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January 25, 1939 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-25

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Gov. Fitzgerald
Finishes Draft
for tabor Bill
Measure To Be Presented
To Legislature Today;
Sets UpLabor Board
LANSING, Jan. 24-(P)-Governor
Fitzgerald completed the draft of a
labor relations bill today for intro-
duction in the Legislature, but de-
clined to disclose its contents until
he has presented it to the labor com-
mittees of the House and Senate to-
morrow morning.
He disclosed only that it had been
changed in some respects from the
original draft described in his mes-
sage to the Legislature, followlig
conferences with spokesmen for labor
unions and employers' groups. /
The measure would create a labor
relations board -to arbitrate labor
disputes, and attempt to avert strikes.
The board would function in such in-
stances as the threatened state-wide
strike of truck drivers, and internal
controversies such as that now cur-
rent in the United Automobile Work-
ers Union, in which a rival group has
clashed with the policies of Homer
Martin, President,.,
The bill was expected to carry pen-
alty provisions up to $500 fine and a
year's imprisonment for violations,
such as refusal by an employer to
bargain collectively or attempts by
an employer to break by force a strike
that had been called in a legal man-
ner. The measure would forbid sit-
down strikes and strikes not called
in a legal manner.
Republican members of the House
and Senate, who hold a clear voting
majority, promised the Governor at
a caucus today that they would speed
the measure to enactment.
Cramming Authority,
Admires Early Bird
Students who bemoan the prospect
of cramming mtost of their study for
final examinations into the wee hours
of the morning might do well to take
a hint given recently by Rev. D. Wil-
cock of Wellington, South Africa, who
has obtained his M.A. degree in phi-
losophy at -the. age of 77-.
Reverend Wilcock advises students
to cram "between 4 and 7 o'clock in
the morning, taking a cup of coffee
every three-quarters of an hour." He
also claims that a man is never too
old tostudy.
He began the study of philosophy
when he was 40 years old, and two
years later passed his B.A. examina-

Foreign Students
Will le' Afforded
Classes In peec'

!Road Experts
To Meet Here

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University..
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

in blood chemistry will be given in
the second semester on either Mon-
day, Tuesday or Wednesday morn-
ing. students who wish to tak'e this
course should obtain permission, be-
fore the end of this semester, from
either Dr. H. C. Eckstein, Room 320
West Medical Building or Dr. H. B.
Lewis, Room 317 West Medical Bldg.

To help foreign students acquire
the American -manner of expression,
classes in speech are being conducted,
each Tuesday and Thursday evenings
at the International Center by Miss
L. Adeline Pierce, Grad., and Mr.
Arthur Secord of the speech depart-
The exercises used for the develop-
ment of the processes characteristic
of American speech are based upon
the :theory that the fundamental
auditory differnees in the various
languages are the melody and rhythm
as expressed in the accent and in the
articulation of vowels and conson-
One -of the characteristics of
foreign speech noted by Miss Pierce
are that the Chinese students in their
own language actually change the
meaning of a word by change in pitch
rather than changing the emotional
content as in English.
Miss Pierce also noticed that the
Chinese do not have an "R" in their
speech structure, and substitute the
"L". The sound discrimination be-
tween the long "I" and short "I",
has not been made in their language,
Miss Pierce said. The Chinese would
use "deed" instead of "did." The lat-
ter change is also characteristic of
.Spanish and Italian students in the

Conference To Disc
Highway Finance


More than 600 state, county and city!
highway engineers and road commis-
sioners, representatives of contract-
ing and material suppl,; companies
will assemble for a throe-day meet-
ing beginning Feb. 15 at the Union
in the 25th annual State Highway
Conference, which is sponsored joint-'
ly by the College of Engineering, the
State Highway Department and The
Michigan Association of Road Com-
missioners and Engineers.
The problems of financing new'
highway construction will be stressed
throughout the meetings, with ad-
dresses by R. H. Harrison, Assistant
District Engineer of the U. S. Bureau
of Public Roads, Leon Belknap, Oak-
land County Engineer, and G. Donald,
Kennedy, Deputy Commissioner of
the State Highway Department, on
the subject.
Ernest L. Foss, Director of Previews
of Progress of General Motors, will
talk on "Modern Synthetics as Ap-
plied to the World of Tomorrow,"
at the dinner meeting Thursday
which will be led by Carl T. Bowen,
president of the State Association of
Road Commissioners and Engineers.

