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December 11, 1938 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-11

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Holiday To See Belgium's 'Little Mother' Enters Church
New York To Lure Most
Professors From City
Speaks Here Tuesday v *=

Students Urged I Roe Scholars A re Subject To New
To Contribute Environmental Conditions At Oxfr rd
In Annuial Drive ___ _______________________

season affords faculty members an
opportunity to attend scholarly meet-'
ings and coventions. That they are
taking advantage of it to the fullest
degree is snown in amouncamentsl
made yesterday ac the President's
office. /
Prof. F. S. Dunham of the Univer-
sity Hih School will attend a conclave
of the Ar erican Philological Society
to be-held from Dec. 28 to 30 in Pro-
vidence, R. I.
Dr. F. E. Davis of the surgery de.-
partment will give a paper before the
Northern Michigan Medical Society
Thursday in Petoskey.
The meeting of the American So-
ciety of Mechanical engineers, which
is being held this week in New York,
drew several faculty members includ-
ing Prof. Franklin L. Everett of the
engineering mechanics department.
Prof. T. S. Lovering of the .geology
department is in Washington, D.C.,
in consultation with federal officials
on the projected large-scale map of
the Front Range Mineral Belt. He
will also consult with the National
Park Bureau over the proposed ex-
tension 'of Rocky Mountain National
Park in Colorado. Professor Lovering
plans. to return here Jan. 3
Dr. F'rancis B. Vedder of the den-
tistry school is presenting a series of
papers and clinics at the Greater
New York Dental Society conclave
being held this week in New York
Dr. Francis A. Coller, chairman of
the surgery department, returned
yesterday from a meeting of the
Southern Surgical Association meet-
ing at White Suphur Springs, Va.
Dr. E. W. Blakeman, counselor in
religious education, is attending a
confere ce in Buffalo with other
leaders in his field on. possible studies
of church and state' in education.
Previously, to his arrival in Buffalo.
he had been at a meeting of the
prograi committee of the Religious:
Education.Association of the United
States and Canada, which was held
in Chicago.
Pfbf. Clark Hopkins of the Latin
and Greek department is engaged
this week in giving a'series of talks
on the University excavations at Se-.
lucia on the Tigris under the auspices'
of the Archeological Instituteeof
America. ' He' will speak in Cleve-
land, Boston, Hartford, Conn., Mid-
.deton, Conn; and New York Cifty
A Delightful EXtra Gift

Proceeds To Be Given To
Local Relief Agencies;
Sale Lasts Ten Hours
fContinued from Page 1)I
needy. Its widespread work has saved
dozens of families from destruction
and inculcated a respect for the ulti-
mate good of human nature in those
whose economic condition was mak-
ing them question the values of soci-
Originated by the Daily four years
ago, the Goodfellow drive has won
universal recognition as a project
worthy of whole-hearted support. At
the University of Illinois and on half-
a-dozen other campuses the Good-
fellow plan has been copied. In cities
as large as Detroit, Goodfellow funds
serve to alleviate suffering.
Since its inception, the Goodfellow.
drive has grown in size but, with its
greater importance, has come ever
fuller appreciation of its humanitar-
ian purposes. That the campus will
appreciate these motives in tomor-
row's drive is sure; that it will give
fuller support. than ever before is
expected. If you do your part that
end will be noticeably easier to reach.
Time' Prints
Case History
Of Local Bo
The case history of a 13-year-old
boy. formerly a member of the Michi-
gan Children's Institute in Ann Ar-
bor, and now under treatment at the
University's Neuropsychiatric Insti-
tute is described in the latest issue
of Time, nationally-circulated news
The magazine relates the story of
Chris Simpson, whom Clarence F.
Ramsay, superintendent of the Chil-
dren's Institute, has called a "typi-
cal product of a home where there has
been neither parental love nor dis-
According to Time, the Simpson
boy, whose' parents deserted him af-
ter frequent mistreatment, was placed
in the Children's Institute at the
age of five. Later hewas adopted by
a ealthy widow and moved to her
farm in Calhoun 'County.

