SUNDAY, DEC. 11, 1938
Congressmen's Train Gets Check-Up
Church Topics
Tod ay Stress
Yuletide Spiri
A ICsi,
Wheels of Congress will soon be turning-in more ways than one-
and the subway that hauls the congressmen from their Washington,
D. C., office building to the Capitol, gets an extra oiling and check-up
from Joseph Hunt, operator.
'1) I)IImlell Pr('gI'am
At The Unitarian l Chrch
(on tinued from Page i
Unitariinl church. Prof. Leroy Wat-
erman, chairman of the oriental
languages department, will give an
illustratfed talk before members of the
Liberal Students' Union on "The Sur-
roundings of the Early Life of Jesus."
Prof. Waterman excavated in Pales-
tine several years ago and will show
!lides of his research around Sephor-
is, the tctwn where Jesus was reputed
to have worked as an artisan when a
young nman.
"Peace on Earth. How?" is the topic
that will be discussed at the meeting'
of the Disciples Guild tonight. Clar-
ence Kresin, '39. will discuss the
subject from the point of view of
Positive Pacifism and George Mut-
nick. '39, will present it from the
standpoint of Collective Security. An
informal discussion will follow the3
two talks.
All Lutheran students and their
friends are invited to attend the meet-
ing of the Luthern Students' Club to
hear brief talks on "European Christ-
mas 9,stoms." Walter Galson, '41E,
describe his last Christmas in Ger-
many. Norwegian customs will be
discussed by Martha Selniss, '39; Ral-
eigh Morgan will tell the characteris-
tics of a Negro Christmas and Mary
Domokos vill supplement her speech
on Hung arian customs with some
Hungarian songs.
The Gamma Delta Student Clubs'
party and fellowship supper at 5
p.m. at the St. Paul Lutheran Church
will be followed at 7:30 by a special
evening Advent service by the Rev.
C. A. Brauer on "Jacob Wrestling
With An Angel."
A "Christmas Pageant of the Na-
tions" directed by Mrs. W. Carl Rufus
will be presented at the First Metho-
dist Episcopal, Church. More than
one hundred persons will participate
and will represent all the Oriental
countries including Siam, China, Jap-
an, the Philippines and India. Mrs.
Bassel, who portrays the virgin Mary,
will sing "The Cradle Song."
The Student Fellowship Christmas
party for underprivileged boys at the
First Congregational Church will in-
clude supper and gifts presented by
Santa Claus. A special candlelight
service of Sigma Alpha Iota will be
held at 8 p.m. in the Church audi-
THE BOOK ROOM announce
foremost collection of unpubi
rare editions of the works of
Monday, December 12 throt
Council Advises
Social Security
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.---P)-The
Social Security Advisory Council con-
sidcred today proposing that Congress
write three new principles into the
Federal Social Security Program.
These are:
1. Acceptance of responsibility for
the economic welfare of wives and
!children of workers covered by the
Social Security Act.
1. Acceptance of responsibility for
the economic welfare of the workers
themselves when they are prevented
fm one. earning their own livings by dis-
3. Partial finanenig out of general
revenue of the costs of an expanded
Social Security program until a new
tecurity tax system can be evolved to
meet the increased expenditures. I
The Council, composed of represen-
tatives of employers, workers and the
public, worked on recommendations
to Congress and the President for
"liberalizing" the Social Security Act
in the next session of Congress.
Informed persons said its recom-
mendations would include extending
Old Age Insurance provisions of the
act immediately to 2,600,000 workers
in banks, charitable and religious in-
stitutions and the Maritime Industry
and eventually to 6,000,000 farm and
domestic laborers.
The group expected to have its sug-
gestions ready for presentation to the
Senate Finance Committee and the
Social Security Board early next week.
Be a Goodfeliov -
Three Faculty Men
AttLending Meetings
Three faculty members are attend-
ing three important out-of-state
meetings of educators this week-
Dean Edward H. Kraus of the lit-
erary college is at Harvard Univers-
ity for an informal meeting of deans
and college officials discussing "Com-
mon Interests and Problems."
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, coun-
selor in Religious Education, is in
Buffalo, N. Y., with a group of re-
ligious leaders of the nation. The
topic for the meeting is "Study of
the Church and State."
Dr. George A. Carrothers, Director
of the Bureau of Cooperation with
Educational Institutions, is meeting
with the Cooperative Study of Sec-
ondary School Standards in Kansas
City, Mo.
Late Professor's h SchoolT r
Son Wins Award Drive Far For Course
Norman Lockwood, son of the late Believe it or not, 38 high school
Prof. Samuel Lockwood. who was instructors from all over the state
head of the pianoforte department in drive a total of 5,578 miles weekly to
ihe School of Music from 1871 until attend a course in high school admin-
his death in 1933, has been awarded istration here.
the $500 prize for a choral work suit- First prize goes to C. B. White of
YorkIHamilton who comes 275 miles for the
able for dedication of the New rkclass. The average for the others is
World's Fair, it was announced Friday 146.8 miles. Prof. Howard Carroth-
by G. Schirmer Inc. of New York, ers of the education school is the in-
sponsors of the contest. structor of the cou:se
4~~~NP ia I id I eWory
pennants, etc., direct from manu-
- facturer-name embroidered free-
FOR RENT-Suite with private bath
and shower for three. Steam heat. ideal for Xmas gifts. Save money
Continuous hot water. Phone 8544. by phoning 6785 evenings. 711 Pack-
422 E. Washington. 229 ard. 228
FOR RENT--Completely furnished 7 LA UNDRIES
room income house for rent or sale.
