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March 13, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-13

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Fair and coider.

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lTiare Crreiatin
In SRA Lectures,









Lecturer And

T eacher Pause In Talk

Parliament Meets
To Consider Pact
Diet In Helsinki Must Give Approval
To New Treaty Within Three Days
HELSINKI, March 13 (Wednesday)--(P)-The future of Finland's
second war of independence apparently lay in the hands of the Finnish
Diet early today, although an announcement at 2 a.m. (7 p.m. E. S. T.) said
the delegation in Moscow had not yet confirmed the signing of the reported
peace treaty.
It was indicated the treaty would not be binding on Finland until
the Diet had ratified it.
Foreign Office Is Silent
The foreign office declined to deny or confirm Moscow and Berlin
announcements that a peace agreement had been signed.
The severity of the terms, heard here over the Moscow Radio brought
shock and bewilderment to the Finns. They had felt that if the Soviets
were seeking peace they would be willing to lighten the heavy demands
which resulted in the undeclared war.
Instead, the new terms as understood here were considerably worse
than the originals proposals.
The semi-official Finnish News Bureau said no confirmation of the
signing of a treaty had been received from the Finnish delegation headed
by Premier Risto Ryti.
Any agreement signed in Moscow presumably will not come into force
until it is ratified by the Diet and all "

Louis Untermeyer (right) and John E. Moser, teaching fellow of
the English department of the College of Engineering were photo-
graphed in an apartment in the Union during a discussion of some
photographs yesterday.
Nativity Of American Culture
Discussed By Louis Untermeyer

signs pointed to a thorough exam-
ination of the document by that
Eighty-five members of the par-
liament-the largest representation
of any one party in that 200-member
body-belong to the Social Demo-
cratic party headed by Foreign Min-
isted Vaino Tanner.
Diet Meets
The Soviet government has heaped
abuse upon Tanner ever since he as-
sumed office in the coalition govern-
ment formed after the outbreak of
the war.
Activities of the Diet were kept
a closely guarded secret this morn-
ing as they have been since the war
It is known, however, that it went
into session last night and there was
little doubt that the agreement with
Moscow was under discussion.
One spokesman, when asked early
today for an estimate of the situa-
tion, said "The Diet has not yet
Earlier it was officially denied that
Finland had sent an answer to Rus-
sin proposals.
Britain, France
Ready To Help
PARIS, March 12-(IP)-France
and Great Britain have an expedi-
tionary force of at least 50,000 men
ready to sail on a moment's notice
to aidtFinland and are prepared im-
mediately to take an official organ-
ized part in the Finnish-Russian
war if the Finns choose to keep on
fighting, Premier Daladier declared
Only a formal appeal from Hel-
sinki is necessary to set the Allied
war machinery in motion, Daladier
told a cheering Chamber of Depu-
ties. This was his reply to the long-
debated question whether the West-
ern Powers should allow themselves
to be drawn into war with Russia
and Germany at the same time.
Daladier added that "a decisive,
answer in one sense or the other"
had been promised by Finnish For-
eign Minister Vaino Tanner follow-
ing the decisive meeting of the Fin-
nish Parliament which is to take the
Russian peace terms under consid-
eration. This meeting may come
ASU Will Choose
Officers Tonight
At Term Meeting
Officers for this semester will be
elected at the semester Conference of
the American Student Union at 7:30
p.m. today in Room 231 of Angell
The conference, which is open to
the public as well as members, will'
provide a good opportunity for new
students on campus to become ac-
quainted with the aims and activities
of the ASU, Miriam Wellington, '41,
chairman of the meeting, stated.
A tentative program of events for

