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December 15, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-15

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TH, E-'-M I C



And Education . .


up -owl




1 1" 4nit
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rightsof republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.'
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Board of Editors


Managing Edito
Editorial Direc
City Editor
Associate Edito
Associate Edito
Associate Edito
Associate Edito
Associate Editoi
Associate Editor
Bookc Editor.
Women's Edito
Sports Editor.

or . . .
,tor . . .
r ,
Business Depor

Robert D. Mitchell.
Albert P. May1o
Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
. S. R. Kleiman
. Robert Perlman
SEarl ilman
* William Elvin
. Joseph Freedman
DrJoseph Gles
. Dorothea Staebler
S Bud Benjamin
Philip W. Buchen
Leonard P. Siegelman
. William L. Newnan
. Helen Jean Dean
. Marian A. Baxter

Business Manager
Credit Manager .
Advertising Manager .
Women's Business Manager
Women's Service Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
More Blood
For Der Fuehrer .. .
ADOLPH HITLER is going to receive
a Christmas present from the stu-
dents of Dartmouth College. And, if he is lucky,
he will win five dollars besides.
Each student has been asked by "The Dart-
mouth," undergraduate newspaper, to contribute
one penny toward the purchase of human blood.
The money will be used to purchase four vials
of blood, one each of Jewish, Mongolian, Aryan
and Negro. On Christmas morning Hitler wil
receive a neat package. Accompanying it will be
a note pointing out that if Der Feuhrer or any
of his assistants can distinguish which kind of
blood is which, "The Dartmouth" will lessen the
German financial crisis with a contribution of
five dollars.
The Dartmouth chemistry department has
declared that it "is impossible by any knov
scientific means" to distinguish the blood. But
Herr Hitler, secure in his mystic ideology, has
little regard for science. If he cannot wiz the
five dollars any other way, he undoubtedly can
set up a special board which will declare all the
blood "spiritually Aryan." But no matter what
the result, the acute wit of the Dartmouth under-
graduates has put across its point.
-Stan M. Swinton
Cooperative Medicine
Off The Shelf .:--

SINCE THE TIME that Emerson
shocked the academic world with his
plea for thinking men instead of bookworms,
educational reformers have urged that university
students forsake their ivory towers. Student and
faculty groups alike have argued the importance
of the student as a potential citizen and have
attempted to arouse universities from their
By slow steps more and more students have
responded to their efforts. Universities are no
longer regarded as book-lined cells, convenient
places to spend four years completely isolated
from the rest of the world. Tangible evidence
of this comparatively new attitude on the part
of students is afforded by an organization which
has chapters on two hundred campuses through-
out the country--the American Student Union.
This organization, embracing some 30,000 stu-
dents, believes that the student body has a
definite function not only in working for much
needed campus reforms, but studying the world
situation, discussing the manifold problems which
face our present day society, weighing possible
solutions and lending support to those they
deem most worthy. It is without affiliations and
aims at securing as broad and democratic a
representation as possible.
During Christmas vacation, representatives of
the ASU from the leading colleges of the coun-
try will meet in New York City to discuss three
general topics, "The University We Want to
Study In," "The America We Want To Live In,"
and "The World That Will Give Us Peace." Dur-
ing the four day session they will treat subjects
ranging from student self government to the
Munich peace, NYA jobs to the Spanish war.
With the ideas garnered from fellow students
and from the nationally-known figures who will
address them, they will try to formulate policies
which will make the campus "a fortress of dem-
The work that these students will do is im-
portant. More than a large scale bull session, the
convention is a means of instructing youth to
a fuller realization of its place in a changing
world. As such it should win the commendation
of educators who believe it important that a
university train its students to be leaders of
their communities.
President Roosevelt expressed this thought in
a letter of greeting to the ASU convention last
year, when he said, "It is encouraging to find
that there are students sufficiently socially
minded to devote four days of their brief Christ-
mas Holiday to a discussion of our country's
social and economic problems. The schools of ol.r
country, especially the colleges and universities,
are expressions of democracy's interest in youth.
The fact that large groups of students on their
own initiative, are taking up national problems
is evidence that our institutions of learning are
getting results."
-June Harris
Gaines Decision
In a 6-to-2 decision, the United States Supreme
Court holds that Lloyd L. Gaines, a Negro, is
entitled under the fourteenth amendment to a
legal education in Missouri equivalent to that
provided for white students, and that his exclu-
sion from the law school of the University of
Missouri because he is a Negro is a violation of
the provision of the Constitution forbidding a
state to "deny to any person within its jurisdic-
tion the equal protection of the laws." Chief
Justice Hughes wrote the opinion. Justices M-
Reynolds and Butler dissented.,
Gaines is a graduate of Lincoln University, a
school of higher education maintained by Mis-
souri for Negroes. Although the act creating Lin-
coln University authorizes development of the
school to provide the same opportunities as those
at the University of Missouri, no law school has
ever been established there. To remedy this de-
ficiency, the State offers to pay the tutition of
Negroes desiring a legal education at universities
in other states
Gaines did not apply for such tuition, but in-
stead decided to institute a test case. He applied
for a writ of mandamus to compel the university
to admit him. The writ was denied in Circuit
Court and the judgment was affirmed by the
unanimous decision of the Missouri Supreme

