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September 28, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-09-28

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WPeath er
Fair and Wanner Today;
Generally Fair Tomorrow

Sir tgan



The Means
Defeat The .End....

VOL. XLIX. NO0. 3.




I I'

Prof. L. A. Strauss
Succumbs, Victim
Of Ieart Failure

Death Of Former Head
Of English Department
Is Shock To Campus
Was Member Of
Faculty 42 Years
Prof. Louis A. Strauss, former
chairman of the English department,
died suddenly of a heart attack at
10:45 p.m. yesterday at the University
Professor Strauss, a member of the
University faculty for 42 years and
chairman of the English department
for 16 years, was in apparent god
health. He had played golf that
afternoon, after recently returning
from a fishing trip in fine condition.
Dr. Reuben Peterson was a guest
at the home of Professor Strauss
when the latter was taken ill by the
heart attack early yesterday evening
and he called the ambulance that
took Professor Strauss to the Univer-
sity Hospital. 'There :he was given
the usual treatment for heart at-
tacks but to no avail. Dr. P. S. Barker
and Dr. Henry Field, cardiac special-
ists at the Hospital, attended Pro-
fessor Strauss.
*:When informned by the Daily of
the death of Professor Strauss last
night President Alexander Ruthven
sued the following statement:
"News of Professor Strauss' death
will be a great shock to the campus.
Re was not only really respected as a
.teacher but dearly beloved by stu-
dents and faculty alike."
The death of Dr. Strauss came as a
"very great blow to the University
and the department where he was
deeply beloved," Prof. Morris Tilley of
the English department, a close friend
of Professor Strauss, said in inform-,
ing the Daily of Professor Strauss'
death last nigtt.
Professor Strauss is survived by
his two daughters, Mrs. Iir ret
Ganau, of Ann Arbor, who is at pres-
ent attending the Yale School of
Draiatics, Mrs. Valentine Davies, of
NeaYork City, a sister, Mrs.Rena
Landauer, of Milwaukee, and a broth-
er; Mr. Henry Strauss of Chicago.
The family is flying to Ann Arbor
and as yet no funeral arrangements
have been made.
Professor Strauss was 66 years old.
Hle graduated from the University in
1894, after being appointed assistant
in English in 1893. He received his
doctor's degree here and later studied
at the university of Munich. After
being appointed assistant professor in
1904 he was appointed a full profes-
sor in 1911 Professor Strauss was par-
tUularly known for his famous course
on Browning and it was during his
regime that the rhetoric and litera-
ture departments were incorporated
to form one large department in April,
Health Service
Addition Awaits
Regents' Vote
Dr. Forsythe Hopes For
Board Decision By Time
Of Service Banquet
The project for the new building
for the University Health Service
approved last Saturday in Washing-
ton by the PWA now awaits the ap-
proval of the Board of Regents, Dr.
Warren 1. Forsythe, director of the
Health Service, announced.
Dr. Forsythe expressed a hope that
the Board's deciion might be reached
in time so that if the project is ap-
proved, the formal announcement of
its approval could be made by Presi-
dent Ruthven 'at the dinner to be

held Oct. 14 in celebration of the
Health Service's twenty-fifth year of
Invitations have been sent to all
former staff members of the Health
Service to attend this anniversary
celebration. In addition to the dinner,
which is to be held in the evening at
the League, a full day's program has
been planned. A student health con-
ference at which student health pro-
blems will be discussed informally
will be held in the early afternoon,
and an address by Dean Diehl, dean of
medical science at the University of
lfinnesnta will be delivered at 4:15

Dies Suddenly

Roosevelt Calls
In Ar biter s
On Rail Fight
Judge Stacy, Prof. Millis
And Dean Landis Are
Named To Make Report
WASHISGTON, Sept. 27-(J)-_
President Roosevelt asked two veteran
arbiters and a former top-flight ad-
ministration executive today to find a
solution for the current wage dispute
between -major railroads and 19 em-
ployee unions.
Invoking a seldom-used section of
the Railway Labor Act in an attempt
to avoid a nation-wide strike, Mr.
Roosevelt created this commission to
study the controversy and report to
him by Oct. 27.
Chief Justice Walter P. Stacy of
the North Carolina Supreme Court,
chairman; Professor Harry A. Millis
of the University of Chicago; Dean
James M. Landis of the Harvard Law
School, former Securities Commission
President Roosevelt acted less than
24 hours after the unions announced
in Chicago they would call a strike if
the railroads put a 15 per cent wage
cut into effect Saturday.
Invocation of the Railway Labor
Act postpones at least until Nov. 26
both the pay reduction and the strike.
The law requires the emergency board
to "report respecting such dispute"
30 days after its appointment. The
status quo is maintained during that
period anld for 30 days after the re-
port is made.
The railroads announced last spring
they would slash wages to save more
than $250,000,000 annually. The un-
ions protested and the National Rail-
way Mediation Board sought in vain
to arbitrate the controversy.
Mediation board officials said to-
day they expected the new commis-
sion to start hearings on the dispute
by Monday.
Judge Stacy has served on four sim-
ilar emergency railway labor boards.
Millis, too, has had wide experience
in labor relations as a member of ar-
bitration boards and of the first Na-
tional Labor Relations Board in 1934
and 1935.