Arts Academy
To Hold 45th
Meeting Here
Conference Will Discuss
Cultural And Scientific
Trends In U.S. Research
More than 400 scholars will de-
scend on Ann ArborFrida-y and Pat-
urday from towns all over they state
for the 45th Annual Meeting of the
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts
and Letters.
Discussion of the latest scientific
and cultural developments as well as
research will occupy the delegates
in their two-day session which will
be open to the public.
The Academy will consist of 14
sections which will hear papers and
reports presented on developments in
their fields. The sections include
ones in anthropology, botany, eco-
nomics, forestry, geography, geology
and mineralogy, history and political
science, landscape architecture, lan-
guage, philosophy, psychology, san-
itary and medical science, sociology
and zoology.
Dr. Charles A. Guthe," president of
the Academy as well as director of
the University Museums, will give
the presidential address at 8 p.m.
Friday in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building. His subject will
be "Museums and Education."
Other featured speakers during the
meeting include Prof. Jesse S. Reeves
of the political science department
discussing "Foreign Policy of the
United States and the War" at 12:15
p.m. in room 222 of the Union, and
Pinsang Hsia, joint manager of the
Bank of China, New York City, ex-
plaining "Chinese Reconstruction
Amidst Destruction" at 12:15 p.m. in
the Union.
Student Senate
To Meet Today
Will Discuss Tuition Fees,
Election, Peace Council
Reports on the Spring Parley and
on the current investigation of the
cleaning price war will be heard at'
the meeting of the Student Senate
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union,
Arnold White, '42, secretary, said
Listed on the agenda as new busi-
ness for the meeting are the coming
Senate elections, the problems of the
recent raise in tuition fees and dis-
cussion on the newly formulated
Peace Council, White said. It has
been tentatively decided to hold the
Senate elections before Spring Vaca-
tion, as has been the policy in the

An American culture that has ati
last focused itself on America formed
the theme of Louis Untermeyer, dis-
tinguished poet and anthologist,
when he spoke yesterday on "Pio-
nerss and Liberators" before an over-
flow audience in the Rackham Am-
This thesis of an America that
has discovered its nativity, he ex-
plained, is the foundation upon
which he will build his series of
six lectures during his three-week
stay here as a guest of the engineer-
ing English' department.
Something happened at the turn
of the century, Mr. Untermeyer said,
which permitted American art to
free itself from the narrow limits
of European and Classic imitation.
Until then America was despised
as material for art. America was
crass, commercial and industrial. Art
was in love with an imported article.
Even when an American used native
materials, as did Longfellow in "Hia-
Pr of. H oirnan
Will Discuss
Prof. Charles Holman of the Uni-
versity of Chicago will be in Ann
Arbor all day today to confer with
students interested in Big Ten com-
petition for a $500 scholarship in the
Chicago Theological Seminary, Dr.
Edward W. Blakeman, counselor in
religious education, announced yester-
One University student will be nom-
inated this semester to enter compe-
tition for the scholarship which is
effective next year. Interested per-
sons should interview Dr. Blakeman.
He will arrange appointments with
Professor Holman.
Advanced :tudies in religion are
also available through the Margaret
Kraus Ransdell fellowship which pro-
vides annually one year of graduate
work in any University selected. This
scholarship, instituted as a memor-
ial to the late Margaret Kraus,
daughter of Dean and Mrs. E. H.,
Kraus, is open to any student of the

watha," he treated it in a foreign
manner, with foreign rhythms.
Against all this Walt Whiman
made a declaration of independence,
Mr. Untermeyer declared. Whitman
broke away from the authority of
Europe in three ways-in spirit, in
material and in form.
Revolution In Spirit
Mr. Untermeyer described Whit-
man's revolution in spirit as a dis-
covery that there is beauty in the
commonplace. Whitman struck up
marches for the humble, broke
through the false facade of imported
beauty and made America rivet its
attention on the neglected part of
everyday existence, he said.
To do this Whitman discarded the
conventional forms, the pretty poet-
isms which passed for art. According
to Mr. Untermeyer, Whitman used
the language of ordinary conversa-
tion, as if speaking to another per-
son. "He saw that a nation without
tradition has no past," Mr. Unter-
meyer explained, "but he also saw
hat a nation with only tradition has
.o future."
Informal Discussion
An informal discussion of his lec-
ture will be conducted by Mr. Unter-
meyer at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Men's Lounge of the Rackham Build-
ing. The next lecture of the series,
to which all students are invited,
will be given next Thursday.
In addition to the series, Mr. Un-
ermeyer will give a University lec-
ture on "Poets of the Machine Age,"
at 8:15 p.m. today in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Louisiana Tornado
Kills 10, Injures 24
SHREVEPORT, La., March 12-
()-Ten persons were killed, 24 in-
jured and' hundreds left homeless
here tonight in the wake of tornadic
winds which cut a path of destruc-
tion across the city shortly after
4:30 p.m. today.
Damage to the Libby-Owens-Ford
plant was estimated by company of-
ficials at $200,000; at the state fair
grounds at $100,000 and elsewhere
in the city at hundreds of thou-
sands more.