Call 8679. 221 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
WANTED - TYPING Careful work at low prices. 9
TYPING--Experienced. Miss Allen, MISCELLANEOUS
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935
or 2-1416. 79j WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
TYPING at reasonable rates. Mrs.
Howard, 613 Hill St., dial 5244. 1761
LOST-Girl's purse with initials H. R.,
zipper and pair of glasses inside.
Reward. Call 2-3539. 240
LOST-Silver bracelet on diagonal,
call 5700 at 6 p.m. Reward.
FOR SALE-"M" Blankets, pillows,
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
PAPERHANGER-Craftsman, 'cap-
able fine paper work. Dial 7209. 181
can handle your radio and record
problems. All makes repaired,
Phone 6327. 234
WANTED--Ride to Florida over
Xmas vacation. Will share ex-
penses. Call 8298 evenings. Miles
Wolfsof. 243
Eden Inspects
All New York
In Single Day
Former Foreign Minister
Talks With LaGuardia;
Sees Broadway Show
NEW YORK, Dec. 10.-( )--An-
thony Eden was whirled through a de
luxe sight-seeing tour of New York
today, and the dark and handsome
British statesman who has variously
been styled "The White Knight of
Geneva" and "the best-dressed diplo-
mat in Europe" said he "loved it-
every bit."
With a police escort, Eden paid his
respects at City Hall to Mayor Fiorel-
lo H. LaGuardia, a kindred anti-dic-
tator spirit, and chatted volubly for
20 minutes. He inspected the new
East Side Express Highway along the
Hudson River, breezed through Cen-
tral Park, lunched in Times Square,
and then drove out to view the "world
of tomorrow" at the 1939 New York
World's Fair in Flushing, Long
Give you4r man
go together!
Attends 'Helizapoppin'
For tonight, he ordered tickets for
the Broadway musical revue hit,
,Hellzapoppin"-a hilarious slap-
stick affair which, by its similarity to
London Music Hall productions, may
strengthen his expressed belief that
Great Britain and the United States
are "cousins in democracy" amid
dictatorships and should stand to-
RABBI HARRY KAPLAN With almost boyish eagerness, in
contrast to the reserved dignity he
Rabbi Kaplan, who came to the maintains in Parliament and in
Whitehall, Eden let it be known he
Ohio State Hillel Foundation only wants to see the "whole works" on
recently, has travelled widely, and is his flying visit--shows, a view from
thoroughly acquainted with many the top of the Empire State Building,
social, religious and administrative art museums, night clubs and all the
organizations, being past president rest.
of the Pittsfield Council of Social His bigegst surprise so far, he said,
Agencies and the University Religious was the unseasonable warmth which
Council. had New Yorkers shedding their ov-
A cost supper will be served in the ercoats, and he remarked about it to
Foundation at 6 p.m. today immedi- Mayor La Guardia.
ately preceding the forum. * Surprised At Warmth
Be a Goodfeaow I"You know," he said, in the clipped
.L raccent of London's Mayfair, "I never
Polonia Literary Circle iexpected to find it so warm here."
Plans Get-Acquainite.l Tea "Please!" the Mayor raised a de-
preciating hand. "I've had my snow-
Polonia Literary Circle is holding storm, and I don't want another."
an Herbatka Zatoznawcza or "get- A crowd of 500 cheered Eden, and
acquainted tea" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday admiring "ohs!" and "ahs!" escaped
in Lane Hall. women spectators, some of whom ap-
The evening's program will feature parently mistook him for a Hollywood
games, Christmas carols in English movie star,
and Polish, a discussion of Polish "Is it Gable?" One woman asked,
Christmas customs, and refresh- exerting her elbows in the throng.
ments. Each person attending the l "More like Taylor," said another,
party is bringing a small gift for an not quite able to see over the heads
exchange. 3 in front of her.
IlA ______ --. _____ _________-. - - - - - _____i-------- ___________ .----________________-'l
* 4"
Club Group: Broadcloth
shirt, white stripes on
blue, green, wine, $2.50;
stripe tie, $1.50; colored
., ;.
I border h
50c, mo
links, co
the set.
indkerchief, 35c;
ered clock hose,
onstone tie clasp,
lar holder, $4.00
r .
± R
We decided that men are treated well, but not wisely
on Christmas. They get plenty of gifts, but none of
them go together. So here are CONTEMPO GIFTS,
completely ensembled so everything clicks- Give an
entire ensemble yourself. Or, start one and have others
join you in giving the other items of the group.
Come in tomorrow, and see all the CONTEMPO RE-
LATED GIFT GROUPS . . . sold here exclusively!