Students In Goodfellows Driver's Seat Tomorrow
ord Fritz De Fries 11-12 Cecile Franking
'et Carr 10-11 Janet Burns peg O'Neil
Forrest Kate'Vaughn 12-1 Norrna Ginsberg
Koch Dick Livingston 1-2 Betty Judson
y Cox Hortense Smith 2-3 Merida Hobart
JE LOBBY 11-12 Phyllis Hoffneyer 3-4 Doris Cuthbert
olland Mildred Perkius 4-5 Betty Guntley
e Sablin Herb Blumberg 5-6 Lois Fenn
a Heath 12-1 Betty Lyons LAW QUAD
>ckwell Barbara Grill Lawyers Club Entrance:
3luck Bill Davidson 7:45-8 Bill Jetter
a Chissus 1-2 Nancy Gould Sue Potter
ckwell Joan Davidson 8-8:30 Jim Tracy
Earle Hugh Estes Norma Curtis
Connell 2-3 Ruth Koler 11:30-12 Bill Hunter
Pomeroy Midge Ford Janet Fullenwider
IRhead Dirk Vander Burch 12-12:30 Clark Schell
wartout 3-4 Barbara Grill . Claire Ford
Burrows Margaret Bird Betty Jane Mansfield
olland Ben Jones 5:30-6 Jack McCarthy
e 4-5 Martha Bedford Mary McCarkey
rle Parfet Jean Noyes Anne Hawley
Spangler 5-6 Mary Baldwin Law Library Entrance:
Low Barbara Grill 7:45-8 John Currie
n Oxhandler ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL , Virginia Allen
ea Staebler WIND TUNNEL 9:45-10 Jim Stoudt
Fulenwidaer 7:45-9 Robert Bessey :45-1 0 Jim Stoudt
Matson 9-10 Cal Kresin 10:4-11 Ben Dewey
i Oxhandler Warrington Willis 1:45-2 Francis Wistert
Paterson 10-11 CWarlesgonBWclisMarian Baxter
Ce KrighoffBiC ere rBuck 5-6 Mary Alice MacKenzie
Jame Mansfield 11-12 Bill Soups Quadrangle Entrance, Hutchins
M SCHOOL 12-1 Anand Kelkar Hall:
iebovitz 1 2 Grace Bolkman :45-8 eor eb e b
- Smith Evelyn Sager 8:45-10 o Munso
McCoy 2-3 Warrngton Willis 9:45-10 Tom Munson
t Smith 3-4 William Clark 10:45-11 Bob Keck
ichols 4-5 Roberta Moore 145-2 John Griffin
liter NORTH & EAST UNIVERSITY B. Patterson
apekis 7:45-9 Dorothy Gucher State Street Entrance,
chohBetty Myers Hthn al
ndyke 9-10 Jane Schroeder Htc i Hall:n
Griggs 10-11 Jane Finkbeiner 8:45-9 John Griffin
Pirnschild ' Mary Ferguson94-1BeDwy
Griggs 11-12 Sally Corcoran 9:45-10 Ben Dewey
~bovitz . Rhoda Foxman 1 4-1Francis Wistert
SERS 12-1 Irene Doherty r nStreet Entrance,
Young Lorraine Mantner Hutchins 7:58hilGifih
Tyman 1-2 Suzanne Turring 7:45-9 Tom Munson
Sklarsky Alice France 8:45-10 Chuck Blackwell
tris 2-3 Margaret Goose 10:45-11 Chuck Blackwell
Pek -4 Doris- Yoder
Wolfe 4-5 Sylvia Casper LEAGUE, No. Univ. ENTRANCE
TH UNIVERSITY 5-6 Shirley Altsheuler Mortarboard
herrill 7:45-9 Barbara Moore Dud
.rump 9-10 Mary.Frances Reek UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL STEPS
a Ast 10-11 Jeanne Judson Couzen's Hall
Ramsdell Heads Committee Studying
Northern Michigan Forest Problems
Agriculture, -forestry, recreation,
and wildlife in the cutover areas of
Michigan. Wisconsm and Minnesotat
are dealt with in the report of sub-
committee A of the Northern Lakes
States Regional Committee, headed
by Prof. Willet F. Ramsdell, of the
forestry school. On Professor Rams-
dell's committee are among others
Michigan State College Professors J.
0. Veatch, . V. Ballard, and E. C.
Although there is necessarily 'some
overlapping of subjects investigated
by the four sub-committees of the
;Regional Committee, Professor Prof.
Ramsdell pointed out yesterday, each
group is attacking the problems from
its own particular angle. Three of
the committees are headed by
University professors, the others in
addition to Professor Ramsdell be-
ing Prof. George C. S. Benson, of
the Bureau of Government, and Prof.