House Votes
To Increase
Naval Budget
Bill Gives Navy Authority
To Build 43 Vessels,
1,011 NewAirplanes
Funds For Work
To Be Voted Later
WASHINGTON, March 12.-()-
A $655,000,000 expansion of the
United States Navy won House ap-
proval today in record-breaking time
and by the overwhelming vote of 303
to 37.
The bill, which was sent to the Sen-
ate after about four hours debate,
authorizes the Navy to build 21 new
combat ships, 22 auxiliary vessels and
1,011 airplanes in the next two years.
Funds for the work, however, would
have to be voted later.
Final passage came after the House
had shouted down an amendment by
Representative Schafer (Rep.-Wis.)
to halt the sale of naval planes or
plane secrets to all foreign govern-
ments and another by Representative
Fish (Rep.-N.Y.) which would have
eliminated three proposed aircraft
carriers from the bill.
In addition to the carriers, which
Fish contended were unnecessary, the
measure would authorize construction
of an unspecified number of cruisers
and submarines. The exact number
of each category to be built was with-
held in an effort to keep the ships'
size a secret.
Informed members conceded, how-
ever, that the cruisers would be sub-
stantially larger than the 10,000-ton
"treaty cruisers," now the Navy's
Urging approval of the program,
which he said was all the Navy could
handle with existing construction
facilities in the next two years, Chair-
man Vinson (Dem.-Ga.) of the hIouse
Naval Committee declared the in-
crease was necessary because the im-
minence of a general European war,
coupled with conditions in the Far
East, "presents a therat of world con-
'Thomas Tals
On Socialism
Here Thursday
'Does Democracy Need
Socialism' To Be Topic
Of Political ; Leader
Norman Thomas, national chair-
man of the Socialist party, will speak
on the topic, "Does Democracy Need
Socialism?" at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
the Natural Science Auditorium. Mr.
Thomas' lecture is sponsored by
the League for Liberal Action.
The national socialist leader,
prominent in politics for more than
a decade, has run twice for mayor
of New York City, once for governor
of the State of New York and three
times for president of the United
States in 1928, 1932 and 1936.
As co-editor of numerous publica-
tions for the League for Industrial
Democracy, Mr. Thomas has written
many articles n social and economic
conditions in the United States. Mr.
Thomas' lecture is the fourth in a
series of six sponsored by the Club.



