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September 28, 1938 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-09-28

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Little Symphony Sudeten
Opens_4th Year
Thor Johnson To Lead
New Concert Series.
The Little Symphony, the only or-,
'ganization of its kind offering profes-
sional experience to students, opens:
its fourth season Gtis year by giving
a series of concerts in twenty states A
including four concerts in the Toledo
Institute of Arts.
Under the direction of Thor M.-
Johnson of the School of Music, the:
Little Symphony consists of 14 mem-
bers all of whom are assistants in
instrumental instruction in the School -
of Music. Rehearsals were begun Sat- .
urday and are conducted four times
a week. Founded by Mr. Johnson four
y'ears ago, the Little Symphony givesa
'aseries of concerts in the League in
addition to the out-f-state group.
Also undler the direction of Mr.
Johnson is the University SymphonyG
which begins its series of concerts Sudeen Germans, a
Sunday, in the latter part of Oct. at quarters of Konrad H
Hill Auditorium. This group consists around Asch. This ph
of approximately 85 persons and is
open to all students enrolled in the Tov 'p
University. Union
.~Festive Tria
Boston Attends Meet
For Yale
Prof. Orlan W. Boston of the metal ________
processing department will attend a
convention of the American Society Renewal of fball r
of Mechanical Engineers to be held Yale University after a
from Oct. 5 to 7 at Providence, R. I. Years will be supported
.sponsored "On To Yale'
announced yesterday by
'39, and Bill Miller, '39,
of the event.
Arrangements have b(
TODAY! -a special train to leave -
6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct
in New York 8:15 p.m
celebration is planned
the night before the ga
will be another opporti
' the - city the following
groupwill entrain for
. Sunday morning
One car will be transi
' "'special dance platform f
merit during te trir.'B
* .Yale alumni of New Yoi
ned several gala celebra
the event a memorable
Miller will be at the b
the Union Lobby every
- . answer questions concern
, *Hitler Says P
Rests With
' IN (Continued from P
men and the German p
x PROSECUTOR RUNS no sign of relenting
- for surrender of Sude
R ACKETEERS days hence.
Hitler, in a long "mess
RG GED!dent Roosevelt, answeri
- for continued negotiati
that the question of
rested solely with Pragu
From the nature of
Roosevelt and Hitler's
" '" '> ight, in which the Fue
; :;" ' definite indication of w
vdo to enforce his dema
pression, among other U
ing the door open to tb
'methodof acquiring Su
aPROVInGy persons were inc
HOODLUMS HAVE hopefulness as a result
NO GUTS! lain's statement early t
pression, among other t
al responsibility for exe
original cession plan
- would promise to abstai
Motion Pictures A
Best Entertain

,. if .
{ $
O T O KR UG E / ladys George
S y ed upo Liey b Diree edny Sphenon ~"l
sorif byrod~lhof.Scren whyb
" Jo Swerling * Directed by ALEXA. Dred by W.S.VATR YI(ER II
EA deev O "

Germans' Barricade At Henlein Headquarters

rmed with rifles, barricaded themselves behind sandbags at Asch, Czechoslovakia, head-
enlein. The Czech army occupied all of the Sudeten German territory except the area
ito was transmitted from Berlin to New York by radio..
nsor Community Fund To Sponsor
- - Lecture Series On Soejal Work

