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December 08, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-08

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class.mail matter.
Sub..riptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Board of Editors

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor .
Women's Editor
Sports Editor .

. Robert D. Mitchell.
Albert P. May10
. . Horace W. Gilmore
. Robert I. Fitzhenry
- . . S. R.. Kleiman
Robert Perlman
. . . .Earl Gilman
* . . William Elvin
. . Joseph Freedman
. . . .Joseph Gies
. . . Dorothea Staebler
. . . Bud Benjamin

the minority that their chief mission in life is to
return North Slesvig to Germany and Dr. Goeb-
bels' principle of repetitious propaganda is ex-
tensively used in mass meetings, circulars, thea-
tricals and motion picture.
Other supplementary devices are being used
to consolidate German influence in North Sles-
vig. A credit organization to buy up as much
land as is financially possible and turn it over
to Germans is operating on a wide scale there.
It also lends money to Danish farmers hopelessly
in debt and forecloses to take their farms and
turn them'over to some loyal party member.
Violence ,thus far, has been in abeyance.
Aside from a few well-poisonings, window break-
ings and occasional beatings, the methods have
been generally peaceful, for the time is not pro-
pitious for Hitler to have a Scandinavian inci-
dent on his hands. But when Hitler gets ready
to direct an attack on Scandinavia, enoug,
incidents can be created almost overnight to
"justify" his intervention. Unarmed Denmark
will then be the springboard to the rest of
Scandinavia, whose supply of iron ore (in
Sweden) would materially benefit Hitler's mili-
taristic economy and whose bountiful crops of
eggs, butter and fats are sorely needed by a
country in which scientists are constantly experi-
menting to find new synthetic foods.
-Carl Petersen
The Munich Pact
And British Arms . .
W HENEVER Neville Chamberlain's
policy of appeasement is discussed,
there is one argument which is always stressed
by the intelligent supporters of the Munich sur-
render. They point out that capitulation was the
only course open to the English because of Ger-
many's superiority in the air.
Granted that England's air force was and is
inferior to Germany's, as most authorities think,
and granted that, consequently, Chamberlain is
not to be blamed for not risking war, there is one
factor yet in his statesmanship which calls for
Why was Great Britain unprepared in the air?
For the last few years we in this country have
seen many newsreels, magazine illustrations, and
newspaper photographs depicting the precaution-
ary measures that were being taken for the in-
evitable air raid. The English people were made
extremely conscious of what an air attack would
mean to the non-combatants. During the last six
years the government spent $1,634,014,500 to im-
prove the size and efficiency of her air weapons.
Plans were revised several times since 1934, to
increase production. Yet, in the recent crisis ex-
perts state that the air corps was neither capable
of defending the Britiseh Isles nor launching an
effective counter attack against Germany.
William Stoneham of the Chicago Daily News
foreign staff, who has written a series of articles
analyzing the preparedness of the major Euro-
pean powers, last week disclosed the answer to
this situation. He believes it is the result of three
conditions none of which speak well for the Con-
servative party. He shows that the bad organiza-
tion of the air ministry, the unforgiveable delay
in starting aircraft production, and finally, the
selfishness of the English armament ring ex-
plain why Chainberlain, even if he wanted to,
could not depend on the war machine he was
supposed to have built. Armament manufacturers
have always been more or less the whipping boys
of editorial writers. We do not -think we are go-
ing out of our way in this discussion, however,
if we state, for example, that the Hawkers con)'
pany received an order for 600 Hurricante Fight-
ers in 1936. By the end of March, 1938, only 30
planes were delivered.
Historians will have to decide the important
question of what Chamberlain would have dene
if his air force had been ready. For the present
it serves as a very convenient explanation for
his bowing before Hitler.
--Alvin Dann

-by David Lawrence----


You of M
By Sec Terry

Business Department

Business Manager
Credit Manager ,.
Advertising Manager.
Women's Business Manager
Women's Service Manager

. Philip W. Buchen
Leonard P. Siegelman
William L. Newnan
Helen Jean Dean
* Marian A. Baxter

