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March 09, 1940 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-09

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~SIaity Party'
Tp Jecognize
Mortar Board To Sponsor
Luncheon For Students
Sophomore women with high scho-
lastic averages will be honored at
Mortar Board's annual "Smity
Party," which will be held at 12:30
p.m. Saturday, March 16, in the
Scholastic requisite for this honor
is a 3.5 average during the past se-
mester. In the layman's language,
they have attained 'a half "A and
ha . "W"averaged. Sphomores from
A&, schools Igthe University have]
been invited to attend.
This luncheon is the third annual
one that Mortar Board has given in
honor of sophomore women. Mortar
Board started the "Smarty Parties"
das form of recognition of scholar-
ship for the sophomore class. They
felt that every other class has some
sort of recognition for its brighter
menbers, and that the Sophomore
Class "Smarties" should be in some
'Way honored too.
Last year's "Smarty Party" was
given under the chairm.nship of
Marion Baxter, '39. Prof. John L.
Brumm of the School of Journalism
was the principal speaker at 'the
luncheon honoring 11 sophomore
Ash Appicants
for Tecfher'
Examinia ions
Applicationsf r admission to the
National ea h Examinations must
bE filed in the offices of the School
ofi Education by March 12, Dean
James B. Edmondson announced yes-
Comprising two six-our testing
periods March 29 and 30, the exami-
njations are arranged to cover gener-
al culture, optional sutjects of the
liberal arts curriculum, English com-
p6sition and comprehension, and pro-.
fessional education training. Both
secondary and elementary subject
matter will be treated.
The examinations are optional but
of value to the perspective or experi-
enced teacher who is required or de-
sires to present additional creden-
tials upon application for a position,
he said.
Invitation Given
To Odqiftq Bald1
Deans Open Closed Dance
To Pre-Dental Students
Pre-dental students have been In-
vited to attend Odonto Ball to be
held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday,
March 15, in the League Ballroom,
Dean R. W. Bunting, head of the
School of Dentistry announced yes-
Odonto Ball, sponsored by the jun-
ior class of the School of Dentistry, is
a closed dance with only dental alum-
ni, students, and hygienists invited.
The dance has been opened for those
students preparing to enter the school
in order to acquaint them with the
faculty- and students in Dentistry,
Bunting stated.
Ace Brigode and his Virginians,

"America's Most Danceable Dance
Band," will supply the music for the
ball. Besides Ruth Hunt, his "Queen
of Song," Brigode will feature William
Dingel in several novelty specialties.
Chapter lHouse
Elections of officers continue to
take place, and two houses have an-
nounced their recent returns.
Phi Epsilon Pi
Several recently elected officers
are announced by Phi Epsilon Pi.
They are Richard Lehman, '42, cor-
responding secretary; Joseph Kop-
man, 43, recording secretary, and
Richard Goldsmith, '43, steward.
Zeta Beta Tau
Zeta Beta Tau announces their next
year officers who have recently been
elected. They are Jerome B. Gross-
man, '41, president; Jack Kessel,
'42, vice-president; Robert N. Sam-
uels, '44 secretary; Robert A. Bar-
nard, '41, treasurer; Julian W. Har-
ris, '41, steward and James Wolf,
'43, historian.
Author Vera Brittain
b Honored At Dinner

Navy Is Favorite For Spring


Suits this spring are preferably dark with the choice of pin stripe.
Severe tailoring, short broad revers, and buttons down the hip length
jacket are featured. Shoulders are built up more than ever, and the
stern lines are softened by the soft swirl of the skirt. Accents in bright
reds, whites, and even yellows, are important. Many suits will have the
popular military touch of bright silver or gold buttons, rows and rows-
of them, on a double-breasted effect. Gay, off-the-face hats are fea-
tures with these suits.
Landscape Architecture Field
Lad pAh t