Court. That court, in an opinion by the late
Judge Frank, based its affirmation on the ground
that public policy in Missouri has been to segre-
gate the white and Negro races for educational
purposes. It held that, by offering to pay the
tuittion of Gaines elswhere, the State had ob-
served the principle of equivalent opportunities.
In' its decision, the Missouri Supreme Court
naturally gave heavy emphasis to Missouri's
Constitution and laws as the expression of pub-
lic policy.
The United States Supreme Court brusied
aside the more realistic approach of the Missouri
Supreme Court, deciding the issue on a basis of
pure logic, and since the court of last resort has
spoken, there is nothing for the State to do but
open the University of Missouri to Negroes who
apply for law degrees or to provide a law school
at Lincoln University.I
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
In Democracy
President Roosevelt in his speech at Chapel
Hill, North Carolina, quoted an unnamed friend
as observing that the youth of America
feel they are "going places." This was a way of
saying the Nation was keeping up with the im-
plications of Justice Cardozo's remark, "We live
in a world of change . . There is change wheth-
er we will it or not."

-by David Lawrence-
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-Both

and Mrs. Roosevelt, by their action this week,
have removed from criticism their respective
activities in connection with the sale of books
or the making or radio speeches on so-called
commercial programs.
Mr. Roosevelt revealed that all money from the
sale of his books will go toward a specific public
purpose-the building of a library on his estate
at Hyde Park Which the Federal Government it-
self is to become the owner. The President's wife
revealed that she had decided to ignore a treasury
ruling of a few years ago whereby she did not'
pay taxes on earnings from her speeches, lec-
tures, etc.
Mrs. Roosevelt herself never intended either
to evade or avoid the payment of her taxes. In
fact, she went to the treasury in advance with.
her proposed contract for public speaking to learn"
if she had to pay taxes. A kindly official made a
ruling which was subject to public criticism be
cause it was at variance with other rulings. The
decision of Mrs. Roosevelt to ignore it is a
splendid example of civic honor and of an un-
willingness to accept special privilege, even when
profferred her in technically approved form.
Considerable Discussion
The incident came in for considerable discus-
sion among tax experts, who pointed out that
only a certain percentage of one's income can
be given to charity without paying taxes. The
net result of the new plan to be adopted by
Mrs. Roosevelt is that the government will get
more out of her earnings and she will have a free
hand to dispose of less of her income than she
did before.
This, however, is the plight of many a persoi
in the upper brackets who wants to donate
'money to charitable institutions. The govern-
ment nowadays steps in and takes its share
for its own purposes first and reduces the bal-
ance that can be given away by the taxpayer.
Indeed, over and above a certain per cent allow-
able for charity, the government at present im-
poses a gift tax, too, so, all in all, charitably in-
clined persons have less and less to say about
what happens to their income.
As for the President, the controversy which
arose in connection with the sale of his books
and the data of press conferences turned on the
fact that no'disclosure of purpose for the use of
the proceeds was made, and only after the,
President's action was criticized was it officially
announced that some public purpose was in the
President's mind, and that he did not expect
to profit by the transactions. Close friends have
known for some time about the President's desire
to have erected at Hyde Park a building to house
his official and private papers for the benefit of
students of history. Just how much will be avail-
able for this object will depend again on how
much the President has left after paying income
taxes. Doubtless it will be necessary for the
library project to be incorporated in some legal
manner in order that the President might make
a gift to the institution he has in mind.
No Details
The public, however, will not be concerned with
details since now all has been made plain con-
cerning the sale of books to the public by tlk