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
A Welcome To
The New Governor. . .
T ONIGHT the Republicans of Ann
T Arbor and vicinity wlll welcom le
new governor of Michigan at a jubilee dinner in
the Michigan Union. With Mr. Fitzgerald will
come Mr. Luren Dickinson and other new mem-
bers of the state administration. Senator George
' McCallum of Ann Arbor will be toastmaster for
the program, which will draw prominent men
from all over the state.
Ann Arbor and the University are in the center
of a region of strong Republican traditions. The
party was founded only 40 miles from here and
has had many years of association in the county,
which is one of the oldest in the state. In the city
and county the party has been associated with
leadership and good government, so secure being
its roots that in 1936 the phrase was coined,
"Maine, Vermont and Washtenaw County!" Thus
there will be real spirit and sincerity in the wel-
come and celebration tonight.
The Michigan Daily would like to add its words
of welc6me to the many that Governor Fitzgerald
and his staff will receive and to wish them a suc-
cessful and constructive administration.
-Robert Mitchell
The Nazi Menace
And Scandinavia.:.
OR 75 YEARS Denmark has been at
peace with the rest of the world.
While other countries have waged war Denmark
-has worked to strengthen her cooperative econo-
my, profiting by war through the sale of huge
export crops of dairy and meat products. Today,1
the possibility that the three-quarter century
vista of peace will be rudely shattered and that
the oldest kingdom in Europe will be forced to
bow to totalitarian might is a near-reality.
The menace of Hitler to Denmark is especially
great for history has given him a potent pretext.
upon which to base a campaign of Nazification.
The plebiscite of 1919 whichreturned to Denmark
a part of the duchy of Slesvig which she had held
for centuries until Germqny took it from her in
186> could not eliminate 30,000 Germans who'
today live within the Danish boundary. This
represents only one per cent of the population,
but it is an unreconciled minority for the two
peoples have been at odds ever since their first
dispute in 900 A.D.
The German minority in Denmark is, never-
theless, probably the best treated in Europe for
Danish law is so liberal on the subject as to be
almost naive. It is this liberal attitude on the
part of the Danish government which allows the
situation to exist. Danish education laws stipulate
that a German public school must be provided
by the state if 20 per cent ,of the voters in a
school district, representing at least ten children,
demand it, and that anyone is free to set up a
private school with partial state support provid-
ing. a minimum educational standard is met.
There are today in North Slesvig 91 public and
private German schools for a minority which in-
cludes only 3,000 children. Danish farmers are
coerced by the determined minority into sendin