FDR Sends
Second Plea
To Germany
President Says Future Of
World Is At Stake In
Czechoslovakian Crisis
Requests Germany
Continue Negotiating
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27-()-
President Roosevelt tpnight addressed
a new peace appeal to Chancellor Hit-
ler. ;
The President said the "fate of the
world today and tomorrow"' now is at
His telegram went to Berlin at 10
p. m., eastern standard time, follow-
ing conferences with State Depart-
ment officials. It was directed only to
Appealing to the German Chancel-
or to continue at all costs present
negotiations, the Chief Executive said:
"In my considered judgment and
in the light of the experience of this
century continued negotiations re-
main the only way by which the im-
mediate problem can be disposed of
upon any lasting basis
"Should you agree to a solution in
this peaceful manner," the message
continued, "I am convinced that hun-
dreds of millions throughout the
world would recognize your action as
an outstandiing historic service to all
"Allow me to state my unqualified
conviction that history and the souls
of every man, woman and child whose
lives will be lost in the threatened war
will hold us and all of us accountable
should we omit any appeal for its pre-
The message was in answer to Hit-
er's reply to Mr. Roosevelt's first
peace appeal, in which the Chancel-
lor had pointed to what he called
the historical mistakes of the Ver-
sailles Treaty.
Stace To Talk
At Press .-Club_
Annual Meet
M ~ eeting .Starts Oct. 27;
Special Session Slated
For Small Publications
The 20th annual convention of the
University Press Club o Michigan
will be held Oct. 27 to 29 in the Union.
A main feature of this year's con-
vention will be a special session de-
voted to the problems of small week-
ly and daily newspapers.
Arthur W. Stace, editor of the Ann
Arbor News, will begin the Thursday
afternoon session with a discussion
of land utilization in Michigan. Stu-
art H. Perry, publisher of the Adrian
Telegram will deal with the relation
of newspapers to court trials. Sen.
Prentiss M. Brown aid Dr. George
W. Crane, psychologist from North-
western University, will also speak. A
discussion of farm markets will then
be conducted under the leadership
of representatives of the State Board
of Agri ulture and the University ec-
onomics department.
Visiting newspapermen will be
guests of the University at the an-
nual University Dinner in the Union
Thursday evening. Friday morning
two representatives of the University
will lead a discussion on the relations

of the press to the University.
Foreign relations will feature thej
Friday afteroon session. DiscussionI
will be lead by Associated Press and
United Press representatives fromI
New York.


Great Britain Mobilizes Forces;
Italy Calls Out Troops As Hitler

Peace Rests

Germans Declare Czechs.
Have Repudiated Plan
Of French And British
Fuelirer Maintains
Sudeten Demands
BERLIN, Sept. 27.-(/P)-German.
Government quarters declared to-
night that Czechoslovakia's rejection
of Reichsfuehrer Hitler's demands for
surrender of Sudetenland next Sat-
urday was in actuality a renunciation
of the original Anglo-French plan,
accepted by Prague last week.
These quarters said the rejection,
made public today in London, "proves
again that the Czechs declare them-
selves theoretically ready for any
agreement, but in practice are un
willing to keep their promises."
Calls Demands. Unacceptable r
(The Czechoslovaik reply to Hit-
ler's final demands was announced
by Prague's Minister to London, Jan
Masaryk, who said the demands "in
their present form are absolutely and
unconditionally unacceptable to my
German Government circles ex-
pressed eagerness to know "how
England and France would react to
this de facto renunciation of their
plan accepted by Prague just a few
days ago."
Wilson Talks With Hitler
They saw in it "not only a repudia-
tion of the German standpoint, but
also a disavowal of the Anglo-French
plan on the part of Prague."
These comments were forthcoming
after British Prime Minister Cham-
berlain, through an emissary, Sir
Horace Wilson, still sought to nego-
tiate a peaceful solution of the crisis,
in a brief talk with Hitler.
Hitler, meanwhile- n so far as was
indicated by Wilhelmstrasse spokes-
(Continued on Page 5)
'Ensian Price
Rises Saturday
Sales Are 15 Per Cent
Ahead Of Last Year
With sales 15 per cent ahead of
last year, 'Ensian will continue to be
offered for $3.50 until Saturday,
Charles Kettler, '39, business man-
ager,,announced yesterday.
'Ensian, University annual, is a 500
page book containing pictures of cam-
pus activities and those taking part
in them; campus biographies of all
seniors; a satire section; portraits of
faculty members and a complete rec-
ord of University life.
Price of the book will advance from
$3.50 to $4 on Saturday, staying at
there until after Christmas vacation
when it will go up to $4.50.
An innovation, Kettler said, will be
made insofar as down payment sales
are concerned. In the past the buyer
had to pay the price prevalent when
he put down the balance due, but
this year until April 21 the purchaser
will be able to get his 'Ensian for the
price charged at the time of his down-
payment. After that date the down
payment is forfeited.
Union Will Have
Ticket Exchange
Annual Formal Scheduled
For October 21
A football ticket exchange similar
to that operated last year, will be set
up in the Union lobby Saturday
morning and on the morning of each
home-game, James Halligan, '40,