Continue Sale
Of Slide Rule
Dance Tickets
Engineering Identification
Cards Will Be Required;
Woody Herman To Play
A limited number of tickets for
the Slide Rule Ball will be on sale
from 8 a.m. to noon today on the
second floor of the West Engineer-
ing Building above the Arch, J.
Anderson Ashburn, '40E, general
chairman, announced yesterday.
The tickets which survived the
onslaught of the opening day sales
will be sold today only to holders of
engineering identification cards.
Slide Rule Ball, the social high-
light on the engineer's calendar, will
introduce Woody Herman and his
orchestra to the Michigan campus
on Friday, March 29, in the Union
Ballroom. Styled as "the band that
plays the blues," Woody Herman's
organization will bring Carol Kay
and Steady Nelson as featured vo-
Herman's band will come to Ann
Arbor after a month's engagement
at the Panther Room of the College
Inn in Chicago, following previous
stands at the Famous Door on 52nd
Street, New York, Frank Daily's
Meadowbrook Country Club, Cedar
Grove, N. J., and the Glen Island
In addition, Woody Herman's or-
chestra has been broadcasting night-
ly over stations of the National
Broadcasting Company, and has in-
cluded theatre and night club .n-
gagements in cities t'roughout the
East and Middle West.
Tickets will be printed in a two-
tone green motif, in keeping with
the colors of the engineering college,
and will be fitted with detachable
stubs similar to the J-Hop tickets.
In accordance with the traditional
feud between the barristers and the
men beneath the Arch, the dance will
be held on the same day as Crease
Ball, the annual Spring ballroom
fiesta sponsored by the boys in the
Law Quadrangle.
Graduates To Attend
Radio Dance Tonight
Graduate students and members of
the faculty will hold'the fifth Gradu-
ate Dance from 9 p.m. to midnight
today in Assembly Hall of the Rack-
ham Building.
Abraham L. Rosenzweig, chairman
of the series of radio dances, stressed
that the committee would like Ato
have people come unescorted, and
that it would like to have as many
women students come as possible.
Besides the dancing, there will be
games in one of the lounges and re-
freshments during the evening. Tick-
ets are 25 cents a person.

You, Too, May Be Serenaded-S
Mosher-Jordan Next Time It B
By ESTHER OSSER men should stay in their rooms and that had transpired. T
"The light that failed" assumed a prepare to leave quickly in case of uance of electric powe
new significance for residents of any 'emergency, however, fur coats to be a sharp spur to
Mosher-Jordan Halls late Thursday were flung over pajamas and a few Radios, electric clocks a
night when a fire, which started in "dead" The huge e
the cable of the dormitory and spread went so far as to pack suitcases. And, "dad," Thhe d
of curs, te "teaies wet aoun. gwashing moachiecul
to the fuse box -resulted in the loss of course, the "steadies" went around1 and the service staff of
of electric power for the dormitory. gazing intently at dimly discernible had to do dishes for al
Complications appeared almost in- pictures. All this in a darkness lighted sons by hand.
stantly when women who were cram- only by the fitful flickering of The occasion supplie
ming at the last minute for that in- candles saved from birthday cakes tion for at least one
evitable blue book suddenly fo~nd or rescued from the holders in the however. Although n
themselves completely in the dark. It dining rooms. residence floors of the c
wouldn't have been so bad, they com- Smoke Lingers damaged, a consideral
plained, if we could get up early in Although the blaze itself proved cided to lock the barn be
the morning and study, but we won't to be inconsequential, the smell of was stolen, with .the c
even be able to do that. "Candles smoke still remained yesterday morn- plication for a numbe
may be romantic," one disgruntled ing to remind the women of the events insurance policies.
coed explained, "but they certainly
don't throw any light on the sub-
Women Remain Calm
Although smoke filling the upper iIDN't If4S SKIRT DYE
corridors of the building lent the sug- BEAUTIFULLY? I THOUGHT *
gestion of danger to the scene, most I'D DO Vt \VSELF, RI6HT IERE
of the women declared themselves AT HOME, BECAUSE 1 NEED
perfectly calm. Four tables of bridge IT ,OMoflRoW. I'S REALLY
were being played by flash and candle EASYO HER OW S A OW
light, and the excitement of the occa- EA SY WHEtN YOU KNOW iiW!
sion also proved to be the inspiration
of many "spreads." Jordan women
lent a further air of festivity by
serenading the firemen and police-
men who were on guard.
Prepare To Leave
Upon hearing rumors that all wo-
Tod ay's Dance
List Is Headed
By Baby aty
Saturday evening and it's date and
dance night again. Here are the AND l-tS EASY WHEN
plans for today
Infants and children will make Y fAE T-AT HANDY
their appearances at the baby festi- ELFC'TIC E
val to be given by Sigma Alpha Mu 'O FU RN 1 S HOT WATER
today. Taking care of the youngsters 1N A "4URRY4 1 DON'T
will be Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gold- KNO wAT WE DO
man, and Mr. and Mrs. Max 'Gold-_
man. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dodge and
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stocking will
chaperon the radio dance which Tau ;' ,, ,.i. ='.
Kappa Epsilon is holding.
Mr. and Mrs. William Canton and EMU --"--
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Siwinski will f: YOUR HE48OR
act as chaperons for the dancing at NOW USE E 1iC
the Phi Beta Pi house. The merry-
making to be sponsored by Phi Epsi-
Ion Pi at their dance will have Dr. A AS EtQ1TE
and Mrs. Henry Juro, and Dr. andt:- CE.( fE"iERKEC
Mrs. David Melnick as the chaperons. IS Ot S.E L O E DErRC
Alpho Rho Chi is also on list, with x. * 5
a radio dance to be chaperoned by
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bailey and Mr.
and Mrs. Sydney Wake. The third
floor of Chicago House follows suit
with a dance to be held in the recre-
ation room of the dormitory. Mrs.
Dane H. Poppleton will chaperon.
/ acchino jvrir at Ov dr

