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March 07, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-07

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VOL. L. No. 112






Herb Brogan Is Elected
New Basketball Capta in

Repulsed By Finns


Viipuri Attack

Helsinki Declares 'Heaps' Of Russians
Dead, 'Dozens' Of Tanks Destroyed
HELSINKI, March 6.--(P)-The Red Army hurled hundreds of tanks and
planes into a series of fierce attacks against Viipuri but Finnish defense
lines held firm, the high command declared today, reporting "heaps" of
Russian dead were piled before the Finnish lines.
The battle, which appeared to be increasing in intensity, was strung along
a front from ice-covered Viipuri Bay to the Vuoksi River near the center of
the Karelian Isthmus.
Some of the bloodiest fighting was reported on the icy bay where the
.Russians have made repeated attacks in the last four days attempting to

seize coastal positions for an attack
on ruined Viipuri from the rear.
For three successive days Finnish
communiques have mentioned this
fighting in their opening sentences,
this time saying the Russians "sup-
ported by aircraft, tanks dnd artil-
lery" had been repulsed.
Heavy Russian losses were des-
cribed on the Pollakkala sector near
the Isthmus center. The village of
Pollakkala, famous as an athletic
center in peaceful times, is on a
narrow stretch of the Vuoksi River
which parallels the Finnish defense
Tanks Are Destroyed
"Dozens" of enemy tanks were de-
stroyed, the Finns said.
Military observers expressed belief
the Russians were concentrating on
the Pollakkala region because of
enormous losses suffered in trying
to cross open stretches of ice farther
east where the Vuoksi broadens into
a series of lakes.
Arbss Lake Ladoga from the Isth-
mus front there was artillery activity
and Russian thrusts toward Uomaa
and Kollarnioki were repulsed.
The Finns described similar suc-
cepss on the Kuhmosector, midway
along the Russian-Finnish frontier.
Forty persons were reported killed
in Soviet air raids yesterday on the
towns of Mikkeli, Lahtis and Kuopio
behind -the battlelines. Many others
were wounded.
Ten Planes Shot Down
Ten Soviet planes were shot down,
the Finns said.
Finnish air forces "undertook nu-
merous patrols and bombing flights"
to support land operations.
Still in possession of Viipuri, the
Finnish defenders gave no sign of
when the city might be given up al-
though some military observers ex-
pressed the opinion the Finns should
have retired to new defense lines
before now.
Finnish sources acknowledge loss
of the empty city is inevitable, but
say their resistence will go on even
though Viipuri falls.
Poll To Bring
End To Reign
Of. Goon Gals
Political tension ran high last night
in sororities, dormitories, League
Houses and women's cooperatives fol-
lowing announcement of an all-cam-
pus election Tuesday to select a -fem-
inine "popular front" government to
reign over local pulchritude and to
end the anarchy of beauty that has
gripped the campus since the gradu-
ation of Marcia Connell.
Ademocratic, proportional repre-
sentation election, sponsored by Gar-
goyle and supervised by Norman A.
Schorr, co-director. of Student Sen-
ate elections and local expert on P.R.,
will select a queen and cabinet of
nine women to form the local "pop-
ular front." The victorious candi-
dates will appear in the March "pop-
ular front" number of Gargoyle.
The basis for election in this cam-
pus-wide tilt, Ellis A. Wunsch, Gar-
goyle editor, declared in a prepared
statement last night will be "beauty,
with or without brains."
Rumor was rife last night in the
League that an attempt will be made
to restore Eli, Beta Theta Pi bulldog,
or write in Hedy La Tour, Union
Opera heroine, but was promptly
squelched by Schor.
"Any ballots upon which the gen-
der of the candidate is established
to be'non-feminine will be invalidat-
ed," he said.
Ballots will be printed in Tues-
day's Daily and will be distributed on
campus. Every student is eligible to