I --

I Forestry 194. This course "The
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25,1939 American Merchant Marine. Mini-!Conservation of National Resources
VOL. XLIX. No. 89, mum pay: $50 per month plus main- will be offered by the School of For-
Faculty, College of Engineering tenance. March 1. etry and Conservation during the
Faculty, College ofmEngiheerig F- Principal Informational Represen- second semester at 9 o'clock Monday,
There will be a meeting of the Fac-J tative. Wage and Hour Division, De- Wednesday, Friday, Room 2039 Na
y egeoy,Ja.partment of Labor. Salary: $5,600. ,Buil d o
30, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348 West Fturansci fromo hing,oanois aopeno
Engineering Building. Included in Fe20f Detroit Civil Service students from other schools and col-
the agenda will be: a report from the o o t Sr leges of the University, with the ap-
thaendgCmibe:aeortfrothen SeniorAccountant.Salary: $3,300. proval of the respective Deans. For-
Standing Committee on Freshman Feb. 9. estry 31 will not be offered during
Status; and a discussion of the Five- Principal Accountant. Salary: $4,-ethy 31cwdllemoteo
year Industrial Engineering Program. 020. Feb. 9.hd
A. H. Lovell, Secretary. Bricklayer (Tunnels). Prevailing Music Course B-124, Richard Wag-
rate. Feb. 7. ner and the Music Drama, will be
Notices Complete announcements are on given 3 instead of 2 hours credit. Ex-
file at the University Bureau of Ap- tra laboratory sections in addition to
Automobile Regulation: Permission pointments and Occupational Infor- those announced in the catalog may
to drive for social purposes during mation, 201 Mason Hall; Office Hours be arranged.
the week-end of the J-Hop from Fri- 9 12 and 2-4.
day noon, Feb. 10, until Monday University Bureau of Appointments Psychology 103: Students intending
morning, Feb. 13, at 8 a.m., may be and Occupational Information. to elect this course next semester
obtained at Room 2, University Hall, should make application for entrance
through the following procedure: All students having lockers in Rooms before the registration period in
1. Parent signature cards should be 323, 333. and 335 West Engineering Rooms 2134 or 2125 Natural Science
secured at this office and sent home I Bldg.
for the written approval of the par Building, please remove your locksi
ents. and equipment on or before Wednes- All students who have elected ap-
2. Upon preseitation cf the signed day, Feb. 8, 1939. If you are going plied music for credit must make ap-
card together with accurate informa- to enroll in any design course next pointments for individual examina-
tion with regard to the make, type semester your teacher in that course tions in appliedamusic before the
and license number of the car to be will assign you another locker the 28th sofi January at the office of the
used, a temporary permit will be first week of the second semester. All
granted. It is especially important locks will be cut off after the above Building.
to designate the year of the license date so that the lockers can be as- All Students: Registration for sec-
plates which will be on the car during signed for use the second semester. ±and semester. Each student should
the weekend of Feb. 10. plan to register for himself during
3. Out of tow carsusedfor the Choral Union Members. Members the appointed hours. Registrations
week-end must not be brought into of the Choral Union in good stand- by proxy will not be accepted.
Ann Arbor before 12 o'clock noon on ing may obtain their pass tickets, for Robert L. Williams,
Friday, Feb. 10, and must be talen the Bartlett and Robertson concert Assistant Registrar.
out before 8 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 13. Wednesday evening, Jan. 25, by call- I -
The foregoing will not apply to ing at the Recorder's office at the Registration Matrial,. Colleges of
those students who possess regular School of Music, Wednesday; between L.S.&.A., Education, Music. Stu-
driving permits. The above permis-I the hours of 10 and 12, and 1 and 4. dents should call for second semes-
sion will automatically be granted to Members are required to call in per- ter registration material at Room 4,
this group. son, and are reminded that no tickets University Hall as soon as possible.
Office of the Dean of Students. will be given out after 4 o'clock. Please see your adviser and secure all
necessary signatures.
Student Loans: All applications for a,.. Robert L. Williams,
loans for the second semester must Cdemic ivottces Assistant Registrar.
be filed in Room 2, University Hall Biological Chemistry 123: The course Registration Material, College of
not later than Friday, Jan. 27.
All Engineering'College students
classified by Professor Frank A.
Mickle in September, 1938, please
watch the bulletin board just outside
of Room 339 West Engineering Bldg.
for announcement about classifica-
tion numbers. r


ass. dents from China, India, Spain, Aus-
Represented in the class are stu- tria, and Italy.


Fluid' Drive On Automobiles


Brings Sm00t
A smoother ride and flexibility of
control are the advantages claimed
for a new "fluid drive" that is being
introduced to the American passen-
ger car on one high-priced'car this
The "fluid drive," Prof. Walter E.
Lay of the engineering department
explains, has had considerable suc-
cess in England. This new drive does
away with the conventional mechani-
cal connection between the motor and
the rear wheels. The power is, in-
stead, transmitted through the medi-
um of moving oil.
The essential, mechanism of the
drive is composed of two sets of radi-
al blades within a "doughnut-shaped"
tank or casing filled with low-vis-
cosity oil. One set of blades is at-
tached to the casing which is per-
manently connected to the motor
shaft and rotates with it. The other.
set is free to rotate within the tank
and is fastened to the transmission
drive shaft.