For Freshman WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1938 oan v
,.____VOL. XLIX. No. 3 oldep
Prof. MeClusky Will Talk Mail for Students, Faculty, and 3. Ma
temporary residents at the University: other E
On Personalty Ratings All students and new members of On th
At First Forum Sunday the faculty should call at the U.S. ly don
Post Office and make out a pink card, Went f
Prof. H Y. McClusky, of the edu- "Order to Change Address," Form 22, o Cze-
cation school will speak on "Traits if they have not already done so.
of Personality and Their Evaluation" This applies also to temporary resi- ready i
at the first of a series of Freshman dents in- Ann Arbor who may be do- TheC
Round Tables to be conducted by the ing reference or research work on the for some
,Student Religious Association, 4 p.m. campus. Belgi
Sunday at Lane Hall. Unidentifiable mail is being held in mans an
These round tables are one of the Room 1, University Hall, for the fol- called
numerous activities of the Associa- lowing addresses: colors
tion and are designed to give fresh- Alexander, Betty Oee
men an opportunity to discuss freely Allen, John Edward Hitler
their views on various subjects. Barienbroek, R. C. Czecho
(Other discussion groups sponsored Barker, Charles F, adviser
by the SRA include the weekly fire- Barlow, Craig lain, h
sides the first of which will be held Bering, Mrs. Mabel A. with H
at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5. These Besemer, Ann back t
discussions enable students to talk Bessolo, Irene clarific
informally with faculty members on Billings, Henry C.
matters relative to ethics, religion and Boettjer, Arthur.
social reform. .Borlopgan, Deogracas
The Association Book Group meets Brace, Gordon
one afternoon a week in the new li- Brenn, Earl
brary to hear a review of some book Brown, Doris W.
dealing with religion in its widest Brummel, Henry C. "
sense and to discuss the opinions of Bruno, Anna
its author. Bulmer, Malcolm,
Dr. Edwin Aubrey, Professor of Burstein, Robert
Theology at the Chicago Divinity Cantrell, Mrs. Thomas A.
School, and Prof. H. Thurman, of Chapman, Wilbur
Howard University are among those Chirco, Michael
scheduled to speak here in the lecture Clark, Betty
series to be sponsored by the SRA. Clifford, Arthur Winch
Health Service'work will be con- -
tined by the SRA and volunteers are A
needed. This work consists of visit- M A RSH A LL'S
ing students confined to bed and ob-
- taining for them whatever books or CUT - RATE DRUG STORE
necessities they may wish. 231 South State Street 8
Work for peace will be carried on Prices Effective Sept 2
1 although the Association was unable
to form any specific platform agree-.Larg
able to all.
Cities Plan Camnpaign pC
LANSING, Sept. 27-(P)-A special Includes Marvels, 20 Grands,
committee of the Michigan Municipal Avalorns, Paul Jones, Dominos,
League, created to fight in behalf of a Sensations, Wiigs.
- proposed reorganization of State wel- Keep your cigarettes fresh and in good'
fare agencies, will meet here Friday I
to plan its campaign.

amn Mobilizes
taly Calls Troop
(Continued from Page 1)
le's latest terms which woixd
irtual dissection of the 20-Year
ake final preparations for an-
uropean war,
he last point the job was near-
e. British naval .mobilization
ar toward completiorn ofbthe
F'rench armed front on behalf
choslovakia with France al-
rn a progressive mobilization.
German Army has been ready
.e time. . .
urn, buffer between the Ger-
rnd the French in the world war,
270,000 additional mein toy the'
to "reinforce the state. of
the possibility of persuading
to extend his ultimatum to
slovakia, Sir Horace Wilson,
to Prime Minister Chamber-
iad a half-hour consultation
Hitler in Berlin and then flew
o London apparently to get
ation of Britain's stand.
Cohn, Robit
Coolidge, David
Copeland, Warr :n T.
Corwell, Bernice
Cox, James
Creteau, George
Crowly, Margaret
Damon, Bette
Dance, Clifton
Deshler, Virginia
Dietzgen, Corda Bauer
Draper, Robert
Eby; John H.
(Continued on Page 4)
Doors North of Kresge's
8, 1938
Reg 2 for 25c
condition --
Buy a holdpack -- ox4y, 5c

A series of six lectures on sub-
jects relative to social work and its
problems will be offered to Ann Arbor
women by the Social Service Seminar
of the Ann Arbor Community Fund.
This series is a continuation of the
six lectures offered last spring. En-
rollment in the course is limited to
permit discussion following lectures
and 60 women have already been
registered for this year's series. Ap-
plication for membership may be filed
in the Community Fund Office.
A panel discussion of private social
service in Ann Arbor will be held at
10 a. m. Tuesday, October 25 at the
city hall. A panel of 11 directors of
Community Fund chairmen will speak
and Prof. Margaret Elliott Tracy, who
teaches personnel management and
economics at the University, will act
as chairman. Mrs. J: Wentworth Par-
ker, chairman of the Budget commit-
tee of the Community Fund, will
answer questions which may arise.
The Women's Division of the Com-

munity Fund Drive has been invited
to attend this meeting, since the open-
ing of the annual drive comes the
same week.
Mr. Fred Johnson, State Director
of the Michigan Children's Aid So-
ciety, in Detroit will discuss the Michi-
gan referendum on Public Welfare
Organization Nov. 1 at the Young
Men's Christian Association. Mr.
Johnson was a member of the Com-
mission which planned the Welfare
Reorganization. Since the referendum
will be carried on the ballot in No-
vember, women's groups interested in
civic affairs have been invited to at-
tend this meeting.
Mimes To Meet Today
A meeting of Mimes, campus dra-
matic society, will be held at 8:15
p. m. today in the Union for the pur-
pose of discussing plans for a forth-
coming dramatic production. Attend-
ance by all members is compulsory.

_ _ . __

2) f

efore the Sun Is Up..

" e s "


car is awaiting the

morning shipment of Used and New Books at the
depot. As soon as it is received it is rushed to Follett's

where i

is immediately opened, marked, and pre-

pared for sale.
books are ready.

At 7:30 when the store opers, your



,. , . 4 ;
' 'Y
, .
.. . is


or NEW TEXTBOOKS, if You Prefer.

nnaanm im






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