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December 08, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-08

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W ieather
Snow today and tomorrow; not
much change in temperature.


Mw iguu



VOL. XLIX. No. 63




Itly Clamors
For France's
North African
'Lo aLive Italian Tunisia
Is Cry In Many Cities;
Guard French Consulate
Vis.ting Nazis Join
In Demonstrations
ROME, Dec. 7.-(P)-Fascists pa-'
raded today at Naples, Florence and
Pergua to shouts of "Long live Ital-:
ian Tunisia!"-continuing clamor-
ous demonstrations of so-called "so-
lidarity with oppressed brothers" in
French territory.
At Naples, 1,000 visiting members
of Germany's "Strength through joy"'
organiation joined the demonstra-
The Germans, just arrived from
Genoa, marched with Fascist stu-
dents to the German Consulate where
they cheered for Reichsfuehrer Hit-
ler and Premier Mussolini. Classes
had been suspended at the University
of Naples.
Sever al hundred Italian students
also rarched to the French Consulate
where strong police guards turned
them back.
They waved flags and mingled ac-
claim for Ii Duce with cries for Tuni-
sia, Corsica and Djibouti --French
North African protectorate, Mediter-
raneari Island department and Red
Sea prt of French Somaliland, re-
There was a similar outburst yes-
terday in Rome where youn'Fascists
marched on the French Embassy.
Italian troops were on guard at the
Embassy today and a-squad of Cra-
bineri was dispatched to Villa Medici,]
an art academy supported by the
French government.
From Milan, scene of an anti-
French demonstration yesterday,
came reports of a roundup last night
of fortigners in cafes and boarding
houses frequented by Jews. Several
foreign Jews were arrested for in-I
vestigation, most of them Polish.
.. x +. "C1 2t 9-r4taday 1
Run Of 'Pride
And Pre judiee'
Brans, MeArthur, Brandt
And Klauser Have Main
Roles In Student Cast
The curtain on Play Production's
second presentation of the year,
"Pride and Prejudice" will go up at
8:30 p.m. today, opening the first
night performance of a three day run
at the Lydia Mendelssohn.
Miriam Braus, Karl Klauser, '39,
Lorene Brandt, and Rosemary Mc-
Arthur will play the largest parts in
the famous play, adopted from Jane
Austen's novel by Helen Jerome.
Tickets have been selling rapidly,
the box office reported yesterday, but
good se ts are still available. The
box office will be open from 10 ,a.m.
to curtain time today, tomorrow and
"Pride and Prejudice" was widely
acclaimed by critics when it ran on

Broadway three years"ago. Brooks
Atkinson of the New York Times re-
viewed the play as "full of salty lines
. . . shimmering with delicious
satire," and Percy Hammond of the
New York Herald Tribune called it#
"a full, abundant comedy."
The play, is essentially a sketch of
the family in the Victorian period.
The customs of the times concerning
the delicate subjects of match-mak-
ing, marriage, manners, fancy cos-1
tumes, and tactics a young lady can
use in the honorable occupation of
finding herself a husband, are woven
in skillfully by Helen Jerome who was
described by critics as an "irrepres-
sible wit." It is the story of a typically
Victorian girl of modest station, Eliza-
beth Bennet, played by Miss Braus,
who is proud, and prejudiced against
a wealthy priggish young man, Mr.
Darcy, played by Klauser. Mr Darcey
succeeds in convincing Mistress,.en-
net of his personal honor anewherein
lies the plot.
"Pride and Prejudice" has an un-
usually large cast-26 in all-and
mnr than half of the characters are

Japan Claims Old Treaties
Obsolete In Recent Crises
Nipponese Note Revokes Nine-Power Agreement And
Demonstrates A Firm Intention To Couple China

