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January 05, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-05

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' 1 ~i. 'J da. 'L#. ; 1. V 1. ' ~r a.Br .itew

CBS Will Air
Michigan Day
Program To Celebwlra t;
Celebration of National Michigan
Day on March 18 will be broadcast
>ver the national network of the Co-
lumbia Broadcasting System, Carl G.
Brandt, chairman of the event, an-
nounced last week.
Although the hour of the broad-
cast has not been made known, it will
coincidc with local programs of Mich-
gan alumni clubs throughout the
couitry. Details of the broadcast
have been handled by H. Elliott
Stuckel, "Michigan alumnnus and di-
rector of program promotion for
National Michigan Day will be a
'inale of the 1937 campus celebra-
ion which commemorated the an-
niversary of the founding of the
ni whersity n Ann Arbor. Prizes are
now being offered for ideas which
an be incurporated into the broad-
Long Lzeture Tour-'
Begun By Willard
Prof. Hobart H. Willard of the
hemistry departmrent has begun a
ecture tour which will include ad-.
Tresses in 12 Western cities. He
vill talk on "Ultra Violet 'Fluores-
ence and its Applications.'
Following his lecture' at. Marquette
Jniversity, Milwaukee, on Jan. 3,
Professor Willard will address chem-
cal societies at the Universities of
Wisconsin, Minnesota, .Montana,
Vashington, Utah, Nebraska, Iowa
nd Chicago. His tour is under the
iuspices of the American Chemical
Prof. Watkins Analyzes
Ranking Reform Trends
Banking reform problems are an-
lyzed by Prof. Leonard L. Watkins
f the economics department, in a
ulletin soon to be published by the
Jniversity Bureau of Business Re-
The book, entitled "Commercial
3anking Reform in the United
itates," considers in detail proposed
>rograms for banking reform and
he measures already adopted.

Speaker lBankhead Addresses House

Taylor Refutes
Fake' Charges
Made Byllobbs
Quesiion Of Authenticity
01 Weddell's Trip
Arouse Dispute

Prof. Brockway's Studies Bring
New Attention To The Molecule


By IERVIE IlAUFLER complish it, a cur enL of electrons is
Molecular structure has claimed re- passed from the filament to the plate
newed attention from American in an experimental vacuum tube and
chemists as a result of the studis of collimated-or narrowed-into a beam
Prof. Lawrence 0. Brockway of the on passing through a hole in the plate
chemistry department. one eight-thousandth of an inch in
Professor Brockway's aim is to diameter. A photographic film catches
measure the distances between the the electron beam.
atoms which compose a molecule. His The gas whose structure is to be
studies indicate that the behavior of determined flows from a jet across
a particular molecule is correlative the electron beam as it emerges from
with the length of the valence bonds the plate and some of the electrons
linking the atoms. In a series of re- are diffracted. or bent away, from

Charges that the century-old an-3
tarctic expedition of James Weddell
was a fake, made by Prof.-Emeritus
William H. Hobbs of the geology de-
partment last week, have been de-
nied by Prof. Griffith Taylor of thej


(Continued from Page 4)
ing will be held Friday, Jan. 6 at 4:30
p.m. in the League. Please be present.
Polish Engineering Society: There
will be a very important meeting,
Jan. 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigar
Union. Plans for the Annual En-
gineering Ball to be held in Detroit
will be made. All new members are
Open Badminton: Because of nec-
essary building repairs, open badmin-
ton in the evenings'in Barbour Gym-
nasium will be discontinued until fur-
ther notice beginning Friday, Jan. 6.

The telephoto lens caught Speaker William Bankhead in this dramatic
pose as he addressed the House of Representatives from the rostrum on
the day that the 76th Congress convened. Bankhea4i was reelected as1
speaker. A resounding cheer arose when he took his place on the dias.
Edmonson Says Schools Must
Safeguard Democratic Ideals

University of Toronto, explorer and
a member of Captain Scott's Antarc-
tic expedition in 1910.
Professor Hobbs declared that
Weddell's account .of his trip in 1823
by sailing vessel through open wa-
ter to a latitude of 74 degrees, 15 min-
utes, was fictitious. This alleged
route goes through the worst ice
pack in the world which has baffled#
every explorer since, he said.
Recalling the Scott trip as evidence
that notable shifts occur ia the ice
fields, changing conditions of ex-
ploration greatly from year to year,
Professor Taylor asserted that it was
possible for Weddell to get through.
The Scott party struggled for weeks
to get through an ice pack which
was later traversed by another party
in a day or two, he said.
The perpetual natureof the ice
pack was declared by Professor
Hobbs, in answer to this, to, be the
best evidence. No explorer ever
failed to get through Scott's route
although they encountered varying
degrees of difficulty. But no explor-
er has ever penetrated the Weddell
route, even by power boat, he stated.
Michigan 'Reform 3
Commission Gives
1Completed Report
The Commission on Reform and
Modernization of State Government,
headed by Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, of
the political science department, pre-
ven ted the final draft of its report
Dec. 20 at a meeting of its membersa
in Lansig....
Profess or Hayden, former vice-
governor of the Philippine Islands,

