it would take some days for the British and
French to reach Finland, they, the Swedes, would
send troops immediately if assured that later
the British and French would back them up.
This Chamberlain also took under advisement.
Chapter (.-By mid-February, the Finns were
giving ground steadily before renewed Russian
onslaughts. But Chamberlain still was advising
with his Cabinet.
By mid-February, also, the Germans had
heard of the Allied plan for an expeditionary
force through the Scandinavian countries, and
had warned Sweden against it. This put the
Swedes in a tough spot.
However, Sweden still stood by her position.
She informed the Allies that if they would send
a full-fledged expeditionary force, Sweden;
would permit its passage across her territory
and cooperate fully. But if the Allies only sent
driblets of volunteers, then Sweden could not
cooperate. For this would only mean risking
German displeasure without Allied protection.
Still Under Advisement

Most Students
Ignore 'Task'
Of Getting Job
(First o a series)
Twelve thousand Michigan stu-
dents spend a part of every day (r
wvorrying about the future but few pc
do anything about it. o
Every college student will agree t
that his major interest should be e
the life he will lead once he moves g
outside these sheltering walls. Yet, d
paradoxically, he tries to ignore it q
as much as possible. a
A minority of college men and n
women realize that choosing an oc-
cupation has become doubly impor-
tant since the discovery that there
are ten million unemployed persons
in the United States. They hear f
phrases like "security," "technolog- d
ical unemployment" and "job misfit"C
and realize that such language is
meant for them just as much as for
the "shabby" people who haunt the L
employment agencies.- i
These persons are the few who a
take advantage of increased facilities S
for vocational guidance, who seek s
information about careers and then
select one with the intentionof c
learning everything about it. Theyn
are the ones who delve into the mys-c
teries of "the outside world."
But there are others who prefer
to keep to the rutted road when
choosing a life career. C
They let reputedly "wiser heads"
dictate to them the occupations for d
which they should prepare. This m
doesn't mean that one should refuse ti
to seek help or take advice from ex-
perienced persons; it does mean that 1
those who abide by parental wishes, p
family tradition or the kindly and ai
sincere advice of an old friend can
easily be led astray.
They make no effort to investigate
this job of getting a job. Or, on u
the other hand, they buy "wake-up- IS
and-boss" books and come to believe
that by memorizing six simple say-
ings all office doors will magically t
swing open. ,
They refuse to drive toward anC
occupational goal-as soon as they n
hear that the field they've chosen is N
overcrowded or requires extensiveb
preparation, they hop off the wagonE
Or, as a corollary, they set their 1z
minds on a particular career, and'
close their eyes to others for which c
they might be better qualified. n
It is to both these groups of stu-
dents, but chiefly to the latter, to a
those whose careers are still in shad-a
ow, that this series of articles onc
"The Outside World" will be address-.
Personnel experts say that the joba
of choosing a career consists of: t
1. Determining the types of occu-v
pations one's abilities, aptitudes and
training qualify him to enter.
2. Finding the specific vacancies
within these occupations where jobs
can be obtained.C
It will be the purpose of "The Out-
side World" series to analyze various
occupations, to discuss their require- f
rnents and availability and to pre-v
sent information from experts re-n
garding them. Sources for the seriess
will be data from national vocational d
guidance groups, active workers in
the fields and members of the Uni-
versity faculty in cooperation withn
the University's Bureau of Appoint-..
ments and Occupational Informa-
True To Type
The Washington and Jefferson
College Red & Black has added at
history professor to its staff as a
commentator on foreign affairs . .
The Chronicle of William Penn Col-
lege recently published an issue with