With Manchukuo And
(Editor's Note: This is the sixth in a
series of articles in which the writer,
with the help of several members of
the faculty who prefer to remain
anonymous, will attempt to anaiyze the
foreign policy of the United Statesi
respect to the swftly-movng events in
the rest of the world.)
Buried in the last paragraph of a
note dispatched last month by the
Japanese Government to the United
States Department of State is an em-
phatic statement that must serve now
as the new starting-point in any dis-
cussion of American relations with the
Far East.
"It is the firm conviction of the
Japanese Government," the note says;
"that in the face of the new situation
fast developing in East Asia any at-
tempt to apply to the conditions of
today and tomorrow inapplicable
'38 Sales Drive
By Goodfellows
To BeMonday
Special Edition Of Daily
Will Be Sold On Campus
During Day's Campaign
The Moodfellow sales machine,
geared for high speed operation, and
tuned for smooth running, 's ready
for the big ten-hour drive on Mon-
day. The sky is the only limit set by
the executive committee, headed by.
Robert Fitzhenry, and including the
leaders of every major campus organi-
' A special edition of The Daily will
be sold during the campaign. All ad-
vertising receipts as well as sales
revenues will be turned over to the
cha'rity fund. To stimulate competi-
ion among the various campus or-
ganizations, The Daily will again offer
its loving cup, won for two consecu-
tive years by the Senior Society. The
increased interest in this year's cam-
paign leaves the sponsors confident
that rather disappointing sale last'
year will be far exceeded in the cur-
rent effort.
Fraternities, sororities, and co-ops
have been asked to make special group
contributions. The most recent of
these contributions have been received
from Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa
Tau, Kappa Delta Rho, Sigma Alpha
Mu, Chi Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma
Phi, Chi Psi, Beta Theta Pi, and from
Mr. Bradley Moore Davis.
__Be a Goodfellow---
Union Coffee Hour
Features Librarian
Dr. William W. Bishop. of the li-
brary science department, who was
scheduled to speak at the Union Vo-
cational Coffee Hour today, will be
replaced by Dr. Rudolph H. Gjels-
ness, also of the library science de-
Dr. Gjelsness will deliver a short
talk and preside at a discussional for-
um at 4:15 p.m. in the small ballroom
. of the Union. He will speak on "Li-
brary Science as a Vocation."

Old Japanese Empire
ideas and principles of the past
neither contribute toward thee
lishment of real peace in East
nor solve immediate issues."
Stripped of its diplomatic ni
the note is ,a virtual declaration

t Asia
n that

Tokyo considers international agree-
ments concerning China after the
World War, particularly the Nine-
Power Treaty, obsolete. Responsible
Japanese spokesmen indicated to
American newspaper correspondents
that the note meant that such pacts
as the 1922 Treaty, by which Japan,
the United States and seven other na-
tions pledged respect for China's ter-
ritorial integrity and independence,
"no longer would be considered bind-{
ing on the Japanese Empire."
Asia For Asiatics
This "new situation" referred to in
the note results from Japan's aim of
an "Asia for Asiatics" in which she
would forge China into a solid bloc
with Manchukuo and the Japanese,
Empire for the political and econom-
ic domination of East Asia. American
and British newspapers have inter-
preted these moves, culminating last
week with the formation of the Jap-
anese-financed North China and Cen-
tral China Development Companies,
as an extension of the Japanese de-
sire 'to force all foreign competitors
out of the Far East.
Hub of American foreign policy in
the Far East, however, is still the
Nine-Power Treaty, and it would be
pertinent(at this point to indicate.
(Continued on Page 2)
Delegates Plan 1-
To Halt Nazis
Seek Ban On Propaganda
Coming from Europe;
Hull Finds Reich Active
LIMA, Dec. 7-(P)-A tentative
Argentine proposal to ban political
propaganda in allAmerican republics
by foreign residents was reported pre-
pared tonight for introduction at the
Eight Pan American Conference
opening Friday.
This development came soon after
Secretary of State Cordell Hull arrived
at the head of the American delega-
tion. The United States delegates
found that German journalists had
preceded them and were active with
unofficial missionary work among
South American representatives.
Soon after his arrival Secretary
Hull. called upon four leading Latin
American delegations, and tonight
said he found a uniformly earnest
disposition on the part of each to
reach unanimous conclusions at the
conference opening Friday.
The Argentine delegation's anti-
propaganda proposal was shaped dur-
ing discussion of a plan presented
by one of its members, Mario Antelo,
to forbid foreign residents of Ameri-
can Republics to exercise the political
,rights given them by their native
countries. The, plan had a direct bear-
ing on plebiscites held by German
residents in a number of American
states following Germany's annexa-
tion of Austria last March.