President relating to official proceedings of the
government of which he has a part. The implica-
tion which was widespread for a brief interval
and which this correspondent took occasion to
help nullify as soon as the President revealed
that he would give the proceeds to a public pur-
pose has unquestionably remained to some ex-
tent, but now will be cleared up because of
the detailed announcement of the President's
There always will remain subject to debate
the question of whether any President or any
member of his family should engage in any
business transactions involving the sale to the
public of particular commodities-either books
or services-because many Americans feel that
the prestige of the White House should not be
associated with anything that is sold to the
public. espeially when radio sponsors who com-
pete with other companies get financial benefits
by employing members of the President's en-
tourage. But, however opinions may differ on
this point, the all-important fact remains that
neither the President nor Mrs. Roosevelt is to
profit personally by any of these activities, so
there cannot be the slightest blemish on their
respective records of official or personal integrity.

The Editor
Gets Told,
A Champion Appears!
To the Editor:
You are at it again, and we bow our heads in
silent tribute to the sharpness of your pen which-
is whet in vain against the dullness of your wit.
We here at Michigan State have come to look
upon our neighbors at Ann Arbor with a kindly
benevolence, suitable to the feeling of an adult
for a wayward child.
You have in your midst, it seems, a man-hater,
that interesting specie which seems to infest
only the Michigan campus for reasons best known
to the male population. Her name is Marian
Phillips. who has. ii a volumino us exo,,ition of

the President

You ofM
By Sec Terry
HARRY "Diogenes" Kelsey, whose
father is the Detroit News' "Com-
mentator." was enroute from his city
beat one day last week, empty-hand-
ed and preoccupied as usual with
nothing, when he was hailed at the
corner of Liberty and Fifth-one block
east of the Pretzel Bell-by a young
fellow who looked and dressed like
a student. "Say, buddy," the stranger
inquired, "could you tell me where a
fellow could get a glass of beer in this
town?" Kelsey was so flabbergasted
for a spare moment at the thought of
some Michigan man not knowing
where the amber is dispensed that he
gaped at this unnatural specimen. It
was inconceivable to the young Daily
reporter, who has matured in the
tradition that beer taverns were as
necessary an adjunct to a well-round-
ed education as Angell Hall. Con-
vinced finally that the lad was not a
gagster, but honestly thirsty, Kelsey
directed him to an oasis, and resumed
his journey, preoccupied now with the
idea that maybe some people were
here for an unadulterated education.
* * k
OCCUPANTS of Rooms 7 and 7A
at the Health Service whiled
away a few hours the other day com-
posing the following ode:
(Or why I don't keep my mouth open
all the time.)
I think that I shall never see
A tube as bothersome as thee;
You enter the cavern of my mouth
Like a north bound train going south.
You come around ten times a day
The numbers on you do portray
The rise and fall of body heat,
-'Tisn't always right, perhaps we
Ninety-eight-six doth make me glad
Above a century makes me sad,
One hundred-three creates a thirst,
Over this number I'm apt to burst.
Yu pulse-feelers and thermometer-
You graduate nurses and trouble-
Kennedy, Maybaum, Thompson and
Take back your tubes and set me free.
When the trumpets blow their final
Andthings are set aright at last,
These tubes in nurses' months will
I hope that you can stand the test.
Roms.7 & 7A
]1EMORABLE lines: Spoken by
Anatole France in the movie,
"Life of Emile:Zola"--"Zola realized
there is no serenity save in justice,
no repose save in truth . . . He was
a moment of the conscience of man."
'* *
FF you have a friend who owes you
money, and would like to request
it in a diplomatic manner, perhaps
this contribution, from a Chicagoan
who signs himself, "Bill's Friend,"
will help. It was actually received by
a negligent debtot.
Dated: Before Breakfast
Dear Bill:
Last night I dreamed,
Near me, it seemed,
A falling star I did behold;
On closer view
I saw in lieu
Of star-a pot of gold.
If before dejeuner
You relate, they say,
A dream, it will come true;
So in order to know