Mozart Opera,
71 Seraglio',
The Mozart comic opera, "Il Serag-
lio" or "Abduction from the Harem"
opens a three-day run today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The
curtain will rise at 8:30 p.m.
Play Production and the School
of Musics have, combined to present
this difficult opera, which never has
been produced in entirety in the
United States.
Usually played on a revolving
stage, "Abduction from the Harem"
will be presented here with "moving
scenery," scenery literally "|set on
wagons," and changing before the
eyes of the audience.
Accompanying the opera will be
25 musicians from the University
Symphony Orchestra, under the di-
rection of Thor M. Johnson of the
School of Music. Ruth H. Bloomer
of the physical education department
is directing the ballet of 12, which
performs two dances during the play.
Evelyn Cohen, New York costum-
iere, has designed the costumes, and
Robert Mellencamp is art director.
Prof. Valentine B. Windt has super-
vised direction of the opera.
The opera committee comprises
President 'Charles A. Sink of the
School of Music; Profs. David Mat-
tern, Joseph Brinkman and Arthur
Hackett, all of the School of Music;
besides Professors Windt and John-
son, and Miss Bloomer.
Nowak To Tafl
On Tuition Raise
State Senator To Speak
To ASU Tomorrow
State Senator Stanley J. Nowak,
(Dem.) will speak on, "The Tuition
Raise," at a student conference 4
p.m. tomorrow at the Union, Howard
Moss, '43, chairman of the publicity
committee of the American Student
Union, announced yesterday.
Student and faculty representatives
from the literary college, the College
of Architecture, the Medical School,
School of Music, School of Business
Administration, forestry school and
education school, will speak at the
parley. Both out-of-state and Mich-
igan students will take part in the

Jim Rae's Successor Wins
Oosterbaan's Kudos
Just a soft-spoken, retiring, and
likeable fellow to talk to, but a
smooth-working wildcat Irishman on
the basketball floor is Herb Brogan,
who was elected by his teammates
yesterday afternoon to captain the
Wolverine cage squad next season.
The new captain, who succeeds Jim
Rae, not only received the highest
tribute that a player can get from
his teammates, but he also learned
the praise from Coach Bennie Ooster-
baan who said, "A guard with his
size and physique is rare on a basket-
ball squad, especially in a tough
league like the Big Ten, and Herb
did a splendid job on the back line
this year."
Commenting on Brogan's playing
ability Oosterbaan stated, "Herb is
one of the quickest starting men that
I have ever seen when he has the ball
in his possession. Added to this he
has great deceptive ability which he
uses in faking his man out of posi-
tion in order to get around him."
Despite his height handicap, being
only 5 ft. 10 in., Brogan proved to
be one of the better guards in the
Conference as he collected 65 points,
and displayed fine defensive ability
as he proved himself to be an alert
ball-hawk who never lets his man get
the jump on him.
Although Oosterbaan believes that
Herb would be a greater scoring
threat and more of a stand-out at a
forward post, Brogan will do his pilot-
ing from the back line. This because
Herb will be of greater value to the
team at a guard post where his cool
but aggressive style of play will en-
able him to keep the squad going a
steady pace.
Coaches and observers believe that1
Herb will blossom out next year and
Wise TO Speak
Here In SRA
Religion Series
Noted Rabbi Will Discuss
Jewish View; Founded
American Zionist Group
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, noted Zion-
ist, educator and civic worker, will
bring to a close the Student Religious
Association's lecture series on "The
Existence and Nature of Religion"
at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Rackham
Lecture Hall where he will give the
Jewish viewpoint.
Rabbi of New York's Free Syna-
gogue, Dr. Wise is president of the
Jewish Institute of Religion and of
the American Jewish Congress. He
was one of the founders of the world
Zionist movement and, himself,
founded the Zionist Organization of
America, of which he has been presi-
dent. He is a Chevalier of the Legion
of Honor of France.
Dr. Wise, who will also be guest at
a Hillel Dinner at 1 p.m. Sunday in.
the Union, was one of the leaders
of New York City Affairs Committee
in 1932. He is editor of Opinion, a
monthly journal of Jewish life and
letters, and is author of several books,
including "The Importance of Moral
Qualities," "How to Face Life," and
"Child Versus Parent."