Reich Warned
U.S. Property
Must ,Be Safe
New Anti-Semitic Decrees
Bring American Protests,
Caution On Infringement
Welles Says Rights
Will Be Protected
United States again has cautioned
Germany against any infringement
Af American rights through the
Reich's anti-Semitic decrees.
Sumner Welles. acting secretary of
state, disclosed today that the Ameri-
can Embassy in Berlin had made
representations immediately after the
publication of a decree providing that
a large part of property remaining in
German Jewish hands shall be taken
under trusteeship.
Acting under standing instructions,
the Embassy declared the United
States assumed that rights of Ameri-
can citizens would be fully protected
and exempt from such decrees. The
German government has not replied
to this communication nor to an earli-
er protest concerning alleged discrim-!
ination against American interests in
setilement of Austrian debts.
Developments Revealed
Welles made known the latest de-
velopment shortly before going to the
White House this afternoon for a con-
tinuation of conferences with Presi-
dent Roosevelt and three of his key
European Ambassadors, Hugh Wilson
of Berlin, William Phillips of Rome!
and William C. Bullitt of Paris.
While President Roosevelt con-
ferred with his aides, Senator Borah
(Rep-Ida) was declaring on Capitol
Hill that the new Franco-German
anti-war pact "is the legitimate pro-
duct of Munich."
"When the MUmich pact was made
and Czechoslovakia abandoned," he
said, "Germany was made practically
the master of Europe. It then be-
hooved France. as well as other small-
ert nations, to make peace with the
country which possessed the power."
Fear Involving Of U.S.I
BERLIN, Dec. 7-YP)-Officials here
feared American interests might be
involved if developments showed that
it was not by an oversight that no I
limitation regarding nationality of
the Jews affected was placed upon
those sections of the orders which
dealt with real estate and industrial
The decrees were announced Mon-
day by economics minister Walther
Funk. they provided that Jews might
not acquire, pawn or sell precious
metals and jewels without official
permits and that Jews must deposit
all securities in banks. That section
was aplicable specificially to German
Jews and Jews without nationality.1
American officials, however, found
no such distinction in sections for-
bidding Jews to acquire real estate
and empowering German officials to
compel Jews to liquidate or sell their
real estate and industrial enter-
I - Q S[ R f
'Roast' Dinner
t Wi Feature
'Si r'ii Tfln

Xmas Program
Will Be Given
By Fraternities
2,000 Of City's Children
To Be Honored Guests
At Party Wednesday
Michigan's fraternities, adding their
efforts to the creation of holiday
cheer for Ann Aror's juveniles, will
give a children's Christmas party at
4:15 p.m. Wednesday in Hill Auditor-
ium, it was announced yesterday by
Robert Reid, '39E, president of the
Interfraternity Council.
All of the children in Ann Arbor
will be invited to the entertainment,
Reid sad. More than 2000 are ex-
pected to attend. The party will be
featured by entertainment from the
University Band and Glee Club, whose
efforts will be augmented by a magi-
cian and a novelty motion picture
short furnished by the Michigan
The entertainment will be the first
of its kind in Ann Arbor, Reid said,
and will replace the numerous indi-
vidual parties given by many fraterni-
ties, permitting all of them to collab-
orate to produce a gala affair. A
number of representatives will be
present from each fraternity to aid
in the progrum, Reid added.
An added feature of the entertain-
ment will be a welcoming committee
of a Santa Claus and six assistants,
who will greet all the children attend-
ing. Mayor Walter C. Sadler and a
number of other Ann Arbor notables
will also be present, Reid stated. Louis
Hollway, director of physical educa-
tion in Ann Arbor's public schools,
will act as master of ceremonies
Saloon Style of Serving
'Suds' Wanted By Dryist
CASS CITY, Mich., Dec. 7.-(P)-
The Rev. R. N. Holsaple, militant
Michigan dry leader, in a statement
today on the fifth anniversary of pro-
hibition repeal, said that "the old
fashioned saloon" would be preferable'
to present liquor selling conditions.;
He said he would submit a resolu-
tion to the national convention of the
Anti-Saloon League of America in
Columbus, O., next week "in an effort'
to start a movement in behalf of
temperance by abolishing the present,
liquor setup throughout the country
and restoring as far as possible the
old liquor laws that were in effect
before the 18th Amendment wasY
Be a Goodfeiow-
e Fall Phi Kappa Phi
Initiation Is TodaY
Phi Kappa Phi, national scholaic
honor society, will initiate 39 students
and eight faculty members at its
annual fall banquet to be held at
6:30 p.m. today in the League. E
Prof. Glenn D. McGeoch of the
music school will give the address of
the evening on "Music Appreciation."
Prof. Clifford Glover of the Phar-
macy college, corresponding secretary
will introduce the candidates. Prof.
Preston James of the geography will
handle the induction.
All members of the society may
make reservations for the banquet by
contacting Prof. R. S. Swinton of the
engineering college, secretary.