If this saying is so,
I'm telling my dream you.
Signed optimistically,
L. G.
SOFF THE CUFF: Paul Y. Anderson,
1 whose suicide recently marked
him as a "futilitarian," wrote in his
last article for The Nation that Her-
bert Hoover is still the Boss of the
Republicans, despite the claim that
the G.O.P. has changed its spots, and
Mr. Hoover . . . "is running for the
nomination in 1940," . . . Andcrson'
last sentence: "Maybe Roosevelt knew
wvhat he was doing' when hie ent Alf
Landon to Peru," . . . Wonder item
The day Gargoyle appeared with a ful
page ad of the Ann Arbor Press, that
shop took the name plate out of its
window . . . Archie Kodros, footbal
captain-elect, walked into the P-Bel
the other day for the first time sincE
he's been on'the campus . . He wa:
posing for a picture . . .

THURSDAY, DEC. 15, 1938 r
VOL. XLIX. No. 69X
Campus Parking Permits: All those r
members of the University staff who s
are entitled to park on the campus
may obtain Campus parking permits g
for 1939 on application at the Irfor- ,
mation Desk in the Business Office. i
Herbert G. Watkins.V
To The Householders: Many stu-
f dens will remain in Ann Arbor over c
the holidays and will need work to s
help maintain themselves during that x
time. If you need student help and'c
will call Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, Ext. c
2121, Student Employment Bu:eau,
Dean of Students Office, she will be
glad to send you a young man to as-
sist in any kind of work. Please place
your,calls as early as possible. [
General Library: During the va- 9
cation period the General Library t
will be open daily from 8 a.m. till 6 t
p.m. beginning Dec. 17, except on c
Dec. 26 and Jan. 2, when it will be E
closed all day, and on Dec. 24 and t
Dec. 31 (Saturdays), when it will e
close at noon.
The Departmental Libraries will
be open from 10 to 12 a.m. on Sat-
urday, Dec. 17 and regularly eachs
day from 10-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.{
Monday through Friday, beginningc
with the week of Dec. 19-
German Departmental Library: AllI
books are due Dec. 12.
Hillel Library. All books were due
Dec. 7. Will those who still havet
'books out please return them im- 1
Pre-forestry and forestry students:.I
Announcement is made of the annualt
contest for the Charles Lathrop Pack1
Foundation Prize in Forestry, the
conditions for which may be securedI
from the Recorder of the School ofe
Forestry and Conservation, 2048T
which may be decided upon in con- .
sultation with members of the faculty
of the School, must be filed in the
office of the Recorder not later than
December 17, 1938.
To Members of the Faculty, Staff
and Student Body: Attention oft
everyone is called to the Lost and
Found department of the, Business
office. Room 1, University Hall. In-
quiry concerning lost articles should
be made promptly at the above men-
tioned office. Articles found on the
campus and in University buildings
should be turned over immediately.
Those articles not called for within 60
days will be surrendered to the find-
er. Shirley W. Smith.
1939 Mechanical Engineers, Gradu-
ate Students and Business-Admin-
The 1939 group picture will be
made up during the early part of
vacation. If your photograph is not
in now' kindly explain circumstances
at once to Miss Coon.
A.I.Ch.E. The contest problems will
be available in Dr. Katz's office, Room
3034, on Friday, Dec. 16. Will those
desiring copies of the problem please
sign the list on the bulletin board
outside Room 3034. In case the prob-
lems are delayed copies will be mailed
to those signing.
Academic Notices
Make-up examination for Anthro-
pology 31 will be held today at 2 p.m.
in Room 35, Angell Hall, instead of
1209 Angell Hall. 1WM, Titiev.
.. Concerts
Choral Union Concerts: Benianino
Gigli, Italian operatic tenor, will give
a concert in the Choral Union Se-
1 For The Duke