chairman of the committee in charge,
announced yesterday. Details of the
exchange system have not been
worked out, but will be announced
later in the week,. Halligan said.
Halligan also announced that Octo-
ber 21 has been chosen as a tentative
date for 'the annual Union Formal,
the first important formal affair of
the year.
A meeting of all sophomores who
tried out for the Union staff last.
semester will be held at 4:30 p. m.
F1rln av c nrdrino tA Prnia uBricklev.

Hitler Threatens Czech Seizure

Royal Air Force Is Called
As King Pronounces
State OfEmergency
Rome Reported
Calling Reserves
3 (By* Associated Press)
Britain mobilized her navy last
night "as a purely precautionary
measure" while reliable informants in
Rome reported Italy was preparing to
mobilize 2,000,000 soldiers.
The drastic British move followed
shortly upon a six-minute radio speech
by Prime Minister Chamberlain in
which he called on the Empire to pre-
pare for war as a last resort.
Shortly before Chamberlain's radio
address the British Isles were ordered
into "a state of emergency" by de-
cree of King George and the Privy
The naval mobilization was an-
nounced just before midnight and to-
day King George was to issue a pro-
clamation calling up reservists. Men
serving in .the Royal Fleet Reserves
were ordered to report to their depots
today without waiting for individual
Usually well-informed sources in
Rome said specialists of 10 reservists
classes'were being called to the Italian
colors as step toWard general mobili-
zation of these classes.
Premier Mussolini has said that if
an ideological war were to develop
from the Czechoslovak-Grman crisis,
Italy and Germany vbuld fight in a
"single bloc."
The Italian and British moves dom-
inated the troubled horizon while
leading diplomats and military chief-
tains counted but three days in which
to write an historical decision on
Reichsfuehrer Hitler's demands on
They had three days in which to ac-
complish one of these tasks:
1. Persuade Hitler to extend, his
Saturday deadline for peaceful sur-
render' of Czechoslovakia's Sudeten-
2. Persuade Czechoslovakia to yield
(Continucd on Page 2)
Independlents '
Election, I Shet
F or Oct. 12

With Prague

Adolf Hitler, speaking to "the entire Reich," declared at Berlin "I,
have decided that we shall place" the Sudeten region of Czechoslovakia
"under German sovereignty." He added that if President Benes "does
not want peace we will have to take matters in our bands." He told his
countrymen Germany has "an armed force the like of which the world
has never seen." The Reichsfeuher is shown here as he delivered his
historic speech. This picture was radioed from Berlin to New York.
f ,
Hi tle~r M ayBack Don If l
Can Find Wa Out Lon Says

Professor Sees Italy As
Unreliable, Following
Selfish Interests Only
The possibility that Chancellor
Adolf Hitler bit off more than he can
chew in his near-fanatic speech Mon-
day in which he nailed himself to the
wall with his promise of satisfaction
or action by Oct. 1 in the Czechoslo-
vakian situation was stressed by Prof.
Dwight C. Long of the history de-
partmeit in an interview yesterday,
as an important indication of wheth-
er there will be war or peace in Eu-
rope within the next few days.
"Hitler has made retreat diffiP
cult," Professor Long said, "and he
will be forced to make retreat look
like victory. A mind that is as fa-
natical as his is does not find it hard
to adjust itself to an occasion and say
he had said something else.'
What Hitler does, Professor Long
stated, depends on whether he is car-
ried away by his convictions and de-
sires or is realistic about the situa-
tion. Indications are, however, that
the "impatient" Fuehrer was putting
more bravado than sincerity into his
speech, since military authoritiesI
point out that if he is planning on
war his tactics are peculiar.
"I don't place much reliance in
view of past experiences on his state-
ment that there will be no further
territorial problems for him after
this," Dr. Long said. Hitler has been
silent recently concerning the re-
acquisition of the former German