h Ride Lay Says
When the engine turns, the oil is
set . in rotation by the "driving"
blades. The moving oil then trans-
mits the torque to the "driven" set
of blades. This connection is some-
what analgous to a windmill being
driven by a fan..
The transmission of power through
a fluid medium provides a much
smoother ride, since the fluid equal-
izes vibrations from the engine and
any jolts produced when the clutch
is engaged too quickly.
The "fluid drive" also eliminates
the necessity for repeated shifting
when driving in city traffic. With
this arrangement the motor will not
stall if the car is stopped without dis-
engaging the clutch.
This great flexibility of operation
is made possible by slippage between
the "driving" and "driven" blades. At
ordinary driving speeds, the slippage
is small, but in starting or climbing
a hill, the "driving" vanes move con-
sderably-faster than the others.




ment, very
or 4627.

attractive. Phone 7831

FOR RENT-Room for 2 boys with
kitchen privileges. Reasonable.
1127 Prospect, cor. of Church. Call
at Room 2204 E. Engineering
Building. Kintz. 358
FOR RENT-For second semester.
- Large single room. Opposite intra-
mural building. Reasonable, 9361
Mary. Phone 5410. 343
FOR RENT - Large double front
room $3 per moan. Only four stu-
dents: kept in house. 1114 Judson
Court, off Church, near Roose-I
velt. Phone 8673. 357
FOR RENT-615 Elast University,
double room for boys, shower,
steam heat, rent reasonable. Phone'
7503. 356
FOR RENT-Double suite for Uni-
versity women, opposite the cam-
pus, 703 Haven Ave. Phone 7225.
FOR RENT-A lovely double room,
newly decorated and also one of
the best of singles. Roommate
Monroe. 352
FOR RENT-Large, light double
front room for rent $6.00 per week.
608 Catherine. Phone 2-2672. 349,
BOY'S' ROOM for rent, single front
room,' newly furnished, 4 blocks
from campus. 901 Packard. 354
FOR RENT-1;/ block from Union,
Clean, single rooms. $3.50 per week.
720 Whaley Court. Phone 6560. 346
FOR RENT--Single with fireplace,
innerspring mattress, shower. Also
beautiful double, meals if desired.
Phone 2-1196. 1022 Forest. 331
FOR RENT-Modern rom apart-

FOR RENT-Half suite, almost like
a single room (now occupied by
graduate student). Clean and
modern. Oil heat. Quiet house, 814,
Church. Phone 5003. 334
FOR RENT-Two large singles: one
double. Reasonable rent. Furnished.
Near Intramural Building, 720
Arch. Phone 8873. 338,
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. 6th Avenue. Phone 2-2935
or 2-1416. 79
TYPING-Reasonable rates. L. M.
Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone
5689. 271
TYPING at' reasonable rates. Mrs.
sHoward, 613 Hill St., dial 5244. 176
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
JFOR SALE-G.E. Radio, Victrola
combination. Table model, Good .
condition. Best offer accepted. Jack
Knecht., 2-3101. 347
WANTED-Apartment close to Law
Club desired for J-Hop weekend.
Please address Box 10. 297
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
PAPERHANGER-Craftsman, cap-
able fine paper work. Dial 7209. 181

CASH PAID for your discarded
clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.
Main. 311
J-HOP furniture for rent. Call 3676.
Alexander's, 417 E. Liberty. 324
TUTOR-W. 2. Roth, experienced;
German tutor. Translations a
specialty, 704 Hill. Phone 9778. 93
TYPING and Stenography-experi-
enced. Fred Dickens, 625 E. Lib-
erty, Apt. 1, phone 2-1129. 355,
WANTED-Buyer for dance orches-
tra equipment. Must sacrifice. Call
Larry Morse, 3936. 354

The Bureau of Appointments has
received notice of the following Civil
Service Examinations. Last date for
filing application is given in each
United States Civil Service:
Chief Topographic Draftsman. Sal-
ary: $2,600. Fseb. 21.
Principal Topographic Draftsman.
Salary: $2,300. Feb. 21.
Senior Topographic Draftsman.
Salary: $2,000. Feb. 21.
Topographic Draftsman. Salary:
$1,800. Feb. 21.
Assistant Topographic Draftsman.
Salary: $1,620. Feb. 21.
Biologist (Wildlife). Salary: $3,800.
Feb. 21.
Associate Biologist (Wildlife). Sal-
ary $3,200. Feb. 21.
Assistant Biologist (Wildlife). Sal-
ary: $2,600. Feb. 21.
Associate Aircraft Inspector. Sal-
ary: $2,900. Feb. 20.
Associate Air Carrier Maintenance
Inspector. Salary: $2,900. Feb. 20.
Associate Aeronautical Inspector.
Salary: $3,500. Feb. 20.
Assistant Aeronautical Inspector.
Salary: $3,200. Feb. 20.
Link Trainer Operator-Instructor. I
Salary: $2,900. Feb. 20.
Ibeck Cadet and Engineer Cadet in



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