William Haber, of the economics de-
Depletion of virgin natural re-
sources, large proportions of soil un-
suited to agriculture, and the popu-
lation distribution and unemploy-
ment conditions resulting are major
problems of the cutover area dealt
with by Professor Ramsdell's com-
mittee. To deal with them effectively
it is necessary to make further broad
surveys classifying soil, relief fea-
tures, cover and vegetation, and to
define natural land types, and con-
\truct land type maps. With these
JI findings as a basis for remedial ef-
careless loggers whose destructive i at once, for although effects will not
logging practices in the past made be felt immediately, the committee
the area what it is today as far as feels that a large measure of better
diepletion of resources is concerned. employment and living conditions for
woldestoppesd. sd'the population of the northern part
would be stopped. iof the state will be attained.
With the growth of forests result- Goedfeows-Monday
ing from such a far sighted pro-
Beware Of Rabbit Fever, Pollard Warns
Consider the danger in rabbit 'rabbit may be inspired by some hu-
hunting before you shoulder Your manitarian motive and attempt to
gur Christmas vacation, Dr. Marvin capture it alip~. Success may be won
H. Pollard, secretary of the medical nlate t gfveay be won
school, warned yesterday, as he told only at the cost of several bites by
of the possibility of hunters and their the infuriated, teiror-stricken beast
cooks contracting rabbit fever. 'which may or may not be infected.,
tRabbit fever, known in Scientific Assuming infection, the disease will
circles as tularemia, is an infectious soon manifest itself in the human
disease of rodents caused by a'micro- by the sudden onset of an irregular
organism. Transmission o c c u r s fever which may reach extreme
through the bite of an infected ani- heights and then subside to normal.
tnal or in its handling. Accompanying the fever may be
Hunters in cornering a wounded [headaches, backaches, fleeting pains
and an almost inconquerable lassi-
Doctors can prove tme presence of!
the disease only through micro-
Icopic examination resulting in the
recognition of the tularemia organ-
ism. Treatment requires complete
rest in bed and a prolonged conval-
escence which is punctuated by the
constant recurrance of sharp pains.
MThese may continue for 12 monthsi
-or more.
Cooks and handlers of rabbit are
subject to the disease. An open
wound on the hand while skinning
the rabbit may accidentally be spat-
tered with the infected rodent's blood
which is teeming with the disease
bearing organism. Infection will
1quickly follow.
Prolonged freezing or cooking will
destroy the organism. Prevention can
be assured by handling all rabbits
,with extreme caution. Rubber gloves
can provide adequate protection.
Goodfellows-Mon day-
Special Meeting Marks
Stamp Club Anniversary
Celebrating its 10th anniversary,
the Annual Arbor Stamp Club' will
hold a special meeting 10 p.m. Wed-
nesday in the Union. Dr. Howard B.
Lewis, one of the charter members of
the club, will speak.
The Club will conduct an exhibi-
tion of choice frames of stamps and
covers and an auction. Five of its
six original members are expected to
be present. Edwin B. Smith, who has
served continuously as president since
the club's inception, will preside at
the meeting.
Library Gets Check Room
For the convenience of patrons, a
check room has been installed on the
main floor of the general library.
An attendant will be on 'duty next,
week to take care of clothing which
formerly cluttered library chairs.
forts, there arises the need for zon-
ing statutes.
The problem of the settler who at-
tempts to farm a block of land 20 or
.o miles from the nearest road, and
who may demand schooling for his
x hildren, causing expensive road
\bhilding by the local government in
order to furnish 5transportation to
end from school is mentioned in the
report of sub-committee C, headed by
Professor Benson, as an example of
the need of zoning measures. One
Isuch isolated family is reported to
have cost the local government $50,-
.000 over a period of years in this
'way. When, as is often the case, the
Iand proves to be sub-standard, the
township or county assumes the addi-
tional expense of providing relief for
the family.
Zoning demands local leadership
and support, the report of commit-
tee A adds, and this in turn demands
educational programs, and state and
federal financial support. The change,
if there be one, must come from
within the areas themselves. Well
located, but only partly developed
farms in the area are another prob-
lem which must be dealt with before
encouraging the development of new
farms in new communities.
In the work of clearing farm land,
or in other work connected with the
forest or cutover lands the CCC has
taken over a function which once
provided employment for residents of
the territory, actually increasing, un-
employment, according to the report.
If they were once more employed in
work of this nature, some relief of
their distress might result.
Fire protection in the cutover area
has increased greatly in excellence
during the last 15 years, but if fur-
ther expanded would be of great aid
to the state and local governments
n several ways. More ,cutover land
could be devoted to timber, forming
a sort of public storehouse which
would prove valuable in future years.
Recreational facilities would be in-
creased, drawing tourist trade to the
area, and a good source of income
would be provided for. At the same
.'time wild life would be protected, and
since foresters would also be in a
position to keep close check on timber
Vands, malpractices on the part of
Holiday Suggestions
With the holiday season rapidly drawing near one
should plan to take full benifit of the occasion and
try to get the utmost out of it by dining out during
the holiday rush. The Allenel Hotel dining room
wishes to extend their welcome to all to come down
and enjoy one of our Christmas specials. Our menu
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