Fi hting Is Stopped At 4 A.M.;
Moscow Announces Terms
MOSCOW, March 13-(AI)--Soviet Russia early today announced offi-
cially the signing of a peace treaty with Finland which wrests as the spoils
of three and a half months of invasion Finland's defense bastions on Baltic
and Arctic seas and makes part of the vast territory of the U.S.S.R. the
whole fortified Karelian Isthmus, where uncounted Russian and Finnish
dead lie beneath the trampled snows.
The treaty must be ratified within three days, but hositilties will cease,
under its terms, at noon today-4 a.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Finland Gets Peace
Finland gets peace; a yearly rental of 8,000,000 Finnish marks (about
$120,000) in return for a lease on her Hanko "Gibraltar" at the mouth of
the Gulf of Finland; and evacuation of the Petsamo Arctic district by
Soviet troops.
1. The entire Karelian Isthmus and its Soviet-penetrated Manner-
heim Line.
2. The shell-wrecked city of Viipuri, once Finland's third metropo-
lis, and the islands in its bay.
3. All the shores of Lake Ladoga, largest in Europe, and three towns.
Both on-the lake's western isthmus shore and on its northern coasts
thousands of Russian troops have been slain.
4. Hanko, naval base on the southwest, and the surrounding penin-
sula, on a 30-year lease. This area will form Soviet naval-military bases.
5. Part (correct) of the Sredni and Rybachi Peninsulas in the far
north, on the Arctic Ocean.
7. Certain islands in the Gulf of Finland.
8. A great slice of northeastern Finland, including Kuolajarvi.
9. A railroad, to be built during 1940, which will link the White Sea
within northern Russia to the Gulf of Bothnia, west of Finland, the
railway bisecting Finland above her narrow waistline.
10. Free transit for Russian goods across the Ptsamo Arctic area
from Russia to Norway, duty free.
11. The right to maintain any Finnish warships, submarines or war-
planes in its Arctic waters, with the exception of small coast guard
Exchange of papers of ratification of the treaty is scheduled to take
place in Moscow.
In Helsinki tonight, shocked Finns said the fate of the war still was
up to the Finnish diet-there was no indication it had ratified the treaty.
However, under the pact, at 10 a.m. on March 15 (2 a.m. E. S. T.)
Finnish and Soviet troops are to begin to withdraw to their new frontiers
a man of which was appended to the treaty.
The treaty was described in the official Moscow communique as one
which will "create mutually stable and mutually peaceful relations," based
'n nrerise conditions of "enduring mutual security"-especially for the
Soviet cities of Leningrad, at one end of the Karelian Isthmus; Murmansk,
in the Arctic, and the railroad which connects them.
(Actually, its terms gave Russia an uncontested clutch on the northern
Baltic. Before she invaded Finland on Nov. 30, Russia had peaceably got
strategic concessions from Esthonia, Latvia and Lithuania, but these are
nothing as compared to the conditions for Finnish peace. The terms, like-
wise, are far harsher than the ones which Russia laid down before the
Finnish invasion.
(Germany profits by the treaty because she can now hope for real
economic help from a Russia no longer engaged in war, and can, perhaps,
extend her own influence in Scandinavia. Russia also is militarily free to
'ook to her fences on her Balkan border.
(The Western Allies knew all this-and made urgent, last-minute offers
of an expeditionary force of 50,000 men to defent Finland.)
* * * *
Interpretative: .. .
Peace Terms May Also Benefit
Germany's War Against Allies
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
The Russo-Finnish peace terms, as announced from Moscow, represent
important gains for the Soviets, but they could conceivably prove of
immediate benefit to Hitler as well.
Unquestionably, the Nazis had been hoping for an end to the war in
the Baltic area. They wanted to remove any danger of. developments in
Finland or Scandinavia that might open the Reich's Baltic flank to Allied
That tends to support the growing belief that the actual inspiration
" for the Russo-Finnish peace negotia-
tions came from Berlin.
Foreign PohzeyThat interpretation prompted curt
rejection in London of Russian peace
Is Debate Topic feelers which proposed originally to
cast Britain in the role of inter-
mediary between Moscow and Hel-
Michigan Team To Meet sinki. It tends to explain, too, the
Rutgers Here Tonight undercurrent of resentment in Allied
Rutgers_ capitals at Swedish intervention to
United States foreign policy will promote the peace maneuvering.
be the topic of debate when Michigan Measured by such a yardstick, the
varitydebter opnTte.hme"anc.-.T.fl . pr. oCtier 01 directLnei

varsity debaters open the home season FrnoBiihpofro iethl
with a non-decision contest against to Finland on request takes on a new
a team from Rutgers University at meaning. It is virtual Allied notice
8 p.m. today in the North Lounge to Berlin that even surrender of Fin-
8 the Union. land under German, Scandinavian
of te MUion '4 dE and perhaps Italian peace pressure
William Muehl, '41, and Edigar would not end all possibility of ulti-
IC'linlton.1'4. will ftake the ?.ffihicyan _-_._ _ .--_-- - - -- --- -

Soviet Is Given

Senior women will be the first to
see "Hi-Falutin'," the 1940 Junior
Girls' Play, which will open at 8:30
p.m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater in the League, after Senior
The play, which was written and
directed by Richard McKelvey, is the
annual project of over 100 junior
women, and has been planned by
Jane Grove, general chairman, and
momf, horc o f n~f +1.,,,,4'.r1nl nnmn, **n

J. G. P. Begins Tonight

is in love with Ann, is played by
Mary Ellen Wheeler, and Dartmouth
Eddy, the pride and joy of all the
young ladies at Temple Grove Sem-
inary for Girls, is played by Beverly
Bracken. Jean McLaughlin will take
the part of Milly, the campus pol-
itician, and Elaine Alpert will take
the role of Pool-room Pete, the de-
graded character so disapproved of
by Mrs. Fidgett, the schoolteacher,
played by Doris Wechsler.
Osrood D firect smnces

town typical of a college town in
the 1900's, and one set includes a
pool-room, a hotel, an "emporium,"
and part of Temple Grove School.
Three More Performances
After the performance tonight, at
which senior women are the guests
of the juniors, "Hi-Falutin'" will be
given at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow, Pri-
day, and Saturday, to the general
public. Tickets are still on sale at
the box-office in the League for
some performances, and should be

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