Belgium's "Little Mother," Princess Josephine, mother to her brothers
since their mother's death, enters a Brussels church with an uncle,
Charles, and brother, Baudouin.
Medical Records For 20Years,
Indexed. InHe al"th S crvice .files

Many hazards await Rhodes Schol-
ars upon their arrival at Oxford
University. Not only is the educa-
tional system different but heating
facilities, climate, food and many
other obstacles confront them.
At present several University stu-
(dents are awaiting the decision of
the Rhodes Scholarship committee.
,Since their inception of these schol-
arships in 1904, 12 Michigan men
have received these coveted awards.
In addition four members of the fac-
ulty were at one time Rhodes Schol-
ars: Prof. Hessel E. Yntema of the
Law School, Prof. Arthur Smithies
of the economics department, Prof.
John P. Dawson of the Law School
and Allan Seager of the English de-
Founded in 1904 as a result of the
legacy left by Cecil John Rhodes, fa-
mous English colonial leader, the
awards have been providing a large
number of students in the United
States, the British dominions and
Germany two to three years study at
the great English university.
Out of a $40,000,000 legacy, $250,-
000 was taken annually to provide
scholarships to Oxford for deserving
men. These were divided among the
United States, British dominions and
Germany. During the World War,
however, the German scholarships
wereddiscontinued, only to be re-
sumed or. a greatly reduced scale
after the Armistice.
Rhode's purpose was to develop
men in all-around interests who
would eventually go into public serv-
ice, thru furthering amicable rela-
tions between the countries con-
cerned. But statistics have shown
that the plan has failed to produce
any national political leaders, the
majority instead showing a marked
tendency toward academic and pro-
fessional work. The original stipula-
tion called for men who were pro-
ficientsin athletics as well as in their
studies for Rohdes did not want
'bookworms." But this has gradually
changed until at present scholastic,
ability is the chief requisite. Today
the qualities considered in making
selections are (1) literary and schol-
astic ability and attainments, (2)
qualities of manhood, truth, courage,
devotion to duty, sympathy, kindli-
ness, unselfishness and fellowship,
(3)exhibition of moral force of char-
acter and of instincts to lead and to
take an interest in his schoolmates
and (4) physical vigor as shown by
interest in outdoor sports or in other
Up intil 1929, twomen from each
state were sent to Oxford but at thA
aforementioned date the basic sys-
tem was changed. It was felt that in
all fairness sparsely populated states
like Nevada or Arizona should not
receive as great a representation as
'New York or some of the other large
states Therefore, the United States
was divided into eight zones of six


telL.4I tourAMI.man Aelpl
Reduce indoor drafts and sudden tem-
perature changes and you banish the
chief causes of winter colds. The free

r . '
. ".
. . ., '' y ,
art ./'A e. ""

states each. A selection committee bad climate, poor heating facilities
was formed in each state to choose and poor bathing facilities-four tubs
,from the many applicants two men ito a whole college. According to
who in turn would go before the Christopher Morely the food if it
zone committee which would select is not bad is at least monotonous.
four men out of the 12 applying. The usual meal is either one of
The new system has raised the aca- two-brussel sprouts and potatoes
demic standing of the American stu- or potatoes and brussel sprouts, he
dents at Oxford but has also seen claims.
a change in the type of scholars In return for Rohdes' generosity.
to a less naive, more serious-minded many American scholships have been
kind, offered to Englishmen until now there
American students usually encoun- are more English scholars in the
ter some difficulties when they first, United States
arrive in England. The chief of these
uis that the educational institutions
of the two countries have entirelyWe give the
different standards. The university
spirit" is entirely nonexistent at ex- RILLING K L E R "
ford. The school is made up of 22 -
men's colleges and 4 women's. Each
have their separate buildings, ath- A
letic fields, faculty, lecture rooms,
dormitories and dining halls, and - The latest in Permanent
consist of from 125 to 300 members Waves--
apeice. For many Americans. ac-
customed as they are to large cam- * Closer to the scalf.
puses, B.M.O.C.'s and other such * A Softer Wave.
things, the scope is much too narrow.4
A hazard of 1904 was the require-
ment of a knowlede of Greek, but
this has since been abondoned. Ox- RUL
ford usually accepts graduate of an
approved school as of "senior status" BEAUTY SHOP
and he does not have to take exam- 611 East Liberty Phone 3083
inations except at the end of his
course. Other difficulties include the