hit the same peak that made him the
most talked of player in Michigan
(Continued on Page 3)
Eliot To Speak
On .Problems
Of War Time
Military Expert Will Give
Oratorical Series Talk
On 'The War And Us'
Europe's ticking time-bomb is ex-
pected by foreign observers to blast
through its paper coverings within a
week or two and the war which all
men fear may then begin in earnest.
And to the people of the United
States, striving to keep their country
at peace in a world at war, the Ides of
March may bring new problems to be
surmounted if we are to remain neu-
These problems and the methods by
which they may be peaceably solved
will be discussed by Major George
Fielding Eliot, America's foremost in-
terpreter of the military scene, in an
Oratorical Association lecture at 8:15
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
As the expert in a one-sided "In-
Iormation Please" program on war,
Major Eliot is considered extremely
capable. He is the author of the
popular study of U.S. national de-
fense, "The Ramparts We Watch,"
which is now being filmed as the first
full-length feature of the March of
Time. He wrote the recent Foreign
Policy Association report on "The
Military Consequences of Munich."
Single admissions to Major Eliot's
lecture will be sold from 10 a.m. to
8:15 p.m. today in the Hill Auditor-
ium box office. Regular patrons will
be admitted on tickets printed for the
cancelled Masaryk lecture.
New Society
Pre-Medical Student Group
Sets Plans For Future
Plans for a pre-medical student
society were put into action yester-
day, when the organization group
met for the first time to establish
their principles and to appoint tem-
porary officers. The meeting fol-
lowed the approval of the project by
Dean Albert Furstenberg of the med-
ical school.
At the first meeting, Vahan A.
Kalajan, '41, originator'of the so-
ciety, was chosen as acting chairman,
and Jerry Fink, '41, as acting secre-
tary. The group will elect officers
at their next meeting Wednesday.
A steering committee, representing
the four undergraduate classes was
also appointed. The members of this
are: Bob Hoffman, '43, Anthony In-
triere, '42, Clayton Manry, '41, and
Les McCoy, '40.
Price War Investigation
Is Conducted By Senate
A preliminary report of a Student
Senate committee investigating the
current price war in the cleaning
a iaonnrirv hninP.S _ ane mwih

Senate Votes
Against Hatch
Law Change
Amendment To Strip Act
Of Politics Ban Defeated
By Three Vote Margin
Author Condemns
WASHINGTON, March 6.-(A)-By
a dramatic three-vote margin, the
Senate refused today to strip the
Hatch Act of its vital section forbid-
ding government employes to en-
gage in political activities.
Twenty-two Democrats, including
Senator Brown of Michigan, joined
with an all but solid alignment of
Republicans to retain the full vigor
of the law, and the vote was 44 to
41. Most of the southern Democrats,
it was noted, joined in the losing
effort to alter the law.
The action came upon an amend-
ment by Senator Miller (Dem.-Ark.)
which he said would leave federal em-
ployes free to undertake political
work on a purely voluntary basis. He
argued that the law as it stands in-
fringes their constitutional rights.
Senator Hatch (Dem.-N.M.) author
of the act, usually the soul of un-
ruffled calmness in debate, heatedly
retorted that the amendment would
cause a return to the "spoils system"
of handing out political offices.
"The issue," he shoutedl, "is be-
between the spoils system-patron-
age of job system-and the one that
lies on the other side-the efficiency
Just before the vote, Senator Bark-
ley (Dem.-Ky.) pounded his desk and
warned the Democrats that adoption
of the amendment would imperil
Democratic chances in the presiden-
tial election.
M. S. Dimand
TO Speak Here
On Nishapur
Curator To Give Illustrated
Talk On East Persian
Archeological Findings
Dr. M. S. Dimand, Curator of Near
Eastern Art at New York's Metro-
politan Muesum, will discuss "Exca-
vations at Nishapur in East Persia"
at 4:15 p.m. today in the amphithe-
atre of the Rackham Building.
The talk, to be illustrated, is a
University lecture sponsored by the
Institute of Fine Arts.
Dr. Dimand has led four excavat-
ing campaigns to Nishapur in an
intense effort to reveal the culture
and civilization of the medieval Is-
lamic world. The results of those
campaigns are considered by archae-
ologists to be essential to an under-
standing of Persia during the ninth
and tenth centuries.
Prof. Richard Ettinghausen of the
Islamic Arts department, comment-
ing recently on Dr. Diman's excava-
tions, indicated: "After the first
campaigns the material and artistic
culture of a Persian metropolis i!
the Middle Ages was most surprising-
ly revealed." He also said, "The
ceramic decorations from Nishapur
represent one of the high points of
ceramic art in "all countries through-
out the centuries."

