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October 01, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-01

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Studentx Kiled
I. Auto Crash;
Girl Is Struck-
Charles Brandman, '4DM,
Killed Near Toledo, 0. ;
Car Hurled 15 Yards

5,000 Frenzied Students Stampe
Harass PoieIn Pre-Garne Riotii
Team Set To Br-eak Four Year Ji

Charles Brandman, '40M, 23 years
old, was killed early yesterday in an
automobile accident which occured
shortly before 8 a.m. yesterday at the
corner of Middlesex Drive and Dar-
lington Road, near Toledo.
Wade Stone, jr., a high school
freshman, driver of the other car,
was seriously injured.
Another student, Florence Schwab,
a sophomore in the University music
school, was seriously injured yester-
day afternoon when she stepped out
between two parked cars at E. Wil-
liam St. and Maynard St. into the
path of an automobile. Miss Jessie
E. Pickell, 1053 Olivia Ave., was the
driver of the car.
Miss Schwab was knocked uncon-
scious and suffered a fracture of the
left arm. Taken to St. Joseph's Mer-
cy Hospital, she was later transferred
to the University Hospital. From
Cincinnati, she lives at 236 S. Thayer
St. in. Ann Arbor.
Meeting Stone's car with a terrific
impact, Brandman's car was tossed
15 yards up onto a nearby lawn.
Residents attracted to the scene by
the noise had to roll the car over in
order to get to the driver.
The cause of the accident was un-
determined. Police plan to ques-
tion Stone as soon as his condition
According to Coroner William M.
Shapiro, Brandman died from a se-
vere fracture of the skull, although
an inquest will be held today. Stone
will be placed under bond as a ma-
terial witness when he is released
froim the hospital.
Brandman's home is at 2250 Secor
Road, Toledo. Stone lives at 3063
Kenwood in the same city.
Brandman entered the University
in September, 1933, on the combined
curriculum. He, received his fresh-
man numerals in football, but his
grid career was cut short by an ap-
pendectomy in his sophomore year.
He was active in Intramural athletics,
gaining his numerals in 1936. He
was initiated into Sigma Alpha Mu
fraternity in March '35. In Ann
Arbor he roomed at 1218 S. Univer-
Brandman is the son of Isadore
Brandman of Toledo. He is survived
by two brothers, Pete and John, the
latter a sophomore in the University
and a sister, Shirley. John left for
Toledo immediately on hearing of
his brother's death..

85,000 Expected To Fill.
Stadiumn To See Opener
With Determined 'State'
Kickoff At 2 P. M.;
Weighits About Even
Four years of football humiliation
go on the block today.
Before the excited eyes of more
than 85,000 football crazed fans,
Michigan and Michigan State tangle
in the 1938 inaugural at the Stadium.
Game time is 2 p.m.
Their eyes aglow and their spirits
high by the concerted cry of "it's
Michigan's year at last" and the im-
petus of a new coaching staff, it will
nevertheless be an underdog Wolver-
ine that hits the migkt of Michigan
State this afternoon.
Cocky and arrogant, State will seek
to attain the zenith of their football
domination. Never in its history has
Michigan been defeated five years
in a row by any rival. That is State's
aim today.
Can Michigan come back? Today
the cry resounds in every nook and
corner of the campus. Football fever
has hit this town and the ennui of
the routine campus existence has ut-
terly disappeared. For in the eyes of
the rabid Wolverine fan there is only
one thing at stake today-the success
or failure of the 1938 season.
Coaches Leaders
Gridiron chicanery today will be
directed by two of the leading coaches
of the country. Leading the army
of Sparta will be baldish, affable,
Charley Bachman, exponent of the
Notre Dame system and brains of
State's four victories.
Worrying for Michigan is Herbert
Orrin (Fritz) Crisler, quiet, intelli-
gent and eager to auspiciously open
his new regime at Michigan. Crisler
employs the single wing with an un-
balanced line to either side.
Yet when the preliminaries are over
and the field cleared of even the
strategy boards, it will be 22 keenly
trained and slightly awed athletes
who must decide the outcome. 22
men-nervous, tense, and probably
wondering why a mere game should
provoke such tremendous interest
and so many psychological crises.
Data Incomplete
Lineup data at writing is incom-
plete. Michigan State's roster is set
with Ed Abdo's replacement of Dar-
win Dudley the only change over
the 11 that faced hapless Wayne last
week-end. Michigan's starting ros-
ter has been the cause celebre ever
since practice began Sept. 10.
Statistically Michigan holds a
negligible weight advantage both in
line and in backfield. The Wolver-
ine line averages 193/ pounds from
end to end, one more than the State
contingent. However, should Dan
Smick supplant Vince Valek in the
Wolverine starting line, as is likely,
the local's average will be boosted to
The backfield presents a peculiar
situation in that two sets of backs
are at Crisler's disposal for starting
use. One set-Meyer, Harmon, Pu-
rucker, and Hook-average 186
pounds while the other-Evashevski,
Kromer, Trosko, and Phillips-av-
(Continued on Page 3)

Dr. Pieter K. Roest, international-
ly known lecturer and educator, will
give the first of two lectures here at
8 p.m. today in the Michigan League.
His subject wlil be "A Life View for
Born in Holland, Dr. Roest holds
a cum laude degree in sociology and
anthropology from the University of
Chicago and a medical degree from
the University of Leyden. He has
been on the faculty of the University
of Toledo as head of the social sci-
ence department, and on that of Reed
College, Portland, Ore., one of the
west coast.


Last Night's Fracas Had Sturdy Line
Of Forerunners In University's Past
When 5,000 Michigan students fell
back before the onslaught of police
tear gas last night, it was the finish
of the fourth major riot in" University
history and the third in which tear
gas was used.

It was almost exactly a year ago
today--Oct. 1-when the most serious
fracas in recent Ann Arbor history
took place. When the last results
had been tabulated, four University
students were under arrest, Patrol-
man Rolland Gainsley had suffered
an injury which necessitated an op-
eration and several students were
listed among those hurt.
Besides that students made short

U *

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