<:-", i

It spells "haknd loveliness" for a
long time -this Christmas-y
package of 'Pacquin's Hand
Cream in its gay holiday jac-/
ket. Pacquin's dainty cream
helps keep hands free from
coar%eness, roughness, painful
chapping, caused by water and'
cold weather. Exclusive formula
originally developed just for
doctors, dentists and nurses.
So dainty to use. For Pacquin's
is a cream. Dion-sticky. Vanish-
ing. Ideal as an "extra" gift for
mother, sister, cousin, niece. Or
gift for teacher too. Order to-
day. Two suses . . 39c and 79c

75,000 Students Included
In Statistics Containing
Data On Student Illness
Lying neatly indexed in the Health
Services files are the complete medi-
cal records of every one of the 75,-'
000 students who have attended the
University si e 1919. Only the fold-
ers of the 15,000 students who are in
present attendance are kept in the
active files in the outer office, while
the others are -stored in two sizeable
storerooms filling the shelves, run-
ning from floor to ceiling.
Included in each folder is the stu-
dent's picture, his health background,
the findings 6f his freshman exam-
ination, and the detailed notations of
his various medical treatments at
the Health Service. At the end of
each year the whole filing system is
rearranged. The' graduates and
those who have left school are weed-
ed out. All students ar given a rela-
tive health rating which governs
their campus activities and if the
Health Service wishes to see a stu-
dent a flag is affixed to his card, a
blue flag for one month, a red flag
for six months, and 'a green flag for
a year.
These files, since they contain such
complete data on so large a number
of individuals, are a very valuable
source of statistical information. A
separate file is kept of all students
who have ever had tuberculosis and
an exhaustive tabulation has been
made on the prevalence of the various
functional diseases, childhood, ill-
nesses, allergies, and other disord-
ers. A careful check is made of all
deaths of students on record and
when this division of the file be-
conies fairly large, a study will be
undertaken on the causes of death.
Insurance companies and other or-
ganizations often request information
from the Health Service records but
'this is never grantd unless accom-
panied by the written consent of the
Christmas Vacation
As Low as 5c a Mile
Make Reservations NOW
Drive It Yourself
for Men, Women and

student. In accordance with strict
medical ethics this information is
kept entirely confidential. The rec-
ords, however, are always open to
the student's personal physician and
zhave proved to be of great aid in this
Secretary Of ASU
Speaks Here Teusday1
Climaxing an intensive member-
ship drive being conducted by the
American Student Union, Joseph
Lash, national executive secretary of
the ASU will speak on the issues of
the national convention to be held
Christmas vacation in New York
City. Mr. Lash will address an open
meeting to be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday
in the North Lounge of the Union. .
Widelylknown throughout the lib-
eral student movement for his many
pamphlets on current topics, Lash
was one of the founders of the Ameri-
can Student Union and has held the
position of executive secretary since
its inception. He has been an active
force in broadening the student
movement and initiating the annual
student strikes against war.
Be a Goodfellow
'Benefit Tea Dance f
To Be Held Monday
A Christmas tea dance for the
benefit of Spanish Refugee children
will be held Monday, December 12,
from 4 to 6 p.m., at Lane Hall.
The admission to the dance, spon-
sored by the American Student Un-
ion, $ to help fill a stocking with
canned milk, soap, mittens, or fifteen

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ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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book shown below
tells how Johns-
Manville Rock.



The Silver Theatre
The Laugh Liner
The People's Pl-t -,rmn
Passing Parade
Orson Welles' Mercury Theatre
Ford Sunday Evening Hour
Robert Benchiey
The Hermit's Cave
Henry King's Orchestra
Gene Krupa's Orchestra
Catholic Hour
C C. Bradner
Jello Program
Pitch Band Wagon
Charley McCarthy
Manhattan Merry-Go-Round
American Album of Familiar Music
Horace Heidt
Col. Frederick Palmer
News and Music
Weather, Scores
What Price Loyalty?
Show Of The Week
Sport Commentator
Dick Barrie's Orchestra
Bach Cantata Series
Say it With Words
Old Fashioned Revival
The Goodwill Hour
The Canadian Club Reporter
Serenade in Waltz Time





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