Offers Womi
"Spunk and gumption," asserts
Prof. H. O. Whittemore, head of thej
Landscape Department, "are -two1
qualities which every landscape archi-
tect, and especially women, must
have, if they are to be a success."
According to Professor Whitte-
more, work in this field is a "he-
man's" job often involving very large
and difficult problenms. The woman
in landscape architecture is required
to work on an equal footing with the
man, and when dealing with contrac-
tors must fight for her own points
and ideas in addition to exercising the
"artist" in her.
No one can be a member of the
National Professional Society of
Landscape Architects until they have
shown their excellence and have suc-
ceeded in passing a series of rigid
tests, Professor Whittemore states.
That 32 out of a total membership of
330 are women, shows that women
have established a good, solid foot-
ing for themselves in this Nvork.
These figures do not include the vast
number of assistants and the numbers
who have not made the effort to get

en Opportunities l
into this society. Statistics show that
two of these 32 are graduates of
Michigan's department. Both of these,
Miss Hanna Champlin and Miss Eth-
elwyn Harrison are now working in
Compassing a great deal more than
just trees and shrubs, landscape arch-
itecture includes the actual construc-
tion besides the planning of an area.
Our landscape department requires
students to take 15 hours of archi-
tecture and an ordinary surveying
Of all the branches in this broad
field, women are most apt to en-
gage in home grounds and gardens.
They enjoy their greatest success in
this, not because the work in this is
any easier, Professor Whittemore
claims, but because they are more
willing to pay attention to the enor-
mous amount of detail involved. Im-
patience makes men less suited, he
pointed out, and this fact is probably
the main reason why women are very
successful in this branch.
One must be willing to work under
rough conditions-and must not mind
dirt (from ink to garden dirt to mud).

Spring and Easter - the two
most important dates in the
fashion world - make their
appearance on almost identi-
cal days this year - Spring on
the 21st and Easter on the
24th of March! We've been
planning for this double event
for weeks - with results we
know you are anxious to see.
Our windows are bright with
the sparkling new merchan-
dise. Our stocks are crammed
with suits that hug your hips
-- dresses that were never
more flattering -- coats that
swing straight and full or but-
ton tightly in smart 1940 ver-
sions of the fitted reefer -
and oodles and oodles of fem-


/ .
u "


1. ii .: ..n Shoes that echo the "pretty,
please," note of fashion! Gleam-
ing like black jewels at your feet.
Ankle-accenting straps! "Vests"
Stitching! Genuine frogskin
trimming... This pump also in
S -BLUE or BROWN! Just a few of
<. CONNIE'S newest!


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