Fitz erald Talks
At GOP Victory
Dinner Toniff
Washtenaw Committeemen
Sponsor Union Banquet
For 700 Party Members1
Republicans from all over the state,
jubilant over their victory in the No-
vember election, will gather at 6:301
p.m. today in the Union to hear
Governor-Elect Frank D. Fitzgerald
comment upon the GOP renaissance.
More than 700 persons are expected
to attend the celebration banquet,
which is sponsored by the Washtenaw
County Republican Committee. They
will include the entire Republican
state slate, legislators and other new-
ly elected officials.
Claris Adams, former president of
the Michigan League of Republican
Clubs, will also address the gathering.
State Senator George B. McCallum
of Ann Arbor will serve as toastmas-
Today will see the first Ann Arbor
appearance of Fitzgerald in several
months. He did not appear here dur-
ing the campaign. It is not known
whether he will comment upon the
policies to be followed after he as-
sumes power Jan. 1.

Rightists had long insisted that
France needed an understanding with
Germany to be free to set her econom-
ic house in order.
The new friendship with Germany,
however, served to increase the leftist
opposition to Daladier shown by
strikes against his economic decree
Except for the maritime strike at,
Le Havre labor; troubles were being
ironed out.
The government dealt a blow to the
Le Havre tieup by partly replacing
the crew of the French liner Paris
with navy men. The Paris sailed
from Le Havre last night, picked up
passengers today at Cherbourg and
departed for New York.
The liner Norniandie remained
temporarily out of service under gov-
ernment orders.
A strike among metal workers in
the Valenciennes region of northern
France ended today when Union del-
egates of 1,500 who had remained on
strike out of the original 25,000 strik-
ers voted to return to work'tomorrow.
The Socialists and Commurnsts,
formerly in a Chamber coalition with
Daladier's Radical-Socialists, have
charged that Daladier's program of
"economic mobilization" has scrap-
ped reforms carried through by that
coalition, the People's Front.
Strangely enough it was on a-
ladier's Radical-Socialist Party-ep-
resentatives of the French middle-
class-that the question of his power
depended tonight.
The Communist and Socialist left
appeared certain, almost without ex-
ception, to vote against the govern-
ment on questions raised in the
Chamber of Deputies.
Be a Goodfellow
Aid On Budget
Will Talk Over Reductions
With President Ruthven
Gov. Frank Murphy yesterday in-
vited President Ruthven and Presi-
dent Robert S. Shaw of Michigan
State College to discuss with him pro-
posed reductions in their university
He announced allocations would
have to be reduced but said he pre-
ferred to give them his personal at-
tention rather than leave it to the
! budget department.
With the hope of preparing a re-
port on modernization' and reform
of state government before heleaves
Lansing, Governor Murphy yesterday
1 conferred with Prof. Joseph R. Hay-
den, chairman of the political science
1 department and chairman of his com-
mission, and with Prof. Arthur L.
Bromage of the political science de-
e partment and secretary of the com-
e mission.