When asked whether he wished
English ladies to curtsy to his wife
as if she were a royal personage, the
Duke of Windsor replied that he and
the duchess were not so much inter-
ested in curtsies as in courtesies.
Score one for the former king in
s his duel with the highly respectable
Lady Pembroke and her set. If Ed-
ward is as good in repartee after he
returns to Mayfair society as he is on
the contientn, it will not be long until
sl he and his duchess will have the dow-I
s agers not curtsying but making full
I genuflections.
St. Louis Star-Times

les Thursday evening, Jan. 19, re-
placing Kirsten Flagstad, who is
enable to fill her engagement this
Bartlett and Robertson, distin-
:uished two-piano virtuosi, will
weard in recital on Jan. 25, repla-
ng the Budapest University Chorus,
vhose American tur has been cah-
alled for political reasons.
Concert patrons will please use
oupon No. 4, reading "Kirstet ?lag-
tad," for the Gigli concert; and cou?
on No. 7, reading "Budapest Chor-
is," for the Bartlett-Robertson con-
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
k collection .of etchings and Iftho-
graphs by prominent American ar-
ists, shown through the courtesy of
rofessor Walter J. Gores. Corridor
ases, ground floor, Archteture
Building. Open daily except Sunday
hrough Jan, 2. The public is invt-
Ann Arbor Artists' Mart: Sponsored
by the Ann Arbor Art Association, al-
;o an Exhibition of Prints from the
Chicago Artists Group. Alumni Mem-
)rial Hall. North'and South Gallries;
afternoons from 2 to 5; evenings 7 to
10; Sundays, 2 to 5. Through Dec.
15. .
Exhibition of Japanese Prints: The
exhibition of Japanese prints under
the auspices of the International
Center which opened the past week
n the West Gallery, 4431 of the
Rackham Building, will be Open
through the coming week, closing
Friday afternoon, Dec. 16. The hours
will be as during the past week, 9 to
12 a.m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. daily
except Sunday. The prints, which
are the collection of Miss Toyoko .
qagashima, a student in the Gradu-
ate School, are representative of the
very greatest artists in the field of
Japanese art.
Events Today
German Journal Club: Will meet
this afternoon at 4 p.m. in Roof
304 Michigan Union. Professor J.
W. Eaton will read a paper on "Au-
thority versus the Individual."
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 p.m. this afternoon,
Dec. 15, in the Observatory lecture
room. Mr. Stewart Taylor will speak
'On a Numerical Method in the Re-
stricted Problem of Three Bodies."
Tea will be served at 4 p.m.
The Beta Chapter of Iota Alpha will
hold its regular - monthly meeting
this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the
West Conference Room on the third
floor of the Horace H. Rackham Bldg.
The speaker for the evening will be
Dr. Charles W. Brashares and his
topic promnises to be of great interest.
Every member is urged to be pres-
hiversity Girls Glee Club: No re-
hearsal tonight.
Carol Siig: All students are invited
to an informal Carol Sing at Lane
Hall, Thursday evening, Dec. 5 at
8 o'clock,
Christian Student Prayer Group:
The first annual Christmas party-
program will be held Thursday eve-
ning, Dec. 15, at 8 p.m. in the Fire-
place room of Lane Hall. The Group
wishes to welcome to this meeting
visitors who would enjoy an infornal
evening of Christmas carols and
readings.Mr. and'Mrs. Stacey Woods
of the Inter-Varsity C~ristian Fel-
lowship of Canada will be guest par-
ticipants in the program.
Christian Student "Prayer Group:
A lunch meeting will be held at noon