. fi

WASHINGTON, Dec. 7-The latest case to beI
decided by the Supreme Court of the United
States involving the National Labor Relations
Act shows rather conspicuously a defect in the
law which has for some time been discussed but
never so pointedly brought out before.
Here was an instance in which a union affiliat-
ed with the A.F. of L. undertook to make a con-
tract on behalf of its members, and yet nobody
-neither the company nor the A.F. of L. unionI
nor the rival CIO union nor the Labor Board it-
self-ever found out which unit actually repre-
sented a majority of the employees at the time
the contract was consummated.
In the steel strike, which cst not only millions
of dollars but several lives in Ohio a year ago,
the labor unions did not petition for an election
and the employer spokesmen said it was because
the CIO union didn't have a majority. The Labor
Board'took no part in the controversy and did
not order an election, although it had the power
to do so.
So far as the general public is concerned, it has
a right to insist that these collective bargain-
ing disputes shall be reduced to the minimum and
that neither employee organizations nor employ-
ers shall be permitted to jockey with the law so as
to consummate contracts only at times favorable
to their respective causes. Thus, labor unions
frequently -do not present a petition to determine
the collective bargaining agency because they
frankly say their union organizers haven't had
enough time to line up sufficient members to
make a majority. Sometimes a strike is forced
in order to develop union members and senti-
ment for a particular cause.
Board 'May' Investigate
The simple remedy is an amendment to the
Wagner Act which shall make the certification
of the bargaining agency or the holding of an.
election to determine the bargaining agency a
compulsory obligation for the Labor Board itself.
The present law reads as follows:
"Whenever a question affecting commerce
arises concerning the representation of em-
ployees, the Board may investigate such contro-
versy and certify to the parties, in writing, the
name or names of the representatives that have
been designated or selected. In any such investi-
gation, the board shall provide for a'n appropri-
ate hearing upon due notice, either in conjunc-
tion with a proceeding under section 10 or other-
wise, and may take a secret ballot of employees,
or utilize any other suitable method to ascertain
such representation,"
The only difficulty with the foregoing section
in actual practice is the word "may," The unions
object to the use of this discretionary power by
the Labor Board and so it is rarely used. But if
the Board were freed of such criticism by being
compelled to follow the specific mandate of the
law, if it read "shall" instead of "may," there
could be no valid objection to what a Board did
when required by the statute.
In the New York State Labor Relations Act,
a curious contradiction occurs, the word "may"
being employed with respect to the holding of an
election when an employer asks the question
about the true collective bargaining agency and
the word ""shall" being used when an employee
organization raises the question and wants an'
election. One is a mandatory investigation and
election and the other is a discretionary power.
Elections Prevent Coercion
Yet, from this very weakness of the law, strikes
and threats of strikes develop. The objection of
unions that they would find themselves confront-
ed by contracts made by employers with hastily
organized unions, of course, has much merit in
it, but, on the other hand, elections and, for tha
matter, contracts are for a period of one year,
during which the organizers have ample oppor-
tunity to seek to persuade the existing majority
to select another bargaining agency. In the long
run, the disadvantages of an occasional loss of an
immediate chance for winning an exclusive bar-
gaining agency woud be offset by the number of
instances in which elections ordered by the board
would result in a free choice without coercion
from anybody. If coercion on the pat of the em-
ployer did occur or any other undue influence
were used, the employee units could still petition'
to have the election set aside.
While the Wagner Act requires collective bar-
gaining, it does not insist upon it at the time

when the issue really arises. and hence strikes
occur as well as serious interruptions to the com-
merce of the nation. To amend the Wagner La'
so as really to assure immediate collective bar-
gaining "whenever a question affecting commerce
arises concerning the representation of em-
ployees" is in line with the purpose of the act
and cannot by the remotest stretch of the imagi-
nation be anything but a gain for labor as well
as management, and, quite incidentally, for the
general public which suffers when strikes happen.
with a quiet power and perfect feeling for its
surprisingly chromatic songfulness, its humor
and gusto, and yet with a tone that was never
forced or strident. The Debussy La Mer to those
sensitive to its peculiar idiom, must have been a
vast and colorful painting of some inner ocean;
to us it was a feast of sensuous and often exotic
sound, of which the Orchestra was a miraculous
And the TchaikowsLy Symphony, that ordi-
narily bores us with its theatrical fanfares and
drum rolls, its long stretches of desert-like "pass-
age work" between oases of luscious themes that
only Tchaikowsky could produce. became sur-
prisingly lor ;ical and legitimately dramatic under
the magic of Koussevitzky's baton, its usual blat-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the -President
until 3:30; 11 :00 a.m. on Saturday.