World's Largest Ocean Liner Nears End
Of Secret Voyage To New York
NEW YORK, March 6-(R')-The $28,750,000 British liner Queen
Elizabeth, the biggest ship afloat, neared the neutral sanctuary of New
York harbor tonight after a secret and audaciously successful run from
England across the perilous North Atlantic.
The 85,000-ton vessel, still not wholly completed, was expected to dock
early tomorrow and berth alongside the next-best in the British merchant
fleet, the 81,000-ton Queen Mary, and the mightiest of French liners, the

British Ship Eludes
Capture In Furtive

Private Office
Is Study Room
Of Board Tyro
He's blond and handsome.
He maintains a private office in a
State St. building so he can study in
peace, far from the hurly-burly of
fraternity life.
And yesterday, despite his 22 years,
he became a full-fledged member of
the Chicago Board of Trade after
paying nearly $2,000 in fees for the
/'What's more, Walter, A. Scoville,
jr., University senior, will enter his
father's firm of McCarthy, and Sco-
ville next fall. First he'll trade in
grains, then, later, engage in broker-
age activities.
The acceptance of Scoville's peti-
tion for membership In the Chicago
°Board of Trade, one of the nation's
top-flight exchange organizations,
focused the flood-light pf publicity
upon him last night. Reporters
couldn't find him at Sigma Chi fra-
ternity where he lives. And they
couldn't find him at the library. Then
one of the Sig brothers announced
that Scoville was probably studying
in an office he had rented for that
purpose in the Nickels Arcade.
And there he was. Dressed in an
open-lumber jack shirt and drawing
on one of the 30 pipes he has collect-
ed since he started smoking last year,
he told his story.
Believed to be the youngest person
belonging to the Board of Trade, Sco-
(Continued on Page 6)
Focillin To Lecture
On 'Manet And Life'
Visiting professor at Yale Univer-
sity and a member of the faculty
of the History of Art department
at the College of France, Prof. Henry
Focillin will speak on "Manet et la
Vie Moderne" at 4:15 pm. Monday
in Room 102 Hof the Architecture
The talk, to be presented in French
is a University lecture sponsored by
the romance languages department.
Professor Focillon, a member of
the permanent committee of letters
and art of the. League of Nations,
and an authprity on Occidental Art,
is famed for his writing of: "Pira-
nesi;" "History of Painting in the
19th and 20th Centuries;", "The Art
of the Romanesque Sculptors" and
"Occidental Art."

the 83,000-ton Normandie.
Both have lain here in idleness
and gathering rust since the out-
break of the war.
The Elizabeth began her run for
it under conditions of the utmost
secrecy-and all but ended it the
same way. It was not until late this
afternoon that word seeped out here
that she was on the way, and an
hour or solater this was author-
itatively confirmed, in Condon.
Liner In Safe Area
This confirmation came only after
the liner was judged to be safe be-
yond question and seemed imnnedi-
ately to point to one of these con-
That the submarine menace in the
Atlantic was not as great as- had
appeared earlier in the war; that the
Elizabeth's great speed had been a
vital factor-her top is assumed to
be about 30 knots-or that her con-
voy was so powerful as to be Im-
Nowhere in the war's 6-month
history thus far had there been such
a feat by a merchant ship, save the
long, furtive and half-incredible
chase led the British Navy by the
German liner Bremen before she ar-
rived last Dec. 12 safe in a German
Bremen Trip Noted
The Bremen, carrying no passen-
gers and riding low in the water un-
der a tremendous load of food and
fuel, raced out of New York harbor
36 "hours before the German legions
march on Poland, put on a hurried
disguise at sea, slipped past the
British to reach Murmansk, Russia,
by a lonely northern route and made
her way triumphantly home from
there. It was altogether a 31/-month
game of perilous hide-and-seek for
The Elizabeth-which had been
reported in maritime circles here to
have been the repeated target of
German bombers in her fitting-out
basin on Clydebank-likewise left
without passengers and seemingly
British Officials old 14
Italian Coal Ships
LONDON, March 7-(Thursday)
fare command detained 100,000 tons,
of German coal abroad fourteen Ital-
ian ships in the' tightly guarded
reaches of the English Channel
Downsearly today-prize of a war
blockade girding two hemispheres,
The cargoes of eight 'ships had,
been formally ordered confiscated
and Italy was kept waiting for an
answer to her protest against their
Sinultaneously British official
statements disclosed the extent to
which the shipping of the United
States, too, has become enmeshed'
in the blockade of Germany.
German coal from eight of the 14
Italian colliers rolling in the swells
of the Downs-intercepted in their
voyages from Rotterdam-was or-
dered unloaded by contraband 'con-
trol authorities. The ships were the;
Liana, Rapido, Orata, Felce, Cater-
ina, Absertia, Ernesto and Numidia,
One ship, the Loasso, was released
by the Enemy Exports Committee af-
ter it was established she had sailed
from Holland on March 1, prior to
the order blockading German coal
shipments to Italy.
During the evening six more Ital-
ian colliers were escorted into the
Downs. They were the Puzuoli, the
Ischia, the Integritas, the Pamia, the
Semien and the San Luigi.
French Determination
For Victory Reasserted
PARIS, March 6.--(A)-The French
Government's determination to fight

