Annual Dance
Will Be Given
On New Years
Inter-Collegiate Committee
Plans Party In Cleveland
For All College Students
The Inter-Collegiate Committee of
Cleveland is planning their annual
Inter-Collegiate Ball New Year's Eve'
at the Allerton Hotel in Cleveland.
The party is a supper dance and the
original Case Rhythm Club will fur-
fish the. music.
"Elmer,the.Lone Delegate from
Siwash" and his Gong of Gongs will,
entertain the guests. Representing!
the University of Michigan on the
committee are William Parsons and
Frank Capick. They have chosen
Mary Engeman hostess to represent
their delegation at the dance.
Students and alumni from Case,
Reserve, John Carroll, Baldwin-Wal-
lace, Ohio State, U.. of yichigan,
Cornell, Oberlin, Ohio U., Miami,
Ohio Wesleyan, Denison, U. of Ken-
tucky, Kenyon, Harvard; Notre
Dame, and Dartmouth are expected
to take part in the dance. Reserva-
tions may be made here by calling
William Parsons, 1443 Washtenaw
Balloting For J-Hop
Bands To Continue
Balloting for J-Hop bands will con-
tinue through tomorrow, Jim Halli-
gan, '40, chairman of publicity, said
yesterday. Juniors may cast their
votes in boxes located in Angell Hall
lobby, Union lobby, and the Engineer-
ing Schook
In voting students may name any
two bands they wish, and they must
sign their names to their ballot.
English Boot and Shoe Maker
Our new repair department, the
best in 'the city. Prices are right.
438 South State and Factory on
South Forest Avenue.
Clothes Problem For Holiday
Trip Requires Careful Planning
By MARIAN FERGUSON in it. Gloves should be dark in color
One more day 'till vacation.- jland moderately warm.
Then we'll go to the station . . .If you will be on a Pullman over-
Tomorrow Michigan students be- night, a warm flannel or quilted taf-
gin their travels far and wide. Some feta robe and slippers in a little
go east to the coast, some west, some drawstring bag are necessities. One
to the sunny south and some into of the grandest aids for traveling
Canada. ever invented is the weekend kit,
One of their major problems willi which contains all your beauty aids
be keeping up a trim, neat appear- in' compact form. It dispenses with
ance. Nowhere is this so hard as on large jars jolting loose in your suit-
a long journey, especially in a crowd- i case, for you can leave them here
Id train or bus. Lots of foresight I and carry small amounts in the
and planning are needed to look well- little containers provided for that
dressed. purpose.
Clothes should be carefully selected Needle And Thread Are Handy
for trimness and resistance to muss Odds and ends for neatness are
and dirt. A tailored dress of dark often forgotten in the rush of pack-
sheer wool or silk is one of the best ing. Stick a needle and thread into
solutions to this problem. An Un- the lining of your suitcase in case a
lined wool suit with a pastel blouse button pops or a hem falls. And one
or sweater is also trim, yet casual of the tiny tubes containiing run-
anti practical. stopping fluid may prove a God-send
Pillboxes For Dress Coats For travel during the daytime it i
A high-crowned felt hat with a a help to have a small airtight "com-
jaunty plume is the perfect comple- pact" of cotton cleansing pads for
ment to a tweed coat. Pillboxes, removing make-up. They contain n
watteaus, or any of the new styles grease, and cleanse just as well as
that perch precariously on top of soap and water. (Don't forget your
your head will look well with a fur neck and behind your ears).
coat or a dressy fur-trimmed coat,,
provided they do not have too muchj
fuss and feathers. Alumni Plan Luncheon
Spectator pumps are the ideal shoes
for travel. Comfortable, easy to keep All students residing in the dis-
aeat, they are still dressy enough for trict have been invited to attend a
any occasion. Carry a large hand- luncheon to be given at 12 noon, Dec
bag so that last odds and ends that 28 in the University Club, Albany
you will want without digging into N.Y. The Michigan Alumni'Club o
your overnight case can all be carried Albany is sponsoring the celebration
Foresters Plan
PartyJan. 13
Annual Dance Will Be Held
In Ballroom Of League
The Forestry Club will hold its an-
nual informal dance from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. Friday, Jan. 13 in the League.
The Night Riders have been con-
tracted to play for the dance, Ed-
ward Levina, '39F&C, announced
Although the dance is open to stu-
dents of all schools, the ticket sale
will be limited to approximately 100
couples, Mr. Levina said. Frank
Becker, 39F&C, president of the
Forestry Club, is general chairman
for the affair.
Other members of the central com-
mittee for the dance are Wallace
Schweinsberg, '40F&C, who will be
in charge of decorations; Robert
Buckman, '39F&C, who will contact
chaperons; Ray Stevenson, '39F&C
in charge of tickets; William Pelley
'41F&C, head of the orchestra com-
mittee; and Mr. Levina, '39F&C, pub-
licity chairman.
Annual Christmas Dinner
Held By Mosher- Jordan
Green and red candles decorated
the tables for Mosher Hall's annual
Christmas dinner at 6 p.m. yesterday.
Guests included: Mr. and Mrs
Shirley 'Smith, Miss Ethel McCor-
mick, Father Clare Berry. Miss'Max
me Boone, and Miss Kathleen Hamm.
Elizabeth Evans' IMortar Board Goes
Troth Announced Christmas Carollng
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Evans of Members of Mortar Board left the
Waynesboro, Va., have announced League at 9:30 p.m. yesterday for the
the engagement of their daughter, Christmas carolling which is a tradi-
Elizabeth W., '36, to Albert L. Hart- tion within the society. The group
sig, Jr., '36E. who is the son of Mr. was later entertained at the home
and Mrs. Albert L. Hartsig of De- of Jenny Petersen, '39, president,
troit. where presents were exchanged and
Miss Evans is in the University refreshments served.
Hopsital School of Nursing. While Dean Alice Lloyd and Miss Marie
on campus she was active on WAA Hartwig, sponsors of Mortar Board,
and participated in JGP and was were special guests at the party. Th'e
affiliated with Alpha Omicron Pi practice of Christmas carolling was
sorority and is president of the Ann originated many years ago. shortly
Arbor Alumnae of that organization. after the formation of the honorary
Mr. Hartsig is a naval engineer society.
and is employed at present in the
City of Detroit Department of En-
tO al
A Very Merry
and a
Joyous New Year
B'eauty Shops
1203 East University
615 East Liberty
Chtmas Cheer
Then here's to your hearth and the flowing bowl,
The sound of skate blades ringing on ice
The sleigh bells' tinkle; the church bells' toll
And the turkey with dressing and apples and spice.
Goodbye to your books, your ink and your pen
Merry Christmas to you, till we see you again
321 So. Main St. Ph. 2-2214
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Washing consists of more than just taking out the surface dirt and leav-
ing the clothes looking white.
It should be a process where the clothes are
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