JOHN GUNTHER, parts of whose
book, "Inside Europe," is re-
quired reading in certain Political!I
Science courses,irecently returned
from the Orient with data for his
forthcoming book, "Outside Asia." A
brilliant observer, Gunther writes of
history, not in terms of events but
of personalities and peoples. Paris
to him, for instance, is Daladier,
Blum. and a Rue de la Paix cabby;
England is Eden, Chamberlain, and
a stolid pub pal, not 10 Downing
street. For private consumption, Gun-
ther has revealed to friends a high
regard for the Chinese, whom he de-
scribes as humorous and charming,
though almost wholly illiterate. The
Japanese, he feels, are polite and
ruthless, though almost wholly liter-
Gunther believes that one of the
sharpest differences between the two
Far Eastern combatants is that the
Chinese have a sparrow's appetite for
conquest, whereas the Japanese be-
lieve they have been divinely assigned
the mission to ruleandscivilize this
planet, envisioning themselves, much
as did Kaiser Wilhelm in 1914, as the
custodian of our terrestrial destiny.
Of course, the shortage of ample
munitions in China as compared to
Japan's devastating military machine
may have something to do with the
Nipponese viewpoint. As for the even-
tual outcome of the conflict, Gunther
believes that the Japanese are doomed
for defeat, for the Chinese are uncon-
querable, with a vast, limitless shell
into which they can retreat. It may
require centuries, however-in which
case this observer shall withhold his
own solution of the matter.
Adequately to describe the
subtle beauty of the formless ob-
scurity of that poem by Cletus
Hall demands the pen of a Lich-
tenwanger. I haven't one, and
say only that poems of that sort
belong in your entertaining col-
umn. Research might disclose
that Hopwood prizes have been
bestowed for compositions just as
tuneful and logical. Be warned,
however, that if you use many of
them "Perspectives" may start
action for trespass.
Yours very truly,
HiiBush Cranberry
Dear Mr. Cranberry:
That Hall's poem was a piece of
what you call "formless obscurity"
qualified it for this sometimes shape-
less pillar. Lichtenwanger being un..-
available, we sought the criticism of
one Gertie Stein, but she'd have
none of it; in fact, Gertie resented
the intimation. As for Perspectives,
they wouldn't dare! You may be in-
terested in knowning that Miss Hall
hails from Blissfield.
THIS STORY was not inspired by
the schizophrenic shakes, because
John Wilson is a teetotaler. Besides,
he has a pair of good shoes to prove
his yarn. John was pounding his ear
one night last week when a slight
commotion awakened him with a
start. His eyes half-closed in that
moment of conflict between fear and
bravado, he peered into the darkness
and saw blurred outlines of a swaying
figure, someone obviously drunk, clad
conventionally from head to foot with
the exception of his pants He had
none on.
Creeping cautiously along the wall,
the anonymous inebriatae reached
the edge of Wilson's bed, quietly re-
moved his shoes and placed them
neatly under the bed. Then turned
and minced out. Wilson hasn't seen
his brief and uninvited visitor since,
and would probably charge it off to
something he ate, but for the shoes,
which are still under the bed. If the
pantless "ghost" wants his kicks, he
may reclaim them from Wilson at
311 Thompson St.
OFF THE CUFF: M.R. wants to
know where one can purchase

one of those sweaters Lynn Overman
wore in "Men With Wings." . . It
was a green slipova, and Overman
affected it for 30 years in the picture
. . They're reviving an old dodge
on campus walks . . . Two men walk
behind a co-ed, arguing in loud voice
whether they "should tell her." . . .
She's an odds-on cinch to turn into
the first convenient doorway for an
apparel check . . . If those of you
from back East want to get in on a
gay Xmas party, Bill Spitalny, Law
Club habitue, is planning a royal
Michigan get-together at the Cocoa-
nut Grove of New York's Park Cen-
tral Hotel, by reservation only .
----Be a Goodfellow
Winners Are Announced
In Union Bridge Meei
Ying Chang, Grad., and Murlolh
Woo, Grad., were announced yester-
day as winners of Tuesday's weekly
men's duplicate bridge tournament
by Don Nixon, '40, Union publicity
Another in the weekly series wil
be held from 7:30 to 11 p.m. next
Tuesday, Nixon said. There will be
an entrance charge of 10 cents pei
!!! F~r. lfn llnucv nn..