a blank front page that carried this
note: "These are the stories that were1
due Tuesday and definitely due Fri-t
day, and positively due Monday, and
absolutely due without fail Wednes-
day." Apparently the staff took al
vacation for a couple of weeks .
The Kenyon College Collegian is de-
livered regularly by Chinese army
fliers to a member of the Chinese
Resettlement Commission "some-
where" in the interior of China . . .
The Polytechnic Institute of Brook-
lyn Reporter has the distinction of
being the first college newspaper to
receive a radiophoto broadcast ex-
clusively to it. Date of the broadcast
was January 4 . . The University
of Kansas Daily Kansan and the
Carleton College Careltonian are the
most recent additions to the ranks
of the tabloid college newspapers .
. . On a recent visit to Cornell Uni-
versity, Howard W. Blakeslee, science
editor of the Associated Press, dug
up 20 (yes, twenty) new science
stories in three days . . .
- Collegiate Press Review
immediately and jointly to help Fin-
land" with "all the available re-
sources at their disposal"-if Fin-
land asked for help.
Simultaneously, word was passed
out from Allied sources that Finland
was talking with Moscow merely to
make the British realize the gravity
of the situation, and bring help from
them. In going to Moscow, London
%iritn~pr te Fnn, pr huf'fimti

FR IDAY, MA RCH 15 1940 b
VOL. L. No. 119 u
The University Council Commttee 1
n Parking earnestly requests that the M
larking of cars and trucks on the
vals between the Chemistry and Na-
oral Science Buildings, or anywhere A
lse on lawns, be discontinued. The
rass underneath the snow will be
amaged not only by the ice conse-
uent to the packing of snow, but
lso by the dripping of oil from p
notors. o
Herbert G. Watkins a
Faculty of the College of Literature, e
cienee, and the Arts: The five-week e
reshman reports will be due Satur- e
lay, March 16, in the Academic e
Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall.P
Arthur Van DurenM
Application for Admission to the
aw School: Students who are secur-
ng the degree of A.B. or B.S. in June,
nd who expect to enter the Law
ichool, either at the beginning of the
ummer session or next September, S
hould call at the office of the Re- L
;order of the Law School for the is
ecessary blanks and instructions o
oncerning application, filing of cre- d
entials etc. A
' t
Education D99, Saturday Course- S
onference: The program for Satin-c
lay, March 16, will be on "Assembly
nd Auditorium Programs," presented
y some of the teachers and pupils of
he University High School. This a
s an interchanging of the programs C
reviously scheduled for March 16 i
rnd 23.
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German:
Value $39.00. Open to all undergrad-
ate students in German of distinct- w
y American training. Will be i
awarded on the results of a three- t
hour essay competition to be held N
under departmental supervision on
March 21, from 2-5 p.m., 203 U.H.
contestants must satisfy the depart-
ment that they have done their C
eading in German. The essay may T
e written in English or German.
Each contestant will be free to choose
his own subject from a list of at least S
30 offered. The list will cover six U
chapters in the development of Ger-
man literature from 1750 to 1900,
each of which will be represented by U
at least five subjects. Students who f
wish to compete must be taking a s
couzse in German (101 or above) at t
the time of the competition. They
should register and obtain directions
as soon as possible at the office of a
the German Department, 204 Uni- n
versity Hall. I
Kothe-Hildner Prize in German: v
Two prizes, of $30 and $20 respective-C
y, will be awarded to students taking
German 32 in a translation compe-
tition (German-English and Eng- P
lish-German) to be held March 21,C
from 2-5 p.m. in 203 U.H. Students 8
who wish to compete and who haveF
not yet handed in their applications d
should do so immediately and obtaind
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informationt
has received notice of the following
United States Civil Service examina-
tions. The last date for filing appli-
cation will 'be April 8, 1940.
Senior Inspector, Engineering Ma-
terials (mechanical) salary $2,600.6
Senior Inspector, Engineering Ma-
terials (hulls), salary $2,600. i
Inspector, Engineering MaterialsI
(mechanical), salary $2,000. .
Inspector, Engineering Materials
(hulls), salary $2,000.r
Associate Entomologist (taxonomy)t
(for filling the position of Assistant
Curator, National Museum, Smith-
sonian Institution), salary $3,200.
Assistant Entomologist (taxonomy)1
Bureau of Entomology and PlantT
Quarantine, Dept. of Agric., salary