on Thursday, Dec. 15, in the alcove
of the cafeteria at Michigan League.
Just carry your tray through the line
and join the group in the alcove. Mr.
and Mrs. Stacey Woods of the Inter-
Varsity Christian Fellowship of
Canada will bc guests.
Ann Arbor Independent Women will
have a social meeting Thursday, Dec.
15, at 4 p.m, in the Kalamazoo Room
of the Michigan League. Games and
a special tour of the League are being
planned. Christmas has also sug-
gested a surprise for all those at-
tending the meeting.
Stalker Hall: Tonight a skating
party leaving Stalker Hall at 7:30
p.m. for the Coliseum.
The Interior Decoration Group of
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
at 3 o'clock on Thursday afternoon,
Dec. 15, at the Michigan League. Mr.
Thomas S. Tanner, member of the
College of Architecture and local ar-
chitect, will lecture on "What Every
Prospective Builder and Remodeler
Should Know."
Coming Events
Biological Chemistry Seminar,


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received At the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


taken off its theoretical shelf and will
be put into actual operation in Ann Arbor where
it will undergo a trial period to determine wheth-
er or not it can solve the problems that the
independent doctor-patient relationship has
largely failed to meet.
Under the proposed plan of the Ann Arbor
Cooperative Health Association a doctor will be
paid a regular, guaranteed salary from the dues.
paid by the members of the association. There
will be no interference by the association in any
medical matters; the aim is to leave the doctor-
patient relationship as before. The doctor is
merely placed on a. salary basis, instead of be-
ing dependent on the uncertainties of illness,
Equal security will be offered, it is hoped, to
all members of the organization. Sickness will
not be followed by debt, and the worry of the en-
suing doctor bill need not add a mental hazard
to aggravate the patient's physical ills.
The plan will assure members of a great meas-
ure of preventive medical care in that they will
be free to seek early advice instead of allowing
their ills to become critical. Naturally this
means more frequent consultations and exami-
nations. Consequently the doctor will be ex-
pected, as far as is humanly possible, to keep
his patients in good health, as well as to cure
their ills.
The importance of this local step can be
readily seen when it is placed against the back-
ground of our present system of medical care
throughout the nation. Thirty-eight per cent of
our people receive no medical aid even when they
are incapacitated. Less than three per cent of
the country's doctor bill goes for preventive
medicine. Doctor bills seem invariably to come'

eighty epochs revealed herself as a
man-hater of no mean ability.
Then, in the cunning way peculiar
to cohorts of the Maize and Blue
and with all the subtleness of a freight
train, the statement was made that
these anti-male prejudices came as
a result of Miss Phillip's one year
stay at Michigan State. There you
erred, as will all children left to their
own devices.
Listen to the words of one who has
dated Miss Phillips, most vaunted
Men of Michigan. While at State she

Medical Alumnus Dies
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.-(A)-
Lieut. Col. James G. Morningstar, re-
tired army dental officer, died today
in Walter Reed Hospital. Morning-
star, 51, was born in Greenville, O.,
and graduated from the University of
Her usually sunfny nature has been
so warped and dampened by the ardor
of the Wolves of Ann Arbor that she
knows not which way to turn. She has
been set upon by beasts and has in
self defense turned man-hater. A pity!

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