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January 19, 1939 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-19

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Mother Visits Dodd Hit-And-Run Victim Dumond's Work Reveals Story
Of Great Anti-Slavery Leader! Suggestions

Four-year-old Negro girl whose injury resulted in the indictment of
former ambassador William E. Dodd on a hit-and-run charge, is shown
in the hospital at Richmond, Va., as she received a visit from her mother.

Police, Firemen
Join For Dance

otif 'rine And HmIIIry r used Two Orchestras Engaged
n Goldend Of I- A For Annual Ball Tonight
In oldr. ge -Italian Art

(Editor's Note: An exhibit of4 Renawi- beganm to decorate the anterooms of en
,ance paintings has been arranged by the Vatican, Michelangelo began
Miss Helen Hall in Room A, AlumniT
Memorial Hall, to Illustrate this article, work on the ceiling of the Sistine,
which is the fourth in a series tracing Chapel. The two greatest artists offo
the history of modern art.) the time worked within 200 feet of to
By SYLVIA MOORE each other, but were held apart, part-
ly by 'natural rivalry, but mainly by l
Italy's Golden Age, one of the most Michelangelo's suspicious and iras- an
thrilling periods in the history of art, cible nature. The two masterpieces re
was a sudden brief spurt lasting a produced were from two different ti
bare dozen years. It dawned suddenly worlds-Michelangelo's tragic and ro
on Italy when Pope Julius ;I, in 1508, disturbed, Ralphael's hopeful and
'realized that the best of the older serenewi
'painters could only inadequately dec- 'Raphael's frescoes in the Camera ba
orate some new anterooms of the della Signatura (1509-11) comprised pu
Vatican the young man Raphael the finest ideals of contemporary hu-
was called down from Florence to re- manism, and the little room is the fu
place them.e most important document for stu-
The painting of the Golden Age dents of the Renaissance: Religious a
is based mostly on a orporate arnd authority, legal justice, secular phi-
Individual pride, but it has an influ- losophy and science, and the arts are
sion of humility. Michelangelo rep- the four great themes represented on a
resents the flowering bf three genera- the walls an
(ions of research, of the pride of in- U ar
tellect which ruled Florence; Ra- Unveils Sistine Chapel E
phael represents many generations of Unfortunately, when Michelangelo H
humility and teachableness in his na- unveiled the ceiling in the Sistine
tive Umbria. For about 10 years Chapel, Raphael and all Rome felt
pride and humility worked side by the presence of a grandeur which he
side. This was the Golden Age. himself did not possess. He began a
'Grand Style' Mature fruitless effort at emulation, but in- in
The "Grand Style" of the period stead of sublimity he achieves only n
called for maturity, decorum, mag- in 1516 and 151, Raphael super- u
nanimity and measured power; viva- vised half a dozen herculean tasks. no
cious and picturesque incidents are One of them, dthe tapestry cartoons of tu
eschewed. Simplicity and centrality St. Peter and St. Paul, complete that A
are the ' keynotes, with the human .S.PtradS.Pucmlt htA
agre themkeyntes ith heumaton. magnificent line of narrative paint- R
figure dominating"thes coipostions. ing that begins with Giotto. Raphael M'
Coventional poses bring out the ac- works for simplicity, concentration
tive beauty of the body. Straight lines and dignity in an eminently classical
give way to S curves. Fewer colors spirit. The influence of Masaccio is
appear; plain dark grounds are used apparent. Nevetherless, many of the
for portraits, which now appear as a.s
highly developed art for the first designs are over-studied.
tme. His best work rests on a great hu-
The genius of the two leading ar- mility, and when he did it he gave
tists of the high Renaissance rest on Italian painting its final stamp.
different bases. Raphael's primacy Whether in portraiture or narrative,
bests on perfection of composition, in mythology or symbolism, he
which represented 9 beautiful syn- achieved a grandeur of space com-
thesis of the methods of Perugino, position akin to the movement of a
Fra Bartolommeo and Leonardo da symphony, a hidden structure more
Vinci. At first he showed the influ- appealing than any separate hue or
ence of the obsolete style of his teach- form.
er, Perugino. In Florence he took just
vhat he needed, and no more, from
Ueonardo ,and Fra Bartolommeo.
From Leonardo he gets incisiveness
and expression through form and NOW - TODAY and FRIDAY!
dense, rich compositional patterns;
from Fra Bartolommeo he gets dig- Wish we had the side o
nity and monumentality, yet he re- a barn so we could print
tains the sweetness and spacious this in letter a whole
compositions of Perugino.
About the same time that Raphael high..!
Beware Of 'Greeks'
When They Come4y 5
Bearing You Gifts'0014f
Justice of Peace Harry W. Read-
went to sleep the other night certain
that he wouldn't be awakened by an
irate delivery man intent on deliver-
ing a crate of rattlesnakes or, maybe, * 4
a pound or so of caviar.
This despite the fact that, unsolicit-
ed, the Justice has recently been off-
ered, collect: a half-barrel of beer,
services of a piano tuner, a set of
lawn chairs, four dollars and a half
worth of chop suey, weather stripping
and the services of an eager bug
exterminator. and
The reason Justice Reading is I YOUNG'S COMIC STRIP .

Ann Arbor's police and firemen co-
perate today in holding their elev-
«th annual Ball at the Masonic
'mple from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Two orchestras have been engaged
r the evening. Read S. Pearce and
s local band will play in the main
:oor auditorium, while Tim Doolittle
Ld his Hill Billies from Detroit will
nder waltzes and squares in old-
me fashion in the basement dining
Women students in the University
ll be granted late permission for the
ll. The pr'ice is $1 per couple, and
inch will' be served. Proceeds go ro
e departments' joint death benefit
Among the patrons are President
nd Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven,
ayor and Mrs. Walter C. Sadler,
heriff and Mrs. Jacob B. Andres,
nd police end fire commissioners
nd their wives. Police commissioners
'e Prof. John S. Worley, College of
ngineering; George W. Kyer and
eerbert L. Frisinger.
Attend ASCE Convention
Four members of the civil engineer-
g department will attend the an-
ual convention of the ASCE which
ill be held from Wednesday to Sat-
day in New York City, it was an-
ounced yesterday. Professor-emeri-
s Henry E. Riggs, president of the
SCE, and Professors Horace King,
obert H. Sherlock and Ferdinand
enefee will make the trip.

flemetdi3A be UNION DANCES!

BO B S T E I N L E And His Melody Men



At the Union Desk

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