Germany to a finish was reaffirmed
tonight on the eve of Undersecretary
of State Sumner Welles' arrival for




Untermeyer Will Give Return
Series Of Lectures And Panels

War Discussion Out As Phelps
Charms Audience With Poetry

A series of six lectures, one pop-
ular lecture and informal discussion
meetings will be presented here by
Louis Untermeyer, noted American
poet and anthologist, Prof. Carl E.
Burklund of the English department
of the engineering college announced
last night.
The popular lecture, entitled "Po-
ets of the Machine Age," will be
given at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Under the general topic "Frontiers
of American Culture," Mr. Unter-
meyer will discuss the relation and
evaluation of the various arts, such
as architecture, painting and music,
with special emphasis in the first
three lectures on American litera-

Lecture Hall of the, Rackham Build-,
The series of informal discussions
led by Mr. Untermeyer will follow
the lectures and will be on the gen-
eral topic of the, previous lecture.
The discussion meetings are schedul-
ed for each day following the lec-
tures and will be held at 4:15 p.m.
in the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. 4
Mr. Untermeyer is one of the few
literary figures who have made a
success in both the business and
artistic worlds. He started his ca-
reer as vicerpresident and factory
manager of a large manufacturing
jewelry business. Credited as one of
the first employers in the country to
reduce working hours voluntarily, he
soon tired of business and devoted
1im.l Pf xr,1i luo r +mtinr,_

Professor-Emeritus William Lyon
Phelps, the venerable "Billy" of Yale,
filled the Rackham Lecture Hall to
capacity yesterday and charmed his
audience as he spoke about that which
he loves most-poetry.
Speaking under the auspices of the
Ann Arbor Alumnae Club and the
Alumnae Council, Professor Phelps
described first the way in which poets
make use of transfiguration. He
pointed to examples of this type of
poetry by Wordsworth and others and
explained that it is produced when
common subjects are changed into
something interesting, beautiful and
exciting by the flame of the poet's
Professor Phelps first reassured his
listeners that he would not say any-
thing about war, politics and econom-
ics. holding that someone must talk

Slipped in among the remarks on
poetry of the noted scholar were his
ratings of the greatest poets of all
time. They are Homer, Dante, Shake-
speare and. Goethe. Of Homer's
"Iliad" and '"Oddyssey," Professor
Phelps opined that they were the
best literary results of any war of
history. The Trojan War, itself,
Professor Phelps said, was the only,
war of history in which the soldiers
fighting in it knew for what they
were dying. "That's never hap-
pened since," he said.
Professor Phelps put himself on
the record as saying that Helen of
Troy was the most beautiful woman
in the world. His proof lay in the
fact that one glimpse of beauteous
Helen caused one of the Trojan old-
sters to rescind his wish to stop fight-
ing for her sake. Said the professor,
"They'd have been fighting yet if it

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