Repcrts from the following com-
mittees: Freshman Scholastic Stand-
ing (new); Freshman Assembly;
Scholastic Standing; Routine Busi-
ness will be the order.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary.
To The Householders: Many stu-
dens will remain in Ann Arbor over
the holidays and will need work to
help maintain themselves during that
time. If you need student help and
will call Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, Ext.
2121, Student Employment Bureau,
Dean of Students Office, she will be
glad to send ,you a young man to as-
sist in any kind of work. Please place
your calls as early as possible.
Sophomore Prom: Sophomore Prom
tickets No. 117 and No. 208 have
been lost and will not be honored at
the door on Friday evening, Dec. 9,
Applications for the Girls Coopera-.
tive House for next semester are
available at the deans of women's
office and should be filled out im-
mediately. Girls who have filled out
application blanks previously must
fill out new forms to be considered
as applicants..
New Cooperative House for Women:
All girls interested in working with
Assembly in forming a new coopera-
tive house for next year, should leave
their names at the Dean of Women's
office immediately. A meeting of all
girls interested will be held at 4 p.m.
Saturday at the Michigan League.
Bowling: Women students interest-
ed in bowling instruction are asked to
sign up at the Women's Athletic
Building, or Barbour Gymnasium,
Academic Notices
English 47, Section 1, There will be
no meeting today. Allan Seager.
Biological Chemistry 120. For the
mcidsemester examination on Friday,
Dec. 9, the class will be divided into
two sections.
Students whose names begin with
A to o inclusive will report in the
West .Amphitheatre; P to Z inclusive,
n the East Amphitheatre of the West
Medical Building.
Course on Marriage Relations: The
final lecture of the series will be
given by Dr. R. G. Foster at the
Michigan League, 7:30 p.m. tonight.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
A collection of etchings and litho-
graphs by prominent American ar-
tists, shown through the courtesy of
Professor Walter J. Gores. Corridor
cases, ground floor, Architecture
Building. Open daily except Sunday
through Jan. 2. The public is invit-
Ann Arbor Artists' Mart: Sponsored
by the Ann Arbor Art Association, al-
so an Exhibition of Prints from the
Chicago Artists Group. Alumni Mem-
orial Hall, North and South Galleries;
afternoons from 2 to 5; evenings 7 to
10; Sundays, 2 to 5. Through Dec

Cheimical Engineers: Professor
Badr will be guest speaker at the
A.I.Ch.E. Banquet to be held this
evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Union.
Tickets may be obtained at the ban-
quet. All chemical engineers are cor-
Qially invited.
Varsity Glee Club: Meet at the
regular time, 7:30, to sing :for the
Phi Kappa Phi will have its regular
initiation and banquet in the Grand
Rapids Room of the League at 6:30
p.m. this evening Professor Glenn D.
McGeoch will give an illustrated ad-
dress on music appreciation. Mem.
bers may make reservations with the
secretary by calling University ex-
tension 649 before 2 p.m. Thursday.
Ann Arbor Independent Women
will have a social meeting this af-
ternoon at 4 p.m. This is a get ac-
quainted meeting, but all those who
plan to attend the tea-dance will
have plenty of time to do so. Stop
in the Kalamazoo Room on the way
to the dance.
There will be a meeting of the Merit
System committee of the League at
4 p.m. today in the undergraduate
Congregational Student Fellowship.
Please remember that the presents
for the Christmas party for young
boys should be brought in to Pilgrim
Hall by Thursday.
There will be a general membership
meeting of the American Student
Union, tonight at 8 p.m. at the Union,
The purpose of this meeting will be
discussion of the National Conven-
tion of the ASU and the election of
our delegates.
The Book Group of the Michigan
Dames will meet at the League to-
day at 8 p.m. All those interested are
invited to attend.
Women's Fencing Club: The meet-
ing previously scheduledfor tonight
has been postponed until Saturday
morning at 9:30.
The Class in elementary Hebrew
will meet at Hillel Foundation at
4:15 p.m. today.
Tea Dance today from 4 p.m. to 6
p.m. This dance, open to all, is
sponsored by Assembly - Congress,
Santa Claus will be there with favors
for all. Come! Three tickets to
League Silver Grill Dances given
comning Events
Movies of the Minnesota, Yale and
Ohio State games will be shown by
Coach Clarence Munn Sunday eve-
ning at 7 p.m. in the Michigan Union.
All students are invited,
Alpha Lambda Delta Members:
Don't forget we are going to have a
luncheon get-together Saturday, Dec.
10 at 12 noon in the Russian tea
room of the League. Please buy your
luncheon in the grill and carry your
tray into the tea room where we
have tables reserved. We want to
see you all there.
The Suomi Club will have a Christ-

THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 1938 garet Ives and Jack Gebhard; sum-
VOL. XLIX. No. 63 m mary by Prof. Carl Brown.
* W. W. Bishop will give a vocational
Notices talk on "Library Science" on- Thurs-
Faculty, College of Engineering: day, Dec. 8, 1938 in the small ball-
There will be a meeting of the Fac- room of the Michigan Union.
ulty of this College on Monday, Dec.'
University Girls' Glee Club: No
12, at 4:11- p.m., in Room 348 West'rhasltngt
p "nrehearsal tonight.
Engincering Building.