Japanese Defeat Is Foreseen
By Former Chinese Officer

The ultimate of the current Sino-
Japanese war is certain to be a
Chinese victory, Ling Tong, Grad.,
who served more than eight months
as an officer in the Chinese Mobile
Army, said yesterday.
"The superior morale of the Chinese
troops has already been shown in the
results of all hand-to-hand fighting
which has taken place. They know
that they are fighting for their coun-
try and for life itself, while the Jap-
anese soldiers represent only the in-
teyest of the army, a political party,"
continued Mr. Ling.
"Of course," he conceded, "the
Japanese have a great advantage be-
cause of their modern equipment and
mechanized forces. This enables them
to attack with great speed and deadli-
ness from concealment. The effect
of this has been in many cases to
demoralize the Chinese and to force

Irawn into the hills near the great
mountains farther inland. It will soon
be discovered that the tanks and
heavy artillery used to such great ad-
vantage by the Japanese in the first
engagements of the war will be of
little worth in mountainous terri-
"Szechuan, Kweichow, Hunan,
Yunnan and Szekan Provinces, locat-
ed in the south-central part of China,
are now the scene of engagements be-
tween the main bodies of troops.,
Most of the action until now has been
part of an orderly, deliberate retreat,
intended to draw the invaders into
this part of China," he explained.
"From now on it is likely that the
Chinese will concentrate on harry-
ing the Japanese and forcing them
into man-to-man encounters. Eventu-
ally, the Chinese armies may be able
to acquire mechanization equal to
that of their opponents. In that case,

After an endless orgy of razzing,D
questioning and heckling, an en-(
gineering professor will be awarded
the "Spoofuncup" and will be desig-
nated as the most "popular unpopu- Enhancing
lar" man in the college at the ,n- amateur sleuth
nual A.S.M.E. roast Wednesday; Dec. night uncover
14, in the Union. Prof. Hugh E. been puzzling
Keeler, of the mechanical engineer.- campus for th
ing department, will be roastmaster. Intrigued by
Six men have been nominated to men" symbols
this high post by a committee of stu- cently on bul
dent mechanical engineers, who based tegically place
their preliminary selections on a undertook a ca
series of highly-scientific, infallible investigationi
tests for "cranial capacities," Mark community, n
Stoddard, '39E, publicity chairman had found th
declared. The nominees for the messages, an
honor are: Prof. Etigene J. Ash, of the perpetrators,
metal processing department, Prof. Through s
Charles W. Good, of the mechanical cannot be exp
engineering department, Prof. Ed- general publi
ward L. Erikson, of the engineering covered the id
mechanics department, Prof. Axel telligence beh
Marin. of the mechanical engineering the leader o1
department, Prof. Floyd N. Calhoun bearded him i
of the mechanical engineering de- The Great
partment, and Dean Joseph A. Burs- Hadley Smith;
ley, of the mechanical engineering at his capture
department. all an effort

their reputations
hs, Daily operatives,
ed a mystery that
and terrorizing
.e past week.


Sleuths Solve Mystery
'Dancing Men' Messages

y mysterious "dancing
that have appeared re-
letiri boards and stra-
ed trees, the Daily men
areful and conscientious
in the interests of the
ever resting until they
e source of the cryptic
d the identity of their
"The Sinister Six."
ecret channels which
posed to the view of the
c, the investigators dis-
dentity of the great in-
md these machinations,
f the entire plot, and
in his den.
One proved to be one
h, '40E, who, crestfallen
e, confessed that it was
to gain publicity for

of the Carnival would be an exhibi-
tion by the Olympic Skating Club of
Detroit, assisted in a less professional
way by fraternity and sorority skating
relays. Other interesting details will
be forthcoming soon, Smith said.
"As we have promised," Smith add.
ed, "those who have deciphered the
message in the allotted time will b
justly rewarded."
Aware that Smith must have ha
accomplices, even though he was th
motive force behind the plot, the in
vestigators pressed him for the names
of the other members of "The Sinis
ter Six." He answered with simple
dignity, "Gentlemen, I am a man o
honor. You may have trapped me
but I will carry the names of my com
rades with me to the grave."


Be a Goodfellow
Colony Problem Shelved
LONDON,, Dec. 7--(P-Britain's
Secretary for\Dominions and Colonies
Malcolm MacDonald, shelved toda:
the problem of Germany's demander
restoration of her colonies, some o
which Britain has held since thi
World War.

To The Goodfellow Editor:
Please place this contribution in The Goodfellow
Fudnnid tc i -dA npA' and n familie. Mv cony


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