The following NEW YORK CITY
examinations are also announced:
the last date for filing application is
noted in each case:
District Health Officer, salary $4,-
750, March 21.
Junior Engineer (sanitary) Grade
3, salary $2,160, March 25.
Personal Property Appraiser, salary
$3;800, March 25.
Superintendent (C o 1 d Storage
Plants) salary $3,120, March 25.
Additional information is contained
in the March Bulletin.
Complete announcements on file
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
Academic Notices
Chemistry 69 and 69E will not meet
for lecture today.
English 128: Will students please
The Time Of March
Mud .. , maple sugar ... rain ...
Inmh Qnnw gmak,.a s

ring their textbooks to class on Sat-
rday and Tuesday,
Karl Litzenberg
Make-up examination in Geology
30 will be postponed from Saturday,
larch 16, to Saturday. March 23.
Philosophy 34 will meet in 2225
angell Hall today.
Landscape Architecture Exhibit of
lans and photographs of examples
f the work of professional landscape
rchitects and planners from New
Tork to Hawaii is on display in the
xhibition hall of the Architecture
uilding. It will be open until the
nd of next week. Of special inter-
st are the plans of the International
'eace Garden in North Dakota and
Manitoba, a plantation village in
lawaii, New York City parks, etc.
University Lecture: Mr. Homer L.
hantz, Chief of the Division of Wild
ife Management in the Forest Serv-
ce in Washington, D.C., will lecture
> "Vegetation, What It Means" un-
er the auspices of the Michigan
kcademy of Science, Arts, and Let-
ers at 4:15 p.m. today in the Natural
cience Auditorium, The public is
olally invited.
Mr. Louis Untermeyer schedule:
Today: Informal discussion ("Old
nd New England"). 4:15 p.m. East
onference Room, Rackham Build-
Today's Events
The Student Evangelical Chapel
ill hold a social and business meet-
ng tonight at 8 o'clock in the Bap-
ist Guild House. Election of new
ioard members will take place. All
nembers urged to attend.
Stalker Hall: Bible Class led by Dr.
C. W. Brashares at Stalker Hall at
:30 o'clock tonight.
Peace Commission of the American
tudent Union will meet in Michigan
Union today at 5 p.m.
Members of American Student
Union are urged to cast their ballots
or officers of local chapter, at table
et tip in lobby of General Library
Conservative Services will be held
it the Hillel Foundation at 7:30 to-
ight. A fireside discussion led by
Professor David Mandlebaum, of the
Anthropology Department of the Uni-
ersity of Minnesota, on "The Jews of
Cochin" will follow.
Westminster Student Guild of the
Presbyterian Church will have Bible
Class tonight from 7:30 to 8:30. From
8:30 to 12:00 p.m. they will hold Open
House. A program of entertainment,
dancing and refreshments. All stu-
dents invited.
The Young People's Bible Class of
the Congregational Church will meet
tonight at 7:30 at Pilgrim Hall. All
students invited.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the- Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. There will be a brief infor-
mal talk by Professor Norman L.
Willey on "Sealsfield-Muenchhau-
Seminar in Bacteriology will meet
in Room 1564 East Medical Building
Monday, March 18, at 8:00 p.m. Sub-
ject: "Vitamins and Bacterial Metab-
olism." All interested are invited.

The Angell hail Observatory will
be open to the public from 9:00 to
10:00 on Saturday evening, March 16.
The moon and the planet Venus will
be shown through the telescopes.
Children must be accompanied by
U. of M. Flying Club will conduct
a flying meet Sunday afternoon,
March 17, at the Ypsilanti airport.
All participants must have logged at
least one-half hour of practice during
the week preceding the meet. Car
leaves front of Union at 2:10 p.m. on
Suomi Club meeting at Internation-
al Center Saturday, 8 p.m. All Fin-
nish students and friends invited.
The Verdi Requiem will be sung
Tuesday evening, March 19, at 8:15
in the First Methodist Church. The
public is cordially invited.
Stal'ker Hall: Members of the Wes-
leyan Guild and members of the Luth-
eran Student group will have a party
on Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at the WAA
R,, i1iin' vsRnw rn- o'ovw s. rfsr.a


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