Boston Symphony
The problems which confront the reviewer, in
his thankless task of safeguarding the public
morals musical, are many. In Ann Arbor the
great problem of all problems comes once each
year, when Dr. Koussevitzky's Boston Symphony
plays in Hill Auditorium and leaves one with the
inescapable conviction that any words he may
use will be anticlimactical and powerless as far
as conveying a true and vivid idea of the concert
are concerned. The critical thermometer which
registers dutifully for the ninety-nine ordinary
performances is wholly dissolved in the white
heat of Koussevitzky's transcendant prograis,
his omniscient and omnipotent interprative
genius, and the sublime perfection of his orches-
tral instrument. Emotional rhapsody in reviewing
we have always detested; though others may
abandon themselves entirely to the torrent of
the music, the reviewer must always keep his
critical head above the water, so that lie not only
feels but knows why and what he feels. And the
reward for this critical reservation, which some
souls more easily pleased would call cynicism
and fault-finding, comes on those rare occasions,
such as last night, when the music is so perfectly
re-created that one is carried away not only
emotionally but mentally and spiritually as well.
The emotion of such an experience will fade with
time, but the mental thrill will last as long
as memory.
To be more stuffily repertorial, let us record
that the Boston Symphony, conducted by Serge
Koussevitzky, played in Hill Auditoriun last eve-
ning a program comprising the B flat Symphony,
No. 102, of Haydn, Debussy's La Mer, and the

mas party, Friday, Dec. 9 at 8 o'clock
Exhibition of Japanese Prints: The in the upper room Lane Hall. All
exhibition of Japanese color prints Finnish students are invited. Each
sponsored by the International Cen- person is asked to bring a. 10 cent
ter in the West Gallery of the Rack-zgift. There will be a program and re-
hasn Bldg. will be open from 9 a.m. to freshments.
12 a.m., 2 to 4 and 7 p.m. through
Friday, Dec. 16. Miss Nagashima or The Michigan Dames Homemaking
some of her Japanese friends will be Group will nmeet at the Washtenaw
in charge in the afternoons this week. Gas Company for a demonstration of
Christmas Cookies Friday evening.
Events T d Those desiring transportation will
voey meet at the League at 7:45.
The English Journal Club will meet
this evening at eight o'clock in The Outdoor Club will meet at Lane
the West Conference Room of the Hall Saturday Dec. 10 at 2 p.m. for
Rackham Building. Mr. W. A. Ren- a hike. Students interested are cor.
inger will discuss the relationship be- dially invited to come.
tween American criticism and the-
American novel. He will stress -the Art Cinema League Film Series:
methods of pursuing such a study. Anna Christie with Greta Garbo, the
Graduate students and faculty mem- third program of the Film Series, will
bers are invited to attend. be shown this Sunday at 3:15 and
8:15 p.m.
The Psychological Journal Club will
meet this evening at 8 p.m. in the The Graduate Outing Club will go
East Conference Room of the Rack- for a hay ride Saturday, Dec. 10. They
ham Building. Topic: Reports of re- will meet at 9:30 p.m. or immediately
search on color vision by Dr. Mar- after the game, at the Rackham Bldg.

Officials, Contest
State Liquor Laws
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-(RI)--
Michigan and Missouri officials con-
tended today before the Supreme

For reservations call 4598.
Sunday there will be a hike. The
group will leave the Rackham build-
ing at '3 p.m. and Will return there
for supper.
Rabbi Harry Kaplan, Director of
the Hillel Foundation at Ohio State
University and past president of the
Jewish 'Thachers' Association of the

f"tntit+f f {'toi 'z ci xzi n lin'r7 f hn "i rlil- 1-n 1

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