colonies, something he has previous-
ly promised his people many times,
Professor Long said.
Concerning the yet doubtful, posi-
tion of Italy in the present crisis Pro-
fessor Long said that the selfish Fa-
scist philosophy would again be the
determining factor. If Mussolini feels
that there is anything to be gained
by coming in with Hitler in event of a
war he will do so.
Htler has very probably had some-
thing to do with the Polish and Hun-
garian demands made of Czechoslo-
vakia, Dr. Long explained. This he
described as but part of Hitler's con-
ciliatory advances toward each Eu-
ropean powef.
Regarding Germany's economic
ability to enter a major war: now,
Professor Long said that while much
can be concluded concerning Ger-
many's actual economic condition "It
must be remembered that a dicta-
torial state has an advantage over a
democracy in carrying on any na-
tional enterprise such as war."
Postpone Meeting
. Of Student Senate
The Student Senate meeting sched-
uled for last night was postponed un-
til some time next week because a
quorum was not present. The absence
of senators was ascribed to the diffi-
culty in contacting them because of
the lack of addresses.
The agenda originally to be dis-
cussed last night will be taken up at
the meeting.

To Pick 10 Zone Leaders ;
Three Will Be Selected
For Executive Council
Independent men will go to the polls
Wednesday, Oct. 12, to vote for the
ten zone presidents who will repre-
sent them on the District Council of
Congress, campus organization for in-
dependent men, according to Robert
Hartwell, '39, president.
From this, group of ten, three will
be selected by the Judiciary Commit-
tee to fill vacant posts on the Execu-
tive Council, comprising various com-
mittee heads, plans the social, sports,
and student welfare programs de-
signed to give unaffiliated men the
advantages enjoyed by fraternity men.
Hartwell urged all independent men
to vote in order to make the District
Council truly -representative of the
campus at large. Nominations will
be by petitions which may be filed in
Congress's office in Room 306 in the
Union. An information booth will also
be kept open in the Union lobby until
after elections to supply independents
with information about Congress's
activities and voting procedure.
The first function to be initiated by
Congress will be the opening Tea
Dance to be held at the League 4 p.
m. Thursday, Oct. 13. Sponsored
jointly by Congress and Assembly,
women's independent group, these bi-
weekly dances are organized as "mix-
ers" to foster student acquaintance.
Both men and women are urged to at-
tend "stag."
Medical Alumni Will
Hold First Reunion
J. Fred Lawton, '10, co-composer
of "Varsity," will lead group singing

Woolcott Will Open Oratorical
Association Lectures Oct.


New Union And Medical Dorms
Will Offer Complete Facilities

Alexander Woolcott, America's fav-
orite raconteur, and Dr. Paul van
Zeeland, former premier of Belgium,
are the highlights of the lecture pro-
gram for this year presented by the
University of Michigan Oratorical
Association, scheduled to start Oct.
Woolcott, who is making his second
appearance in Ann Arbor, opens the
series with a talk titled "Woolcott
Speaking." His books, "While Rome
Burns" and the "First and Second
Woolcott Readers", and his radio
broadcasts, titled "The Town Crier,"
have . earned wide publicity for him.
maa .rnnnt3 taikr_ enhaanlan for

gerous Cape, will be Capt. Warwick
Tompkins' subject when he speaks
were Jan. 12. Motion pictures will
illustrate the talk.
R. H. Bruce Lockhart, author of
the widely read "British Agent," "Re-
turn to Malaya," "Retreat from
Glory," and "Son of Scotland," talks
on "An Englishman Looks at the
World" Jan. 26.
Lord Strabolgi, famous British
statesman and economist, is to speak
Feb. 16 on "The Pacific Situation."
He will be followed by Capt. C. W. R.
Knight who will speak on Feb. 28 on
the topic, "The Leopard of the Air."
This talr mhich i sahrni the rn

A step toward- the alleviation of
the long-existant men's housing
problem on campus was made this
summer with approval by the PWA
of a University request for $945,000 to
start a $2,100,000 dormitory building
program. °
This grant will make possible the
construction of two new dormitories.
One will be an addition to the present
Union group which will house 850
men and the other a medical dormi-
tory at Glen and Catherine streets

cated at the corner of E. Jefferson
and Thompson streets.
The dormitories will be made up of
a series of "houses" such as the Al-
len-Rumsey dormitory. It has not
definitely been decided just how
many men will live in each of the
houses, but each one will have, as
Allen and Rumsey, a student govern-
ment organization and competition in
all fields of scholastic, athletic and
social activities.
The medical dormitory will be built

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