lated substances the distances be-
tween bonded atoms change in a reg-
ular way with changes in chemical.
Molecules of the common cleaning
fluid Carbono (carbon tetrachloride),
for instance, are composed of one
carbon and four chlorine atoms.
J Study of this structure has lead to
the information that the carbon atom
I is surrounded by the chlorines in the
form of a regular tetrahedron. The
particular behavior characteristics of
carbon tetrachloride, Professor Brock-
way believes, are directly related to
the distances between the carbon and
chlorine atoms.
The task facing Professor Brock-
way and other scientists at present
is to obtain the chemical bond'
lengths for a large number of sub-
stances in order that these lengths
can be correlated with lehavior. The
primary interest in this study lies in
determining the composition and pro-
perties of matter, but Professor Brock-
way admits that ultimately the .re-
sults will beimportant to industry. He
foresees that with a knowledge of the
relations between constitution and
chemical reactivity, a desired set of
chemical properties may be obtained
simply by choosing the molecules hav-
ing the appropriate structure. A
chemical substance could be "tailor
Measuring bond lengths is w tick-
lish matter, however, a matter of bil-
lionths of an inch: Professor Brock-
way has an adding machine always
within reach to rescue him from the
mazes of multi-numbered fractions
with which he must deal.
His method of measurement is
known as electron diffraction. To ac-
described- the 'report as advancing
strong reforms of the legislation, ex-
=ecutive and judicial branches of the
State government.

Classified Directory

That the schools must be the safe-
gifards of the democratic ideals of
freedom is affirmed by Dean James
B. Edmonson of the education school,
iAi an editorial appearing in the cur-
rent issue of the School of Educa-
tion Bulletin.
"It is not unlikely that today we
might be deprived of much of our
American heritage of freedom be-
fore many of us realize it," Professor
Edmonson says. "It is probable that
democracy, with its emphasis on
freedom, is on the retreat in the
world today."'
World leaders face a serious di-
lemma, the editorial states, because
they must choose between dissen-
sion, delay and inefficiency under
completely popular rule, and curb-

ing of freedom and individual initia-
tive under dictatorship.
"The only way out," Professor Ed-
monson says, "is to educate the peo-
ple to rule wisely and efficiently.
Consequently, the key institutions
needed to preserve democracy are its
educational institutions."
The article makes clear the dif-
ference between freedom and mere
license, which is described as an un.
wise use of freedom, and states that
"the rich and the poor, the bright
and the slow, the native sons and the
foreign-born . . , must be trained to
love freedom and to use freedom
wisely. The schools should be cease-
less guardians and creators of that
vigilance which alone can keep us
a free people."

LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
307 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
All articles washed and ironed.
Undershirts ........ . 04
Shorts .................... .04
Pajama, Suits ....... .......10
Socks, pair.................03
Bath Towels ................03
All Work Guaranteed
klso special prices on Coed's laun-
dries. All bundles done separately.
No markings. Silks, wools our
FOR RENT-Five room furnished
apartment. Electrically equipped.
Oil heated. 209 N. Ingalls. Phone
3403. 275
FOR RENT-Two apartments, each
with private bath and private en-
. trance. Very close to campus, reas-
onable rent. 1326 N. University.
Phone 6833. 273
WANTED-One or two men to share
apartmerit with two brothers. Con-

the original beam. The diffracted
electrons fall on the photographic
film and, exposing it, produce a pat-
tern. From the dimensionst of this
pattern may be' calculated the struc-
ture of the gas molecule.

venient, comfortable, economical.
1326 N. University. Phone 6833. 274
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935
or 2-1416. 79
TYPING--Reasonable rates. L. M.
Heywood, 414 Maynard St.., phone
5689. 271
TYPING at reasonable ,rates, Mrs.
Howard, 613 Hill St., dial 5244. 176$
FOUND--Man's strap wrist watch
before the Holidays. Call Heald at
4636. 276
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
PAPERHANGER-Craftsman, cap-
able fine paper work. Dial 7209. 181
young man desires work as porter
and all-round man at Fraternity
or Sorority. Al references. Phone
2-2016. 270
can handle your radio and record
problems. All makes repaired.
Phone 6327. 234


,. 0:







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